Site Evaluations Haight Creek Site Information Site Location: Coast Range, S Willamette Valley, Siuslaw River Tributary, near Alma Year Installed: Pre-1987 Lat/Long: 123°30’1.49”W 43°52’32.70”N Watershed Area (mi2):3.76 Stream Slope (ft/ft)1: 0.0077 Channel Type: Pool-riffle Bankfull Width (ft): 19 Survey Date: March 8, 2007 1 Water surface slope extending up to 20 channel widths up and downstream of crossing. Culvert Information Culvert Type: Open-bottom arch Culvert Material: Annular CMP Culvert Width: 19 Outlet Type: Mitered Culvert Length: 62 Inlet Type: Mitered Pipe Slope (structure slope): 0.005 Culvert Bed Slope: 0.001 (First hydraulic control upstream of inlet to first hydraulic control downstream of outlet.) Culvert width as a percentage of bankfull width: 1.01 Alignment Conditions: Appears to have been aligned to minimize length under road. Inlet is shifted too far to the left, and is likely creating the erosion observed on left bank upstream of inlet. Bed Conditions: Bedrock (sandstone) dominates in pipe. Bedrock scoured in places. Some gravel/ cobble forming riffle at downstream portion of pipe. Material possibly remaining in pipe due to Siuslaw backwater. Pipe Condition: Light to medium rust. Some structure joints open. Hydrology Discharge (cfs) for indicated recurrence interval 25% 2-yr Qbf2 2-year 5-year 10-year 50-year 100-year 41 150 165 242 295 418 471 Bankfull flow estimated by matching modeled water surface elevations to field-identified bankfull elevations. 2 Haight Creek A—241 Culvert Scour Assessment Points represent survey points Figure 1—Plan view map. A—242 Haight Creek Site Evaluations History The exact installation date is unknown, but the culvert was included in the 1987 Western Federal Lands Highway Division (WFLHD) “Oregon Culvert Fish Passage Survey;” the field survey for the WFLHD study was conducted on December 8, 1987. With respect to fish passage, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife staff rated the site as a “good” installation. Their comments consisted of the following “access to stream good at most flows, except extreme low summertime. Metal of culvert beginning to corrode near waterline, but concrete sill shows no sign of wear. No buildup of gravel or other material. Soft sandstone bedrock bottom. Bridge was offset from normal stream channel by 15 feet on upstream end. Bridge should have been placed more directly inline with streamflow. Some erosion noted at this point, probably due to creation of back eddy.” WFLHD staff rated the condition of the foundation as “fair,” with negligible outlet scour. The culvert hydraulics were rated as “compatible” with the natural stream hydraulics. They note that because the foundation is located on sandstone, scour at the foundations may be a problem. The following are photos from the WFLHD study: Culvert inlet. Haight Creek Typical stream channel. Site Description The Haight Creek culvert is a bottomless arch mitered to conform to the slope of the road fill. Exposed footings run along the length of the crossing. Riprap lines both banks upstream of the culvert. The channel through the culvert is made up of sandstone bedrock overlain by sand and small gravels. For the most part, the bed lacks any bedforms with the exception of a scour pool towards the downstream end. The transition from the Haight Creek drainage into the flood plain of the Siuslaw River is accompanied by an abrupt flattening out of the gradient. Due to the location of the crossing immediately downstream of this transition, the influence of the Siuslaw on the hydraulics and geomorphic condition of the culvert are significant. Suspected backwatering during low to mid-range floods through and upstream of the culvert forced the location of the upstream representative reach to be pushed a significant way upstream, past a sharp bend in the channel. The upstream representative reach had riffles interspersed by glides/pools. High banks along both sides indicate that the channel may be somewhat incised through this reach, an observation supported by the results from the A—243 Culvert Scour Assessment hydraulic model. Incision through this reach is likely a contributor to narrow bankfull widths measured as equal as or less than the culvert. The growth of vegetation along the banks and out over the channel adds roughness to the channel and also provides shade and cover. Downstream of the culvert the stream channel is influenced by the Siuslaw River. Bank height and channel dimensions do not bear any signature of Haight Creek. The deposition of fines and sand along the banks, through the culvert, and extending upstream to a bar located at a sharp bend in the channel indicate that the hydraulic effects of the Siuslaw on the channel are frequent and extensive. Based on the profile, minor changes in stage of the Siuslaw (i.e., less than a foot) would result in water backing up into the culvert. Without knowledge of the timing of floods on Haight Creek and the Siuslaw and without survey data and a stage-discharge relationship for the Siuslaw, it is hard to know the specific extent or frequency of backwater. Survey Summary Twelve cross sections and a longitudinal profile were surveyed along Haight Creek in March 2007 to characterize the culvert and an upstream representative reach. No downstream representative reach was established due to the proximity of the confluence with the Siuslaw River. Two representative cross sections were taken through the culvert; one along the plane-bed section and the other through the downstream scour pool. One additional cross section was surveyed upstream to characterize the inlet as well as the contraction of flow. Another two cross sections were surveyed downstream of the culvert to characterize the outlet and the expansion of flow. A—244 Representative cross sections in the upstream representative reach were taken through a riffle and a glide/pool. Two additional sections were surveyed to characterize the upstream and downstream ends of the reach. Profile Analysis Segment Summary The profile analysis resulted in a total of nine profile segments. The culvert consisted of one profile segment that extended into inlet and outlet transition areas. The culvert segment was compared to one representative profile segment in the upstream channel. The gradients are 63-percent different between these two segments, but because of their very flat profiles and similarity in channel type, they are considered suitable comparisons. The downstream transition area was compared to one representative profile segment in the upstream channel. A transition area comparison was not made for the upstream transition because the culvert segment extends through the upstream transition area. Therefore, the culvert segment also represents conditions in the upstream transition area that is affected by the culvert. See figure 2 and table 1. Scour Conditions Observed conditions Footing scour – There is scour upstream of the inlet on the right bank at the base of the riprap bank. There is scour at the inlet on the left bank along the footing. There is approximately 20 lineal feet of scour (18 inches deep) at the downstream end of the culvert on the right bank. These areas of scour are in the sandstone bedrock. Culvert-bed adjustment – The culvert is primarily (80 percent) sandstone bedrock. It is unknown whether streambed material was placed on the bed during construction. Haight Creek Site Evaluations Profile characteristics – The profile shape is concave with the maximum concavity focused upstream of the inlet. The crossing is located in an area of valley transition where the Haight Creek valley meets the broad valley of the Siuslaw River. Residual depths – Culvert residual depths are greater than the residual depths in the corresponding profile segment (G) (figure 21). Residual depths in the downstream transition segment (A) are comparable to those in the corresponding profile segment (I). Substrate – The culvert is primarily sandstone bedrock. The alluvial material that is present is primarily composed of fine material. The bed material distribution in the culvert is negatively skewed, indicating more fine particles than coarse particles. The bed material in the culvert is heavily influenced by backwater from the Siuslaw during high flows. The upstream representative segment has significant portions of bedrock and sand. Large deposits of sand in the upstream transition segment are a result of backwater from the Siuslaw. Predicted conditions Cross-section characteristics – The culvert affects flow geometry at the crossing. The width-related parameters (top width and wetted perimeter) are actually greater in the culvert at low flows and lower at high flows (figures 6 and 8). Values of maximum hydraulic radius and maximum depth in the culvert are greater than in the corresponding profile segment (figures 9 and 14). The box plots do not adequately represent conditions in the culvert because the culvert segment extends into inlet and outlet transition areas. The downstream transition segment (A) has lower width and wetted perimeter but similar depth and hydraulic radius when compared to the corresponding profile segment (I). Haight Creek Shear stress – Shear stress in the culvert is lower and less variable than in the natural channel (figure 10). Shear stress has higher values and a greater range of values in the downstream transition segment at the Q50 and above. Excess shear – The excess shear analysis shows little difference between the culvert and the channel. Bed mobilization would be affected by backwater conditions during high flows on the Siuslaw, which the excess shear analysis does not consider. Velocity – Velocity in the culvert is greater and less variable than the corresponding profile segment, particularly at flows above the Q10 (figure 11). Velocity in the downstream transition segment (A) is greater and more variable than the corresponding profile segment (I) at most flows. Scour summary There is scour into the sandstone bedrock upstream of the inlet, at the inlet on the left bank and at the downstream end of the culvert on the right bank. There is scour along the footing within the culvert but the footing base is not exposed. The footing depth is unknown. Scour upstream of the inlet and at the inlet may be related to constriction of the channel at this location (necks down to 9 feet at one location) and to the sharp bend as the channel enters the culvert. Channel incision is apparent upstream of the inlet and may be the result of this or a previous installation. The culvert affects flow geometry and hydraulics but shear stress and excess shear do not indicate significant risk of scour to the culvert bed. The potential for scour is further reduced by the common occurrence of backwater from the Siuslaw River at high flows. The sandstone bed, however, is easily eroded and continued erosion may undermine footings over time. A—245 Culvert Scour Assessment AOP Conditions Cross-section complexity – The sum of squared height differences in the culvert cross sections are either less than (upstream cross section) or greater than (downstream cross section) the values in the representative channel (table 3). Profile compolexity – Vertical sinuosity in the culvert and in the downstream transition segment is similar to that found in corresponding profile segments (table 4). Depth distribution – There is less channel margin habitat in the culvert compared to the channel at the 25 percent Q2 (table 5). Habitat units – The culvert is composed of glide and pool habitat whereas the upstream representative reach is composed of riffle and pool habitat (table 6). Residual depths – Culvert residual depths are greater than the residual depths in the corresponding profile segment (G) (figure 21). Residual depths in the downstream transition segment (A) are comparable to those in the corresponding profile segment (I). Substrate – The culvert is primarily sandstone bedrock. The alluvial material that is present is primarily composed of fine material. The bed material distribution in the culvert is negatively skewed, indicating more fine particles than coarse particles. The bed material in the culvert is heavily influenced by backwater from the Siuslaw during high flows. The upstream representative segment has significant portions of bedrock and sand. Large deposits of sand in the upstream transition segment are a result of backwater from the Siuslaw. A—246 Large woody debris – There was one small piece of LWD at the inlet (table 8). The representative channel had low LWD abundance. LWD formed occasional scour pools in the channel outside the crossing. There were no features in the culvert that mimicked the role of wood in the natural channel. AOP summary Although the complexity metrics do not capture it, site observations indicate that the bedrock bed of the culvert has much less complexity than the natural channel upstream of the culvert. The culvert is considered a poor design with respect to fish passage, with very little shallow channel margin habitat available and very little velocity refuge such as what is provided by substrate and pools in the natural channel. At low flows, shallow sheet flow over bedrock may present passage limitations. There are no streambanks to concentrate flows for passage or to allow for passage of terrestrial organisms. At higher flows, however, backwatered conditions from the Siuslaw may allow for easy fish passage through the crossing. Design Considerations Inlet scour may be reduced with an installation that is more inline with the original channel, which would require a longer culvert. Using a wider culvert and constructing a stable bed foundation may allow for material to be retained within the pipe. Constructing banks using stable bed elements (i.e., boulders) within the culvert would protect the footings from being undermined by scour of the sandstone bedrock. This would also allow for the passage of terrestrial organisms; however, passage of terrestrial organisms may be limited at higher flows when the culvert is backwatered by the Siuslaw River. Haight Creek Haight Creek Pebble count (riffle) 498 750 700 A 650 XS 2 XS 3 600 XS 4: Pebble count (glide) C ulvert B 550 XS 6 I C u lv e rt S e g m e n t B D o w n s tre a m T ra n s itio n A XS 7 500 XS 5: Pebble count (glide) R e p re s e n ta tiv e C h a n n e l S egment G Table 1­—Segment comparisons Figure 2—Haight Creek longitudinal profile. Relative elevation (ft) 500 502 XS 1: Relative Elevation (feet) 504 506 508 510 450 400 350 D is ta nc e Along T ha lweg (feet) 13.3% % D iffe re n c e in G ra d ie n t 62.6% XS 8 C D 124 38 64 30 60 150 E F G H I 200 S egm ent L ength (ft) 69 146 76 71 250 XS 9 S egm ent A B C D 300 E F G 0.005 0.012 0.003 0.022 0.009 S egm ent G ra dient 0.010 0.001 0.025 0.013 100 H 50 I XS 12 0 Site Evaluations A—247 n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( A—248 0.048 – 0.0492 0.03 – 0.0635 0.0629 – 0.0632 0.0638 – 0.0646 A B G I SegmentRange of Manning's n values1 1 2 6 2 # of measured XSs 8 6 16 9 # of interpolated XSs Elevation (ft) 498 500 502 504 506 508 510 512 0 1 5 . 1 4 . 2 2 3 4 100 5 5 . 5 7 200 8 * 5 0 . 8 * 1 . 8 * 5 1 . 8 * 5 2 6 4 . 8 * 3 5 . 8 * 9 5 . 8 400 Main Channel Dis tance (ft) 2 . 8 300 5 7 2 . 8 * 5 7 8 3 . 8 * 5 6 . 8 8 6 . 8 * 6 6 6 4 7 . 8 * 5 9 7 . 8 4 8 . 8 7 8 . 8 * 5 9 . 8 500 * 1 . 9 3 . 9 Stations with decimal values are interpolated cross sections placed along the surveyed profile. Figure 3—HEC-RAS profile. 1 * 5 6 . 9 0 1 * 6 * 6 5 6 6 1 . . 0 1 1 1 600 5 . 1 1 7 . 1 1 5 7 . 1 1 Obtained using equation from Jarrett (1984): n = 0.39S0.38R-0.16, where S=stream slope; R=hydraulic radius. Jarrett’s equation only applied within the following ranges: S = 0.002 to 0.08, R = 0.5 ft to 7 ft. For cross sections outside these ranges, n was computed either from adjacent sections that fell within the ranges, using the guidance of Arcement and Schneider (1987), or from the HEC-RAS recommendations for culvert modeling. Table 2—Summary of segments used for comparisons 2 1 1 . 2 1 700 Ground W S 41 c fs W S Qbf W S Q10 W S Q50 W S Q100 L e ge nd Culvert Scour Assessment Haight Creek Haight Creek Elevation (ft) n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( 502 0 10 .07 20 20 40 Station (ft) 30 .0632 RS = 10 Station (ft) 30 40 50 50 .07 .07 60 60 Bank St a Gr ound WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd Bank St a Ground WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( n o i t a v e l E Elevation (ft) 0 502 20 504 506 508 510 512 514 502 504 506 508 510 512 514 .07 .07 30 10 40 .0625 20 30 Station (ft) 50 RS = 9 Station (ft) .0629 RS = 11 60 40 70 .07 50 .07 80 60 Bank St a Gr ound WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd Bank St a Gr ound WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd Figure 4—Cross-section plots. Only measured cross sections are included. Manning’s n values are included at the top of the cross section. The stationing (RS) corresponds to the stationing on the HEC-RAS profile. Green arrows define the ineffective flow areas. Black arrows represent points identified in the field as the bankfull channel boundary. Only those points identified in the field and supported by hydraulic and topographic analyses are shown below. Elevation (ft) 504 506 508 10 .0646 Elevation (ft) 510 512 514 504 506 508 510 512 514 516 .07 RS = 12 ) t f ( Site Evaluations A—249 n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( Elevation (ft) n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( A—250 498 70 80 .065 40 90 50 Station (ft) 100 .0584 RS = 6 Station (ft) 60 .0635 70 110 80 120 .055 .07 90 130 B a n k S ta In e ff L e ve e G ro u n d W S 4 1 c fs W S Qb f W S Q1 0 W S Q5 0 W S Q1 0 0 L e ge n d Bank St a Ground WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( Elevation (ft) 498 -20 500 502 504 506 508 510 498 20 500 502 504 506 508 510 -10 30 .07 0 . 0 1 3 40 Station (ft) 10 .03 RS = 5 Station (ft) 50 .063 RS = 7 . 0 1 3 20 60 30 70 .07 40 80 L e ge nd Bank St a Ground WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd Bank St a Ground WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 Figure 4—Cross-section plots. Only measured cross sections are included. Manning’s n values are included at the top of the cross section. The stationing (RS) corresponds to the stationing on the HEC-RAS profile. Green arrows define the ineffective flow areas. Black arrows represent points identified in the field as the bankfull channel boundary. Only those points identified in the field and supported by hydraulic and topographic analyses are shown below. (continued) Elevation (ft) 500 502 504 .07 n o i t a v e l E Elevation (ft) 506 508 510 498 30 500 502 504 506 508 510 RS = 8 ) t f ( Culvert Scour Assessment Haight Creek n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( Elevation (ft) n o i t a v e l E ) t f ( Haight Creek 498 50 60 .05 70 0 Station (ft) 80 .0484 RS = 2 Station (ft) 10 .03 . 0 1 3 .06 90 20 .07 100 30 ) t f ( B a n k S ta In e ff G ro u n d W S 4 1 c fs n o i L e ge n d t W S Q1 0 a 0 W S Q5 0v e W S Q1 0 l W S Qb f E 110 40 Bank St a Ground WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd Elevation (ft) 498 40 500 502 504 506 508 510 498 70 500 502 504 506 508 510 80 50 .07 .07 . 0 5 5 60 90 70 . 0 5 5 .0483 RS = 1 Station (ft) .05 100 Station (ft) .0476 RS = 3 80 .06 110 90 .07 120 .07 W S Qb f W S Q1 0 W S Q5 0 Bank St a Ground WS 41 c fs WS Qbf WS Q10 WS Q50 WS Q100 L e ge nd B a n k S ta In e ff G ro u n d W S 4 1 c fs 130 100 L e ge n d W S Q1 0 0 Figure 4—Cross-section plots. Only measured cross sections are included. Manning’s n values are included at the top of the cross section. The stationing (RS) corresponds to the stationing on the HEC-RAS profile. Green arrows define the ineffective flow areas. Black arrows represent points identified in the field as the bankfull channel boundary. Only those points identified in the field and supported by hydraulic and topographic analyses are shown below. (continued) Elevation (ft) 500 502 504 .07 -10 . 0 1 3 n o i t a v e l E Elevation (ft) 506 508 510 498 -20 500 502 504 506 508 510 RS = 4 ) t f ( Site Evaluations A—251 A—252 . P . W l a t o T 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 A 100 Culvert B 200 0 0 A B 100 Culvert Figure 6—Wetted perimeter. W.P. total (ft) 20 40 60 80 100 200 Figure 5—Flow area (total) profile plot. Flow area (sq ft) ) t f ( w o l F a e r A q s ( ) t f C C 400 400 Main Channel Distance (ft) 300 D Main Channel Distance (ft) 300 D E E 500 500 F F G G H 600 Flow 600 H I I 700 700 W.P. Total 41 cfs W.P. Total Qbf W.P. Total Q10 W.P. Total Q50 W.P. Total Q100 Legend Flow Area 41 cfs Flow Area Qbf Flow Area Q10 Flow Area Q50 Flow Area Q100 Legend Culvert Scour Assessment Haight Creek Haight Creek p o T h t d i W 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 A 100 0 10 20 Figure 8—Top width. Top width (ft) 30 40 50 100 200 300 D 400 E 500 500 F F G G H Main Channel Distance (ft) 600 Flow 600 Flow H I I 700 700 Top Width Q100 Legend Hydr Radius 41 cfs Hydr Radius Qbf Hydr Radius Q10 Hydr Radius Q50 Hydr Radius Q100 Legend Top Width 41 cfs Top Width Qbf Top Width Q10 C E 60 Culvert B 400 Main Channel Distance (ft) 300 D Top Width Q50 A 200 C 70 80 90 B Culvert Figure 7—Hydraulic radius. Hydraulic radius (ft) ) t f ( r d y H s u i d a R ) t f ( Site Evaluations A—253 r a e h S n a h C q s / b l ( B 200 C 300 D 400 E E 500 F F G G 600 H Flow H I I 700 Max Chl Dpth Q100 Legend 0 1 2 3 4 A—254 0.0 0 A 100 Culvert 200 Figure 10—Shear stress (channel) profile. Shear channel (lb/sq ft) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 400 Main Channel Distance (ft) 300 D Main Channel Distance (ft) 500 600 Flow 700 Shear Chan 41 cfs Shear Chan Qbf Shear Chan Q10 Shear Chan Q50 Shear Chan Q100 Legend Max Chl Dpth 41 cfs Max Chl Dpth Qbf Max Chl Dpth Q10 100 C 5 0 Culvert B Max Chl Dpth Q50 A 6 7 8 Figure 9—Maximum depth. Maximum channel depth (ft) ) t f x a M l h C h t p D ) t f ( Culvert Scour Assessment Haight Creek Haight Creek l e V l n h C ) s / t f ( 0 0 200 Figure 11—Velocity (channel) profile plot. Velocity channel (ft/s) 1 2 3 4 100 300 D 400 E 500 F G 600 H I 700 Vel Chnl Q100 Legend Main Channel Distance (ft) Vel Chnl 41 cfs Vel Chnl Qbf Vel Chnl Q10 C 5 Culvert B Vel Chnl Q50 A 6 7 8 Site Evaluations A—255 A (ds trans) B (culv) 25%Q2 B (Culvert) G Figure 12—Flow area (total). 0 40 A (DS Trans) Flow Area (ft2) G 80 I I 120 A (ds trans) Qbf B (culv) G G 160 I I A (ds trans) 10 B (culv) 50% of the values G G B (Culvert) A (DS Trans) I A (ds trans) 50 B (culv) Minimum value 25th percentile G I Median (aka 50th percentile) 75th percentile G 100% of the values I Maximum value I B (Culvert) A (DS Trans) A—256 A (ds trans) 100 B (culv) G G Flow area (sq ft) I I Box Plot Explanation Culvert Scour Assessment Haight Creek B (Culvert) A (DS Trans) B (Culvert) A (DS Trans) A (ds trans) B (culv) G 25%Q2 A (ds trans) B (culv) G 25%Q2 Figure 14—Hydraulic radius. 0 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 13—Wetted perimeter. 0 I I A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) Wetted 10 Perimeter (ft) Qbf B (culv) Qbf G G B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) 20 I I A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) 30 10 B (culv) 10 B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) 40 G G I I A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) 50 B (culv) 50 B (culv) G G I I I 50 B (Culvert) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) G G I I G G I I G G I I G G Hydraulic radius (ft) I B (Culvert) B (Culvert) Haight Creek 100 B (culv) 100 B (culv) G G Wetted perimeter (ft) G G I I I I Site Evaluations A—257 B (Culvert) A (ds trans) B (culv) G 25%Q2 Figure 16—Maximum depth. 0 2 Max Depth (ft) 4 6 8 B (Culvert) Figure 15—Top width. I A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) 25%Q2 A (ds trans) Qbf B (culv) Qbf B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) B (culv) G I A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) A (ds trans) 10 B (culv) 10 B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) I G G G G G I I I I I A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) G 50 B (culv) 50 B (culv) G G G G 0 I I I 15Width (ft) Top B (Culvert) B (Culvert) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) 30 100 B (culv) 100 B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) G G I I G G I I Maximum depth (ft) I G G G G A—258 I I I Top width (ft) I 45 Culvert Scour Assessment Haight Creek B (culv) B (Culvert) A (ds trans) B (culv) G 25%Q2 Figure 18—Velocity (channel). 0 2 Velocity (ft/sec) 4 6 8 B (Culvert) I Figure 17—Width-to-depth ratio. 25%Q2 A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) A (ds trans) Qbf B (culv) Qbf B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) G G G I I I I G A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) 0 10 B (culv) 10 B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) 5 G G G G Width-to-depth Ratio I I I I 10 A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) 15 50 B (culv) 50 B (culv) B (Culvert) B (Culvert) 20 G G I I I I 25 G G A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) A (ds trans) A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) 30 100 B (culv) 100 B (culv) G G G G G G B (Culvert) B (Culvert) I I Velocity (ft/sec) G I I I Haight Creek I Width-to-depth ratio I Site Evaluations A—259 B (culv) A (DS Trans) I Excess Shear (Applied/tcrit) 100 300 A (DS Trans) D is c h ar g e (c fs ) 200 A (ds trans) 400 Qbf B (culv) G I 500 10 B (culv) B (Culvert) I C u lve rt (D S p e b b le c o u n t) - g lid e C u lve rt (U S p e b b le c o u n t) - g lid e U S C h a n n e l (U S p e b b le c o u n t) - riffle A (ds trans) G A (ds trans) A (DS Trans) A (DS Trans) B (Culvert) Figure 20—Excess shear stress. Excess shear stress is the channel shear divided by the critical shear for bed entrainment of the D84 particle size. Values of excess shear greater than 1 indicate bed movement for the D84 particle size. 0 Excess Shear (Applied / tcrit) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Figure 19—Shear stress (channel). 25%Q2 B (Culvert) A (ds trans) G G 0 I 0.5 G 1 I Shear Stress (lbs/ft2) G 1.5 I 2 50 B (culv) G G 2.5 I I A—260 A (ds trans) 100 B (culv) G G Shear stress (lbs/ft2) I I 3 Culvert Scour Assessment Haight Creek B (Culvert) A (DS Trans) B (Culvert) Site Evaluations Table 3—Sum of squared height difference Reach XS LocationUnit type Culvert Sum of squared Within range of height difference channel conditions? US Glide 0.01 No DS Glide 0.08 No US Riffle 0.05 DS Pool 0.05 Upstream Table 4—Vertical sinuosity Segment LocationVertical Sinuosity (ft/ft) A DS transition 1.000 B Culvert 1.000 C US channel 1.000 D US channel 1.002 E US channel 1.003 F US channel 1.000 G US channel 1.000 I US channel 1.000 Table 5—Depth distribution Reach XS Location 25% Q2 Culvert Within range of channel conditions? US 0 No DS 0 No US 1 DS 2 Upstream Table 6—Habitat unit composition Percent of surface area Reach Pool Glide Riffle Step Culvert 31% 55% 0% 0% Upstream Channel 36% 0% 64% 0% Haight Creek A—261 Culvert Scour Assessment 2.5 Residual Depth (ft) 2.0 1.5 1.0 Residual depth (ft) 0.5 Segment I Segment H Segment G Segment F Segment E Segment D Culvert Segment B: Segment A: DS Transition Segment C Segment B Culvert Segment A DS Transition 0.0 Segment C Segment D Segment E Segment F Segment G Segment H Segment I Figure 21—Residual depths. Table 7—Bed material sorting and skewness Reach XSUnit Sorting Location Type Culvert Within range Skewness of channel conditions? Within range of channel conditions? US Glide 2.76 No -0.05 No DS Glide 2.66 No -0.01 No US Riffle 2.11 0.35 DS Pool 2.63 0.60 Downstream US Riffle 2.12 0.24 Upstream Table 8—Large woody debris Reach Pieces/Channel Width Culvert 0.3 Upstream 0.8 Terminology: US = Upstream DS = Downstream RR = Reference reach XS = Cross section A—262 Haight Creek Site Evaluations View upstream through culvert. View downstream of culvert inlet. Upstream reference reach. Downstream view from road. Siuslaw River in background. Upstream reference reach – first flag on right= Inside culvert – downstream view. upstream pebble count (riffle), second flag= downstream pebble count (glide/pool). Haight Creek A—263 Culvert Scour Assessment Material Frequency sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock S ize R ange (mm) C ount Item % C umulative % 6 2 4 0 9 4 4 6 10 8 18 7 9 5 3 0 0 0 0 5 6% 2% 4% 0% 9% 4% 4% 6% 10% 8% 18% 7% 9% 5% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 6% 8% 12% 12% 21% 25% 29% 35% 45% 53% 71% 78% 87% 92% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 > 4096 20 100% 18 90% 16 80% 14 70% 12 60% 10 50% 8 Frequency 6 40% 30% 4 20% 2 10% Cumulative Frequency Bedrock 2048-4096 512-1024 1024-2048 362-512 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 16-22.6 8-11.3 11.3-16 5.7-8 <2 4-5.7 <2 0% 2-4 0 Cumulative Frequency Cross Section: Upstream representative channel – upstream pebble count 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 > 4096 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 11.316 - 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 512 - 1024 Particle Size Category (mm) 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 1 10 50 130 222 360 A—264 Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 6% 47% 39% 3% 5% Sorting Coefficient: 2.11 Skewness Coefficient: 0.35 Haight Creek Site Evaluations Material sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock S ize C las s (mm) C ount Item % C umulative % 16 2 2 4 5 3 2 4 4 9 16 13 8 6 1 0 0 0 0 10 15% 2% 2% 4% 5% 3% 2% 4% 4% 9% 15% 12% 8% 6% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% 15% 17% 19% 23% 28% 30% 32% 36% 40% 49% 64% 76% 84% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 Bedrock 18 100% 16 90% 14 80% 70% Frequency 12 60% 10 50% 8 Frequency 6 40% 30% 4 20% 2 10% Bedrock 2048-4096 1024-2048 362-512 512-1024 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 11.3-16 16-22.6 5.7-8 8-11.3 2-4 4-5.7 <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 - 8 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 Bedrock 11.316- 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 Particle Size Category (mm) 512 - 1024 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 1 2.04 60 124.8 190 340 Haight Creek Cumulative Frequency 0% <2 0 Cumulative Frequency Cross Section: Upstream representative cannel – downstream pebble count Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 15% 33% 41% 1% 10% Sorting Coefficient: 2.63 Skewness Coefficient:0.60 A—265 Culvert Scour Assessment Cross Section: Culvert – upstream pebble count Material sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock S ize C las s (mm) C ount Item % C umulative % 14 5 4 3 5 1 2 3 5 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 51 13% 5% 4% 3% 5% 1% 2% 3% 5% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 48% 13% 18% 21% 24% 29% 30% 32% 35% 39% 42% 45% 48% 50% 50% 51% 52% 52% 52% 52% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 Bedrock 100% 60 90% 50 70% Frequency 40 60% 50% 30 40% Frequency 20 30% 20% 10 Cumulative Frequency 80% Cumulative Frequency 10% Bedrock 2048-4096 1024-2048 362-512 512-1024 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 11.3-16 16-22.6 5.7-8 2-4 4 - 5.7 - 8 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 Bedrock 11.316- 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 512 - 1024 Particle Size Category (mm) 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 1 1 10 90 185 500 A—266 8-11.3 2-4 <2 4-5.7 0% <2 0 Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 13% 29% 8% 2% 48% Sorting Coefficient: 2.76 Skewness Coefficient:-0.05 Haight Creek Site Evaluations Cross Section: Culvert – downstream pebble count Material S ize C las s (mm) sand very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel very coarse gravel very coarse gravel small cobble medium cobble large cobble very large cobble small boulder small boulder medium boulder large boulder very large boulder bedrock C ount Item % C umulative % 23 6 5 10 11 13 5 7 4 2 4 1 8 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 22% 6% 5% 10% 11% 13% 5% 7% 4% 2% 4% 1% 8% 2% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 22% 28% 33% 43% 53% 66% 71% 78% 82% 83% 87% 88% 96% 98% 98% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% <2 2-4 4 - 5.7 5.7 - 8 8 - 11.3 11.3 - 16 16 - 22.6 22.6 - 32 32 - 45 45 - 64 64 - 90 90 - 128 128 - 180 180 - 256 256 - 362 362 - 512 512 - 1024 1024 - 2048 2048 - 4096 Bedrock 100% 25 80% 20 Frequency 70% 60% 15 50% 10 Frequency 40% 30% 5 20% Cumulative Frequency 90% Cumulative Frequency 10% Bedrock 2048-4096 1024-2048 362-512 512-1024 256-362 180-256 128-180 64-90 90-128 45-64 32-45 22.6-32 16-22.6 11.3-16 5.7-8 2-4 4 - 5.7 - 8 32 -45 45-64 64- 90 8 - 11.3 90 - 128 Bedrock 11.316- 16 -22.6 22.6- 32 128180 - 180 256 - 256 362 - 362 - 512 Particle Size Category (mm) 512 - 1024 1024 2048 - 2048 - 4096 Particle Size Category (mm) S ize C las s S ize perc ent finer than (mm) D5 D16 D50 D84 D95 D100 1 1 10 69 177 400 Haight Creek 8-11.3 <2 4-5.7 <2 0% 2-4 0 Material P erc ent C ompos ition Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock 22% 61% 15% 2% 0% Sorting Coefficient: 2.66 Skewness Coefficient:-0.01 A—267