National Report
During 1976-1980, the photogrammetry and remote sensing have
unde~gone a rapid and permanent development in accordance to
the requirements of various scientific,technical and economic
fields of activity, aiming at achieving the national development programmes, as well.
During this period of time, the main activity concern is related to efforts made to improve and up-to-date automatic data
recording and processing and to enlarge applications of photogrammetry and remote sensing, particularly, in various economic fields of activity.
The Romanian Committee for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
has contributed to establish trends concerning scientific
research activity,to develop proper technology and to educate
and train specialists.
The most important achievements of the photogrammetry and remote sensing field of activity during 1976-1980, are further
presented, considering the seven technical commissiomeof the
Romanian Committee for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Some studies and experiments, concerning aerial camera calibration, the best development conditions, quality improvement
of aerial images used in photogrammetry and remote sensing
have been made.Colour conventional and infrared aerial photography technologies, proper to our country conditions, have
been established. Aerial photograPh1has been largely used to
monitor floods. Recurrent aerial photography has been used to
study excess moisture lands and the secondary effects of lal!ge
irrigation and drainage systems.
Concurrently with analytical equipment endowment of the photogrammetric activity units the automatic data measuring and
processing methods have been improved; photogxammetric equipment testing works have been further achieved;studies to establish development rate of the photogl!ammetric equipment have
been carried on; some simple instruments used in topographic
map updating have been impl!oved;new instruments to be used in
the above mentioned works are underway; experiments regal!ding
the use in production of some plastic and photosensitive materials, to be made in our country, are completed.
Analytical aerial ~riangulation is mainly used in control network establishment, without exception, in order to compile topographic maps; premarking of points of minor control used in
aerial triangulation has been completed; Romanian Felix C-256
computer-assisted programmes used in all photogrammetric activity units have been achieved.
Technological process used in aerial photograph analytical
evaluation, aimed at cadastral map compilation, especially in
town mapping, has been improved; possibilities to set up integrated systems for aerial photograph evaluation, using analogical and analytical equipment, computer and plotter, to be
found in all photogrammetric activity units,are investigated;
conversion programmes to transfer data between Felix C - 256
computer and plotter computer have been derived; these programmes are used to call data from geodetic data bank methods
to up-to-date topographic and cadastral maps, using aerial
photograph evaluation in proper photogrammetric equipment have
been achieved; digital terrain models used in land reclamation
works have been tested.
Studies to establish methods used to control ground and underground minings, aiming at excavation and heap of debris eva luations to control earth crust movements and their material
damages have been achieved;investigations re~rding behaviour
of buildings, harbour works and transportation in special
conditions, using photogrammetric methods, have been carried
on; anthropometric studies, using bio-stereophotogrammetry,
have been made.
Besides secondary and higher education aimed at training specialists, we must mentione some training courses for graduated
engineers and candidates for a doctor degree's and their ~se~
Applicattve researches to set up and introduce new methods,
equipment, technologies, products, as well as,to enlarge photogrammetry and especially remote sensing applications are to be
emphasized. Books, dictionaries, scientific works, which are
the object of the special - subject national bibliography,bave
been published.
Besides studies aimed at improving analogical and visual interpretation methods of aerial photographs and space images, we
must mention studies related to apply and set up programmes
and technologies used in automatic data processing and classification, employing the existing equipment. So, conventional
photog~ammetric equipment, Felix C-256 computer, and a plotter
have been investigated, in order to process, interpret and
display data automatically.
Afte~ studies, ~esea~ches and expe~imental works have been
accomplished, techniques ~elated to data inte~p~etation have
been used in various fields of activity: agriculture,forest~y,
geology, hyd~ology, environmental monitoring, archaeology,land
uses, topographic and thematic map compilation and updating,
[1] Albota,M. Remote Sensing and New Energetic Resources/English/ Presented paper III Congress for Cybernetics and
Systems, Bucure9ti 19?6, in Modern Trends in Cybernetics
and Systems, vol.II, Springer Ve~lag, Berlin,96?-969 P•
Albota,M. Short Ch~onological History of Photogrammetry/
English/ Invited paper XIII ISP Congress,Helsinki 19?6,
20 P•
[3] Albota,M. On a Remote Sensing Unit for Space and Aerial
Imagery Automatic Interpretation/Romanian/ Asupra or~niz&rii unei unitati de teledetec~ie pentru interpretarea automata a inregistrarilor spa~iale 9i aeriene,
Bucuref;'lti 19?7, Lucl!arile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion
de fotogrammet~ie, 138-145 p.,2 fig.,3 ref.
Albota,M. Extraterrestrial Space Investigations Using
Spacecraft Remote Sansors/Romanian/Cercetarea spatiului
extraterestru cu ajutorul sensorilor de teledetectie de
pe navele spa~iale, Bucure9ti 1979, Analele IGFCOT,ll9126 p.,6 fig.
[5] Albota,M. Aspects conce~nant le calibrage des enregistrements a~riens et spatiales de t~led,tection/French/Pre­
sented paper XIV ISP Congress, Hamburg 1980.
Albota,M.,Filotti,D.,Molea,o.,9alariu,I. Multilingual Dictionary of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartog~aphy/Eng­
lish , Romanian ,German,French,Russia:q,{Editura tehnica,
Bucure9ti 19?6, 327 P• 475o terms.
[?] Albota,M.,Popoiu,I. Satellite Imagery in Tourist Mapping/
English/ Presented paper ISP Commission VII Symposium,
F~eiburg 19?8, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing for Observation and Inventory of
Earth Resources and the Endangered Environment, vol.II,
1117-1122 P•t3 fig.
[s] Albota,M.,Rofi~ca,D. Establishment of the Hydro-Morphometric
Characteristics for Water Bodies,Using Photogrammetric
and Remote Sensing Recordings/English/ Presented paper
XIII ISP Congress, Helsinki 19?6,9 p.,5 fig.,3 ref.
[9] Albota,M.,Vass,G.,Ioanid,G. Topographic Content Investigation of Landsat Multispectral Images Classified and Displayed on a Plotter/English/ Presented paper XIV ISP
Congress, Hamburg 1980.
~~ Albota,M.,et al. ISP National Bibliographies,Photogrammetry and Photointe.x:p~etation/English/ Presented to XIII
ISP Cong~ess,Helsinki 19?6. Krakow 1976, Akademia Go~­
niczo~utnicza Im.Stanislawa Staszica, 208
~~ Anculete,G. ,Diaconesou,T.
A Methodology Used in Testing
and Calibrating Photogrammetric Came~as,Under No~mal
Work Conditions/English/ P~esented papa~ XIII ISP Cong~ess, Helsinki 1976, 6 p.,4 ~ef.
~2] Anculete ,G. ,Manolescu,c. ,Alexand.ru,A. Integl!al Stereocompa.rato.r Test Application, Using a Computer/Romanian/
Aplicarea testului integral pent.ru ste.reocomparatoa.re,
folosind calculato.rul electronic. Bucure9ti 197?,Luc.ra.rile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion de fotog.rammet.TJie,
48-58 p., 1 fig., 7 ref.
~3] Andrei,O. ,Coyovanu,E. S1nch.ronization Accu~acy Establishment in Space-Time Aerial Reco~dings /Romanian/Determina.rea p~eciziei de sinc.TJoniza.re in preluari fotog.rammet.rice spatio-tempo.rale. Bucure9ti 1977, Caiet de refe~ate, Aplicatii netopografice ale fotogrammetriei,
10 P•, 5 fig.
~4] Barba.J.ata,I. Photogrammetry Use in Deformation Assessement
/Romanian/ Folosirea forogrammetriei la determinarea
deformatiilor. Institutul de constructii Bucu.re9ti 1978,
25 p., Summary of thesis for doctor's degree.
~~ Barbalata,I. Analytical Photogrammetric Measurements Related to Hyperbolic Cooling Towers /English/ Presented
paper XIV ISP Congress, Hamburg 1980.
~6] Barba.J.ata,I. Analytical Photogrammetric Methods Use in
Resistance Structure Deformations Applied by Seismic
Strains /English/ Presented paper XIV ISP Congress,
Hamburg 1980.
~~ Breban,T. Variance and Covariance of the Relative OptioolMechanical Orientation in Series /Romanian/ Varianta 9i
covarianta orientarii relative optico-mecanice in serie.
Bucure9ti 1979, Analele IGFCOT, 79-91 p., 1 fig., 5 ref.
~~ Calist~u,v. Remote Sensing in Thematic Map Compilation
and Up-to-Dating/Romanian/ Intocmirea 9i tinerea la zi
a hartilor tematice folosind teledetectia. Institutul
de constructiil Buoure9ti 1979, 28 p., Summary of thesis fer doctor s degree.
~~ Calistru,V.,Oprescu,N. Regarding the Experience with
Drawing up by Remote Sensing of Thematic Maps in Supe~­
vised Regime , Especially in Deltaic Areas/English/P~e­
sented paper XIV ISP Congress, Hamburg 1980.
~~ Chitescu,M.,Comanescu,A. Ste~eophotog.rammetric Came~as in
Height Determination/Romanian/Tehnologii de luo~u p~i­
vind executarea de fotoelevatii cu camera ste~eofoto­
grammetrice.Bucure9ti 1977, CRF-Gomisia V, Caiet de .refe~ate,Aplica~ii netopografice ale fotogrammetriei, 14~
4 fig., 3 ref.
~~ Corcodel,G. A Complex P~ogramme Used to Assess Image
Quality in Photogrammetry/English/ Presented pape~ XII
ISP Oo.ng.ress,lielsinki 1976, 8 P•, 2 fig., 4 .ref.
Co.rcodel,G. Photog.rammet.ric P.rocess Optimizing Based on
P.rima.ry Info.rmation QUality. Cont.ributions to Image
Quality Assessement in Photog.rammet.ry/Romanian/ Optimiza.rea p.rocesului fotog.rammet.ric avind la baza calitatea info.rma~iei p.rima.re. Cont.ributii la studiul
problemei calitatii imaginii in fotogrammet.rie.Institutul de const.ruc~ii, Bucu.rer;;ti 1977 11 54 P•, Summary
of thesis fo.r doctor's deg.ree.
[23] Co.rcodel,G. Image Qualitr Prediction and Appraisal
C.rite.ria in Photog.rammet.ry/Romanian/ C.rite.riu ope.rativ de p.redictie 9i ap.reciere a calitatii imaginii in
fotogrammetrie, Bucu.rer;;ti 1979, Analele IGFCOT,67-73
p., 2 fig., 1 .ret.
Co.rcodel ,G. Die E.I!neuerung de.r g.rossmassta'bigen topo g.raphischen Ka.rten du.rch Digitalisie.rung/Ge.rman/P.resented paper XIV ISP Cong.ress, Hambu.rg 1980.
Corcodel,G.,Hanu,L. Prepa.ratory Wo.rk Automation in Photog.I!ammetric Processing/Romanian/ Automa tiza.I!ea luc.r&.I!ilo.I! pregatitoa.re pent.ru exploata.I!ea fotog.rammet.rica. Bucu.I!er;;ti 1977, Luc.I!&.I!ile celui de al IV-lea
Siropozion de fotog.I!ammetrie, 59-66 p., 5 fig.
Co.rcodel,G. ,Hanu,L. ,Lechkun,V. An Automated Data P.ro ceasing System fo.r Geodetic and Photogrammet.ric Wo.rks
/Romanian/ Un sistem de p.reluc.ra.I!e a datelo.r pent.ru
lucr&.I!i de geodezie r;;i fotog.rammetrie, Bucu.rer;;ti 1979,
Analele IGFCOT, 45-53 p., 6 fig.
[27] Co.rcodel,G.,Ionescu,I. Levelling D.rawing Automation
Using Data Obtained Afte.r Ter.rain Digitizing/Roman~
Automatiza.rea t.rasarii niv~ntului folosind date obtinute prin digitaliza.rea suprafetei terenului,Bucurer;;ti 1977, Lucrarile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion
de fotog.rammet.rie, 113-123 p., 2 fig., 7 .ref.
Corcodel,G.,Ionescu,I. Digital Te.r.rain in Levelling Plotting on La.I!ge Scale Topog.raphic Maps/English/P.resented pape.r XIV ISP Cong.ress, Hambu.rg 1980.
[29] Cotovanu,E. Photogrammet.ry in Building Defo.rmation Establishment/Romanian/ Dete.rminarea prin metoda fotogrammet.rica a deformatiilor constructiilor. Bucure~ti
1977, CRF-Gomisia V, Caiet de refe.rate,Aplicatii netopografice ale fotog.rammet.riei, 9 p., 6 fig.
Cotovanu,E .• ,And.rei,O. The Use of the Photogrammet.ric
Method to Establish Def·o.rmations of the Material
St.renght and Space-Time Measurements of Some Objects
in the Ape.riodical Movement/English/ Presented paper
XIII ISP Congress, Helsinki 1976, 14 p.,lO fig.,5 %ef.
Cotovanu,E.,Tolea,A. The Automatic P.rocess to Compile
and Draw'Transverse Profiles Using Photogrammet.ric
Methods/Romanian/Proces tehnologic automat de intocmire ~i desen a profilelor transversale prin metoda
fotogrammetrice. Bucurer;;ti 1977, Lucrarile celui de
al IV-lea Simpozion de
4 ref.
Testing, only with Height Beco~dings, and Carrying out
Electronic Computations/Romanian/ Testarea apa~atelo~
de stereo~estitu~ie topografica la care sa inregistreaza numai cote, ou efectuarea oalculelor la MEO,Bucuref}ti 1977, Luo.ra:cile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion de
fotogrammetrie, 33-38 p., 4 ref.
Dinesou,A. On Mi.r~on O~ientation in Cont~ol Points of
Remote Sensing Test Fields/Romanian/ Asupra o~ientarii
oglinzilo~-~epe~ din zonele test de teledetec~ie, Bucure9ti 1979, Analele IGFCOT, 127-131 p.,l fig.,2 ref.
Gutu,A. Checking, Rectifying and Testing Terrestrial
Plotter Measurement Accuracy/Romanian/ Verificarea,
reotificarea 9i testarea preciziei de masu~a~e a aparatelor de ~estitutie terestra, Bucure9ti 1977, CBF-Comisia V, Caiet de ~efe~ate,Aplica~ii netopog~afioe ale
fotogrammetriei, 43 p.,2o fig., 5 ref.
~5] Gu~u,A. Photogrammetry Use in Mineral Technology Studies
/Romania/ Aplicarea fotogrammetriei in studii tehnologice ale mineralelor utile. Bucu.re9ti 1977, CRF-Oom~
v, Caiet de referatelAplioa~ii netopografioe ale fotogrammetriei, lop., q fig., 6 ref.
Gu~u,A. ,Ra.dulescu,I.
Moir~ Method in Expe~imental Stooies
of Book Mechanics/Romanian/ Utiliza.rea prooedeului
moir4 in studiile experimentale de mecanica rocilor,
Buoure9ti 1977, CRF-Oomisia V, Caiet de referate~Apli­
catii netopog~afioe ale fotogrammet~iei,ll p.,3 fir•,
3 ref.
[37] Gutu,A.,Radulescu,D. Photogrammetric Meas~ements in
Ship Gyration Studies/English/ Presented paper XIVISP
Congress, Hamburg 1980.
~8] Ioanid,G.,Caplescu,L. Satellite Multispectral Image Analogical and Digital Processing Methods in Deriving
Eguidensities/Bomanian/ Prelucrarea imaginilor multispectrale din satelit prin extragerea de echidensita~~
pe cale analogioa 9i digitala, Bucure9ti 1977, Analele
IGFCOT, 99-lo7 p.,3 fig.
[39] Jalba,N., The Information Character of the Topographic,
Photogrammetric and Cartographic Activities/Romanian/
Caracterul informa~ional al activitatii topografice,
fotogrammetrice f}i oartografice,Bucuref}ti 197?,Luorarile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion de fotogrammetrie,
95-119 p., 3 fig., 5 ref.
Jalba,N. Accuracy - Efficiency Correlation,A Major Problem in Topographic Mapping, Using Photogrammetric
Methods/Romanian/ Corelatia preoizie-randament,problema esen~iala a p.roductiei de planu.ri 9i har~i prin metoda fotogrammetrice, Bucure~ti 1979, Analele IGFCOT,
53-67 p., 4 fig., 2 ref.
Marton,G.,Filotti,D.,Ghitau,D. Dictionary of Geodesy,
Photogrammetry - Remote Sensing and Cartography/German
-Romanian/Editura tehnica, Bucure9ti, 1980.
Marton,G.,Zegheru,N.,Petri9or,v. Algorithm and Aerial
Triangulation Ptogramme Concepts in Cadastral P~oto­
grammetric Surveyings/Romanian/Conceptia algoritmului
~i programului de aerotriangulatie pentru masuratori
fotogrammetrice cadastrale. Bucureeti 197?,Lucrarile
celui de al IV-lea Simpozion de fotogrammetrie, 67-78
p., 7
Mihaila,M.,Diaconescu,T. Trends and Directions within
the Photogrammetric Automation/Romanian/ Tendinte ei
orientari de automatizare in fotogrammetrie,Bucure9ti
19??, Lucrarile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion de fotogrammetrie, 18-32 p., 6 fig.
Negut,N• Digital Terrain Model in Land Reclamation W~ks
/English/ Ptesented paper XIII ISP Congress, Helsinki
19?6, 16 p., 9 fig., 8 ref.
Negut,N• A Standpoint Related to Digital Terrain Model
in Land Management Works/English/ Presented paper XIV
ISP Congress, Hamburg 1980.
Negut,N.,Balanescu,P., Technical Geologic Interpretation
of Earth Slide Phenomena/English/ Presented paper XIV
ISP Congress, Hamburg 1980.
Negut,N.,Mihai,G.,savulescu,c.,Taloescu,L. A Photogrammetric Approach in a Detailed Progressive Earth Erosion and Slide Study/English/ Presented paper XIV ISP
Congress, Hamburg 1980.
Photogrammetry and Topography in Level Reclamation and Hydroameliorative Works/Romanian/
Fotogrammetria 9i topografia in lucrarile de imbunatatiri funciare. Editura tehnica, Bucure9ti 1979, 366 p.,
23? fig., 139 ref.
Oprescu,N. Quelques observations at suggestions concernant la tel,detection; Quelques r'alisation dans le
sp,cifique des zones humides-d,ltaiques/French/Presented paper XIII ISP Congress, Helsinki 19?6, 12 p.,3
fig., 4 ref.
Automation in Photogrammetry Remote Sensing; Some Aspects of Technology
and Personnel Training/Romanian/ Automatizari in fotogrammetrie-teledetectie; unele implicatii in domeniul
tehnologic 9i al formarii-specializarii cadrelor,Bucure9ti 19?7, Lucrarile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion de
fotogrammetrie, 7-17 p., 2 fig., 6 ref.
Oprescu,N.,Mandescu,E. Resultats obtenus dans l 1 invantaire de rassources du bassin infarieura du Danube at
dans la Delta du Danube par t'ledetection;technolo~es
adapt,es au cas des moyans restraints - Proceedings of
an International Conference on Earth Observation from
Space and Management of Planetary Bessources,Toulouse
1978, 63-76 P•sl5 fig., 9 ~ef.
Op~escu,N.,Negut,N·Digital and Hyb~id Systems fo~ Photog~ammet~ic and Remote Sensing Developments and P~o ceasing/Romanian/ Configu~atii de sistema digitale 9i
hib~ide pent~u exp1oatari-p~eluc~ari fotog~ammet~ice
9i de te1edetectie. Bucu~e9ti 1977, Luc~arile ce1ui
deal IV-lea Simpozion de fotog~ammet~ie, 146-155 p.,
3 fig., 8 ~ef.
P8.du~aru,P., Vasilescu,I. ,Ale:x:a.nd~u,A. Test Application in
Precision Stereop1otte~s, Using FeliX C-256 Computer
/Romanian/ Aplica~ea testelor de i.nspectie pentru aparate1e de stereol!estitutie de p~ecizie folosind calculatorul Felix C-256, Bucure9ti 1977, Lucrarile ce1ui
deal IV-lea Simpozion de fotog~ammetrie, 39-47 p.,
5 ref.
[54] Petri9o~,v. A P~ogramme to Read and Decode Punched Tape~
Dil!~ectly Obtained in a Stecometer, Using Felix C-256
Computer/Romanian/ Program pentru citirea 9i decodifica~ea benzilo~ perforate obt1nute direct 1a stecometru
pe calculatorul FeliX C-256» Bucure9ti 1977,Lucrarile
celui de al IV-lea Simpozion de fotogrammetrie 89-94
p., 3 fig.
Rada,M. ,cochina,N. Archaeological Identification w:ith
Aerial Photographs/Romanian/ Identificare arheologica
cu ajutorul fotografiei aeriene, Bucure9ti 1979, Analela IGFCOT, 73-79 p., 3 fig., 1 ~ef.
Radu,s. Bio-technology and Necessity to Apply it 1n the
Study of Photogrammetrists Working Conditions/Romaniar¥
Ergonomia 9i necesitatea aplic~ii acesteia la studiul
muncii ope~atorilo~ fotogrammetri, Bucure9ti 1979,Analele IGFCOT, 91-99 p.,2 fig.,5 ref.
~7] R8ducanu,N. Contributions to Orthophotorectification/Romanian/ Cont~ibutii la problema o~tofotored~esarii.
Institutul de constructii, Bucure9ti 1976, 25 p.,8 fig,
48 ref., summary of thesis for docto~'s degree.
[58] RBducanu,N. Rema~ks on Photogrammetric Process Transposition on Holog~ams/Bnglish/ Presented paper XIV ISP
Congress, Hamburg 1980.
RBdulescu, D., A Digital Model for Nontopographical Surfaces/English/ Presented pape~ XIII ISP Cong~ess,Hel­
sinki 1976, 10 p.,5 fig., 7 ref.
~o] RBdulescu,n., Photogrammetric Measurement Methods Using
Models to Study Terrain Deformation/Romanian/ Tehno1ogii de lucru in masuratori fotogrammet~ice pe modele
pentru studiile de deformatie a terenului, Bucu~e9ti
1977, CRF-Gomisia V, Caiet de referate,Aplicatii netopografice ale fotogrammetriei, 8 p., 1 fig.
Ro9culet, D. Recursive Methods for the Simultaneous
Adjustment of Photogrammetric and Geodetic Observations in Analytical Aerot~iangulation/Eng1ish/Presen­
ted paper XIV ISP Cong~ess, Hamburg 1980.
Fo~est~y Photog~ammet~y/Romanian/ Fotog~ammet~w
forestie~a.Edit~a Ce~es,Bucu~e~ti 1978, 282 p.,l88
154 ~efe
Salariu,I. On Soiuz and Saliut Space Photog~aph O~ien' tations/Romanian/Despre o~ienta~ea fotografiilo~ preluate de pe nave spatiale de tipul Soiuz ~i Saliut/Bucure~ti
1979, Analele IGFCOT, 107-119 p.,4 fig.ll ref.
Turdeanu,I. Un proeM' de compensation en bloc des photogrammes a recouvrement simple, pour le cas des terrains plans/French/ Presented paper XIII ISP Congress,
Helsinki 1976, 5 p.,2 fig.
Turdeanu,L. Large Normal Equation System Development aDd
Solution in Block Adjustment of Photographs ,Having
Simple Overlap/Romanian/ Formarea ~i rezolvarea sistemelor de ecuatii normale de mari dimensiuni ~n oazul
oompensarii in bloc a fotogramelor cu acoperi~e simpla.
Bucure~ti 1977, Lucrarile celui de al IV-lea Simpozion
de fotogrammetrie, 79-88 p., 3 fig., 4 ref.
Turdeanu,L. Analytical Photogrammetry Applications Using
Computers.Photograph Block Planimetric A.djllstment
Having Simple Overlapping/Romanian/ Aplicat;ii. ale fotogrammetriei analitioe folosind oalculatoarele electronice. Compensarea planimetric& a blocurilor de fotog~ame cu aooperire simpla. Institutul de construot;i~
Bucure~ti 1978, 25 p., Summary of thesis for docto~ 9 s
Turdeanu,L. Block Adjustment of the Photogrammes with
Single Overlap/English/ Presented paper XIV ISP Con grass, Hambu~g 1980.
Turdeanu,L., 9a1ariu,I. Analytical Satellite Photograph
Rectifying!English/ Presented paper XIV ISP Congress,
Hamb~g 1980.
Tolea,A. Compilation and Drawing Cross Profiles/RomaniaooV
' Proces tehnologic de intocmire ~i desen a p~ofilelor
t~ansversale, Bucure~ti 1977, CRF-Comisia v, Oaiet de
referate,Aplioatii netopografice ale fotogrammetriei,
15 p., 6 fig., 3 ref.
Vlasov,c. Air Compres~ibility Effect on Aerial Photo grapby in Supersonic Height Speeds/Romanian/ Efeotul
compresibilitatii aerului in aerofotografierea la viteze de zbor supersonice, Bucure~ti, Buletinul inginerilor ~1 tehnicienilo~ militari, 2/1976, 51-62 p., 4
fig., 11 ref.
[7~ Zegheru,N. Land-Use Map Compilation Using the satellite
Images/English/ Presented paper ITO International
Symposium, Enschede 1976, 9 p., 3 fig.
[72] Zeghe~u,N. The Ae~ial T~iangulation Use in the Cadast»al
Su~veyings/English/ Presented paper XIII ISP Congress,
Helsinki 1976, 13 p., 4 fig., 7 ref.
[7~ Zegheru,N.
Automation in Photogrammetrio Cadastral
Surveyings/English/ Presented paper XIV ISP Congress,
Hamburg 1980.
[74] Zegheru,N. Remote Sensing in Map Compilation and Revi~
/English/ Presented paper XIV ISP Congress,Hamburg 1~
[7~ Zegheru,N.,A1bota,M. Introduction to Remote Sensing/Romanian/ Introducere in teledetectie.Editura ~tiintifi­
ca ~1 encic1opedica, Buoure$ti 1979, 366+48 p., 153
fig., 93 photo, 153 ref.
[7~ Zegheru,N.,Diaconescu,T.,Radu,s. 20 Year Activity in the
Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Cartography/Romanian/ Institutu1 de geodezie, fotogrammetrie, cartografie ~i organizarea teritoriu1ui 1a 20 de ani de activitate, Buoure~ti 1979, Ana1e1e IGFCOT, 9-17 p.,
3 fig.