Summer Europe 2 - 23 July 2016 European Union: Conflict,

2 - 23 July 2016
(approximate dates)
European Union: Conflict,
Cooperation, Integration
Program Highlights
Available at the
Office of International Education
(108 CCC) or printed at
Get an intensive, firsthand experience of Europe! What makes
the European model different from the U.S. model in world
politics and the global economy? This course-on-the-continent
will examine historic sites, museums, businesses and institutions
that illustrate Europe’s intense conflicts within its own borders, as
well as the steady growth of a common European identity. The
program includes lectures on and tours of important institutions
of the European Union (EU) as well.
Deadline extended to February 15!
Open to students in all majors with a minimum 2.50 cumulative
GPA. Students from other universities are welcome to apply.
Academic Leader
Professor Rueb regularly teaches courses in Leadership,
Cognitive Psychology, Statistics, and Industrial/
Organizational Psychology. He has led study abroad
programs for semesters in London as well as continental
study tours.
Dr. Justin Rueb
Professor of Psychology
Room D240 SCI
Important Information
More information online at:
Credits: 3
All participants are in enrolled in one of the following course options:
INTL 381 - Culture and Civilization: Europe (GEP:HU); PSYC 395 - Selected
Topics in Psychology: European History of Psychology; or PSYC 490
- Seminar: Topics in Psychology, subtitle: Understanding Leadership:
European Focus (GEP: Capstone Experience and Communication in
the Major for Psychology). Graduate credit is possible and would be an
additional charge.
*Speak with the Study Abroad Director regarding other possible GEP
Business Students!
This program’s credits can apply to your SBE major! Consult with your SBE
Program Includes
All lectures, accommodations, most meals, in-country transportation,
UW-System health/travel insurance and three credits of Wisconsin
resident undergraduate tuition. (Minnesota Residents: add approved
reciprocity surcharge; nonresidents: est. $250 surcharge).
Airfare is not included. Consult with the study abroad staff to plan your
flight arrangements. Note that the cost of the airline ticket can be
included in calculating your financial aid.
For current program costs, visit our webpage under “Financial
Information -Porgram Costs.”
Cancellation, Withdrawal and Refunds
For information on cancellation, withdrawal and refunds, see
Note: The Office of International Education reserves the right to cancel,
surcharge or to alter the program due to the exchange rate and
airline price fluctuation.
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