It's Time to Call It a Day/ You've Burst My Pre ty Balloon/And Taken the Sun Away Wisconsin State University Stevens Point THE ...£!~~ IJ!II SERIES VIII, VOL. 12 '1/Ui. ~ years 'or Power in the State un·1versities Lies Completely and Finally With ,Regents . cation. The almoet 7,000 atudent.a who are n ow attending thit ecbool believed they were entering a university. However, it it our feeling that WiKonain State Unive.n.ity-Stevent Point may eoon fit under the category defined by Frederic Heimberger in TM C011.temporary Uniuenity: U. S. A., U one of the "master~ of mediocrity mistakenly called "uni· veraitiea'." If thit bappen1, and the purpoee of thil iasue ol TMPointuis to point uptrenda in thit direction, then we u •tudentl and the Jt.ate of W'liCOD• lin uour bome will be the loeen. WHOSI PAUL"M -·, t lbtt h.appena.; it wiD 'firSf of"aU be" thi faUlt ol tho .tudeuta. We have not &tudied bard enoUJh, talked lone ei:touch or eeriouely queetioned enough. But the problem 10011 far beyond thi!l. There are many t tudenb who atudy and And thit paper it an inilication that there are t tudentt who question. The fault nut liu with the faculty. It il fault when they look at .tudentl u iporant non· . entities. It is their fault when their only ooncem it their own academic freedom and not toe. of heedom for both tbair tt"udantl and their very wd· -ty. Tbe fauJt of mediocrity liet In the third 1ft. ltanoe with the adminittn.tion. The policy JWd· ance which it the f,mction of any admii\ittn.tion it bued at WSU-S~ upon idolization, divenioaary tactics and- buck-~g. Strong individuall dominate Mpan.te areu of the adminietratkm. Diveraiorwy tactiea include keepinJ atudet:tta hap. py with procni8et of lfoU couraea and lak•· and faculty happy with DOW off&eeL And, if need be, tbe buck. can al-.ya be pueed to .tbe Re,.tl in., l' Madi8ol1. . unknowindY, ·~ becominJ tyranb . ·=:=--u:~~o-::n.:~:.';! ltuclanta.· f.aculty membm iDd adminWraton ill thO .tat. Ullivenity ~)'*tam. ·It i1 ~t tbl.t tM1e people who aN tor ~~lavli.....J ........ ~-~ .. w-.m and their Jeciditivcl ~ U .tbe•people have madt a commftiDe:Dt · tbt .tate o1 ~~""':...-.-:lU:rot.""~~ to~ peopk who have the ;..t _ . , . lw ... fully foi it) lld tnl& it oducalloaol ~ . A UNMIIITY ·~ • . • ,....;.,;., ... -J.Iocall)o.- . ........ mel piCIIIilll ol tbt ltate have to abaN in ::...-"·~: u·~·"""•""" -. . . .,...._.!. .. . ":" ....i:• ,j..w~...- - . : .~:...~ ~,. ...... .....-.:--;·.=-..::: . Bat . . aD IAotllo _ _ _ .' lliiV'o-".aoilllb ~- ~ O...X- " fii.Jt....... ' ..... . "".:.:;> ,''J"'~ ~ ~ .' ~~;sin11t~Pr::~i~s ~~~~na~:~ h11nic'dly announ«d by The 'm •,',","o'·,',",','',".• , •,',"",',',•,•',",Y studenh, it is necessary to point out euc:tly wh.:lt the ~rd o f Recenu are and what they repr~nt. The Re~nu 11e compo~d of thineen membe.r$. plus the secntary of the Boar~. who also ~~:cct~ oft;~ w~conE~cS:!;: University Sys t em. The :,"~~~~~~~ a'n'dc ~~~ie~a.'!\rh responlibility of 10vernina rllo look at each Rerent and Jin a fbUI S<AiJw, '" ~!!s.h•t.. .£4ii~MLM lie rc~i~d his B.A. from Wisconsin St te University in Plaueville, a~ M.A. from the University of Wisconsin and is !; ~~~;!~~~~~-tie~~~~v;;cc;~:;~~ ~~:~~~sf.l9~:~ :~. sint' March 10, 196S. usist in innn~etion , and to provide for allnecnYryf11dand supplies fOf the conduct o f such colkaes. "'S.)ToprcKribe thecouriC':S p ruc'n lly irman of tiM: ofstudy n d thevariousbook.i Republican Party WOfker 'QS education conlminee, tobe uKdinsuchcolleaes, and upon completion of a course for 0 1 :f~~n!~~ n ~ r th~ n~~dle:~ rM~~!~nsin~~~:~~~0. 19~~! abachdorof amdearee. . . (l n~;idenblly, all the Boar~ also an attornrr.- He ~ecived hi$ "6.)To prescribe rule for the members h.:lve tither bl:en 1aw dCpl'e fj m the University admission ofstwlentJ; but every appointed or ruppointcd by of Wisconsin nd is now ruidin& applic~nt for ad miss-ion shall Govunor Knowlu.) in Elkhorn. undCf&O an en mination to be Dr. Stcphm II. Ambrose Eu&uene W. Murphy, prHCribed by the board, and from Whitewater assumed ' his president of r.e Board, is from sNil be rejected if it appun ' polition 00 the: Board F~bru.ary t.aCr~. H is adin& u a tNt he is not of aood mOfal 10, 196S. lie is a physical ~;orpo ration dinctor for a cMra.dcr. suraeon by prof<:»ion. Minneso t a and Wisconsin "~.) (a.) To require · •ny Dnid H. Bennet, an 'ttomey. trudir~~flrm. applicant for admiAion, whohas ~t.rer;,td ~~U~hcu~01~ r,~~ ' ha/t:eC: t~~klo!~~:c'!%~; no t been0 eJ<emptcd by this ~~~~u~f.:e.~ot~ Poruae,whereho ..,,.;c:oc:,Hil • " · l 4, 1'66. ltf reeclnd hlllaw ~t~'O:C~ b o11d d~em1 proper and ~it~u,;~~· Co unty Distrkt ~!:~~f~o·:n h~n~iv~~ :~ reasonable. The board may also · Sl!n l o Wenman from cltyittorney fEauCIAm. cha.!Je any sl\ld~nt lt boratory !he Board :r: !:r~ forrmr newspaperman an~ iJ ar>~;i~:~~ ~~- S6~ ~~~r/a. H! ~~~~~~~en~:· ~C:: f~'cff::t~l relidc1 in A¥nominee, as an Ste~:~Po~~ln;oo~~Uffi:A~;~~ no~~;:.~~lc~~ ~~~;ian50n. 1 store owner and farmer from Ri~r Falls, has b«n on the Wisconsin. Anj inlerestin& note is tha t E 111u"f t.lePhee , now a delfCe reb.ted to community recreation. Mn. Williams uplained in a f~nt interview Jo hn L. DiJ<on is owner and aeneral manqer of radio station WAPL in Appleton. lie also NJ William l . iahl,an u--offiQo me mber of I ~rd, resio:les in t.ltdiSO<\. He · 110w ~rvina as biocnpllieal sketch on Tbe Rcamu d~!~';'efrOm!~ U:t~":Jty ':( ;~ J!i~~~:eor'~!:~,~n r:~~ t![~~~f~1s!:,J;:~~;~~~~= ~~e:e:~:~::.~m~~~n:= ~~:~.~~is P::::redor hc~('7:; j!:!:U~e. ·~ ~~~~~~r~~m ~h~ wot\:ina wit h and orpnizina University of Wisconlin. he was , ,_•""'.·w'."c'.~ ."so•,!! sco6",". ',",', appointed Jan. 18, 196S. P Y " ..... Allan Ed,cr1on an attorney has been taklna tnduatc COIIIKS fro m !-"o nd.du Lac, received his o ff and on. for eventual masters law d~lfCe from the University in EnJ,lish fiQm Stevens Point. o f Wisronsin. He was appointed Mn. Willi ami , an act in Feb. 9, 1967. 09 The Academic Eunuch fc!: ~~r~~~i'~:.ndlnt or Pu blic The Eucu~n Director of the WbeonJin [tate Uni~enity System Eua;en McPIIee hub«n 1 member o the brd .sinoe 1948. Previ s to this job, McPhee 5CI"'I u 1 teacher and McPhee Irks o exert influence o n the Board She continues to "'Local autonomy is the philosophy. T here is no de5ire to build ::..·~~~= !ish'::b~~e ist 0int~ llcreotyped academic offcrinas o r to resuict administrators to po_sition to handle det ails and temote--control deeision." The words an those of Robert R. Polk, mformatioil presented to the Board. 1\e prepares a,cnda and Is Assistant Director o f State Unlvcnitict.. ~~ts~v~rina all Juch specUI "'10.) To confer by bylaws upon the p~uidents of the several state coUeaesthe power to suspend orupelpupillfor misconduct or other cawe prescribeo:linJUehbylaws." (Author's note: o nly the powers by the Rcsent1 that were pertinent to tllis artkkwerelisted.) WboSt:rved AfterlistinatheRcaentsand 50meof thepowcntheyhold,it il necessary to draw $OIM (continuedonpqe l ) lnucad of •llowina each of the nine state school! to dmlop :::d~i.\~~:1:/'u~SU campu~es independently, the Reccnb insist on fordnJ each o ne into the · · Yb:ePowcn proerustcanbed of conformity. Thls tluce-r'•attitudcindicatcslhlt Lilt~ every JOl'erninJ Board, the Reacnts sliU think they an rannin1 normal scboob . This in turn would lead to the loJical assumptioo tNt the Board of Rr-&cntsdoes the Retents pos:seu certain not know what a univenity is! ~::-:~d.;:w~h:e:hi:.. rnvnc~ One must, at this ata(IIC. beu in mind the fad t hat, historically powen were established by the speak..lnJ, political hackl are n"Ot noted for tbeir ~;lear-minded Wiseoilsin State Lccislature lntelligcnceor lliahability. w he n the universities were known nltate collqa, tnd are The Rc~nll have become a rricd away with themsclfts. The)' still in effect tO!Uy. The have imacined tn enemy, mctil , ami readcd In ~~:1!-ti&hteous horror . followin& powers are found in In tllis n ad ion, they Nove usumcd (or usurped) the simultaneous section l1. 11 of the Wiloco111in Sututu. '"The 111kl ~rd sNII :!::U~ra..":~~rd ~~~ d~:C~~~~f~:,~:llec, ccntor, judcc,jury, havoetheaovernm-cntandcontrol o f all the state collean,and sNU · They control their ~ehooll with an iron hand, aUowin~ nOihinJ to have power thfrefor: "I . ) To m• h rules, develop 9f its o wn accord. When thinp belin {'IOYin& too quickly riculations 1nd by-laws for the the Reccnu JO into a huddle end corm up with a nat to suit the cood 1o v ernment a nd ooe&lion. llley have becormquite P!Ofi!Xnlat banninJ tlfinas. manarement of the same and each department there of,and to The result of this liaht·flstcd manipulation is lhc redudion or the adopt such dui&nation for said "u.n!YCrsity" to an academk eunuch-an unimpressive collcdion of BySc:ott Schulte He standi before an auo:l!lr:nec with aU the technique1offormal speech at Ills disposal and his clear t nd easy speak..lnc nylc: ~e'!JZnt '1~~ s~~~~!110,ey~!i faecs!Us audienct. He is a man who is bot h admired and feared by students a nd faculty alike and the ~~.~~':sm an':..r.:.~y n:~t~';! who deal with him cnco11ntcr is that they really don't know whkh5idc"he ison. The Dreyfus style bears loollinJ Into because it is a mcansto thcendofm~nyofthe PIOCJ'I ml that the prelident woulo:l like to see implemented. He is so smooth and so penuasin tNt students o ften come away from his office d aulcd by a llylc thll ~;In overcome their tenacity, Thb manipulation has cawed 50mc clist11rbmJ trendl beiDJ set by Dreyfus. He is an i.otc:anl pu t of the problems that we booU and buildlnp. Hi&h quality educators, both faC\City t nd ~~k:acb!~ri; 'r:.!udl.;:n~~~ :;;:;~r:;:ir:-emDJin thi$ iuue edminUI.ration, will not to lerate such stiflln& sunoundinp. They will fun ctions and purpo.,. 11 Prornlaa, h onUM:t nat111111ly 10 where they can educate on somC thin& other than a illltituHom offerin& t he liberal One of the f11"11 ob&ernlions ~w-quality 111111 produc:t!On basis. aru dcp-ce while mainttinin& a that could be m•de t bout ' st ro nc t eu:heu' t rlinin c f'ruident Dreyfus Jut )'Cil" It II unfair to the point of be in& Immoral, that we, the uniwrsit)' prQI.l"lm. · . that thb man WIJ 1 bundle of wa• {!:~ne~h::n::~orf t;~~nr~).~~::'!rt!:cdk:~:: !~;]e:J~~t!iFo':n!L~ ~FE.~~uh!~~~of~ ~~u':."!:Yt~::,'t~:':~':;:•.;-,~~h everyaraduateofthc: or e mployment itl connection ""'lth any sucb eolkF, IM!t re.::.~~n:'nlllle:eu:u~~i!es~:.!;~~UIIf~~e;:. ~~=~~~~~hc~ ::;:-j~~~~u::;~nwi:: l: b,.hcl ftftlei USJI'OW I . " I I RIO_Unl appropriated for sud! - Hamid The authors of this spttial edition of The Pointer have been workinc on thit paper for over a mont h. The idea . for using The Pointer to oonvey some of the problema of the university t hat we saw, was fin t proposed at an infonnal gathering. W e fell the paper was one of t he \•Cry few ways we oould effectively sir p10h:sts and ale rt more students to the problems a t hand. The authora for this special ed ition include Paul &-hilling, a aepior majoring in political science from Crandon and president of the Student Senate. Gene Kemmeter, editor of T he Pointer, a senior h istory major from Shawano. Bill McMillen a senior English major from Oxford and auociete editor of The Pointer. Scott Schutte, Res.idence Hall Council president, a senior ~nclish and history major from Appleton. Paul Janty a junior sociology major from Nev.· Holatein and news editor of The Pointer. J ohn Watlenfsng, senior class student senator, a senior majoring in political science from Niagara. junr::~a};,'~~~~j~~~!~~~rf~~d~;~1;:0 ;he Pointer, a Fred Gi.nocchio a senior majoring in sociology a nd his· tory from West Allia and editorial page columnis t for The Pointu. · And Laurie Leatherbury, copy editor 'of The Pointer a junior English major from Kauka una who tempered the heated d itcU5$ion• of the rest of the croup and prepued the copy for thit issue. Dreyfus Maintains Position W~th Promises, .Promises ... nce!Jh~I~Rn~~t!n~~~~~C~~na~i:7h:·~:~~~~cnity to de.eJoP 11 it ~n~~~~st~or~/o;M~!f~~;~ ~k::~~~:di~{~c~:~~:~ • tbe molt put poli~ appoiD~ can poaaibly .... baw a cleu aDd aama..t vWoa of •bat a ..... ~~mtativei. arc a croup of people that >Met o nce and awhile to talk about " Rashly . And praised be rashneu for it , let u.s knaw, . Our indUcretUm 1ometimes serues u& well "When aiU deep plots do pall: and thot should teach tu There's a diuinity that shape• aur ends, W. Roy Kopp, 411 1ttorney purpoiC':Sanyncedful and proptr from Planevllle, has K"n-cd on appantus. boob or aniclcs to Rough-hew them how we will- " Comin& from one of the Board ? f Rccents top henchmen, these ~~ofc-;:!~~i~o~,.:! in~Jfi~ ...the words are, 11 best. improbable. In h&ht o f the reornt •c:tionsby the Alt holl&h MePIIcc holds no I"CJCnUhowevcr, it wou\dappcar cither thatPolkil aliar orhedoes di~d control or veto power notruo:l the newspapers.' over the Boud. he does curt or only limited outaide c:onault.atiora, makinr policy which affeeta 60,000+ By Fred Ginocchio The B<»rd of Rcsenu llllvc tile ultimate control in the direction and OJI('ration of lhe nine WiKonsin State Universities. They hue IJc,cn critidtcd ICI'C'~tcdly throughout the yuu for thcirad ions and POlicies. but liult' is really known about them. The Rcatcnu. tomanyiludcnts, By Mike Domlnowalr.i . ~~ co~fa':=-ta~dfo~S:: pemap. 8 Pages, No.9 WSU-STEVENS POINT, Thursday, November 7, 1968 A number of aro when the state W'..oonain decided to make the nine ttate teachers c:ollegee which then eri!Jt.ed into universities, the atate made a definite commitment to hiJber edu· ol atalf, OINTER co:;~te prop:ams. satellite for communiciations, branch eampuiC':S in Europe, and , of course. the: Ruropln . With t hen and other proposals, President DreyfuJ Ns had some b':ri:desin buat ~ front l'~tcs. it wu found that President Alberu on had front p~c u oric:s on Jen than 4{) pcr~;ent. By compa rison. President Dreyfus was on 63.3% ~~/reofl~= ~~Y~~~~~r·sp~o~::;}~~ propo~~b. presented 1 packet of lntitlco:l "'Project 40 ." It was ~ list o f 40 s.cpante project'• tic;! I he wan ted to ~ccomplish. Included were a " K1hy Band," closed cin:ult television inevery about 10 to 1. a very active Drtyfu~ is enn Dreyfus ~lso PM'S 0111 of his way to visit bars. wcl~;omc dignil~ries. pump Cll:lmber of Commercn, breakaroumh and o ther items which keep him in . the public eye. llis red vc:st il t he~·· the WiJconsin State Univenity ~t 0111\ioJh Point st...tium. is not neceuuUy bad if kept wit hin limill. It is just one pilrl qf theDreyfuJM)'stique. The ~;ulmination of ~II tilt leads by Albcrtlion :f~e!~JS P':~d~!t~ llf:c/f~~ ~~!~_t. wa~ but ~~r:C·O':i,.rt:,"' ~~~- ha~i~~~ :,7,.dnti'~~,. t~ff~~;::r. ~o:~!:~ pro;,nc~'r,''fal~Y :~Y~:;:,~Th! Rollc:r Coutct ~~~~. ·~:~· ~~s ~;~ t~· P~~n~r ::~,rr:qr:!:h~t ~~ ~~ti:heoZr1c~!e~YJ!'-:~· =~~~ ~!~~i~~;nt~t::Aofpl!~. 1 ~ his failunl by catchin& the president is on a ho t sqt where imaainalion with a n e w he mu st a cce pt ullimtte proposal. He abo sets Jood criticism for hundreds of faulu ~~·:c!.:~lieity by offeriiiJ ~~~n~i~~es~o.!"~N~:e:!~ Whcncnr a prO&flm faits by play arc the foUowina: the bolrds, he can irutitute a To the BoardofRetenbthC new idutocowr thc: hole and president is. . . ~fender of the 11 the same time, his AICccacs F1ith, the Lord-HI&h Eututor beeome impre.Jve. 11 is; only Father or DomestieTranquility: .To the Faculty the president after look..lna at the peroent-ae of accomplishments to promiiC':S is. •, .Defender of tl'lc Faith tNt the president docs not fare · (tenure). the Voioe of the so wc:U. Yet he Uill hu an out . F a culty . a ni! Pnserwr o1 He can always claim that many Faculty Faculties. To the town he b . . .The of Ilia proposals are 1tiU bein& worked O:ir-.Minor ~:~me~.o~~~r,1t.!h;at~:-= r ro'::a~nth:~ ,!,::~~ th! Notoriety is a nother ·one of Domestic Tranquility. To the s tu dcatJ be the Dreyfus techniques. He rocical to the impr0bt ble. He keepi himKI! conJtantly in the il . · .Father Confcaor, the =~~c.:'t = :!:I"K~"!p":tat! ncws.lnt~WVeyoftheJ96S-66 (continctedon paac:J) November 7. 1968 THE POINTER Faculty Power Needs Reorganization, Student Involvement, No Administrators WSU Students Have Never Taken Interest in University ByfredCinocdllo ~ ~:o~~. ~ C:~cf!g 8y8iUMcMilltn tricdtOcrcateintcrut . lt"t ried to aroutc u udcnutolook atU.dquC:Jtionthepurpetcand opcntlon o f our' 'unlvcnit y" It bu also foeutcd on American Tbe facu lty at WSU - SP was mad tbe otMr day . Yo u could teU they we~ mad becal.l$e the y,otup antl shoutetlttuchotlxrat a facultymeetina. Of row-sc, it was a rdincd way o f shOUiin&. The:~ we~ subtle comrnents and cull and lonpr fonna.l on tioiU to put ae n era l c urr ic ulu m. "' She r~~~tlo':~~~':~f~':w~ betievcs t beWSU - S P fat~~llyluis "cxerd5cd 1 anat dea l of co ntrol" in thil art.~ ye t fon h apoinc.and , t heullim~ te conadcs tl"llt " the Board of Rccent s' inCRas.i.n& interest in outb~.~nt that oornes evnytirnc tM facult y cets ~•lly mad, t he curriculumisatlunttofaculty con trol." passlnaof amolution. Thi s particulll resolution condemned the Board o f Reaenu' 111ff for decidin& on l cha n& e and stimulate the attitudcsofJtudentshu for the moll! part failed. The stude nt• re main p. .ivc while belnJ Nlcd by the Baord o f Reaenu and while beln& tricked by o ur administration into belicvi n& th ey have •i&nifiuntpewct. Studentl may &ra«fully live •nd act an "cd~~tation", but , they had beuer.not demand the ti&ht to hanpowerintheadminislrltion of their l iYU and their edugtion. HopefuU ~. the studenu will beJintoaucuand think about the pos:itiontbcyll"Cinand m01'c poli ti Yely to ward constructnre aaion . Not enoi!Jh int e~5t now exists for this to happen. "Radii" Tbt Recents'rnectin&"""Ould s.ccm to confirm Miu Marion's fean . " tic (Mcl'htt) conceded ~·d,~le nfn'!'":t~tt d~~!r~~! ~~! ~~ :~~u;'~e~~J~r!~;~ without 110in, throuah tht top do,.,·n , but uld any othc.r propercun iculumchanneb. app roac h wouldrr:sul t inava&uc Tht~ was 1 arnt outcry plan." from t ht facult)" t hatthis wu1 . Whe~ docs thil leave the usun>ina of hcult)' P'O""·er. After fat~~lty . The most common o b sc rYin & our fa c ult y's alternative heard now arnon& opention. one can only f~t\llty rnembenis t he threat to n ·nica.lly reply, "No kiddin&7" Jotavt Stevens Point and ce t out The fa<;\11\)' at WSU - SP hll of l l"lc lU te system. no real J!Oft r. The members arc St udt nt Powtr i n t er~lly manqcd by the administration ami in ter~Uy The bt~~lty"s luk of J'IO ""'er dividedbytheirownpellincSI e;o, tends to t heir dca.linp with and d~pU"tmenta l aUeJianccs. $1udcntaUairs. LastyUrltthc E.lternaUy thty ~:an on ly act No~. 9 fat~~ lt y mee tina the "''ithinthelimttationsofBoanl fatu it y approved a ruolution callin& forPresidt ntDr eyfusto of R e~ts" rull np. workforthercjectionofthc Ytt they <klude tMmwlves studen t conduct cod~ . The code, in to thinkin1rhattlwycan act of course. is now a put of tht on any I$1UIC and that t heir 1\o'SU system. rnulunt actions '"ill have some This yur t he faculty on« signi ficance. Ont facult y n~mbersummcd up the ht~~lty's role in t his manner. '" In reality in tile WSU Jystem t he BoanlofRe,.enUhas madtitclur t ha t facultyaction isort l)" ldvisory to thtpruidtnt whointurnis only responsiblr to the Resen t$," The fatully's concern o •·n t he &rad uate proaram de•·elopmrnt Wan cxccUent e.umple of this l:tek of faculty powcr. The reX~Iution thu tM faculty puscswaspre!ltntdt o tl)e Recen t$ at their mtr tina in River FaUs thr,.,·eekendofCkt . 2Sandl6. McPhee Power Eutent: McPh«.hndofthe Bond of Re~nu·and u.ecutivc ~ct oroftbeUateunivcrs:i t ic::s S)'S it m IS ~ported in IM Oct . 27 Mil waukee J ou r n l .. compared Uii pre!ltnt !acuit y conetm with that which had uilttdin t heu rlyfiftics , wrhtn t M formtr tnchtr 's (9Uecrs were first authorized todevd op liberal arU IN chdor"s de~e procnuns."" He claimed that thinp wor ked o ut t htn and t hat t hty would work 01.11 now. " It 's a ..autiousappr~chand in my o pinioni t'sasoundonc."' McPh«'s sute"rmnu •~ an ou t -an d -out disn•lssal of l a u niveuity facult y by com paritl& · lttoatnchn 'scolk&eftculty. lt . is a clnr till iluulttothe intef,li tyandinttlli&enccofthe stateun.inBitics' facultles. aC:!t!fd ~~:r~~ ~~~nju.:r·l~ p:11duatc proc11m development invohrtd in the one •~• mo11 often ronsidcred uc~d to fawltles. tht t~~rriculu m. Afttr 11 :~~:r:c:~::~ r:ref~emr.':u:t~, Cnol Marion of the hist91f t::~~~~~t~I~Sd ~:::~::!J/:. 1 the ftt~~lty should I cont,rol ~::~ ':!~d !~Jedn:tu~:!_in ~l: facul tyvotcdl03·27at t he0ct . I Obt~~lly mcc tinatoapprovea resolution uflin& t he Boa.rd of Recen ts to rescind thdrb111ning of the lou! chapter of the St udenu for a ~IIIOCnt ic Society. Of course , the 1Nnni111 ofSDS by the Rcce ntsis still in dfe ct. MiSs Marion stated tl"llt "' the bt~~ lty outlll to auaran tec as much academic freedom for the hc ul! y U ud e nt li u demands . ·· Ho wever . she admitt ed. " In t hat un th e fandt )" has no t ~n able to exert :os much co ntrol as ,..c should."' Thustht fat~~ lty fails to help student po....·er. And, o f rounc, tile studcntli now gn do nothing toaidbt~~ltypowcr . THE MEMIIERS of the fatuity's cxccu· keolinno, se<:rclo ry; Edith Trucnfels, l ive ~·d or o •e<:cnt fowhy meeting treosu•e•: and Carol Morion, cha irman. o re !from l, to r.) G il FousT; Hazel Kos- · [Bob Holden p hotoj nerytluna from curriculum to lcarnina~sources, toadmiSiions to tona·n~ntc coals. to honor s. aUYit a l areasofstudcntintc~st. there is not one single stud~n t representa tive. But th e preside nt , ot her administrators and "p~$idential appointcn .. abound on these committees. The Academic ' Co uncil , for e.umplc . ino;tudu the\,lo;:~~t 1 ~r~~u!Z~:::i~~ ~~e:~t f.:~=~~~f= four of these ftve: l dOlinililrtiOIJ can J'JUke important chan&e~ln uudent livlfll habits. For uamplc, last yurt he fawlty had the final approval over libera.lilin&womcn'shourli. (It lsinterestinatonoteMrc that the most powerfu l fat~~lty committee on student affain, tht Student Affairs Council, Is chaired by a top ad min istrator . Vicc · Prnident for Student Affain, William Stid5tra.) Studcnu •~ repruc ntcd on aU fat~~lty comm ittees dulina with student affairs. ll owcver, studuts arc always kept in tht min-ori ty. On each o f the s-even student-fat~~lty committees the students a~ outnumbered 11 lust t wo toone. The fat\llty thus luis a rulin& hind over a WSU - SP student's life . • NoStudcnta llowcver. on otho:r faculty committees which deal with absent from a rncetln& of tht Council, the remainin& rncmbcn rebellotd over whoconJtrucuthe 11enda for the Council and what is the rebt iomhip of the prelident to tM Council. Tbe mcmbcn ended .up deduifll that they would not meet apin unt il the pruidcnt rould meet with tllcm 111d they c01.11d wort o ut a definition of thrir It Is too bad the Aatdcmic Council will wait for the p~sident but won't wait for sornestudcntstot beprtJCT!tll theirncxtmeeti~~&- the facult y."' This he hope-s will creal~ "a oon tinuinl dia lo&Ue bet•••cen faculty and ltudenu about the tnchinaproccu." But for t he bndty and t he univcuity this an it ude is disastrous. McGco~e Bund y writing of facu lt y po""·er in the Joel B1cnncr , editor of llsl n: .,!~ ~Ute~!!':i~1!Y s:~~:~i\di:~~ or the txMrd is doo med , in this wit~ . facull~ co~petenet and ~~c';::!~JII ~olso d~~~!:~~~~~ !!:,~:~.~.power whM:h wiU use The praldc nt who KC:I hims-elf to ~ate facult~1 ::~t~nat:,n~!~~~.!'~.! • .: PruldtntPower But before the faculty form an allia nce with stu6cnts, t_h ey must either pur&c thenuo:hrcs of administrators or elscdeflfttt~administ rati.-e rolct:. P~~d:nt eO:c~ru1s~ · rcb~!~sh;~ to the fat~~lty? mem bers he To most faculty is both the ~prucntllivc Ot the fat~~lty to t he Board of Reacnt1 and the a,cnt of the Board to the faculty. One fat~~lty member def"II!Cd Dreyfus' role as "not conslderina himtclf the leader of thefat~~lt ybuttheadminis1111tor ln th h entire •~a of of the ~nlvenity , K ar;ademiu. the fat~~lty mult The p~sidt n t ,- ln his5tateol admit st udent p resence . the university t ddras to the Cornell's Slc-vtn Muller iri the faculty, Apt. 4 , 1968, w-eed a Auaust is1 ue of Cu.rrcnt de Yt l o p ·ment of a n rnapzine chuacs"fat~~ltreiWiili interrelationship between "a n internal polltiul himtclfandthe facult y but then reorpniution to link students Silled " if lts.cemsproper to directly to the critiu l move without faculty adrice, l dcciUon-makifll bodies within wiU ." Board Control Has Been Misused (cont inue d from page I) ~~~~ t:!:-s"t~~u;~c:Jde~ ~~~~·~ %¥Y\!";~r~ i: :~. ~":,11m e:!~! stabtUty and "UppcrCU" Tbc~ is also 10mc in tt~SI by th e SO·CI II Cd ' 'upper<" studenu . Whether " uppcr-< lass" ~fen to a b4her de~~te o f knowkd&e. soph.iJtJgtion o r But it may be impa.iblc in t he WSU l)l llem for Dre yfus to be tht; facuhy's ar;en t. Dreyfus defended the flculty's wrath o•·cr the p11duate development pla n before tht Board of Rccenu. McPhee's reply to him and the fat~~lty luivca!Rady bee n ~ported earlier In thil article. Many of Dreyfus' fellow state unlversityprcsidentssold o ut their fiC\IItiu and fully supporrtdthc Recenu' plan. The~fore, lht faculty cannot turn to the p~lident or admini$\l"ltlon to pin faculty power. The next step tNt Is bcin& contemplated now within t he fa cu lty is their own reorpniution. FacultyPowrer Regents Broaden Control '""'" Of ·Scholastic Offerings ByCmeKernmetcr The Board of Reaents han taken OYtr tlmosl direct control o f thescholuticofferina:~o f thc Wi1consin State University system and they ean u.surne mo~powe r . Under Whootlllin Stltute )1.ll,which def"lfttl tbcpowert of the _Board of Recent1, the Board has almott unUmited 1uthofity . They could even diaate the tu:tboo.b tobcutc d inuchoftheroWSC:Jtau&hl. The ever utendina hand of the Rese nts is be&lnnina to be fdt nen more by the ftcultiC:J andllludenllof thenineltate universities. The bil&at furor over the appronloft~~rriculumr;arncln (con tinuedonpaacJ) the 11eldof~r~duatelludieli. Tbe Rcacn ll hlveappr<»'CdMasterof Scicn«delf"Ctslntheteachina field s at the nine state unlvenitlcs. But they have dC:IJ.&n.ated only Elou Claire and Oshkosh u thellateuntvcllitlesthltwiU offer Waster of Ans and Muter of Sdcnce liberal arts and sclc noesdelt'Ccs ·inthenextlix '~Graduate llate 1ystem wouldlotcmanyof their better profmontlltouah tbe failure to Implement r.!dre-::J'"'Oif!i:. ~::rJ~i~~ declsion foranyactlononthe blue willbclotft to the Board. MajonN«dApprO'tal M~onalloncc dtheapproVlll of the Board. The Board or Reaenu "-alway11uid a1-1y in ~prd to the approva l of majors In thcJtateunP-ers.itysystem and at the July mcetin& of the Rcaents , Stenns Point · won •ppro'al or three of the si~ m-.jonitlubmittcd for approval. Approved were t be soil science m1jor (''the only publi.s.hed C\l.ltlculum in the Stile"), the deaf education mal« ('"p~Knlly the~ is no m-..or in deaf edur;ation in the State UnP-enity system."), and the chemiea.ltechnolotY"'P•per and pulp mQor ("a need def"med bythepapcrindLUtry."). The phyliea.l education m~or for Stncns Point wa1 not ~~e':C:tr~rnis t~~'!~ ~= "stron&.-" RnoluUon ..ampiB t he l-flld~t&te fat~~lty committee luis drawn up 1 ruolution on the propoted On The Recents cited t heir rcuons for not tcrommending tl:c mQor 11 .. , spccia.lty 11 WSU-LaCmsac" and "II wou ld seem lhl t WSU.Stevcns Point ~~; n,~s ~::::...r~·t: ~i:e~~a::~:~::ni':r:i~ p~ . • " wh.ichitean~ctilsrciCM.Irces to bette r ad1'antaac thin the buildina of•llt&esllfflnd pfOITim in physiea.l edugtiof\." The 111-.jor in dram~~. wu not approved beatute the Recent• lppro.-edamlnor inl t lt t be l-Ime mcetifl&. Tbe ~ in publicadminlstntion wuuked to be resubmillcd by Steteru Point whtnitis~writte 11 • Rt111•u Now Appro" Winan'i!...dt~ lllCIIC:Iill1'0trin&tbe• pprO'I"IJ of nrinon and wtlquc coune uqumcu.. No., both need appronlfromtbcBoatd. Another body to beoomr involved in the approval of minors besidts tht educa tion commi ttee Rt&t nt s. Regent~· staff and hC\Ilty , is t h~ Coordinatin l Counctl for lltaMt Educu io n (CCHE). T "'·o Re~nu tre mcmbcn of th11 com mittee which luis po,.,·~ n u broadly defined u the Rc~n t 5 . In J uly a number of minors wr~ not approved . Onc ofth c~-t was close ly related to a new3nd uniqut!ltqurnet pfco ur!ltlin tho: field of journalism . Apin the Bo ard fo llo wed th e ~com mendation o f the CCII&. " Th e CCI IE indicated at its March n•rctin&. and t hf S)<stcm o ffice staff apces, that no mort prolfarns in journali sm arc needed in the State of Wisconsin ."' A minor in drama ""'as approved, however, with t he Board notin&, " This mino1 orpnllCI an uistinl croop of COUJKsintoaformatscquen cr.'" Couswa Now Need Appronl Unique cour5e scquencn are to reetive ttK' ap prqul of the tdu cafion commllleeofthc Reacn ts bfforr ontothello;ird iUclf. Fo rmerly all new courw offcrinas need ed juu t he lpproVlll of the f;~cult y \ 0 be lmphmented into th t ~commended :!:~;~r~En~~u~:~:2 approvaloftbr Board. Lut· J uly Stenns Point had two new and . unJ,que courtc sequences, t hat were not approvcd . lnphysica.leducuion the Repnb lurncd" down the ~ui~:~:oa~s;l p~~dEd i.;*, "l1111much as the Syltem office slaH has recommended that tht men's phylical education majw not be " appro\oed, i t wo uld ICitm ' ~p p ropria t e to withhold tmpkmcntaUon of this cousw 11-CQue:na." . With the JOWlllolism 20 40 4S, 100, 110 and 120 ~u~ sequence, tho: Board abo faUcd to approve it. Tbe Board r:::!~:.;!:~~~ mlnon in the State Unlvtllity l}'llc:m. Two of tbcae majors ban on ly recen ll y bee-n :t!crow~b~~~at:u~ lDcU~cd c.,ly l bc: !act of :::;.~~~~Uional Jllll bow many ~tsbne .~;:~~~~!-::';$'E ~:;t;:,~m:-,:du: tlseltltD~tatu~:•. Page3 THE POINTER November 7. 1968 Is Faculty Power Possible? Student Senate Must Deal From Positions of Str~ngth 'Illite cffectivc in ill Krvke a te u . Stude n t in s un n cc prograrns.vacationbus prOIJ!Ims an.J. the conttol of student al lo cat i o n ITt mo C!ly independent K Nicet taiTitd out byyourstudcnt aon rnment. l.aslly, thcSt udtnt Scnl teis most free in re111d to in i n ~uti aa t ion function . The Stcondi)'. Ul iiUIOt herthan d e v i c e o f un e ov c rin & administrative incompetence and p u a j studrnt 1ffaiu. it is ba sic l n co nsill l ncie s i n necessar y t hat ptofesaionai univ~rsity policy is easily and edueaton and 1dmini111ators dctn minc the counc: of t he often .d011c. PubUcity is 1 mort e ffe e tht t ool of st udent un iv c u it y. In t he \lccision makln1 proc"as of detcrmini111 aovcrnment. The pro bkm in this respect such matt~rs. ho wever, 1t udent lie$ in the fact that 'Mice opiniOns a nd interests must br c o ns id er e d . T h e 1tud rn t problems •~ unrovcrt d and &ovtrmnent must be: 1bk to publicized the administration r c pr nr n t stud~nts fro m 1 marbeembarusc:d , buttheyare K ldom moved to action. pOsition of strcnJ\ h. T he llu lt h So:rvicesit uJtion Thi$ statu~nt hu , ...o p:un; is 1 prime eumpk. Student IJOVtlnmcnt doesn't have the { I ) The aovern mrnt must bo: st udent support to effectively reprcscntati•·c of iu constitucnts preuurc the administration to and. thcreforc,st rona. action. Tl'le condulion of this art icle (2) It must be allowed to Is ilin•ply that our stude nt ByPaui Schillilli idn St ud~nt JO\'frnm~nt ~I the typical Amnican univ~nity is a contr.11licho n of tenus. St ulknli simply a~ not allo,.•ed to ao~rn. Wl\at is it t hcn tllat lliffcTtntiatnbd wecna aon rnme nt and .,..hltis c~lkd student co~em ment? To attcn1pt to a nsw-tr thil question \lit n«d to define"con Tnment." ., A co m mo n! ~ a cce p ted, t hou t: h w nlc.,·hat n u ro w defrnillon of covnnn..,nt is ' 't he unciK o f control oHr o t hl'rs o •·er a pt riod of tin1e in such a manno: r u to e1tabli~h a stable re la t ions h ip ~t ..·n-n t hotc JOvcrnintt aml t hotettovc:med: ' l ookintt al st udcnt s;:ovcrnmcnt, wr obSI.:f\'t t hat itlacks t hl'nH).II o t>vious and ec~Kntial ekmcnt of 10\·ern rn.:nt . t hll o fno"·cr. This fJO"'tr IS not po...·cr tO administer t he universi ty in malten such u CUITiculu m, uta bhs hil'll acalknoicstan.J.uds. hirinc facult y or confrrrint dtJIC\'S. The r~crc~ of ~uch powu '~'IUin'$ b pc-ricnced prof•·uoonal ,ompctcnce. We as $\udents nniSI rnliu ..,·c :ucneit hettxpc-Ticnced nor professional in such areas. Such !f/:~~:~:.1: i:!t~~r~ka:: :~ ~:r~:nm:~\ m":~~ r~ul~tcv:;J hi£hly •""Ompk~ matters must be l:~!~:r~~~-a~;,~:l~~ 1~!~fj contro lkd by t he faculty and the d~cllion maktrs. the administrah o l'· St ud<'nt Our stud~n r Senate is not both value what we are doina coH rnmcnt ..-;as no:ver intended SilOAM in t hl: above respects for now and hope that "l: can and sh<>ukl no:•·cr deii~ to t hree bask reasons. improve thena ture and sropcof our student govrrnm~nl. :~:!~stu t ho.· uni•·crsit y In ~uch (A ) The Student Senate lacks lk8inAntw huic 'o.115 and purposes. We hl •'c not dctnmined wh1t is t he Rok <.O f G onm n~ nt T o a n u 1n c that o ur ~ncl ,.c ~ek. administration will cb.Jng.: is to What t ho:nshould the role of assume the lnlpOSSibl<:. Bdor" st udent {l.OVtrnmentbe? ln othcr (B) The mnns'..·c K r k to an " 't u a st udent ao•·ernmenr ,.ords. in .,..hat arcu should enol. is ham)>trc.J. by a lack of aspile to contro l anyt hinJ ...c stulknts~ aUo.,·cd to Go•·ern? b u ic fo r m a n d suuct u!l' must improH our rclationshiro c ondu,-,..~ \O stren1t h. Our .,.ith thl:st udent body . On« it iscsu bll$he.J. t hat t.,.,. present form ofrep~scntationis We muu estab lis h a .J. u i r e d end o f st udc n r fault y and outdated. mc a ni n c f u l f o rm o f JO•'ctnm~nt is no~ to tot~ll)' rc prcKntatio n so as to $Oiidifr administer t he uni•·erNty . .. e c~n (C) We la;:k srudent support t he stulknt body behind u1 d•K us:s .,..hat ill fu nction~ and ~nd .. c a.J.millcdly don't always "'' hen ....e Kck to control their ~nd1 Should be. S:.J I)' tnOll&h. s u ppo ot o u r co n stit u~nu. lffain. rcprucnt t heir intcrn ts. nt llovrrnmcnt r~isu more p ro vide them K rvicn and ~u.J.~~~lla~h~~~k ~~;~,co~:~~: Stude u a connnicn t lnstitution in t hc in~ntipte t heu pLoblc ms. Our condu~iv<" to t hl'ir li.O•'I: rninJ . un i v e r s it y orGa n in tio n a l st ude n t s o vcrnm r nt must ''$!udent s ttuct ure rather t hanu r ffecti•·e Rbuild mclf from the J!Ound . ~'ff:fn.~l)' tcn•t i nd cpc n d ~ n l interest group valucdby t he l!utknt bod)· at in Wenousr beain anew. ThiS rcbuildins cannot he£in I ... m define t he four bu ic •·oi~. " 'lt h rhc tk llructionofwhlt ...c functions o f " 'hat I .,.·ould lla•·e no ..·. We must uK o ur couidu a n i dn l stulknt prc~nl lludr nl aovrrn mcnt to to•·nnmo:nt . Th•'St funct i<.OnS Thirdly. t h<' St udent Senate c r e u ~ ~ be tt er uudc n t in its rm:~n t form hu bo:en ao•·crnmcnt . I ) A ' J.tu(k,nt ! ao•·crnmrnt mustnnc~S<· cont rol on•rthoK aff~•n ..,· hi~h are pu~l)' i.!Udcnt inn:~ rull'. • £~~~~:.~~~!nkt~~~~~~~i~~ I nn•!/ ~Ill· f:!:lko~q ~~:!r,~ef~ providinJ ..,rvi~ for t~student body. I mcctin&~ •ct lufinal tlepbcfore approu i." Aii t he laststopinthe l cJislativc procc:ss a ccncral facult y mcctina docs Kf\'c a purpose in brintina Mues ancl stands o ut in the open. ' But t he inational reason why t he faculty likes. t he ll<'ntral - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - faculty meetinas is a pride and "PROGRESS" ' -- -- - -- SDS Controversy Reflects Regents' Narrow Views 4) Thr ~tuden\ JOVcrnmt nt must provide a ·C'Clrutant chl'ck o n the administ ra.tion thtOUih i n vut il!~t int ~oblcms 1nd · UpONnc e ither d ministrativr urrciK o f atbit ry pOwer or inrom~tcncc. ByP.ulhnty S t u d e nts . thro U&h t!Kir r t presc ntat l vn on Student Senate . han been shown by ~arlous incidenu t hat t hey arc co n s l d c r c.J. i nt1 p1 b le o f £OVcrninl th<:ir ownaffairsby t he R ea e nll a n d t h e td minlltnt lon. The Student Con.J.uctCode il case where t he Rcacntswanted uniformity o f behavior despite t he violent objections of studc ntllnd , to alcsscrdea:ree , the ad minlstnlllors. 1 One needs to delve into t he ori&ins of t he Conduct Code to s ho w ho w t he Rcacnts " foisted" uroon t he administ ration and stu ~~ nts this conduct eodc. Early inthe sprinaofl 96? the Bo.1rd of Reatntsinstl\leted t he Council of state univenity Presidents to look into t he possi bilities of a uniform behuior eode . This action wu before the brer riotsin vuious univenit yeltln . The LcJislature durifll that period was discusifll the meriu ofa billtoraiK t hc drinkina aae to 2 1 inst~ad of the present I JC o f I ll. OcmOnstr.Uiom a«umd ln Stevens Point. Oshk01h and PlU t nille . Whe the t theK incident~ cm be called " rio tJ" is a moot question. These distllrbancn had a direct dfcct o nthc Ret£nts. The Rclrnts then ln$\l\l<;ted t he prcsidentsto have tllcir dt • ns .d raw up a uniform code of behtvior. Direct Result .- Tlueatened by the United the conduct rode, the Rct£ntswrote the conduct 1:0de into abstract Jepl form and adopted it as a :~~~u~c. to t heir incorporatint C<.~uncil to brinc suit apinst liberty or property without d ue but ort hodo• views be allowed? procns of law." Th uc arc the m1jor . What isS DS at Stevens Point chaf¥ed wit h? When w:u a o bjections to t he lloard'saction. hearina htld in which chuccs The q ucillon now bcc<.Omn: we re made and a drfeLUC WhatRn bc o.IOIK'about it? The offered' Arc not t hnc. CIStnlial Student Senne u well as the United (.'ouncil of V.1sconsin to~~) f~~?ions o f the Board Stat~ St udent Governments is "reprcwnt a formof ccnsonhip tryin1 t0 1et t he Boanl and .,..hich is odious to free people McPhee: to aivt rta50nl " 'h)' Si>S t hroutho ut t he world - - that of wu~nncd . The faculty has eaUcdforthe prior restraint" (from SSO). What docs t his mean? Simply repe-al of ~$Oiut ion 3 161 - a this, SDS l'lls done not:hina popul11 stand . but a reuonabk one. Who In their wronJon this campus. Uo wc vcr, t hey 1re bcins punished bc~au~ RM mind thinks t hat t hcBoard o f Rcccnts ..·ill rescind Jl 6 1? t heymiaht dosomcthinc. Thio is conlnLI)' ro our The mo~ rttional approa ch accepttd lcpl pract iccs in which has brc n t a k e n b y t he a person is preJumcd inna«nt .-enatc- -thl: ir au empt to "'t until proved s uilty 1nd in which t he Boanl to fun hcr clu ify th~ir a pcr10n must commit a erimc actiom and the mu ninG of before he is punilhcd. This J l 6 1. Whik this II b,ins .J.onf, decision iO'u handeddown b)' t he Senate should appoint ~n a.J. t he Supreme Cour t in thecatcof hoc committee· compol<'d • of NurvJ. Minnc:sota { I9JJ). st u dent s, fa c ult y 3 n d (l) The Boanl 's actions arc ~dmlnlstnt lon and chall!C \ h(m ~ery q uestionable when on~ wit h t he ruponsibilit y of conRden t he Fin t A mendnt~nt . d rawin& up auiddinc:s by ...·hich cspcciiiUy in rc1ard to fre~ a JIOUP may be banned. speech, freedom of 1uociation Many people o n rhis campu1o0 and&uilt by u 50Cittion. (4 ) The Bo nd 's action u ndtrmines t he J uthorit r o fthc •d ministr.cion here on campus ~~~-ukTh~, an.,:s:;mb~ inm~~~ andis p.,tof a tcries ofactionl tpparcnt to the Bon d , nd th~ takcn by t heBoani to reduet u nive rsit y m u s t sh o w t he decision maklnton ea mpul. 10'1 !\inpcs.s and capability 1 10 Thc·prccedcnt is thusntabl~hl:d that t he Board can withdraw handk its o"'·n problems. reCOl!llitlon from a &rOUP and T h is rcquln•s ltipOnsib~ aivcnorca$0111. be hav io r b)' u u d•· n ts. (5) The nature of SDS at tnli&htened 1!-Uidance by t he Stenn1 Point is t hat of a facult y and just andviJorous ·dil.cussionsroup. lf discuu lon applic3tion o f the ptOpOs.:d 1roupsarc banned --when their auidrlino:s by t hc administ ration. discussion II not in t hc form of Onlyin thismanncrcan morc triminalcomplnc)'--lhenwhl t SDS incidenh be prevented. and kind o f univcnity will IJIOW' only in this way will more hue?Will rontrovcrsial spcakcll 1ut o n omy b e wo n for be banned nut? Will a nyt hinJ WSU- Stc•·ensl'oint. conceit in tht Lr own rh~toric. They enjoy t h~ debate whct hl'l it is on a pcu y curriculum changeoracadcmk frccdom lhisreporter on«rtmembelli 1 faculty m«tinJ near the end of l~st rear when t he primary cducaLion curriculum was l.>einc rt Yif"'ed. A member from ~!most e•·ny dcpall mcni JOt up I0 a d ~ O C it e th a t t heir deroartmmt he included in the lutof rc'luircd courtcsfor t p u ticutar mi )OI f Lnl lly a philosophy profeuor r o•ntcd out t hl: udiculousnns of t he cnrirelkbateby askln&why any COUr!;<'S at all were fequiH'.J., Of cour~. the rn t of t he fao;ult)' did not rake t he hmt and contmuedrhl:"-'~te. Reorgl niu tionNu dcd Alt hOUMh a fa~ult)' $Cnii\C (Pres i d e n t D rcyfui recommnded lUI ye~ r that t he facultyfor mitKlfinto a stnatc, ho.,cver, t he Idea !\ali been kockcd aroundby the faeulty for a numberof yu rs)istht'Lcrnl most commo nly hear.!. . it~$ not accepted as t he best an~"'CI to a 1d facu lt y rco~pniuuon. In fact, many faculty mcmbcnf•'t'l that a facultyK~tc is not tho> answer at all. llown-~r. th<.'y 6o often feel a nct<J forsomeot:hn kind of ICOTp niUtion 01 chanac. Alice Peel of t he doait111 department f«b t hat "the bcult y members who ate mo~t activr a r c o n too manr commiuces." Justu5 l'aul of the history depa rtn~nt state5 that · ''the facu lty must rcevaluate tbc struc t ur e o f t he facu lt ~ committc~s . find o ut thl' import~ncc o f u ch committee and frnd out "'·ho lii ttns to 1t ." From t hi1 r epor ter ' s viewpoint a reorp niution of committenis at t heheanof t hc proble m. Harold Dodds in The Academic l'residcnt: f.duca'iir. :~~!7-~!!cr :;.!:~m ·~,~~::rte: confusinM po...·cr structure in whicb decision makina i' $0 and $0 fun)' that it can bt mastered <.Only by ~ faculry burcauCTit who knows t!Kropcs." dis~rJ<'d Thit ~tillS haropen~d wit h Th.JL why is to be what lla~ t he WSU faculty. MiM l'cct is ~~~'!1ic ::,h~,;:' .::~t~n~c~'!f~ nw:mhc rs. Youn1. ~~<:w b culty mo:mbers JUSI cannot lw1:0me i nvolved In t he rc <J· tap•· committee sy~tcn1. That is why m~ny of them feel alienate.!. ~nd do nor ancn.J. lll=ncral fa~ult)' on.:ctinp. Wh a t i l n<'~d;,·d for r~orJaniut ion ~ thtc•· st~p piJ n: _I) a i\rca nllininll ~n.J. r~.J.cfirullon o f (Ommitr~cs 3no.l t heir purpo~$. l )a for mation of n a snTaU faeull)· scnatc limited in p<.~ ,. t r " ' i th tiO' O ma i n purposn--to $01\ out ~nd tak~ carc of aU minor b cult y buli nrs$ and plan careful ~ nd cond~~ accn~u fot the f.<:Mr~l b~uh )' :hk~ di::pt:~l~~!t~o~~~~~~~~~ ~:.:e ~·~r c~~~m':ni~~t.i~~ 3!~~~:~.~ The conduct code'il t hemoll obviou1 enmpk of t he Reacnll l nfri na l na upo n ri&hts of Jtud e nts and their rcpracntaJiv~ . on t he ·Student Stn1te. This do cume nt by t he Rerents .,ys, in effect, to the prcsidenu th:at t hey now will enfo~e it . To thtlctislaturc. the coOt reprnents an 1\tempt to ~quclch •nr dtmonstntions on thestlle univenityeampuses. T he cod e is $0mc\h.ina l'llndcd down f~om 1bove. But t his 1ction II not the o oocumn~;t ofa eompkteOenial of stuOent rl&hu. There arc cumplcl thlt c:m be cited on t his eampu1 wltic;h h••edircclly lfft cted l!udMIIffaits. ltOTC Hcre t~t~~_.!heTh~t'~:;:~~;te !o~n~~ too uue. The ~no:ral faculty mcc t ins usuaUy dcal.l with r ep o rt s f r om fa c u lty committcn. Most often the c u r r icu l um committ~e domin.llt S these rtpOIIS 1nd uu1e a rnt debate a mons fa c ult y me m b e r s over <:~~rriculum dcu lls. Only with extraordinary motions. such as t he o neon SDS,.J.othcmcetinJS bt:rome intr rcUin&. The faculty likes the ~ ncn.l h c ult y met t ints for two ll'ISOIII , Onc: rational and the Ot h er not . Elwin Sl&mund. Assistant to t he Viet· President for Academic. Affair1. e~ plains the. ,.tiona! reason in t!Kw terms. " The faculty may ~ecm to only be rub bcntamplnM. r<'tthc Regents, Administration Consider Students Incapable of Own Rule \..cas ! ). In "i hOs.: " 'hm: 5\udcn ts a"' not t c1p1bk o f con trol. t ho.' lotulknJ ao~er nmcn t rome about b)' the t he put few yuu and rhc ~!Tent conduct of t hescncral flculty meetinp . Last yur, d urina Tht l'olntcr led dri111' to aUow 1tudcnit rnlo hc ult y mcctinp (it nems incredible in ret ros~ct that wr would have ro fi&ht for this). one fa~lty mcmbu remarked, " I don't know why rouwant to "'· 1cti>'it ks and hu incrca~int hefaculty's siu over On Od. S,l96?, t heSenate voted J I to 2 1p\n&t lhc 1:0mln1 ad~J:R':~i~am~re~~':w :::: f.!e ~:~ft.~! :;~:· t: k! St udent Senate is inthtare1 or wbstq~M~nt actM)rl !O iflform t he t he IITI¥11 o f Army ReK',..e · u my to c:mc;ct t hear application. 0 ffiecrs ' T u l nint Co rps Pro bably the moll: bl1t1nt ( ROTC). • ' example where the action of Student Scn11e were totally an r,~;Pl~¥~i~~i~! T!n~ ~3, d.i51Cptdcd wu the cue of t he 196? b)' l e on B e ll , Rerents' ban of SDS from this. vicc-presidcntforbullllle$llffail1i eampusthii PIS! armmer. in plac:eoft henActi"'.J'rnidcnt This COlltronnill ban o f SDS Gordon H1ftrbecker. d1tes b.ack to Feb. IS, 1968 wbcn Student Senate fully recocniud thtt l"oup after it J ~~~~~ntf:cnu~t~d";',~~:tt;'~~onhcll once. every t wo mon!hs .l rnst~~.J. ofc>ery _mont h)lo a~rvK""'S and act. on. ln.'poll3n\ fa~'U I\y 3nd umvenny 1u un . In conclusio n, ' "" b~ult y to h~comc an cff,·etiw for~-.; on c~mrous ' nd wirhin t ho: ~tate u n iV'l.' r s i t y systeon m ui.t r~~~r~; 1:di~'f~fs:~!~~':: 1i1 ~u..~~ J'(nltions a n.J. w ck t he ad\·ice a nd roown o f st u.J.ents. Only t hen nn f;oculry power a t !. ~.'~~~::;, ~':.!~ocU1n~::~~~·Stc· The Dreyfus Mystique · rhet oric to n-ery pou ible adnnt~. Tilt rewlt leaves his motives in doubt. We n n not judcc his motives but his actions do not always meet with the a ppronl of the lludcntsand faculty. Aftn all this time . " l: ~hould be clear as to where he stands on most issues. We are not . Whar we nted then il «ndor and coruincney, not 1a veilof rhr toric. We:ulrmore,of bot h,from PrcsiOent Dreyfus 1 ~::.:.~~:,~ ;;t~ aorp,thl~ ufli"nity. Tllty were actin on eampu; durinJ t he IICOI)nd tcm~ter of lut ycarbut' didnot:violatc any unlwn:it ypo]jey. ' Question fro m Panelist: " What kind of mold is IJIOwina o n t he west wall of t he HcalthSc!Yiet? Vice·P!l'Jidtnt for Sludcnt Affa i rs William Stielstra : " DIIl! tO t hc lact offundswe are t ryin1 to ~ow ouro.,..n penicillin . · (laut hter) Nunc : ' • t think it'a mildew. Whatever it is we em't. act II it with1 clubor anytllifll. Tbe room, I believe ~~'m':" W11itlna room, i:tr •ery St l c b t n : " Scr io udy t hou a h , I ' m t l•d you mcntklrwd it. I wW blft .,__.-~~~, \ J aomeooe ~'"' ~dt lDto tbe Page4 No'tEirnber 7, 1968 THE POINTERI "It i• the duty of •tudent• k> Letters -- Finally challenge the admini•tration. ·" ··Lee S. Dreyfu • New Fascist leagye Formed on Campus T·HE PODIUM L Forensic Team Competes \ Sergeant Ruben Moon Explains Frats; ROTC In NIU Events Tournament The WSU - SP Forensic Tea m t nvckd to DrKalb, Ill. last weo:kend to rompetc in the Northern Illinois University Individua l Even!J Toutl'llmen t. Thi s tournament ~tOUiht I O&c t llet approximately 17S studcnhrcprcsentin&29rollcJe:J or univenitks from about 10 sti t es , Scflools comiha the fartlu st distance were tile Univcni t y of Maryla.nd Jnd California State at Lon& Bc•ch. Si~ WSU students took part in the tournament where tlley 5poke and \locrcjud&ed4Stimes. This represen ts three rounds of roml"' tition in each of seven events ,.·ith some students compe ting in mo~ than o~ evenl. JulicCartcr,Ora l lnterp retatkln Vikki Puar took pJl't in five and Ontory . xpJl'ate C¥enl$ in order \0 qualify for the Pentathlon romi)Ctition. This event aives sptcial rcc.:o&nitkln to those who perform the bes t in ovenU compe tit ion . •ndW~~eir"~~~~~~ '!~~ J:~i By C,Brlllke The Pointer visits thb week wi th Scraunt Ruben Moon one time ehlufleur to Ger1rudc Stein, prdcne r of Eua Pound. a~d ROTC instructor. "How docs • man with your ijtcnry backaround become 1 KTKCJn tlntheU.S.anny? " . rompe tit on. Paur, Discu55ion. Oratory, Some WSU studenu rtoeived A ft er· Dinn er Spukin&, first place nnkin&S within RhetoriCI I Criticism, and Oral roundli but none qualit'~ed for lnterprdJtion ; Cherie Choudoir. finals. Riclwd Ro•n. Director Rhetorical Ctilicism; Darknc of Fo rent.ica, praised the efforts Graefe. l mp r omp, tu, of•llcompetitors. He abonotcd Aftcr·DinnerSpeakina. thlll Point debaters wiU be Li l y I{ ud s i -Z•de h, \ competin& in toll&h competition ExtemporJncous Speakint. this wt:tkend II both Purdue Impromptu, •nd DiscvSiiion: and University and WSU - Osl\kosh. I Stevens Point Replaces Madison In Emergency ByLindaPtltno n Dear Editor: The Pointer Visits - "I lost my job with Miu Stein in 1936. I dro~e her Ford up• wa ll. I bdieve It wal 1 Mado~t Ford. The CJI was a ""' model but unresponsi'i'e. Pound flf'l:d me In 1937, said my anti<ommunist influence was underinlnin& his creative llk:nll. He wed to pillnt poppies in t he form of 1 h.ammcr and Jyckloe, aid it "'*'Ills victory ~de n , odd fellow, &llld when t he J. Edpn finally aot him. "After l losrmy job with Pound I nearly starved. Fonunatdy wu broke out and I wu drafled . l wassoll'l lcful l never have had the llelr1toloeave." "l.ooldna around your office, I noti« d you hne 1 b!.lmpenticker REGISTER FRATERNITIES NOT FIREARMS. What i1 the Stevens Point's U~ited 'council ~~~~;:~~~~?~ow tile rntemities are'" insidious neo-faeistic plot torcpin control of the university , by some foreitn innuences m~;ro~t~·:;um~~eabY'i'b~t~if:•~·;ion?" ''Careful anJlysis of t he hcts by keen intelligence limilar to mc thodJuxdby theF.B.I.Jnd theS.S. ~~.a;~~~~ ~ir~~t~~!t~~~~~~~~:~~~;~rbC:b~~. f~lin~e~~ Given Plaque the ume uniform aUowin& them ·to blend into a group wh iie flcilillti":&ea•y idr.ntifieation by f~ llow conspintors. They doha¥1l one disttn&uilhlnt characteristic, no member Is 1blc to wear stockinss. pt:rspirltion builds uponthewebbinabetweenthcirtoes. By Jim Ho fer :~u~:::~oid~n~~:c;;i~ the BoJrd of Re~~ent s an d the D!Jector of Stale Unlve:u\ties r:~:w~~ ~~m LStt:~:n. ".CFn~~ My protest b not bucd on ar~y love for the Studen!J for • Drmoll'lphic Socie ty, but is bued,nther.onthe flctthlt the Jetion bodn noaoodfor my own orpniz.ation, t he New Fueistl.ugue. Gofernor leTYOS at the pleasure of the electon te and the eledo!'lteuethellllpi~Yenwho 1upport the Unive:nlty. But we're not &oln& to be foolc~ by IIIChrlbidcapllllism,whlchau bid u s.~~yin&, "Whoever payl the piper, CIIIJ the 111ne." RidiculoUJ!Weallknowth.a tt hc: wor ld owes u1 a Uvina. Mommy uid so. And it 1hould be made clear to the Regenu thlt any attempt to ~et policy for th.e State Univerlity System u l! riclly ano-no. Thc affiliation of this new aroup should be made dear. Tlle In addiiioo, I protest and condemn the Editor ial Bo1rd of The Pointer for its refusa l to memben) is known u the Studenu DcslrinJ Sertn.lty throuah 1 Better Set~p --the SDS - BS --kno wn to ill stake--the continued existence of the Neo·fascisti. Further, The Pointer has consistently dh torted the activitiu and aimply t he SOBs. The loCI! us). li!!:~ :a::inz:~=. ~: :::~i ~::•:'a~-:n~~l~t::li~:~nega~~ ~~~:~~ f!r ~~~~en;:~~.e~~ rc~rn~ be0 fm~:~ It is true Political Week Participation Is Praised Dear Editor: 1 wish to commend th~ leaders and the members ofthf u rious oraanlutions who eoopented in acc:omplio<hm g a Juccesdu l Politnl ActivthU Week .. The Speech Club, the Youn& Democralli , th e Youn1 Republicans and Alpha Pin Omega eompriled tlw st <~:rin~ committee. Their enthusi nm and ooord in ued ef fort l culminated In an cxcuin1 audince putidpation debu• . and th eaU.ampusEiection . The whole venture pr ovided ~ real polit ica l ex~riencc lor many students on th il campu1 FrankT.Aiu~w Advisor to the Steering Committ ee ~,e~~~~ ·~ that at o ur rt!ufoB~ ~~~ ':tf::t~g ::~ :Ce~t~:: he:d;eb~t ~::!:e u·~~e,:: Frank Still tt~m ; that is, wltilc the lobi · only to make Identification of poup is related to the. national t he membershipdiffieultarad to SOBs, it is not 1 plr1 of the abJol utly prevent, in turn, Mtional orpniution . We are discrimination apinst them on simply ealled the NeofJJCilti. ~~i!.~'or~~~f,; r~:.~~:e:..,~~ objec tive at the present time is to promote and expand t he Any Jtudent polliessin& • brown shirt may join the heJithy attitude toward Neo-fucisti upon p•ymcnt of a prejudice an d minori ty &rOUPl sma ll mllmbenhip fee. Members found 11 WSU •nd ln Stevms arereq uircdtoburntheirSoci.a l Poin t. We of t he Neo-fneisti Security, Medicll'e,Crcdit Unl<m hue two tltinp-- prejudice and Membcnhip, ar~d otller 1imilar palacb. eards. Our mcetins lfe held. rea ul uly and all members We hope in the future t hlt J tlendint art permitted to vote The Polnt~r will take into "Yes" on any mJI!ereonsidcrtd "eountouraims•ndwill&iveus bythearoup,muchuisdoneJt fullandfaircoveraac,byour tllie acne ral beulty meetinp. defmitiom. Othcrwiie, we may Our basic principles 1re !bert : h•ve to stan an underground newspapt:r of our own, to {I) to promote aood, (2) to llifleC¥il.•nd(3)torc&lizc t hlll ' represent another opinion. It t heudsjustifythemcanJ. could be called l'oin t-kss. Oshkosh Head OeJTEditor: Thank you for the covcra&e Pointer eonecrnint lh• di ss olution of the Student Government Legislature on the OU.kosh e~mpus. lw ould like to point out that l •mnota formt• member as your photo uplion indicated, in The The e•ecutive bnn c ~. in cluding myself, and t~ r judiciJI branch ofaovernl'l'ltMI continue to function, •nd i111 on ly in the le&isi.Uivc bunch 11111 we art doina 1 bit of reorpnir.lll&. James Benito Wesolowski Advi$0r, NewFaJCist Lcl&llt Lost ASS reward is being offered for one told rin& with 1 black ony• front with 1 d iamond IDOunted on asquaresitvcrpkce -hleh has been lost. Call 344-1993 or brl na Jt . to 1S01 Minnc$0tJ.Avc. Da~d R. Fran~ Stude nt Body Prctidrn~ WSiU- Osllkolh ! Long Scarves .and I Stocking Caps 91cto 2.91 '"' SHOP SPORT 1036 Main Paul Bunyan DRIVE-UP The P•ul BunyJn Room in the Untvcrslty Ce nter, lower level, iladcqvltely n•med. Like Its i.arJe nameake who is now dorma t, th.e room illarp 1nd •!most , com pletely i n hlbenutlon. Only 1 few stackt of boob brc•k up the endle• domalnofuneovercdtllea. Nu t time you arc: WILkin& tllroU&hthetunncl,betwt:enthe rc~rve dnk and Old Main, noli« the dOOf labeled Ciril Defense. This is the .ttc of the ~ff~e~?' Ro~t~l .i.~d u~n!~~ Watching Phono,view at PAPA JOFS The Board of Retcntl, the Jdmlnbtntion and the facu lty l&nort the Uuden!J most o f the t i me, but the co nstructJ.on workers oa the new eampUI buildina nC¥cr do . Every time • &iJI wJib by they whistle; e•,-time someont tries to cut 11\i'ou&h tbc-'eonslnlction lite tMystoph.lin ;Jnddurin&breaks · Oortrthe weekend one visitor to cam pus reportedly tried to drinlntothesciencebull4ina. lt , IICCmlthe visitor m1111ook it for anmdoR.dparkin,nmp. Who's Baby !:lli:nande~~ , ..-··o · ..... :. t j· .= ...._____... 15~ cro'!.l 0 BILL'S PIZZA SHOP lt ; 1 rin•lly been prove n --Eu&tM McPhee b Rosemary'Jbllby. • •• t •• :::y COCKTAIL LOUNOI Now Serving Hot Chocolate For Only 'ADIO THE BANK WITH A STUDENT . CHECKING ACCOUNT . FOR YOU 7 DEUY~RYII '""" ...._...__ ._ ~,...., Thiliso .... lot lh• eirl whoctoe..:.·i 344-9557 home of the t~ · ¥2 ~•.d '""Y duk" to coli oftentio<o to henell. Theglflwho dtoos.o lt lnowo V..'•-tlr;..gopedoloowl....,,lnjj ltHiflsivtJ--••wovof . . . . . . . . . M . . . . u.ow.~. Attd If "'• '""' ..... unkt~~e. so ,ls lllgwrOflt••. ll yo~ o11ou111 WOflto"'r;.•cl~loteron. '• Pounder 8 oz. of Tantalizing Beef 011: Hot Italian Bread Se~ed O.....O.ik>uo.wllte•choooo•ltlotill t..Apun;tooseprlc• . Now/oo ',;.,,.,.,odlo.otodls ,,..ltvforhe r, ·J I oniRiEE:sJiwnRv Uti MAIN. STREET SECOND FRONT PAGE SERIES VIII, VOL. I2 8 Pages , No.9 Dads' Day Scheduled Saturday A~iatcd Wo~Nn's J\ntiQone' Selected For· National Tour Students issponsorinaa~ds'Daythis. Sahmlay. lndudcd in the fnti~ities uc a h11ffct brunch 31ld thcPL1Uevillc footb;allprne. Wonwn aR to rcc,iltu with the-ir (at~n between 10 a.rn. and I p.m. in t he Univcn.ity Cen ter o utside the Wrilhl lOI.II\IC. toJ!; !~u~~~ ~~~~~~:'~h! bufrctbNnchbetweenthcboun o f!O;JO a.m. to l p.m. At 1: 30 p.m. the fathcnand d.tU&htcn will view the Stevens Point-Platteville footN.U pme at ~rkcFidd. A~tctionhasbccn "'sei'YC'dfor~by thcfat hcn and t~irdau.ahtus, Followin& t he &arne, tllere wlll ~a · open hou~e in all women's halts startinJII ) : lO p.m. Women with q uuticxu •re ur&cd to Clll either KaRn Y mcn, E:u. 488, or Carol Adamcul, Ext. 489. WSU-OOkays Director Robert Baruch, the poruayal o f the ehanerer drama department, was notified wu "juit buutiful." She also rca:nlly that " Antt&onc" was ha d kind words for the selected u the winner on Unit I McSKn~r. played by Terry of the Re&)on VIII IJOUp, McGovern. As 1-hc put it. the: Amcr iun Colle &e Theatre: Mc11c n,er"reaUyaotme." Festival. Mu Papini$, who played ''Antiaone'' wu in both the G~Urd and lh meon. competition with productions WIS tlso lin&kd out for special presented by the University of praise. Hameonwu "particuLuly Wisconsin, Green Bay and"' aood," 1hc and both Jlae mon and Creon used their WSU - EauClaiR. m a rks p art icub rly well. The play wiU now tour to Althou&hthcllraincdqu:alityof Nortllcm Illinois Univcnity, the Guud"s voice bothered DcKalb, on Dec. 9 , 10 and II Sister Xarirr, she felt that it for competition witll tile two eouldbee;uily concctcd. Finally, Sister Xavier pointed othcrunit..winning productions. The winner wiU tllen Havel to out that while she would never Wuhinaton D.C. in March for the national festival. The judac for Unit I, Sister• M. XIV ier Cocns , forrMr · chairman of tile drama · department at Clarke Collcae. Dubuque, Iowa , uw all three cntricts in tllcunlt. Afterjud&inJ the " Anti&one" production on Friday, Oet. 18, Sister Xavier offered a critlquetothcl:llst lnd director. hne thought of usin& mnks lnstud of du d bodic5. the ~nd ins wn ··panicululy bea utiful, " and s he was ''profoundly n10ved by the mu kJ." Onigncr Joseph Poe~~ mentioned by Sister Xavier. as was llis ''very 5ensilivc" li&llt crew. She fcltthc tccllnlcal erew Was 1 put asset to the. productions u were the costumes, dcsi&flcd by Katllryn Gibb. Tile pby will now 10 back into limi ted rc llu""'l in ~~~~~:.l ion for tile December Nelson Withstands Attacks Of Leonard By. BiUMcissner New Student Government Tickets Go On Sale For Raiders ·Concert Columbia Reoord's hottest poup Pau.l Re'«!e and the: Raiders, who arc also sun of Di c k C lark 's AB C - TV " Happenlnt ' 68" Show wiU be appntill~ in eoncen in the UnivcUIIY Fieldhouse on Tuesday, Nov. l 7 at 8p.m. ' Paul Reven: and his Raiders han appcaKd on web top television show• u the Hollywood Palace, the Johnny C.non Show, Tbe Nib Dou&lu The Raiders llavc appc~red on ei,ht national tours of the United States, eoverint every ma;or city, and In foUl ~or marl:eu brokr: all attenda11u records of any croup includina thc<Bcatlc:s. . · DUe to t heir wort overbid thc: croup ~d to turn down tw~ offen f o r two dirtcre nt European tours. Durlnt 1966,at the reque st of the · U.S. Gonrnment, thcy made a tOUl l7~!I:~z1:o~:~~ ~~~~~t: !:~~c:r:·Camps on te l e v!Jion --mo re Thc Raiden Ire: abo number appeannQa than 111y poup in . one c.opy for . evny major fan tbeworld. mapzineintllec:ountry. The Raiders wen: jusa Pnce of the ticket are S2 pramtcd with a Gol4 album for S2.2S l nd S1.SO and can ~ f~11"b:m~ust~ =~ ~~~n~W:.ti~Dt!'t~Mnity November 7, 1968 .... 6 Placement Opportunities Next Tuesday -~~····· ln:Jr~'.f!!Y !3fu,?sn9 a~~ toO:~!o :;;~·· ~~:!~~!! •bn.!'fi~ Nazi Leader Plans Campus Speech Nul U,,dn Man Koxhl,.·i ll spuk oncamp..s Tuo:sday,Nov. II: I S p.m. at the lc(14fC lla\1, Cntcr. Room Th~ 125 CbfiS.foom lillb~ct of the N)tionallndcr·,,dd•~•wlllbe ''The Natio n a l Socialist lilw~tionStruulc:· K« hrs app.:ar111ct i~: M i n& CO--'pt>n5<>rt<J by tho: Univcnily ActivUk5 Bond ~ml Alpha G~111111a. ~onoraty Social Stkn~ fr:nnnity. Thc ,\ mnian Nui l'an~ " 'IS foun..k'd m I'JSS by Gcor&c Lmculn kod;.•••cll. T~ o fficii! IIJnwofth.:oq:anintion is thc N~tmn~l Soti.Jbit Wllitc r cot>l!::'l I'Jr1 )'. KOC'hl.~JJ. iuformcr n~li •·•• <1 f Mrl,.a ulcc. lie Fish Story Slated For Becker Talk ,\ fi>h>tor)" "illbo:plt)<."ntcd onMunda)· •·•·••ninJby annJ)<"II on fish .tor~ l)r Gruq;r lkdn. member of the lliolou• Oc~rtmrnt . v.•ll lecture on ""The \\'a)"S of Fish" \lunda)' in A·: l ~ of t heSd<"n'-"" lluil•hn& at 7 .30p.m. Or. lkd.rr " 'ho has b<.-..·n ,-auk>guint: fiSh specuncnssincc ~o•mnJ: he'"" 111 1957 will use ,· o lun:J slides 1ndprrsen·rJ ~~~uucnus part of his lecture. The co llec tio n o f fish c~taloJued b)· Profr~ llcd;cr numbers bt-t ...un 66.000 to 70.000 ~pc cimrn s and is rcprdrd as one of the be-st in ttk-statc." The k"cturr Jiwn by l>r. lltckrr islx•ncsronsor.·Uaspart of ttk- Museum kct urc s.crin · un•kt t h•· ,hn:.-tion of the Biolo&y lkpart mcnt. admlnblration , economic.. mat h 1nd other" mljors intertstcd in can:croppartuniUesininsurance adjuument work. Ma~Co~p.,P·~a:u~;~illP·~~~~~ar~i~~n :!'.:!! ~::n'l:~ttr~t~on~1~:~~:~:.1~:~~~.'':,~~~h1~jo:.:~=rb=~~ has.n~n 'S':!:~~ interested in employment arcen in thils~bsidiary Milwaukee. Bctwon:n 1956 and 19S7 Koehl ~rvcd wittlthc: Marine Cor ps. In \ 9S9 Commander Rockwe ll 's new l y-form ed American Nui Pafly attracted a~~::'on~~~:n A r ti dr Sevrn of tht American Nui cr«<l Ratn t!Dt '"AUolf llit!CT was tho: Jift of an inKrutabk" Pru•itir n« to a world on the bnnk of a J ~ish - Bolshc"vik cata~.tropl.e , and that "onlyt lltbluii\ISJ"Oirit of this lltroic m1n can live us tho: strrn&th and iMpiration to rise.• :· Only th<:doctrineof N~tional Soci~ J ism c an tonquH Con1munism. TM Nazis feel t h;i.l ~tep~ must be taken to 'rrndcr the J ews pcrm~nently and completely MtmkSlS to Ary1lll society. At St. Cloud. Minn.tSOtl . in ove rflow crowd o f l.SOO students hurd Nuion~J ludrr Koeh l usu t t hat White to America 's only ans,.,·u mucri al ilitic decl dencc and deJcnc ricy v.·u t he ndal idutisnt of Nu iorul Socialism. .SC,cn:ption anU intrpation wen: bothrrprdcdasfailuruto America's racial probkm. The most effect i•·e solut ion u African n:p~trUt ion. 1 he vo t es. 11,f;hU and l&••nst tnt nou•nc bill. I . You111 Artists Contest ~nd tht SI ,OOO Bambe!Jcr Competition. He 1\u performed at n:ciuls Statu. Grad Exam Dates Given ___ _...lldMta .... TRAVEL SHOP !'resident Pau l E:~:1of~~:!1at~~~~::~i~~ ~t u~}~~~~~~e:r~!~~;~:~:!;hs: In ~eull store ~~f~~~ _•;:n:~:rn:~:~ ;~; As~· 9:k!i:Sm;..~~ i.::~~ic!h"e!~o!n'f~~~~;:~~e: ror~ii,nft:~~~~cS.:~~;~r~hc rin~t administntion. psycholosy and education m-.~Grs for career office opportunities in thcforest.SC,f'tli«. Monday Nov. 18 9 a.m. to 4 p .m.• Employers Insurance of ~:::::~~~ill rcc11.1it all majors intcratcd in Clln:er opportunitica> in deo:.hiun of the st1dium Cinema Arts 19. 9 a.m. to 4 _p.m., Blue CrOSlS Insurance. Milwaukee. will JJ)<"ak with aU in Medicaii Murancc Will Feature opportunities. int::~:s!~,t ~~;.;.1~;,~-~~~n~~~~;;,~!~t~n~~~~~:~~~";i~~~ Canadian Film T~sd.:ly No~. ~sintctc!i!ed Fra~~:~:lif::~ ~~il ~.,!~~· ~-~h4afJ·~~n~:r;,0~0~~;~~:~~: :~t';'ri;::~~at~n~a=:o;~;,~~~~~~-~~~'!n~~~ ;~~~~~r :'a~~~ c~mieal rompanin. Thursday Nov. 2 1,9 a.m. to 4 p.m.• Northwestern Mutual life IMurance Comp~ny Milwaukee. Wisconsin will speak with busin.t" economics. political scicnct. history and other m~jors ~bout offi~ a nd manacrment (no salts) positions in the ~doninist r1t ion. Milwaukrehomeoffi~. ln~~~'::c~~!om~~;y. :\:~d!,~:'::m1 ~t:rv~:~-~~~~:~;':~':~!,:S~~~ui~ manacemrnt positions. 9 a,m. to 4 p.m., The WiKoosin Stair ~~ales wor ~ lc~di~~&tosalrs ~ l~~~;rg~~~~';!i:Cd:~~!;~~~:~~~~l ~~~~:~:i~i~s~ajors int rn:sted in The l'bco:rnent Centtr las n:ccntly n:crived notices of summer opo:ninp In llo tcl Work in San Francisco for a ll years and majors. Stop in at 056 ~bin for further infou.,ation about this ~u·a tion sum m~r ~:mploynwnl . Also. a lintitr d numb<'r of I 969 ep'k" Plf£Sm<jO! Mnllali have for fret distribution to cndult in& seniors. ~nivtd SCII IOIJ!J!. f.!) INTERVIEWS- .K!..!.Q2.I.S_ Nu v. 6 ; Thr(c Uku So:hools, Three Lakes, WbcolUln. 11 a.m. to • No. I. F.ld10. Wisconsin II 4p.m. Junioor lliih andSi~th Grlolk. Nov. 7 : Ekho Juint School Di~rkt 1 .111. to 4 p.m. !lome f.~onomics. ~n::vbi:~t~:~:=~kcc l'uhltc Schools· 9 a.m. to 1: 30 p.m. All Jndn Nov. II ; Wild Root l'ublic Schools· I p.m. to 5 p.m. Art. This positionindudcsclemcntary art suP<""'isor. · Nov. I ! ; Rothschild·Sehof~tkl Arn Schools·'} a.m. to 4 p.nt. Elementary. Bbck Earth·Muonunir Public Schools · 10 ~.m. to ! p.111. l'rintary Gralks. Athnsaw Public Schools, Arkansaw. Wisl:o nsin • 2 p.m. to4 p.m. Music. C.E.S.A. AIC!IC)' No. 3. Gilkttc, Wl$1:oosin · IOa.m. to I p.n1. Speech PJtholo&r ~nd Al.ldloloay. Nov. 13 ; Mosinrc Schools· 9un. to 4 p.m. Gr~Uc .l: l~km. Phy Ed. Gr. 1-6. Nov. 14 ; New Berlin Public .SC,hools-1 p.m. to4:30 p.m. Pri~rn~ry and l~k'mcntary. Nov. 15: o~nard Ekn~tnllry Schoob. o~ nard . California . '} ~.m. to 4; 30 p.m. Kinderprten : Grldts I throu11h Grade 6: 7th Gralk' t.bth: SthGIIdcMath. An in1partan1 merl lt\1 o f all Colkcs o( fdugHon tcniors is schtduled for Tuesday Nov. 12 •t 6:30 p.n•. in Room ps Cbwoom Center. hoccduns and paUcle5 rclati!lltO plao:cmcnt will ~ails cxpllinc:d ~tthisnltCiin&will aaistscnioisin t ho:irdforts toobLainatuchin&posit ion. COl\IPLETE SCHOOL NEEDS Auoll Fnam laklwln HoA Please ..........Go Away! Sena t e lnte~tcd with a ll majoiS UNIVERSITY STORE 1 ~ecogmt1on. ~~c~~~ .sP<"ak EMMON'S ~dco::,"t!lf' fif~t:;r,~n~~~~· Sy11tem, RMIC in writin11 not btcr than Oct . 3 1,1968.why he Senate. Schilli!li nid he felt t he Senate should not have demanded a reply but rather :~~si~~t~ d:'~~~~~~·b..~~a;~ f~c7J::;~~i~:hca':!~~:e,!"'C~~ of the Boar s resolution r~l~t~on.S)eln6a\e Wllh Socul Sccunty. ~.9a.m. to 4 p.m.• A.O.SmithCo rporation of Milwaukee. will interview all hnu.ary cnduatcs for pasition5 in their Ibta Procc~inl l)ivision in Milwaukee, M:UoiS in busineS& b<.-cn merely t r.:hnical advisors. lie J.aid he greatly reaRt• th•· N.Y. Pianist Will Present Arts Concert 1nterp~tahons ~~·:::,~!c th~ir!~~~~n.t ottcP~S~ ~ N~~j Governme nt ~~~J~~~~:nt:u:~=~..:r ~:: diu&rcts ,.,·ith t h•· cwalation o f t he warin~:enrral. l'hr &round n~hllnl! >l!ould b<.· " dOIK' b)" Ilk- A!lians,not our fmcu:" l>ahl t hen mainto in.tJ laird nc: vtr once vot ed ap1nst mnwru to financ.: tiM: wa.r 1nd c!aimeU " laird b U••finitdy ha.,.·kl$11.'" When a•t~dwhrrethrmoocy for new rrot:ranll "-uuk.l tJ., .;omlnJ from with Vietnam continu •lly ~hwrbins moo: funds, D1hiR~tcd an incn:as.c in Pianist TheodoiC Ullmann o f tueswasin ordcr.~l!hnuah the New York City will_,fRKnt a poot'"vu!dbcdeprivcd in the U.S. ~ird u id lh<" fund~ c~nnot ::,~~~1& T,':,~!,>"riun~~ i~ar~~~f be raliCd and so priorities must be set. prdcrabl~ on the lo<al theArtsand l etturuSerics. · St udents ma~ obtain tickets kvcL With time runnir11 out. the for t he 8 p .m. prosram by st<: ~rina tickets at th e ' q uC>IiOfl·ilniWCI J)<"riod WU CUI Inform• lion desk . in the· short and ~lrd ldt almo~t immcdiatdy whik Dahl 'II)'Cd University Center. Ullman Is 1 member o f the bthlndto trytoanJwcrfurthl'r tclthin&SUffat JuillianlSo;hool individutltjutstions. of Music In New York Cit~ and the winner of numuous 15. ~te~~~m~ll~0m:t~·;n~~~~cia~ Sf~~~ Thr tv.·o candidates for th.: llo'hik Lainlnuintains he is » SC"\"tnth ooncrc~ional district friend of b bor. 78 o ut of the s-cat , Melvin !..and and l courd lnt U timC"J he Ius VOJOO Dahl. debate<! in the Cl..woom apiMt kJHbtion b~orahlr to CentN list Thuuday. O:lhl'l ·1~11or . dfort in t he dcb.atr fell short, laird then took the stand for ho,.,·uer . as Laird ,.,.s ll."<"lectn.! a t v.·o minutr 1\"buttal. durina to tht Ho use on Tundat. which time he drfenUtd his After a mngrr appl~ux and a •·otin& record and maintained fr w introductory remarks by th<" bills he ~pansorcd wen: more !'resident l>rcyfus. incumbent bcndic~l to the Wisconsin Jl. cp ub!i u n laird w u vo ters. inti'Odua:d by mO<Jcntor Stnr Then the ~nel .nembeiS Jim Madson. • Mcnzrl, l>ian.t S..:hmahl. Mit~ Laird spent most of his tin1r thr prr and b et Newman listina the .:ommitttes. offices qucniooed llird andi>.Jhl.aftcr and awards he las bern 1!-iv~n which qucstioM hom the Ooor since beJinnina his career in ,.·crthcard . pOlit ics. This quntion-aru;11·cr ~riod Only 11 • the close of h11 became: little mon: than a allotled timcdidhesp.:ak about 'IUibblcbetv.·eenUirdand tnhl c~m:nt le,Wation b)" Udrndin1 ~bout l~ird"s constant n·frr,·n~'<' his vot in& apinst the s-chool to leiters and tckpams from · ••frknds" (who turned uuttobo.lunchprOV1'm. Da hI . the Democratic appoin~ces of !'resident Johnson. ch~l!tniJCT , took the sprakefs Laird ,.·as tb~n askctl wbct h~r pOsition and lnhcd o ut ~I Laird he fell that th<.·rc lu.J b.:.:n'any daiminJ Laird has definitely misukcs malk m the area of crc:ued a "crcdibilityppinthl' forci11n polif;y. l airll believed a s.cvrnthdistrict." "'"take had bo:cn made and h•· Thciuueofthisclection is rcpettcdthatl'rclldrntJohnsou .. production !lan~rd5. ln m~.ny o fthescrountrirs, handllbor and primitive tools. an: the only mnns availab le for nop produd ion. will tallr; with all majors interested in career opportunities in Sooutin&. ~ Dahl Battles laird a::: Over Laird's Stand :~!~~:~~;;;~;t;·.:::h;~~ti:~:~)';;,::::~::· 1 .. resoluti.o n, stated t~e prucntcd Sept. }~~~t: ;·~;:!:~~~If i",b~untt~~ lu*~:~~ro~:;'~r~~~::.n:~lp.m.• ThfBoyScouh otAmcriu ~c,<:~!";_ !~ou~Jui!'~., sl~~ oppon~nlucs cons t i tu en t s. diffen:ntly B1 DIV~ BIUR\IM ~. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m .• Standard Ojl DjyQjoo or ~'Will 1pcak with businea 1dministntlon, CCOIIOmiU, and o t her mt,jors intc~tcd in employmtnl wjth one o f America's JURIS lEONARD, The "Repvblicon !enoToriol chollenger. who wos defeated in Tuesdoy"s election, spoke or o dcbore with DcmO<rotic incumbenT, Goylo•d ~el· son loll Thursdoy. (Photo b y Sob Holden) Ba X te' r o• . ISC U sse S ~:~·~·~it~iP~~tn~h~o~d~f~ Prob IemS In As .la ·-~~~::~h ~!~r;rr.:":in.~~~ • Or Johnson and .• .llowa rd Johnwn Comnny, Jot.;.:,::UN;!c:cJ::c;L will intcf'tliew business administration, home etonomlu and Olhcr ~jo: intc~tcd in career OppOrtunities in the food and rc!!aunnt K«hi'S itiCntiOillrid~botCJ111e In 196 1 Kodtl bo:~mr ).e'd o r the Party's C hl tt&o hedquarter•. ~nd in 1963 ~ wu tnoMf~n:d to the NJ~ional llea<lquart~n in Arlin&ton whtrt hr t.ea nJ.tNIIionai.SC,cn:t:uyof tl.ePuty. ~oehl becu ne Nuio~l leader of tilt N~tion1l Sociltist White People's Puty followina t ~ a!.$;11o5ination of Comm,nder Roch•dl on Aus . 2S. 1967. Koehl is thr editor of tilt Nui n.twspaJ)<"r'"WhitcPo... t r!"" ld be Oclobt:YJ:i::': : : and no adc by ~:~~~'fP:Zd0uthe Se~tc has ;..- -ft";..;;.t_,., ~~;!~!~~t~:n·wi~t!.e~~ .,e~:n·~:ln:b:':n~~~~~::} :'~~nt 0~n::efl:~';.lu~~~ sJi :!:~~t~~~~~~~e ~~:~ ':f.e~~~! mo~::;d~;;ra',or\ a .m. to 4 p.m., Or1ho Phlrmaqutjul ::~n~~:i~~ ,c~p~=~~'Os0!r~~ 5\u~d=~t-F':cn;:~t;' A~~~,~~~ ancl'llkd the public Khooli thnc and lludicd at t he University of Wiloonsin in a member. McPhee Fails To Reply To Senate Resolution The BRAT BARN T.hc Wisconsin Room will I.e the .~ttnc: of "Nobody Wavl"t! Goodbye", a Canadian film, s.cbcduled to be shown on Nov. 13 and 14 at7 p.m. u p~rt of t hcCin.tmaArUSerin. ,...J~~r~~~r~o~~~~ i~,~~r ':i~~ Julie who arc caught lfl the problems of youth in conflict with the ~tandanlii of thfir and t!Dt ofmiddlt·dass co~~!tr~in& to Schilli/11 the ~.':~~.:.' pn:fciSa multi·purpasc M K • H d5 ( a 19 ea PI ann1ng ' · G roup Of New Center 1-'residcnt l ee Dleyfus hu appo i n t rd Richard . ~~c:KaiJ; l>iJcctorofStudent Acllvtllcs,as head o f the Univrnity Center l'rogramCommill«. This o:ommiltce has been ors~n izcd t o formulate ~ procnm uate'ment f~r .•n a dd i t ion to t he Un•versttY Center. O ther members on the comm i tt ee include iitudcnts l' ~ tricia Abraham. J ames l'etcrs.on and Robert Schrank. William llanford and Don fk:nz have been a ppointed to rtprcs.cnt t hefaculty. Reprt$Cntinsthealumnion thcpand isRobert Worth. MembeiS of the Ca mpus Phnnina oHice on the committee include Ray Specht and Carolyn Sands. Ronald t!atchct, BIMIStcincr. llermic West , Ray Konkol. Oon llosic and Robtrt Busch, members o f tl.e Univtrsity Center st~lf. ha.-c also been namcd to theiitaff. St ~dcnu. faculty and suff arc UIJ~d to submit t he iJ ideu and sua~stlons tothiliplannins 1roup. . .- - - - -. . . . . Noverm. 7 1968 Pago7 THE POINTER · Noble Will Conduct . 1• ~· Oui.dAou t , ~ WSU Choral Clime ''""'c..,... · Last week the Tekcs held 1 paper drive In Wisconsin R1pids. Delta lela On TuoeWay, Oct. 29, Dclt1 Zeu sluffed envdoped for Tuberculosis Chriscmu Seal .dri>·e in Porucc= county. Il ls an annual projectof thechapter. OnThurllltyarushpartywas held at 102 Odord Apa.rtments · The fall pkdge cWs now hai t ...·o new members. Joini11,1 the other ten are: Nancy beecr R~elne, and Diane Pcttt~' W~usa11. They were initi1ted o~ Monday,Nov. 4. The DZ's are busy plannlllf: nuny 1etivities for the rtst of the Kmestcr. A pledtc..ctive date puty U one of the many ~ctivitiu pbnned in the near futllre. lhela Phi Alpha Theil Phi Alpha had a cct-tosether wilh lXIII Zeu 11 . the oofi'Ce shop, "The Eternal llunt oftheSunonWedrKIIIIy. ~t·~~~~he f:u'U~l~n::~ difficulties ~de the project impossible. A pa.rty wu lltld at Suo: EichstKdt'shouseonTIIur5day, Oct. Jl. Tbere WI$ I xanor, apple: bobbin& and .sin&i"i. Cindy Skerbc:ck was 111cdit~tor for the and Yvonne lbnmann tnd Suoe Eichstatdt """"« IHn" lhc~irits. Y von n c H 1 n mann reprewntell Theta Phi Alpha ~I the installation of Delta Si,ma Phi ts 1 chapter last W«kend. Jim F!Ofiano, pmident of Si&ma PhiEpsilonwtsher escort. Alpha Phi Alpha Sigma Alpha Alpllt Siplt Alpha has twelve &irb eliPble for Who's Who in American Colksu. Pbns In: beina mtde for Vllious tctivitlc.s with this month's sister ~rarity, Dcht Zett. A KYCn week plcdcc period bc:pn Tuesday, Oct. 19. There tretwclve initiatedJirlsin faU'aple.JKeclus. A5 a sel'vke project , the Alpha Si&s an: collecti11,1 utdul lrtitleslnd pn1cs tobc:sent to the mentally hartdi..apped of Northern Colony in Chippew~ Fall$. Sigma Phi Epsilon Frid~y and Sat11rd1y the bn;'lhen of Siama Phi Epsilon CIIJoyed the llosp~tllity of their O$hkosll chapter. On Friday fli&httlley visited O$hkoslltoaetllcr. Sat11rday was spent mcetln&withovcr 200Si& Eps from Wiscon sin tnd ~licllipn. A J»~rty with the Oshkosh chapter o f Delta Zeta washeldonSaturdayfli&ht. The entire wec:ktrtd -s The hall eo11ncillw planned p~nMd in honor o( Founder's 1St. P.trlckslnydtncetobe Day,Nov. l. held won. New hoiUs for visitation. pa$$Cd to pkase more of the (:'!,~:.~~~:~:han bc:en use First floor is hnin& ••·elect i ons of h a ll representatives because 110me residents o f tbc Ooor are not r. Fraternity Seeks Pieces Sltisr~~:d. The snack Nr is open ICYcn dtysawcek. e1ec1~ ~~:~~~rf~,dr~~e ~= Of Literature pledae mutina. They are: Zehren: Sl&m• Tau Delta, honatary Linda Mille r : sll nd tidl chairman. JW Sharnbke: soc~! chairman. Cindy Van E1: aclivilin ch1irman, Karen Rtvus: chap!~. Ann Do~~&~as: and jr. Panllel l enic president, Rose fntemlty Is also k>oklna for vuioua pic~• of literature includlna poetry, dnma, novels tnd short atories fot a booklet. Those inttmted are to deposit their articles in Room Phi of the Month fat ho:r chairm. a n ah ip of t he llo ulihtn. AU an kles will be returned 1\ANSEN HALL =~::~:::~ K~':: :~~~~ ~anl*t~d fn~sr~lly~r\~n.lee~ A llaUoween dance wuhcid in the "cellu" of the haU with Nale Invited. Admilslonchvae wu one andy bar, to be&fven to needy ~hiklren. The buement wudecoratcd with corn stalb, pumpkins and pope! Urn~n. An inform~! hootenanny WliS held and'"Doc"Vitekplaycd Ills aui tu. Three lona playina alb11ms were raffled. The d~nl% Wll tCtmed I SIKUII b)' the interest shown and the "'Pr:d~tam~·!.:" !~';..,ph• ;~!~:s~he·~r::oo~oc·~~~u::~ hom~comman~t. c ;Ei:?N:::.:~.~{i~: 0IIoqulum . .w ....., ,... , ••,·'. · sur~~in.:!:eU~~t~~~i~~:~ne" ontllefron t lawnofoiUhaU IIu ~!~~~ci:~~.~n~1~ CoHee House of the hall that yur W"ll Feature· I lk ~.~d~!'':.anM~'iubc.!:rf:m ':t: Wastes .Ta .-· Siom• Pi S~m· ~mben PI will h•ft • "Hunter'• Party" with Alpha Phi 11010rity on Nov. 8 .c the bf'0111en hid a m~or WOlk party at the IIOUJe o n S.tiUday Nov. 2. Afterf.trdl 1 half-band party wu held t l Jordan Part. This yctr for Winter Carnival we htve esllb \ished I trk:harlmansllip. The three are: Tom .Siebotll, Mike D11rkln and HtnsPcauon. ::~d~~~d il:.r•" .,!~om:~~~ Gklu6emansand Leo Verh.a&en. {au Kappa Epsilon The Tekes clinched the o•crall fnr.tunity honeslloe championship Wednudty, Oct. be uxd to improve the dorm. Last yur aeneral landlcapina of the front J,awn and main entrance was started. "fhc,se impro~mcnts, with the rock, are to be dedieated in the memory of tbc two youna men on November l 7,1968,wltlltlle The Chemistry Colloquium wW be held Wednesday, Nov. 13, II 7:30 p.m. in Room A- Il l of the Science Buildi!IJ.. The featured speaker of the evc nina wiU be Dr. lrvina Pu rl o f the Institute of Ptpcr ~M- =~nt~d 0~ 1 d~~ f: : :~: entitled •.''·..~~A h.~~ ~~~••:~'!;.!~.•P.~ . ....... ,.., refrullmenll will foUow Dr. Prarl't prn enlttion. Everyoneilinl'ited. !~:J~~ti~~~~~~:-Y.f1~: Vets Meeting '"'m'~'"''· H Will Feature P"'"""'d ower 8us 1 Own Movies W "ll S I ponsor Thessove~sclubwillholda mcetilll 11 Ann Lyons at7:1S Fashion Show " of the Veil' hornecomina 1divities will be: shown with refreshments after. All mcmbcn: arc Ufled to t ttend tllis mectina. Will Discuss ~:J t::!'iif',O:~. :~~~~~~~~ Existentialism p~nts. The Pft wu returned to · ski~he Cho~.lsl?a~l'~Pr,~:oi; A lecture entitled "What is the Christian's Role In Civil Ri&hll" wiU be ptcsentcd tomorrow nl&ht 317:30 p.m. in theWrialltLoungc. Rcnrend J. P. Winston of Berrk:n Sprlna. Micll~n wtUbc: thcfeatu..,dspeakcr. "AU students and faculty are U!JediOIIICnd. • =.t::;,f;~:: ~~~ ~U::r. ~! main loun&c hu tlrndy been So me convern t ions on existe nt ltlism will brain Mond1y, Nov. l l ~I 7:30p.m. in the Eternal llunt o f the "S11n Cof fe e II o us e .~ ,The ~:~~io1~ud!~•.or.~ 11~o ~~~ townspeople. An outline and readilll list is available from Dr. Bailiff, 460 CC,Ext . 540. Enjoy the Elections Here; Our TV Set is out of order LITILE..JOE'S dedi~lled Bloudeman and lkrh.,en Loiii!JC In memory o1 Allen and Loo. BURROUCIIS HAU With homecomin& festi\lilies behind them, the men of Bunoi.lihs Htll are looldna for new a nd arntcr hei&htt. Thanks 10 t o W1yne Latson and Oaw Ludw\Jon the rmc:Job they did on plann!na or the ll• Tomorrow n!Jhtbq.insanew xrics of events fat lhe men o( Burrouchststhe lltll lpOmont nl"l"k dlte with the women of Delu ll IIIII . Mtt lene DombrowU.I, 111 18-yur-old freslun• n -dfromCrcenBay, wu cboten u thc ideal date of Delzell. Home Cooking. .lith Homemade Pies and STOP iu NOW for All These FALL Buys Cookies Admiral's House of Quality f It Pago 8 November 7 1968 THE POINTER Falcons Whip Pointers~ 20-0 Early Touch.d owns Spell Point Defeat ByTtmlaseb '1\'SU- kiver Falls oombined a from tllelt own JO to the Fakon :~:!::':~~tieorrd~'kn:ith.: l!~..~~~:~~~~~~ .!~ &,bMJ~~~ Aftn WeyenbWJ barely miaed defuted WSU:--Sttvtns Polnl in a eonfercnu dnh tnt S.uurday It Rinr Falls by 1 20.0 mn&in. Tht' lou dropped t he l'ointen' oo.·erall 5euon mark to ~.fl- 1 and 2-4·1 in ronfcren«: action. Ri>"i:r F~Us is now also !""· I in th~ \\'SUC but is 3·S·I overall. Q~lltrhad; JcrTy Trooicn c:onncetina wllh end Clareru:e V.' who was open In the rndzone, the Pointers IIMd up for a Pat Mcfaul f~ld 10&1 attempt. The pass from ctnter wu tow and Mcftul never aot a ch.ante to kkk u the Falcons smot hered his attempt tO lUI. T.llt turns tndcd punUI "'·as the key to t he F1kon utrfnW u lie mi~ed stron& tl\rOI.J.Ihout the remaind-er of the first ptriod and into t he ierond. After Brian · Krcibich's punt ulled into the Pointer cndtone, the Fakons JOt another bruk. After Fttiman picked up 1 firs t down, Wcyenbur& att~mptcd to pitchout to him on the out play. Freiman couldn't cont rol tiM: tcm and fumbled it, John Epn r~rowcrina for River F11Jutthc Point JJ. runnin&"'ithhisaccuratepasxs. II<' rompkt~d 9 of10 aeri3ls for tiM: afternoon. but on several othn 01...:a~ions his ~sso:s were drop('IL'dorb.>.tti)' O~<'tthrown to "'ide open rc~ivrrs. The l'orntcrs ustd Mike Weycnbulfl and Bob Main U <tUUt~rba~k and althouah the l'oint~A did mount several !.."!~~nt~l drives they could not thr~~~~rd~~~~~cn"!knc!ct~~ T"" Pointcn kicked off to Fakon~and ana\lcmptcdon tick •wnt out of bounds, Jivina Riwr Falls tllr ball on tiM:iro.,.a-IO,Trooicn LiiTedrd a bO-y;ud dnvc m 13 playsto&h'c tfl<, F•kons a kad they never the Sid( "'~~~~~~kin& up t,.·o fillt do..-n~ on t~ vound. Trooil:n toot to thcair and hit flanker Joe Rout who 101 to the Pointer 10 brfoR' b<'in&tacklcd. T"'·o play,; bier. Trooicn ro lkd out around his ldt end on a kcc~r anl.l behind a fine block went in to score from 1 th~ eight. John Cllahan·~ u tra point attempt wu widt but the fakons IQ'Olr: a 6.o lead with about nine mlnutu ld t in the I. o~niiiJ ~riod. Thc Point<'11IOOk th~ kld:off put IOJCiher a $1rDIIJ drive ~nd The sccond hJif was a l.lefenslve st ruule with neither tum able to dent the u:orina column. . ' The Point~l1 mounted a threat midway throU~hthe third quarter after Karl Kolodzik ::dr:: ~:~~~:·· la':~~n ,,~~ Freiman picked up a fiAt-down at t he ~s. but the Falcon defeRSCstiffencdandllcldon downsat thc2S. Kreibi~h 5Ct 1 conrerencc re~ord late In the third period by interccptina Main's piD and returnin& to the PolntJ2. 1t wu his IOthintcrccption ofthc~u· in ronferenccplay,bctterinathe old n1ark set by Falcon Ttd The remainder of the garne 5;1w only one more thrut after Tom Canol's intcr~ection pvc t he the Point 36. After Calahan pickfd uptwofilltdowns to thc IO, t hc Pointerdefen~Chcld and --~---------------- Pointers Entertain uoppedafakefir-ldaoalatt~mpt onfourth.down.· Pointer dcfcn5ivc Brnkcr intercepted pu. in the last 30 play and the pme playsl;r.tcr. back Mik<' a Trookn 5Cconds; o f ended two Ra,~tc in ~~~·uu mo u nted anothcrdrivelatein t hcthird qu.1rter. Wit h play nrlyin the finalperiod, t hcyrcachcdthe Falcon 19 before Main fumbled and t he ball w~s n:covcred for RinrFa lls. lntramt.Jral Press Box I By J ohnStcnal Baldwin 2nd East won th<' with Rouk who was all alone at the I S' and " 'c nt in to $eOre untouci'M:d. Calahan ronnttcd ~~~:m~,.~~~~P!ss;\:::·~~~ and River Falls kd ll.O. with total of 1345 feet, Mem!).cn of the ..-inninl team wctc l'cte 8:08lcftlnthchalf. The Falcons mounted t heir 1-ltnson, BiU Schwass. and John finai$COtilll drive in the ..,·aninJ Clark. Sims 1st North finished 1 distant Krond with 1296 feet. mos;:~t1i~:r :,~emhatl{;.ir own 48, Knutzc:n 4th Sout h wu third they !!rove S2 yards in 8 play$. and B.lrklwin lstl::~stw1s fourt h. Trooicn hit his fawrite tar&et, 'Phi Slama l::psllon won t he end Tim DeUwyer, for ' "'o frattrnitydivisionwit hatotalof succc.ssivc fii'SI downs at the 1~98feet. Poi91 32 and 19 yard li"", John Cbt k o f Baldwin 2nd res pect ively. After J elly Ealt wu t he hi&hest lndividU;tl Gl\lnewlld ran for 1 fust down with a total o f 493 feet . at the 9, Trooicn hit Harold Blank wrth a s.rorma toa. Cal1h.ans kick lncnued the Falcon adVantaet to 20.0 with j ust i : I Jkft ln t llch.alf. River FaUs outpined Su>1:ns Poit\t, 18 1-81 in tOial yards for the fii'SI half. · Cr11& Manln or Sims 4th ·~o~~v~1!r'hf8~"f::tt, PcS:rt~~ Baldwin 2nd Eut the lonp:st punt ol l6S feet, and Jim V1nderllcuVII of llanKn 2nd We~ lud the lonpt place kkk. 18 1 feet. llandballstarted this Tucsoby and tabk tennis will Rurt •ncx t week. Baldwin 2nd &st met Knutzen Jnl Wtst in tile horseshoe championship match on Tuesday. EntrK-s for the fttc throw contest arc due nc~t Monday, Nonmbcr II . lli l favorite tar&et is sophomore end Rkh SmiJiclskl, butthcreisasironasupportina cast ofluli'NckJGeor&eFaherty 1nd Dick llcm~land fullb:llck Paullcsbcrl('r. TJrcddcnK hasb<'ensu~rb for the Pionecn all year lona. They currently rank l ith in the n1tion's small colk&n for fewest yards per pme allowed on the ground,astin&YS4y•rdspcr coniC$\. The Uneis ancl)ored by tWO 247 pound tackles. Bob BerJWll and Glen Keppy. Ttrc WSU Harriers Finish Fifth In Conference By John Brmcnum The Pointcn CroAi Co untl)' ~_:J,,:"ffr~~tfn 't':!1 '=:::~n~ se a son de .spl t e t he ir inupcricncc, but u~dllfCI\ thinas nut yu.r rrorfl tcVeral lndivldul ls. mci!~~;~cr~:"'?n g:~~~:,~ do mination 0>1:1 the past few years hy finishin& rust with J6 points. . l.llt'rolllC wu followrd by 01-hkosh wit h SO, Whltt"watcr with 77. l'laUnille with 9J, Stevens Point with 104. Eau Cl~ir~ with 196, Rnoer 1-' alls with 206, Stout with 221 and Supcrktrwith 23 1. Tom llo ffman won the confeR'n.:e meet for t he third ~~O~b',1:' ~r:rfrma~~~~~: ·OPEN SATURDAY :!U:w:J by Rollic h hn'sof01hkoshand Rc~!';·~~fs~·rlar~o;:int was .Don H eu~ l. who fini1hed fourteent h. llctul's tlrnc wa. 2 1, whichwas hlsbc:st thisyur. T eamm ate Paul llaus Wit """"' · "'. " ,•• ,{0<~,.. Pot'nter Cafe ~~':'~ ~~~r:;!,:' ~l'Q';r.d'u•': f. • T e r ry A u1on10n fl n h'h ed twen t)'·fint. lnrryl Hawley . t went y-second, and John Dahlke thirly·first. C hulic Upt hi&JOVC and Wcnddl Kroc:p:r •bo competed f or the Pointer$. The Pointers bnt 1 JTCi t WATCHING A ST. NOiiERTS SOCCER PLAYER try In desperotio"n fo t top ike boll from goin"g out !of bounds is J ohn 8illings of WSU. WSU won the gome, 1.0 . tPhoto by Torn Kujowskil I At ...ulor Price ,...,._,loftollr \ e:,.,., Doy of the v-rt a.o!.ct ond PreuM 257 Divlal-!.. Ser..t • Acrou FI'Ofl'l NOfth P~l S~to,l"' Centet I lh~ "\IJ"il"'" S~U~ENT SENATE Health Insurance I ' 1'" Plan lnr;olled Slucl..,~ ~ ~p TWt Pldr IDENTIFICATION • f CARD ~f 9 o.m. to 4 p.m. Mondor Thrpvgh Fridoy 8etwMn the 1-i olm • I mssa-•- MBVIN L MKK INSUIANCl AOINCY ....,. lied: .,_.. " - ' LJIMw& ,_ fwther .......,..., aall 34445tt , j •. for at k'III,WO)'ellS.ThetqUid was dominated by frcsbmr:n t hit yur. Pointer t'oach Bob Bowen felt t llcy bad a very sueceaful d<.: thr l>o:\1 ~~~~" h.lthl >!ll.C\ 1/i>: " N c~-o IHu c~ .. r h~ r' ~<( . to,.'· ' ' \I • . ~ ~;~·~:~~n.~ ·~~r ,;~~·· ·:.~.~~ u~N.-· lnd\\td•ull~. lh•'l ~n· ~lt c~~··ll~nt flH•'I•r;•"~ .. n~ an,1 h~~rJ rt~)' "'uh the t~•t•· ·· r··~u•·hy wklorf1 from l h~rr ~~f~th ~ n•l ~ lt.K~I l>~lld · '"'l' rl~)'"~ n..,... "' h•Jhhtlhtt ~ m~IJ;;at "1rO~ro.td1' :·f~kl. nf H1~•·r .. ~ ~.);~·~~.~·~•. h~. ~~.j~~:~·~~:~ t·•cL4jOlJ'I•I'I>Jlli•M . r:....:J~';',.,~I; ..r,;;~;· ~~~~~{ I t~...~n•l \1~~-.. n il!u•'ibr,·~t..••n 1\1,·" ";- Jvhn th~ "~"'11!.1') ~·•~~<',t'~l ll"ul.<rl) v.dl • (!"" · ol lh•· J;rc~•c•t a•"'h to th•· "\l~"lut" ~; t.~~3~.t~~d';;r r~{t~r tho.• ""1111(>11)' ~~~~lnJ, "UI T~y're~t0 ~~! ~: H~._,', Ogoin Saturday, Nov.cmber 9 THE ·FABULOUS · new breed A g!;or~llcnnd Trtmtndous 11-Pi•c• Soul G; oup * Wh ere dsb but a t t11e P om· Ha us find t11cse three great groups in Sucd1:ssiion·