FRAME s. of Geodesy (TsNII GAiK ~ 13 I s of respect s .- e in camera shown to bring forth an ciency surveing and. photographic processing or in caee of equal efficiency an increase in accuraof t ights determination and resolution. However increase in camera frame size causes additional coneumpt of film, greater specific consumption of materials and energy, greater camera dimens and necessity to use carriers with high e 1. INTRODUCTION basic s prod cm size. are bas re- on reso ion of cae mera; 3) of air surveying that depends on proj ion a ts plane onto t The above features can be used to formulate two criteria comparison of different s frame. The two cameras surcamethe better ensures better productivity provided t ion resolut ) ) of 1-1 0 system, i.e. focal length, diameters of pupils and lenses, thickness of lenses and air gaps in proportion to changes of frame size but does not change angular parameters, such as angle of view and relative aperture. This transformation with respect to basic parameters of a camera can be expressed as - 11 c 1- = K ...._ - 2~ t = canst, f = cons t , (1 ) 10 Co where K is coefficient of increase in frame size (coefficient of proportionalitY)t c is camera focal length, 1 is a side of a frame (photograph), f is relative aperture denominator, 2~ is angle of view. Index "on in this (1) and other formulas means basic (18x18 cm) camera frame size, index "1 n referres to a camera with larger frame. Let us compare the cameras under study from the standpoint of the second criterion. Here we shall formulate two conditions. The first one lies in the fact that elements of resolution t:,. ensured by both cameras remain the same, i. e. relation between volumes of field and. office interpretation do not change. This condition is characteristic of planimetry updating; the following expression holds true for the condition: ~1 =~o (2) The second condition is characteristic of map production. It lies in the fact that equality in errors of terrain heights determination ~ holds true for both cameras: (3 ) 2. COMPARISON OF CAMERAS WITH RESPECT TO THE IMAGE QUALITY Let us compare two cameras from the standpoint of the first cond.ition. Here we shall use a well-known formula M .6= 2Rq where R is practical image resolution obtained flight condition, M is numerical photographic scale denominator, q is constant coefficient when two cameras are compared; this coefficient dependson contrast of terrain elements. Let us ooe the expression (4) to write down the following: where a,1 is coefficient of relative change of quality of large ....size photograph. After taking into consideration (2), we shall obtain ratio of numerical photographic scale denominators which ensure equal resolution of cameras, i.e. Mo M1 :;; a 1 as well a.s ratio of surveying 1... 18 H~ i.e. (6 ) As is known, projection of stereopair's plane onto terrain is expressed by 2 2 (7 ) S = (1-P )·(1-P )·l·M x Y where P and P are constant coefficients of photographs' lateralxand lon~tudinal overlaps. An increase in productivity can be written as a relation which, after allowing for (1), (5) takes the following form: :~ = r !1)2 (8) The expressions (6) and (8) show that if a ==K, i.e. resolution of a large-size aerial photograph decrJased by a factor of K and., consequently, angular resolution did not change, then under the conditions given in (2) the altitude of air surveying carried out with a large frame size camera cannot be increased, hence there will be no increase in productiv1t~ On the oontrary, if a =1, i.e. resolution of a large-size photograph did not ch;Jge and angular resolution increased by a factor of2 K, then altitude of aerial surveying would. increase as K • The latter case corresponds, according to (5), to aerial surveying at the same scales made with two cameras comparison i. e. !VI == M1 .. It appears from the above that numerical value for an i~.provement in productivity can be fa ..... und. by d.etermining the factors that raise angular resolution as eamera frame size is increased.. The resolution of an aerial photograph as is known, is mainly due to the following components: 1. Resolution of lens R , which depends on quality of aberration correction only. °It is known from the theory of optics that proportional changes of all parameters of a lens do not bring Ch. anges in angular resolution.fBY expressing coefficient a10 in ~erms of angular resolution i. namely a10; r~ K, we can find out that in this case 2. Resolution that depends on image motion RIIf. Let us use a well-known expression for a resolution elemen~ in an image Ow which is caused by image motion 8=~ , w M and accept that values of W (speed of a carrier) and t (time of exposure) are constant. So we can write down the following relation: 01w H 81 . = ~ = K· -!!Q ; W 00w H1 1. . 19 are ame, (10 same 3. us (11 ) ) s are const f cameras (12 ) = 1 we can a 1 S R ::: 1 = , + 1 + + 1 we g ::: , one may elements e down ing + :::: ::: (go + 6f + + (13 ) + + (14) cons ::: (5 ) ::: W t const we shall obt (15) addit to the above expressions, let us present formu(omitting their derivation) that determine relation bet~ ween general number of aerial photographs nand ight s ne which are to an assigned area (16 ) no (17 ) [1 ] ) (18) where area of film re a E area of t we take parameters of AFAas • The camera rom focal 1000 field. of tographic were employ- view image ad to ~re .members ~lements which Of ::: 0,00217; cid == 0,005 23x23 cm and cameras. The resul ing coefficients of were correspondingly the following: • we obt from (15) that 1,063 • JOx30 em frame proportional K 21 == 1, ; 1, 1 aBel to survey an assi- parameters camera. are given formulas (8,1 respect to e 1. The ers in chan- e 1: ged Frame cm M1 Mo S1 - s;- 0, 0, ° 3 Ox: 3 from 1,20 1,.44 1,45 2,10 1, n -no - ~ 0,69 0,48 0,83 0,69 1,13 1,33 from 18x18 em 1 E1 ne 1 neo 1 23x23 em frame size has the following effects on the process of planimetry revision : when surveying the same area of terrain (resolution of the two cameras is the same) the scale of aerial photograph will be larger by 6% and altitud.e of survelng can be increased by 20%. The latter raises produotivity by approximately 40% hence the number of aerial photographs decreases by 30% and number of flight strips as well as fuel and lubricants consumption decreases by 17%. However consumption of aerial film increases by 13%. In case of transition to 30x)O em frame size the above mentioned showings increase, correspondingIy,by 13, 45, 110, 52 and 31%. Consumption of aerial film increases by 33%. 3. COMPARISON OF CAMERAS WITH RESPECT TO THEIR MEASURING QUALITY Let us compare two cameras from the standpoint of the second condition. Here we shall use the following formula: , (19 ) where m6 is error of horizontal parallaxes difference determination. P Just like in the previous section let us 'Write the relation; mh1 mAp1 M1 M1 :: :: - - s M 2 m M llbo ApO -- 0 0 After taking into account (3 ) we obtain that -M1 Mo ~ So :: 8 :: (20) 2 (~t and by analogy with the previous s K = -, (21 ) ion E1· T = a 2 2 (22 ) The expression (21) is similar to the formula (8), but in the first case coefficient 81 depends on resolution and. in the second, case it depends on both resolution and metric accuracy of photographic image. That is why just like in the previous case, if a2 = K, i.e. if all linear errors increase proportionally with increase in frame size or if their angular errors remained unchanged, then increase in frame size does not bring forth raise in productivity. However if a2 = 1, i.e. all linear errors of a photographic image remain unchanged,or their angular error 2 d.ecreases by a factor of K , then productivity raises as K • It is known that the main components that influence accuracy of mL\ on (mP value determination are: error due to lens distQ.rti), error due to non-flatness of filter surface ( rnA ft~r error due to atmospheric refraction ( m~pa ), error due P to non-flatness of film surface ( m,6 n ), error due to casual deformation of aerial film (m~PdP ), error of measuring images with a photogrammetric "instrument ( mA i)' error of pointing and image points identification ( mt1pv)~ The first three factors are function of angular deviation of light beam. One may assume to a ien.t degree of accuracy that in the case of proportional transformation the total angular value of their errors is constant, hence m~pA1 = (23) K.m~pAo axes difference de- where m~ error of horizont terminati8A due to angular parameters m6pA ='\Im~pr + m~Pf + m!pa (24) Linear parameters of the three folloving factors do not change when camera frame size is increased thus their angular values decrease proportionally with K. Thus, for example,ca . . . eual deformation of aerial film does not depend on the size of the latter and systematic deformation is allowed for within sufficient degree of accuracy. Experience gained in the course of developing cameras with large frame size shows that to achieve flatness of aerial film surface it is necessary to make additional efforts to ensure that residual errors do not exceed those of cameras with 18x18 em frame size. As for the accuracy of measurements made with photogramrnetric instruments, it depends on the accuracy rating of the instruments, not on the size of a frame. Hence we may put down that m6pC :; where m.(.\ \jm' 6pn 2 2 2 + m.1pd + m.1pi (25 ) is error of horizontal parallaxes difference de- terminat~gR due to the factors linear values' of which remain constant when frame s is changed. As for the error of pointing and identification, it remains proportional to image resolution and contrast of the image paints under observatlon 1 (26 ) ml\pv ::: --qlr If we B,ssume the value of q constant, just like in the previous case, we may write dow~ m~pvo Thus the = = (27 ) e camera with can a camera smaller frame s ed as ) e, paramet remetera to taken e 2 10 :3 5 12 5 Using the data one can from and 1,1 Changes in init 18x18 em frame s las ( 16 , 17 ,20 . . . 22 ) t are 4 6 ) e 3. ented e 3: era s Frame s em 3 0, 3Ox30 O~ ,14 1, 1,31 0, 0, 1,25 1,6.3 0,61 0,78 1,71 16Ii