Agri News, MN 04-04-06 Iowa news and notes ISU professor selected for national panel AMES, Iowa -- Levon Esters, Iowa State University assistant professor in agricultural education and studies, has been appointed to a national committee to organize a leadership summit focused on helping universities attract, retain and prepare students for careers in agriculture and science. Esters was selected by the National Academies Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources based on his expertise in career development. His research focuses on identifying factors that influence the career choices of students enrolled in secondary and post-secondary agriculture programs. "This is an excellent opportunity to work with educational leaders in preparing and attracting students into the agricultural sciences," Esters said. The five-year outlook for agricultural graduates indicates that there are more jobs than graduates. According to a U.S. Department of Agriculture report, there will be 52,000 job openings related to agriculture. ISU is on guard against ash borers AMES, Iowa -- Iowa State University Extension is starting its third year of a collaborative effort to survey the state for a destructive, exotic insect pest. The emerald ash borer was first discovered in Detroit in 2002 and has killed more than 15 million ash trees in Michigan. Pockets of ash borer damage have been seen in Indiana, Ohio and Windsor, Ontario. The costs to city governments, land owners and others runs in the millions of dollars.