MA 305, Advanced Calculus Fall, 1999-2000

MA 305, Advanced Calculus
Fall, 1999-2000
7th Period
Crapo Hall, G-310
Instructor: R. G. Lautzenheiser
Office: Crapo Hall, G-309
Telephone: ext 8394
Office Hours: Posted on my door
Your numerical grade will be determined by the different parts of the course
listed below. Your letter grade will then be based on a scale very close to
the 90-80-70-60 scale. Plus (+) grades are often given as a reward for doing
better on the final than your numerical score would indicate (e.g. your
numerical score is 73 but your final exam score was 85% - probably your
letter grade would be C+).
I. Daily Homework (12.5 %). The homework will be posted on our class
web page (from my personal web page, click on courses and then MA305
for the fall of 1999-2000). For the most part, the homework will not be
graded. I will simply keep track of the number of homework problems that
you turn in. Occasionally, I will grade a problem or two. Your numerical
score for this part will be MIN{(H/(0.90*Total))*12.5,12.5}, where H is
your homework grade and Total is the total number of homework points.
The homework is due at the beginning of the class period; use 8 ½ x 11
paper (color does not matter) and put your name, mailbox #, and assignment
# in the upper right hand corner. Absolutely no late homework will be
accepted!! Don’t even ask!!!
II. Quizzes (12.5 %). These will be graded. They may be short or long, with
Maple or without Maple, announced or unannounced, in-class or takehome,
individual or group. Indeed, there may be short quizzes over the assigned
reading. Your numerical score for this part will be
MIN{(Q/(0.95*Total))*12.5,12.5}, where Q is your total quiz score and
Total is the total number of quiz points. There will be no make-up quizzes.
III. Two In-Class Exams. Each will count 25%. Exam 1 will probably be
given during the 5th week and Exam 2 during the 9th week. I do not give
make-up exams.
IV. Final Exam (25%).
 I have no control over when the final exam is given. If you have a
conflict and I need to change the date of the MA305 exam for a particular
individual, the new date will be AFTER the scheduled date of the exam
for MA305.
 I do not accept any late homework. It is due at the beginning of class.
Note that I will use 90% of the total number of homework points to
determine your homework grade, so you can miss a few and there will be
no penalty.
 I do NOT give makeup quizzes or exams!!!! If you have a legitimate
excuse for missing a quiz or exam, I will give you the percentage that
you get on the final exam as the makeup score.
Classroom Rules
1) Everyone should be respectful of everyone else.
2) Attendance: I expect you to be in class (and not late). Please see Rose’s
policy on absences.
3) Please do not annoy me or others during the class period – e.g. reading
the thorn, finishing a paper for another class, talking continuously etc etc
4) Use of the laptop must be related to this class (e.g. working on the
worksheet of the day or a quiz…). Each violation of this will result in an
automatic loss of one letter grade for the course. I simply do not put up
with anyone using the computer when an explanation is taking place or
when someone is answering a question.
5) Unless I give you permission, you are not allowed to connect your laptop
to the network. Most of the Maple documents that we will be using are
in a directory which you should download to your hard drive.
6) In fact, there will be many days when we do not use the computer. I will
try to let you know via our class web site which days you need your
7) Always willing to add more…..