The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Program for the Development of University Personnel DO NOT FILL IN File Number ____ 2016-2017 SABBATICAL COVER SHEET DATE OF APPLICATION: 9/23/2015 TITLE OF PROPOSED PROJECT OR STUDY: Cuckoldry in urban Cooper's Hawks in British Columbia. SUBMITTED BY: Robert N. Rosenfield UWSP ID#: DEPARTMENT OR OFFICE: Biology PHONE NUMBER: 346-4255 COLLEGE, SCHOOL OR ADMINISTRATIVE AREA: letters and Science PROJECTED FUNDING DATE: (check one, please explain any contingencies) 181 Fall semester (full time) D Spring semester (full time) D Academic Year (65% compensation) Contingencies: N/A THE APPLICANT FOR A SABBATICAL JS A (please check all those which are appropriate) D Member of an Ethnic Minority D Woman HAS APPLICANT PREVIOUSLY HAD A SABBATICAL? 181 Yes D No Title: Ecology of dispersal behavior In North American populations of Year: 2004 Cooper's Hawks Results: (limit to a paragraph) Sabbatical leave resulted in 7 peer-refereed publications on Cooper's Hawks with me as senior author, including "Variation in reproductive indices in three populations of Cooper's Hawks" (Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119), "Comparative morphology among northern populations of breeding Cooper's Hawks" (Condor 112), "Close inbreeding and related observations in Cooper's Hawks" (Journal of Raptor Research 41), and "Genetic analysis confirms first record of polygyny in Cooper's Hawks" (Jour: al of Raptor Research 41). {L,J Applicant Signature: -------=--- Date: 9/23/2015