Des Moines Register 04-02-06 Art of Iowa Poets Robert Tremmel, 57, Ankeny Professor of English, Iowa State University Poetry style: "Always changing. Right now, I'm writing mainly in free verse using short lines and a fair amount of white space. I'm usually very concerned about the interrelationship between line and sentence, but then so are most others who write in free verse. One of my goals is to be able to detect and present those points in a poem in which language accelerates and decelerates. I would never use a word like 'decelerate' in a poem." Most recent book: "Crossing Crocker Township." (Crocker Township is a formerly rural area southwest of Ankeny that is becoming increasingly developed.) Favorite poem: "This too is always changing. Right now my favorite poem ... is "Good 'D'" by Jim McKean (an Iowa City poet and professor at Mount Mercy College)." Favorite poet: Gary Snyder (1960s beat poet) Guilty pleasure: The movie "Field of Dreams" One line of poetry you're most proud of: "'When you walk in' is the first line of my poem 'Your First Time in Tootsie's Orchid Lounge, Nashville Tennessee.' I also have a poem titled 'Crocker Township,' which begins with the line 'In the beginning...' But that has probably been taken.''