MA 112C, Calculus 2, Winter, 1998-1999

MA 112C, Calculus 2, Winter, 1998-1999
5th Period
Crapo Hall, G-222
Instructor: R. G. Lautzenheiser
Office: Crapo Hall, G-309
Office Hours: Posted on my door
Telephone: ext 8394
Your numerical grade will be determined by the following parts of the
course listed below. Your letter grade will then be based on a scale very
close to the 90-80-70-60 scale. Plus (+) grades are often given as a reward
for doing better on the final than your numerical score would indicate (e.g.
your numerical score is 73 but your final exam score was 85% - probably
your letter grade would be C+).
I. Daily Homework (10 %). You will be assigned a few problems to be
turned in each day. These are to be turned in at the beginning of the class –
put them on a neat pile at the front of the classroom. Put your name and box
number in the upper right hand corner of the paper. My grader will count
and record the number of problems that you do. Your numerical score for
this part will be MAX{(T/(0.95*Total))*10,10}, where T is the number that
you do and Total is the total number assigned. ABSOLUTELY NO
you are unable to attend the class for some reason, you must make
arrangements to have someone turn in your homework.
II. Quizzes (10%). These will be graded. They will be announced,
unannounced, with Maple, or without Maple. Indeed, there may be short
quizzes over the assigned reading. Again, no MAKE-UP quizzes. I will do
the same thing as for the homework. That is, your numerical score for this
part will be MAX{(Q/(0.95*Total))*10,10}, where Q is your total quiz score
and Total is the total number of quiz points.
III. Integration Proficiency Quiz (10%). At some point, you will have 3
opportunities to get 6 or 7 out of 7 problems -- no partial credit and your
final score will be 0 or 7. At the beginning of the final exam, I will give you
3 more problems which will be graded with no partial credit, and you will
receive the remaining 0-3 percentage points.
IV. Exam 1 – December 17
Exam 2 – Around midterm
Exam 3 – Near the end of 9th week
These three exams will be worth 45%. I will count the largest score as 20%,
the next largest as 15%, and the lowest as 10%. (This is a good deal for the
student, isn’t it?)
V. Final Exam (25%)
Rules of the Classroom:
1) Everyone should be respectful of everyone else.
2) Please do not annoy me or others during the class period – e.g. reading
the thorn, finishing a paper for another class, talking continuously etc etc
3) Use of the laptop must be related to this class (e.g. working on the
worksheet of the day or a quiz…). Violating this policy (e.g. using mail
or the web or …) could result in being removed from my class roster. I
will certainly send a letter to your academic advisor and the dean. I will
simply not put up with anyone using the computer when an explanation is
taking place or when someone is answering a question.
4) Sometimes the homework for the next day (or days) may be posted early
in the week. You are not allowed to work on homework problems during
the class period. Homework problems are to done “at home”.
5) Always willing to add to the list….
If you do not think that you can abide by these rules, then please see the
mathematics chair as soon as possible about moving to another section.