CLS MONTHLY BULLETIN Announcements, News and Events for College of Liberal Studies [CLS] & the School of Arts and Communications [SAC] May 2, 2016 In this issue: • Art Gallery Exhibitions • Kinesis Dance 2016 • Trapped-a film about abortion • IAS Formal Reception • Communication Studies Capstone Poster Presentations • Vocal Jazz Ensemble Concert • IAS Roundtable Click here for information on submitting items for future bulletins. 1st-6th 2nd 3rd 3rd 6th & 7th ► Red Wire - Senior Art Exhibition Check website for Gallery Hours | Center for the Arts, First Floor Red Wire is the title of this spring’s semi-annual senior exhibition. Red Wire is comprised of the talents of five graduating seniors from UWL. The exhibition includes a wide variety of media: printmaking, painting, sculpture, photography, blacksmithing and metalsmithing ► Trapped – a film by Dawn Porter 5:00 PM | Skogen Auditorium, 1400 Centennial U.S. abortion clinics are fighting to survive. Since 2010, hundreds of laws regulating abortion clinic have been passed by conservative state legislatures, particularly in the south. These restrictions, know as TRAP laws [or Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers] are spreading across America. This film addresses this topic. ► IAS Formal Reception 4:00 to 6:00 PM | 337 Cartwright IAS Formal Reception to provide updates on current IAS issues and an opportunity get to know one another, meet mentors and mentees, and discover the fascinating activities and research our colleagues across campus are completing. The next of these, a planning meeting to prioritize efforts for the following year, will be held May 3, 4-6pm in 337 Cartwright. Please come prepared to brainstorm. ► Vocal Jazz Ensemble Concert 7:30 PM | Annett Recital Hall | Center for the Arts The Vocal Jazz Ensemble will persent a spring concert at 7:30 PM in the Annett Recital Hall, UWL Center for the Arts. The concert is free and open to the public. ► Kinesis Dance 2016 7:30 PM | Toland Theatre | Center for the Arts Kinesis gives students an opportunity to create their own solo or small group dance pieces and perform once a year. This year’s performances range from current music, to Vivaldi, to a song about women’s suffrage during the Dust Bowl. Tickets are $16 adults; $14 senior citizens/non UWL students; and $5 UWL students. Tickets are available one hour prior to each performance. 9th-12th END 26th ► Communication Studies Capstone Poster Sessions See times below | Port O’Call, Cartwright Center Poster Presentations from seventy Communication Studies seniors will be presented during finals week. Monday, May 9th at 10 AM – Noon Tuesday, May 10th at 12:15 PM to 2:15 PM Wednesday, May 11th at 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM Thursday, May 12th at 7:45 AM to 9: 45 AM Everyone is invited to all or part of any session. ► IAS Round Table 3:45 – 5:45 PM| 3214 Centennial Hall The IAS final roundtable of the year will explore the opportunities that exist on our campus for IAS to engage in professional development, focusing specifically on grants and other forms of support [e.g. stipends, travel funding, and supplies] for which IAS are eligible to apply. The roundtable will introduce those unfamiliar with these opportunities to the process of learning about, applying for, receiving and making use of grants and other resources. It will allow more experienced recipients of these resources to describe their experiences and the exciting professional growth that they’ve gained. To prepare, please draft an outline of a research, training or creative endeavor for which you might seek Univeristy support. SUBMISSION POLICY FOR CLS MONTHLY BULLETIN The CLS Monthly Bulletin began as a way to share the many lectures, presentations and events of interest to CLS faculty and staff. Rather than receiving a multitude of emails, it was felt a single email summarizing these events for the college was a better vehicle. If you have events you’d like included in the CLS Monthly Bulletin, please send the information in an email to the CLS Dean’s Office at and use the subject CLS Monthly Notice. The timing of the emails will be important. Any item you wish to be included in the upcoming month’s bulletin, must be received by the deadline in the current year’s schedule. Month January February March April May June July August September Deadline Submission Date 12/28/15 1/27/16 2/25/16 3/29/16 4/27/16 No bulletin No bulletin No bulletin 8/29/16