Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual an EZ-Extender® product Revision 1.1, November 2012 Part Number 82-000253-01 Analog Devices, Inc. One Technology Way Norwood, Mass. 02062-9106 a Copyright Information © 2012 Analog Devices, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document may not be reproduced in any form without prior, express written consent from Analog Devices, Inc. Printed in the USA. Disclaimer Analog Devices, Inc. reserves the right to change this product without prior notice. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under the patent rights of Analog Devices, Inc. Trademark and Service Mark Notice The Analog Devices logo, Blackfin, CrossCore, EngineerZone, EZ-Board, EZ-Extender, EZ-KIT Lite, and VisualDSP++ are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Regulatory Compliance The Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board is designed to be used solely in a laboratory environment. The board is not intended for use as a consumer end product or as a portion of a consumer end product. The board is an open system design which does not include a shielded enclosure and therefore may cause interference to other electrical devices in close proximity. This board should not be used in or near any medical equipment or RF devices. The Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board has been certified to comply with the essential requirements of the European EMC directive 2004/108/EC and therefore carries the “CE” mark. The Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board has been appended to Analog Devices, Inc. EMC Technical File (EMC TF) referenced DSPTOOLS1, issue 2 dated June 4, 2008 and was declared CE compliant by an appointed Notified Body (No.0673) as listed below. Notified Body Statement of Compliance: Z600ANA2.045 dated September 3, 2012. Issued by: Technology International (Europe) Limited 56 Shrivenham Hundred Business Park Shrivenham, Swindon, SN6 8TY, UK The extender board contains ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive devices. Electrostatic charges readily accumulate on the human body and equipment and can discharge without detection. Permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high-energy discharges. Proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Store unused extender boards in the protective shipping package. CONTENTS PREFACE Product Overview ......................................................................... ix Purpose of This Manual ................................................................. x Intended Audience ........................................................................ xi Manual Contents .......................................................................... xi What’s New in This Manual ......................................................... xii Technical Support ........................................................................ xii Supported Products ..................................................................... xiii Product Information ................................................................... xiii Analog Devices Web Site ........................................................ xiv EngineerZone ......................................................................... xiv Related Documents ....................................................................... xv Notation Conventions ................................................................... xv USING VIDEO DECODER EI3 EXTENDER BOARD Package Contents .......................................................................... 1-2 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Installation ............................. 1-2 High-Performance HDMI Receiver (ADV7842) ............................ 1-3 Expansion Interface III .................................................................. 1-5 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual v Contents Example Programs ........................................................................ 1-6 Board Design Database ................................................................. 1-6 VIDEO DECODER EI3 EXTENDER BOARD HARDWARE REFERENCE System Architecture ...................................................................... 2-2 Software-Controlled Switches (SoftConfig) ................................... 2-3 Overview of SoftConfig ........................................................... 2-3 Programming SoftConfig ........................................................ 2-7 ADV7842_INT_GPIOx Signal ............................................... 2-9 SPORT_ENABLE Signal ........................................................ 2-9 Connectors ................................................................................. 2-10 Component Connector (J1) .................................................. 2-11 S-Video Connector (J2) ........................................................ 2-11 VGA Connector (J3) ............................................................. 2-11 Expansion Interface III (EI3) Connectors (J4) ....................... 2-12 HDMI Connector (J5–6) ...................................................... 2-12 Composite Connector (J7) .................................................... 2-13 Power Connector (P1) ........................................................... 2-13 LEDs ......................................................................................... 2-14 HDMI Detect LED (LED1–2) .............................................. 2-14 Power LED (LED3) .............................................................. 2-14 VIDEO DECODER EI3 EXTENDER BOARD BILL OF vi Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Contents MATERIALS VIDEO DECODER EI3 EXTENDER BOARD SCHEMATIC INDEX vii Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Contents viii Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual PREFACE Thank you for purchasing the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board, an EZ-Extender® for EZ-KIT Lite®/EZ-Board® evaluation systems with the expansion interface 3 (EI3). The EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board and Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board are designed to be used in conjunction with the CrossCore® Embedded Studio (CCES) development environment. To learn more about Analog Devices development software, go to Product Overview The Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board is a separately sold daughter board that plugs onto the EI3 of an EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board evaluation system. The extender board aids the design and prototyping phases of embedded processor-targeted applications. The board extends the capabilities of the evaluation system by providing a connection between the parallel peripheral interface (PPI) of the processor and the ADV7842 video decoder. The serial port interface (SPORT) is used to receive audio data. The two-wire interface (TWI) port of the processor is used to communicate with the video decoders and SoftConfig on the extender. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual ix Purpose of This Manual The following is a list of the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board interfaces. • Video interface • ADV7842 — Dual HDMI 1.4 fast switching receiver with 12-bit, 170 MHz video and graphics digitizer and 3-D comb filter decoder • Video connectors • Two HDMI • One SVIDEO • One component • One composite • One VGA • Software-controlled switches for board configuration • Expansion Interface III • No power supply required: derives power from the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board • CE certified Purpose of This Manual The Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual provides instructions for installing the product hardware (board). The text describes operation and configuration of the board components and provides guidelines for running your own code on the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board. Finally, a schematic and a bill of materials are provided for reference. x Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Preface Intended Audience The primary audience for this manual is a programmer who is familiar with Analog Devices processors. This manual assumes that the audience has a working knowledge of the appropriate processor architecture, instruction set, and C/C++ programming languages. Programmers who are unfamiliar with Analog Devices processors can use this manual, but should supplement it with other texts that describe your target architecture and hardware development tools. Programmers who are unfamiliar with the CrossCore Embedded Studio programming environment or the mating evaluation board, should refer to the CCES online help or the manual describing the board (see “Related Documents”). Manual Contents The manual consists of: • Chapter 1, “Using Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board” on page 1-1 Provides basic product information. • Chapter 2, “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Hardware Reference” on page 2-1 Provides information about the product’s hardware components. • Appendix A, “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Bill Of Materials” on page A-1 Provides a list of hardware components used to manufacture the board. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual xi What’s New in This Manual • Appendix B, “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Schematic” on page B-1 Provides all circuits on the extender board. What’s New in This Manual This is the second revision of the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual. It includes the updated regulatory compliance section and minor modifications based on the errata report against the first revision. Technical Support You can reach Analog Devices processors and DSP technical support in the following ways: • Post your questions in the processors and DSP support community at EngineerZone®: • Submit your questions to technical support directly at: • E-mail your questions about processors, DSPs, and tools development software from CrossCore Embedded Studio or VisualDSP++®: Choose Help > Email Support. This creates an e-mail to and automatically attaches your CrossCore Embedded Studio or VisualDSP++ version information and license.dat file. xii Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Preface • E-mail your questions about processors and processor applications to: or (Greater China support) • In the USA only, call 1-800-ANALOGD (1-800-262-5643) • Contact your Analog Devices sales office or authorized distributor. Locate one at: • Send questions by mail to: Processors and DSP Technical Support Analog Devices, Inc. Three Technology Way P.O. Box 9106 Norwood, MA 02062-9106 USA Supported Products This extender board supports EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board evaluation systems with EI3. Product Information Product information can be obtained from the Analog Devices Web site and the CCES online help system. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual xiii Product Information Analog Devices Web Site The Analog Devices Web site,, provides information about a broad range of products—analog integrated circuits, amplifiers, converters, and digital signal processors. To access a complete technical library for each processor family, go to The manuals selection opens a list of current manuals related to the product as well as a link to the previous revisions of the manuals. When locating your manual title, note a possible errata check mark next to the title that leads to the current correction report against the manual. Also note, is a free feature of the Analog Devices Web site that allows customization of a Web page to display only the latest information about products you are interested in. You can choose to receive weekly e-mail notifications containing updates to the Web pages that meet your interests, including documentation errata against all manuals. provides access to books, application notes, data sheets, code examples, and more. Visit (found on the Analog Devices home page) to sign up. If you are a registered user, just log on. Your user name is your e-mail address. EngineerZone EngineerZone is a technical support forum from Analog Devices. It allows you direct access to ADI technical support engineers. You can search FAQs and technical information to get quick answers to your embedded processing and DSP design questions. Use EngineerZone to connect with other DSP developers who face similar design challenges. You can also use this open forum to share knowledge and collaborate with the ADI support team and your peers. Visit to sign up. xiv Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Preface Related Documents For additional information about the processor, refer to the following publications. Table 1. Related Processor Publications Title Description Processor Data Sheet General functional description, pinout, and timing of the processor Processor Hardware Reference Description of the internal processor architecture and all register functions Blackfin® Processor Programming Reference Description of all allowed processor assembly instructions Notation Conventions Text conventions used in this manual are identified and described as follows. Example Description Close command (File menu) Titles in reference sections indicate the location of an item within the CCES environment’s menu system (for example, the Close command appears on the File menu). {this | that} Alternative required items in syntax descriptions appear within curly brackets and separated by vertical bars; read the example as this or that. One or the other is required. [this | that] Optional items in syntax descriptions appear within brackets and separated by vertical bars; read the example as an optional this or that. [this,…] Optional item lists in syntax descriptions appear within brackets delimited by commas and terminated with an ellipse; read the example as an optional comma-separated list of this. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual xv Notation Conventions xvi Example Description .SECTION Commands, directives, keywords, and feature names are in text with letter gothic font. filename Non-keyword placeholders appear in text with italic style format. Note: For correct operation, ... A Note provides supplementary information on a related topic. In the online version of this book, the word Note appears instead of this symbol. Caution: Incorrect device operation may result if ... Caution: Device damage may result if ... A Caution identifies conditions or inappropriate usage of the product that could lead to undesirable results or product damage. In the online version of this book, the word Caution appears instead of this symbol. Warning: Injury to device users may result if ... A Warning identifies conditions or inappropriate usage of the product that could lead to conditions that are potentially hazardous for the devices users. In the online version of this book, the word Warning appears instead of this symbol. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 1 USING VIDEO DECODER EI3 EXTENDER BOARD This chapter provides the setup procedure for the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board and describes two types of interfaces the extender supports. The information is presented in the following order. • “Package Contents” on page 1-2 • “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Installation” on page 1-2 • “High-Performance HDMI Receiver (ADV7842)” on page 1-3 • “Expansion Interface III” on page 1-5 • “Example Programs” on page 1-6 • “Board Design Database” on page 1-6 For information about the CCES integrated development environment (IDE), refer to the online help. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 1-1 Package Contents Package Contents Your Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board package contains the following items. • Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board • A bag containing hardware for securing the extender board onto the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board • Two video cables: one HDMI and one component • Release notes containing information about the product download Contact the vendor where you purchased your extender board or contact Analog Devices, Inc. if any item is missing. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Installation Follow these instructions to ensure correct operation of the product hardware and software. 1. Attach the extender board to the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board. The J1 connector on the extender board can be connected to the P1A, P2A, or P3A connector on the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board. Refer to the example program for a reference to the proper connector. 1-2 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Using Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board 2. Use the provided hardware to secure the extender to the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board. See Figure 1-1. 4 4 4 5 4 3 2 5 EZ-Extender 3 (Stacked) 2 1 2 Item Part Description 1 0.75in Nylon Standoff 2 1.0in Nylon Standoff 3 1.25in Nylon Standoff 4 Nylon Screw 5 Nylon Spacer 1 Figure 1-1. Assembled Board Diagram 3. Refer to the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board manual for information on connecting to a personal computer (PC) and running CCES. High-Performance HDMI Receiver (ADV7842) The video interface consists of the ADV7842 dual HDMI fast switching receiver with video and graphics digitizer and 3-D comb filter. This device interfaces to the processor’s parallel peripheral interface (PPI). It operates in 24-, 16- or 8-bit modes. YCbCr and RGB video modes are supported. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 1-3 High-Performance HDMI Receiver (ADV7842) The ADV7842 receiver is a high quality, single-chip, 2:1 multiplexed HDMI receiver and graphics digitizer with an integrated multi-format video decoder. The ADV7842 receiver uses external 256 Mb DDR SDRAM for 3-D comb and frame synchronizer. The ADV7842 receiver incorporates a dual input HDMI 1.4-compatible receiver that supports all HDTV formats up to 1080p and display resolutions up to UXGA. It also incorporates Xpressview fast switching on both input HDMI ports. Using the Analog Devices hardware-based HDCP engine that minimizes software overhead, Xpressview technology allows fast switching between any HDMI input ports in less than one second. HDCP 1.4 support with internal HDCP keys. There is a version of the product, where the ADV7842 device is programmed with internal HDCP keys (ADZS-DECODEK-EX3). Consumers must have HDCP adopter status (consult Digital Content Protection, LLC for licensing requirements) to purchase any components with internal HDCP keys. In order to interface with consumer electronics, a board with internal HDCP keys is required. The ADV7842 receiver supports all mandatory HDMI 1.4 3-D TV formats in addition to all HDTV formats up to 1080p. The ADV7842 receiver also integrates an HDMI v1.4 CEC controller that supports the capability discovery and control (CDC) feature. The ADV7842 receiver offers a flexible audio output port for the audio data decoded from the HDMI stream. ADV7842 receiver can be configured to generate an interrupt based on various events. The TWI port is used for communication between the receiver and processor. The parallel peripheral interface (PPI) is used to receive video data. The serial port (SPORT) is used to receive audio data. An interrupt signal from the receiver is connected to a GPIO signal on the processor. The GPIO signal is configured via a software switch. Refer to 1-4 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Using Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Schematic” on page B-1 for more information. For more information about the ADV7842, go to and search for ADV7842. An example program demonstrating capabilities of the ADV7842 device is available by installing the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Support Package (BSP). Expansion Interface III The Expansion Interface III (EI3) allows an extender board to be used across various hardware platforms that have the same expansion interface connectors. The EI3 implemented on the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board contains the PPI, SPORT, TWI and GPIO ports. These signals are used for the peripherals on the extender. The connectors contain a majority of the processor’s signals. For pinout information, go to “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Schematic” on page B-1. The mechanical dimensions of the expansion connectors can be obtained by contacting “Technical Support”. The Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board can interface with EZ-KIT Lites/EZ-Boards operating at an IO voltage of 3.3V. Other IO voltages are not supported. The extender can be powered from either the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board or through the on-board 5V power connector (P1). For more information about extender boards, visit the Analog Devices Web site ( Limits to current and interface speed must be taken into consideration when using the EI3. Current for the EI3 can be sourced from the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board; therefore, the current should be limited to 200 mA for 5V and 300 mA for the 3.3V planes. If more current is required, then a sepaVideo Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 1-5 Example Programs rate power connector and a regulator must be designed on the daughter card. Additional circuitry can add extra loading to signals, decreasing their maximum effective speed. Devices does not support and is not responsible for the Analog effects of additional circuitry. Example Programs Example programs are included with the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board BSP. Example programs demonstrate various capabilities of the product. The support package is installed on top of CrossCore Embedded Studio. Once installed, the example programs can be found in the <install_path>\Video_Decoder_EI3_Extender_Board-RelX.X.X\Video_D ecoder_EI3 directory where X.X.X denotes the support package release number. Board Design Database A .zip file containing all of the electronic information required for the design, layout, fabrication and assembly of the product is available for download from the Analog Devices board design database at: 1-6 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 2 VIDEO DECODER EI3 EXTENDER BOARD HARDWARE REFERENCE This chapter describes the hardware design of the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board. The following topics are covered. • “System Architecture” on page 2-2 Describes the daughter board configuration and explains how the board components interface with the processor. • “Software-Controlled Switches (SoftConfig)” on page 2-3 List and describe signals routed through the software-controlled switches. • “Connectors” on page 2-10 Shows the locations and provides part numbers for the on-board connectors. In addition, the manufacturer and part number information is provided for the mating parts. • “LEDs” on page 2-14 Describes the on-board LEDs. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 2-1 System Architecture System Architecture A block diagram of the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board is shown in Figure 2-1. EI3 Connector EPPI TWI GPIO SPORT Bus Transceiver Soft Config 3.3V 2.5V 1.8V MCP23017 Voltage Regulation Soft Config Soft Config Soft Config 74CB3Q16211 PI3C3125 74AVC8T245 PPI TWI INT SPORT ADV7842 Video Decoder HDMI HDMI VGA SVIDEO Power DDR SDRAM Component Composite Figure 2-1. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Block Diagram 2-2 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Hardware Reference Software-Controlled Switches (SoftConfig) On the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board, all of the traditional mechanical switches and jumpers have been replaced by I2C software-controlled switches. Refer to any SoftConfig*.c file found in the installation directory of CCES for an example of how to set up the SoftConfig feature of the product through software. The SoftConfig section of this manual serves as a reference to any user that intends to modify an existing software example. If software provided by ADI is used, there should be little need to reference this section. should be taken when changing SoftConfig settings not to Care create a conflict between interfaces. Overview of SoftConfig In order to further clarify the use of electronic single FET switches and multi-channel bus switches, an example of each is illustrated and compared to a traditional mechanical switching solution. This is a generic example. After the generic discussion, there is a detailed explanation of the SoftConfig interface specific to the extender board. Figure 2-2 shows two individual FET switches (Pericom PI3A125CEX) with reference designators UA and UB. Net names ENABLE_A and ENABLE_B control UA and UB. In this example, the default FET switch enable settings are controlled by resistors RA and RB which pull the enable pin 1 of UA and UB to ground (low). In a real example, these enable signals are controlled by the Microchip IO expander. The default pull-down resistors connect the signals EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_A and EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_B and also connect signals EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_C and EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_D. To disconnect EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_A from EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_B, the Microchip IO expander is used to change ENABLE_A to a logic 1 through software that interfaces with Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 2-3 Software-Controlled Switches (SoftConfig) the Microchip. The same procedure for ENABLE_B disconnects EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_C from EXAMPLE_SIGNAL_D. Figure 2-2. Example of Individual FET Switches Figure 2-3 shows the equivalent circuit to Figure 2-2 but utilizes mechanical switches that are in the same package. The default is shown by black boxes located closer to the ON label of the switches. In order to disconnect these switches, physically move the switch to the OFF position. Figure 2-3. Example of Mechanical Switch Equivalent to Figure 2-2 2-4 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Hardware Reference Figure 2-4 shows a bus switch example, reference designator UC (Pericom PI3LVD512ZHE), selecting between lettered functionality and numbered functionality. The signals on the left side are multiplexed signals with naming convention letter_number. Figure 2-4. Example of a Bus Switch The right side of the circuit shows the signals separated into letter and number, with the number on the lower group (eg. 0B1) and the letter on the upper group (eg. 0B2). The default setting is controlled by the signal CONTROL_LETTER_NUMBER which is pulled low. This selects the number signals on the right to be connected to the multiplexed signals on the left by Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 2-5 Software-Controlled Switches (SoftConfig) default. In this example, the Microchip IO expander is not shown but controls the signal CONTROL_LETTER_NUMBER and allows the user to change the selection through software. Figure 2-5 shows the equivalent circuit to Figure 2-4 but utilizes mechanical switches. Note the default for reference designators SWC and SWD is illustrated by black boxes located closer to the ON label of the switches to enable the number signals by default. Note the default setting for reference designators SWE and SWF is OFF. In order to connect the letters instead of the numbers, the user physically changes all switches on SWC and SWD to the OFF position and all switches on SWE and SEF to the ON position. Figure 2-5. Example of Mechanical Switch Equivalent to Figure 2-4 2-6 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Hardware Reference Programming SoftConfig On the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board, a single Microchip MCP23017 device controls individual and electronic bus switches via TWI. The device has the following programming characteristics: • There are two programmable GPIO registers. GPIO Register Register Address GPIOA 0x12 GPIOB 0x13 • Each GPIO register controls eight signals (software switches). • By default, the GPIO signals function as input signals; therefore, all electronic switches are in the OFF state. The signals must be programmed as output signals to override their default values. The following table shows the Microchip register addresses and values that must be written to them to program the signals as output signals. IODIR Register IODIR Register Address Value to be Written to Program Signals as Outputs IODIRA 0x00 0 IODIRB 0x01 0 Each example in CrossCore Embedded Studio includes source files that program the soft switches, even if the default settings are being used. The README for each example identifies only the signals that are being changed Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 2-7 Software-Controlled Switches (SoftConfig) from their default values. The code that programs the soft switches is located in two files: • SoftConfig_Decoder.c • SoftConfig_xxx.c for configuring the extender board for configuring the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board; xxx identifies the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board file in each example. Page 2 of “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Schematic” on page B-1 shows how the GPIO expanders are connected to the board’s ICs. is a 24-bit bus switch. The switch connects the decoder to the processor. U12 are 2-port bus switches. The switches select the GPIO signals to be used as the interrupt for the ADV7842 device (U10). U8–9 is an 8-port bus switch. The switch is used to connects/disconnect the SPORT interface of the processor to the ADV7842 receiver. U18 Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 show the output signals of the GPIO expander (U2) with a TWI address of 0100 110X, where X represents the read or write bit. The signals that control an individual FET have an entry under the FET column. The Component Connected column shows the board IC that is connected if the FET is enabled. Table 2-1. Output Signals of GPIO Expander (U2 Port A) 2-8 Bit Signal Name Description FET Component Connected Default 0 24_BIT_ADV7842 24-bit video mode U12 U10 OFF 1 Not Used 2 SPORT_ENABLE Enable SPORT interface U18 U10 OFF 3 Not Used 4 Not Used 5 Not Used Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Hardware Reference Table 2-1. Output Signals of GPIO Expander (U2 Port A) (Cont’d) Bit Signal Name 6 Not Used 7 Not Used Description FET Component Connected Default Table 2-2. Output Signals of GPIO Expander (U2 Port B) Bit Signal Name Description FET Component Connected Default 0 ADV7842_INT_GPIO0 Decoder interrupt U8 U10 OFF 1 ADV7842_INT_GPIO1 Decoder interrupt U8 U10 OFF 2 ADV7842_INT_GPIO2 Decoder interrupt U8 U10 OFF 3 ADV7842_INT_GPIO3 Decoder interrupt U8 U10 OFF 4 ADV7842_INT_GPIO4 Decoder interrupt U9 U10 OFF 5 ADV7842_INT_GPIO5 Decoder interrupt U9 U10 OFF 6 ADV7842_INT_GPIO6 Decoder interrupt U9 U10 OFF 7 ADV7842_INT_GPIO7 Decoder interrupt U9 U10 OFF ADV7842_INT_GPIOx Signal The ADV7842_INT_GPIOx signal connects the interrupt signal of the ADV7842 video decoder to one of eight GPIO pins of the processor. U2 ports GPB0–7 select the connection to the appropriate GPIO signal via the U8–9 bus switches. SPORT_ENABLE Signal The SPORT_ENABLE signal connects the audio signal of the ADV7842 video decoder to the SPORT interface of the processor. U2 port GPA2 enables or disables the connection via the U18 bus switch. By default, the audio is disabled. Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 2-9 Connectors Connectors This section describes connector functionality and provides info about mating connectors. The connector locations are shown in Figure 2-6. Figure 2-6. Connector Locations denoted by a dotted line are located on the opposite Connectors side of the board. 2-10 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Hardware Reference Component Connector (J1) The component connector (J1) is a group of three RCA jacks which connect to the ADV7842 video decoder. The connector can be used for YPrPb and RGB modes and supports SD, ED, and HD video modes. Part Description Manufacturer Part Number Component (3x1 RCA) CUI RCJ-32265 Mating Cable Component cable BELKIN AV21000-06 S-Video Connector (J2) The S-Video connector (J2) is a DIN connector to the ADV7842 video decoder. The connector can be used for Y-C mode and supports SD, ED, and HD video modes. Part Description Manufacturer Part Number S-Video CUI MD-40SM Mating Cable S-Video cable BELKIN F8V308-06 VGA Connector (J3) The VGA connector (J3) is a DSUB15 connector which connects to the ADV7842 video decoder. The connector can be used for RGB mode and supports SD, ED, and HD video modes. Part Description Manufacturer Part Number VGA EDAC 634-015-263-032 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual 2-11 Connectors Part Description Manufacturer Part Number Mating Cable VGA cable BELKIN F2N028-06 Expansion Interface III (EI3) Connectors (J4) One board-to-board connector (J4) provides signals from the PPI, SPORT, TWI, and GPIO interfaces of the processor. The connector is located on the top side of the board. Part Description Manufacturer Part Number 120-pin, 0.6 mm HIROSE FX8-120S-SV(21) Mating Connector 120-pin, 0.6 mm HIROSE FX8-120P-SV1(91) HDMI Connector (J5–6) The HDMI connectors (J5–6) are HDMI receptacles connected to the ADV7842 video decoder. The connector can be used for YCbCr and RGB modes and supports SD, ED, and HD video modes. It supports ARC and is v.1.4 compliant. Part Description Manufacturer Part Number HDMI FCI 10029449-002TLF Mating Cable HDMI cable 2-12 MEDIABRIDGE 91-02X-06B Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Hardware Reference Composite Connector (J7) The composite connector (J7) is a single RCA jack connected to the ADV7842 video decoder. The connector can be used for CVBS and supports SD, ED, and HD video modes. Part Description Manufacturer Part Number Composite (1 RCA) SWITCHCRAFT PJRAN1X1U01X Mating Cable Composite Cable KOBICONN 17FH101 Power Connector (P1) Under normal circumstances, the power connector is not needed because the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board derives its power from the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board. If the EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board is not able to supply enough power to the Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board, then an external power supply can be connected to P1 and power the extender and EZ-KIT Lite/EZ-Board. Part Description Manufacturer Part Number 0.65 mm power jack CUI 045-0883R Mating Cable 5.0VDC@3.6A power supply GLOBETEK Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual GS-1750(R) 2-13 LEDs LEDs This section describes the on-board LEDs. HDMI Detect LED (LED1–2) When LED1 or LED2 is lit solid (yellow), it indicates that a valid connection is sensed on the HDMI connector. Power LED (LED3) When LED3 is lit solid (green), it indicates that power is being supplied to the board properly. 2-14 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual A VIDEO DECODER EI3 EXTENDER BOARD BILL OF MATERIALS The bill of materials corresponds to “Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Schematic” on page B-1. Ref. Qty. Description Reference Designator Manufacturer Part Number 1 2 SN74LVC1G125 SOT23-5 U21-U22 TI 74LVC1G125DBVRE4 2 1 SN74CB3Q16211 TSSOP56 U12 DIGI-KEY 296-17629-1-ND 3 1 SN74AVC4T245 SOIC16 U7 DIGI-KEY 296-17930-1-ND 4 1 SST25WF040 SOIC8 U13 SST SST25WF040-40-5I-SAF 5 1 SN74AVC8T245 TSSOP24 U18 TI SN74AVC8T245PW 6 1 K4H561638J TSOP66_22P2X11 P76X0P32MM U16 SAMSUNG K4H561638N-LCB3000 7 1 28.6363MHZ OSCJ850P1140X4 70-4 Y1 DIGI KEY 300-8572-1-ND 8 1 12MHZ OSC015 U26 DIGI KEY 535-9413-2-ND 9 1 MCP23017 QFN65P600X60029 U2 DIGI KEY MCP23017-E/ML-ND 10 2 PI3C3125 TSSOP14 U8-U9 PERICOM PI3C3125 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual A-1 Ref. Qty. Description Reference Designator Manufacturer Part Number 11 1 74AVC24T245 LFBGA84 U6 DIGI KEY 296-17662-1-ND 12 1 ADP1706-3.3V LFCSP8 VR1 ANALOG DEVICES ADP1706ACPZ-3.3-R7 13 3 ADP1715 MSOP8 VR2-VR4 ANALOG DEVICES ADP1715ARMZ-1.8-R7 14 1 ADP1715 MSOP8 VR5 ANALOG DEVICES ADP1715ARMZ-2.5-R7 15 1 ADV7842 BGA256C100P16 X16_1700X1700 U10 ANALOG DEVICES ADV7842KBCZ-5 16 1 RCA 1X1 CON012 J7 SWITCHCRAFT PJRAN1X1U01X 17 1 PWR .65MM CON027 P1 DIGI-KEY CP1-022PJCT-ND 18 1 1A RESETABLE 1206 F1 RAYCHEM NANOSMDC110F-2 19 1 DSUB 15P EDAC_634-015-2 63-032 J3 MOUSER 587-634-015-263-032 20 2 HDMI 19P FCI_10029449-00 2TLF J5-J6 FCI 10029449-002LF 21 1 RCA 3X1 CUI-STACK_RCJ32265 J1 DIGI KEY CP-1446-ND 22 1 MINI-DIN 4PIN CUI-STACK_MD40SM J2 DIGI KEY CP-2240-ND 23 1 .6MM 120PIN HIROSE_FX8-120 S-SV(21) J4 HIROSE FX8-120S-SV(21) A-2 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Bill Of Materials Ref. Qty. Description Reference Designator Manufacturer Part Number 24 3 10K 1/10W 5% 0805 R11,R15-R16 VISHAY CRCW080510K0JNEA 25 3 10K 1/10W 5% 0805 R9-R10,R17 VISHAY CRCW080510K0JNEA 26 2 10K 31MW 5% RNET8 RN16-RN17 CTS 746X101103JP 27 31 0.1UF 10V 10% 0402 C5-C6,C11,C15- C19,C21-C22,C24C26,C44,C58,C66, C68,C77,C80-C87, C90-C94 AVX 0402ZD104KAT2A 28 31 0.01UF 16V 10% 0402 C29-C37,C42-C43, C45-C48,C50-C51, C54,C57,C59-C65, C67,C69-C72 AVX 0402YC103KAT2A 29 1 10K 1/16W 5% 0402 R55 VISHAY CRCW040210K0FKED 30 7 4.7K 1/16W 5% 0402 R45-R46,R51-R52, R57,R60-R61 VISHAY CRCW04024K70JNED 31 2 0 1/16W 5% 0402 R1-R2 PANASONIC ERJ-2GE0R00X 32 6 0 1/16W 5% 0402 R4,R6,R8,R26-R28 PANASONIC ERJ-2GE0R00X 33 3 33 1/16W 5% 0402 R3,R5,R56 VISHAY CRCW040233R0JNEA 34 9 24.0 1/10W 1% 0603 R30,R32,R34-R35, R38-R41,R43 DIGI-KEY 311-24.0HRTR-ND 35 2 4.7UF 6.3V 20% 0603 C55-C56 AVX 06036D475MAT2A 36 1 1UF 6.3V 20% 0402 C78 PANASONIC ECJ-0EB0J105M 37 4 100 1/16W 5% 0402 R12-R14,R54 DIGI-KEY 311-100JRTR-ND 38 2 27PF 50V 5% 0402 C96-C97 AVX 04025A270JAT2A Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual A-3 Ref. Qty. Description Reference Designator Manufacturer Part Number 39 1 10UF 10V 10% 0805 C95 PANASONIC ECJ-2FB1A106K 40 1 GREEN LED001 LED3 PANASONIC LN1361CTR 41 1 430 1/16W 1% 0402 R50 DIGI-KEY 311-430LRCT-ND 42 2 47.0K 1/16W 1% 0402 R18,R21 ROHM MCR01MZPF4702 43 2 47.0K 1/16W 1% 0402 R19-R20 ROHM MCR01MZPF4702 44 4 1.0K 1/16W 1% 0402 R22-R23,R53,R59 PANASONIC ERJ-2RKF1001X 45 13 2.2UF 25V 10% 0805 C1-C4,C27-C28, C38-C41,C49,C52C53 DIGI KEY 445-6860-2-ND 46 3 1A MBR130LSFT1G SOD-123FL D1-D3 ON SEMI MBR130LSFT1G 47 9 51.1 1/16W 1% 0402 R31,R33,R36-R37, R42,R44,R47-R49 DIGI-KEY 541-51.1LCT-ND 48 1 27K 1/16W 5% 0402 R29 PANASONIC ERJ-2GEJ273X 49 2 1000PF 50V 5% 0402 C20,C23 DIGI-KEY 490-3244-1-ND 50 5 22 1/16W 5% RNS003 RN11-RN15 PANASONIC EXB-2HV220JV 51 2 220.0 1/10W 1% 0603 R24-R25 DIGI-KEY P220HTR-ND 52 2 GREEN 0603 LED1-LED2 DIGI KEY 475-1409-2-ND 53 4 4700PF XXX 2A FIL_NFE61PT FER1-FER4 DIGI KEY 490-2554-2-ND 54 9 75 1/16W 5% RESCAV_YC164-8 RN1-RN2,RN4- RN10 YAGEO YC164-JR-0775RL A-4 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Bill Of Materials Ref. Qty. Description Reference Designator Manufacturer Part Number 55 4 5A RCLAMP0524 DIO_RCLAMP05 24 D7-D10 SEMTECH RCLAMP0524P.TCT 56 2 6A RCLAMP0504 DIO_RCLAMP05 04 D4-D5 SEMTECH RCLAMP0504P.TCT 57 1 30MA DB3X314 DIO_DB3X314 D6 PANASONIC DB3X314K0L 58 1 499 1/10W 1% 0402 R58 PANASONIC ERJ-2RKF4990X 59 1 75.0 1/10W 1% 0402 R7 PANASONIC ERJ-2RKF75R0X Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual A-5 A-6 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual A B D C 1 1 2 2 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Schematic 3 3 ANALOG DEVICES 4 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Title Page Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 1 of 9 A B D C J4 94 EI3_PPICLK PPI0_CLK 95 EI3_PPIFS2 PPI0_FS2 101 EI3_PPID0 PPI0_D0 102 EI3_PPID2 PPI0_D2 103 EI3_PPID4 PPI0_D4 105 EI3_PPID6 PPI0_D6 106 EI3_PPID8 PPI0_D8 107 EI3_PPID10 1 PPI0_D10 108 EI3_PPID12 PPI0_D12 12 EI3_PPID14 PPI0_D14 111 EI3_PPID16 PPI0_D16 112 EI3_PPID18 PPI0_D18 113 EI3_PPID20 PPI0_D20 114 EI3_PPID22 PPI0_D22 27 PPI0_FS1 EI3_PPIFS1 PPI0_FS3 26 EI3_PPIFS3 20 PPI0_D1 EI3_PPID1 PPI0_D3 19 EI3_PPID3 18 PPI0_D5 EI3_PPID5 PPI0_D7 16 EI3_PPID7 PPI0_D9 15 EI3_PPID9 14 PPI0_D11 EI3_PPID11 PPI0_D13 13 EI3_PPID15 10 PPI0_D17 EI3_PPID17 9 PPI0_D19 EI3_PPID19 8 PPI0_D21 EI3_PPID21 7 PPI0_D23 1 EI3_PPID13 110 PPI0_D15 EI3_PPID23 R1 0 0402 DNP 99 PPI0_INT 87 EI3_SPORT0_CLK SPORT0_CLK 89 EI3_SPORT0_FS SPORT0_FS 29 SPORT0_TDV 88 EI3_SPORT0_D0 SPORT0_D0 32 EI3_SPORT0_D1 SPORT0_D1 92 SPORT1_CLK EI3_SPORT1_CLK 90 SPORT1_FS EI3_SPORT0_CLK EI3_SPORT1_FS R2 0 0402 DNP 30 SPORT1_TDV 91 SPORT1_D0 EI3_SPORT1_D0 SPORT1_D1 EI3_SPORT0_FS 31 EI3_SPORT1_CLK TWI Address 0100 110x x is the R/W bit. Read - 1, Write - 0 EI3_SPORT1_FS EI3_SPORT1_D1 35 SPORT_INT 3.3V SoftConfig control signals 82 SPI0_CLK 83 SPI0_MISO 33 SPI0_D2 39 SPI0_SEL1/SPI0_SS* 37 SPI0_SEL_B 50 SPI0_RDY 84 SPI0_MOSI 34 SPI0_D3 U2 VDD SPI0_SEL_C 38 EI3_SCL 61 R4 0402 EI3_SDA 2 56 TWI0_A0* 79 SCL0* 80 EI3_SDA SDA0* 42 0 9 19 GPA2 SDA SDA1* 3.3V 16 22 GPA5 15 23 GPA6 INTA INTB EI3_GPIO0 EI3_GPIO1 44 77 GPIO3 25 GPB0 ADV7842_INT_GPIO0 EI3_GPIO3 76 GPIO5 26 GPB1 ADV7842_INT_GPIO1 EI3_GPIO5 27 GPB2 ADV7842_INT_GPIO2 28 GPB3 ADV7842_INT_GPIO3 1 GPB4 ADV7842_INT_GPIO4 11 2 GPB5 ADV7842_INT_GPIO5 12 3 GPB6 ADV7842_INT_GPIO6 13 4 GPB7 ADV7842_INT_GPIO7 45 GPIO4 47 EI3_GPIO6 24 GPA7 78 GPIO1 GPIO2 EI3_GPIO4 GPIO6 48 TMR_A 49 TMR_C 74 GPIO7* R9 10K 0805 EI3_GPIO7 R10 10K 0805 R11 10K 0805 DNP 73 TMR_B A0 72 TMR_D* A1 59 UART0_RX 65 WAKE* 60 PWR_IN 2 43 GPIO0 EI3_GPIO2 SPORT_ENABLE 21 GPA4 RESET 41 24_BIT_ADV7842 20 GPA3 14 EI3_RESET SCL1* 8 18 GPA1 SCL EXT_BOOT EI3_SCL 17 GPA0 5 85 SPI0_SEL_A RESET_IN* VIN A2 62 UART0_TX MCP23017 QFN65P600X600-29N R15 10K 0805 DNP 64 SLEEP* 57 RESET_OUT* R17 10K 0805 3.3V EI3_RESET USB_VCC 71 R16 10K 0805 DNP TP8 CLKOUT 3 3 1 VIN 120 PS_IN 3 GND1 6 GND3 17 GND5 28 GND7 40 GND9 52 GND11 63 GND13 75 GND15 86 GND17 98 GND19 109 GND21 117 GND23 2 RSVD1 22 RSVD3 25 RSVD5 53 RSVD7 55 4 RSVD9 67 RSVD11 70 RSVD13 97 RSVD15 5 USB_VCC C11 0.1UF 0402 116 VIO GND2 GND4 GND6 GND8 GND10 GND12 GND14 GND16 GND18 GND20 GND22 GND24 RSVD2 RSVD4 RSVD6 RSVD8 RSVD10 RSVD12 RSVD14 RSVD16 4 11 23 36 46 58 69 81 93 104 115 118 21 24 ANALOG DEVICES 51 54 66 68 Title 96 100 119 20 Cotton Road Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board EI3 Connector/GPIO Extender RSVD17 Size HIROSE_FX8-120S-SV(21) .6MM B C Rev A0253-2010 C Date A Board No. 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 2 of 9 A B 3.3V D C 3.3V U6 3.3V B4 B3 VCCB1 D4 D3 VCCB2 H4 H3 VCCB3 L4 L3 VCCB4 N4 N3 VCCB5 VCCA1 VCCA2 VCCA3 VCCA4 VCCA5 3.3V C86 0.1UF 0402 1 C84 0.1UF 0402 C83 0.1UF 0402 C5 0.1UF 0402 EI3_PPID0 B6 1A1 B1 1B1 PPID0 EI3_PPID1 B5 1A2 B2 1B2 PPID1 EI3_PPID2 C6 1A3 C1 1B3 PPID2 EI3_PPID3 C5 1A4 C2 1B4 PPID3 EI3_PPID4 D6 2A1 D1 2B1 PPID4 EI3_PPID5 D5 2A2 D2 2B2 PPID5 EI3_PPID6 E6 2A3 E1 2B3 PPID6 EI3_PPID7 E5 2A4 E2 2B4 PPID7 F6 3A1 F1 3B1 PPID8 EI3_PPID9 F5 3A2 F2 3B2 PPID9 EI3_PPID10 G6 3A3 G1 3B3 PPID10 EI3_PPID11 G5 3A4 G2 3B4 PPID11 H6 4A1 H1 4B1 PPID12 EI3_SPORT0_D1 EI3_PPID13 H5 4A2 H2 4B2 PPID13 EI3_SPORT1_D0 EI3_PPID14 J6 4A3 J1 4B3 PPID14 EI3_SPORT1_D1 EI3_PPID15 J5 4A4 J2 4B4 PPID15 EI3_SPORT0_CLK EI3_PPID16 K6 5A1 K1 5B1 EI3_PPID17 K5 5A2 K2 5B2 PPID17 L6 L1 5B3 PPID18 L5 L2 5B4 PPID19 M6 M1 6B1 PPID20 EI3_PPID8 EI3_PPID12 EI3_PPID18 5A3 EI3_PPID19 2 C85 0.1UF 0402 5A4 EI3_PPID20 6A1 EI3_PPID21 PPID21 N6 N1 6B3 EI3_PPID22 PPID22 N5 6A4 N2 6B4 PPID23 A6 1OE C3 GND1 P6 1DIR C4 GND2 A5 2OE E3 GND3 P5 2DIR E4 GND4 A4 3OE F3 GND5 P4 3DIR F4 GND6 A3 4OE G4 GND7 P3 4DIR J3 GND8 A2 5OE J4 GND9 6A3 EI3_PPID23 1 3.3V 3.3V U18 C87 0.1UF 0402 C82 0.1UF 0402 C81 0.1UF 0402 C80 0.1UF 0402 1 VCC_A 23 VCC_B1 24 VCC_B2 3 21 B1 SPORT0_D0 4 20 B2 SPORT0_D1 5 19 B3 SPORT1_D0 6 18 B4 SPORT1_D1 7 17 B5 SPORT0_CLK 8 16 B6 SPORT0_FS 9 15 B7 10 14 B8 A1 EI3_SPORT0_D0 A2 A3 A4 A5 EI3_SPORT0_FS A6 A7 A8 2 SPORT_ENABLE M2 6B2 6A2 C6 0.1UF 0402 3.3V PPID16 M5 3.3V 11 DIR GND1 22 OE GND2 2 12 13 GND3 SN74AVC8T245 TSSOP24 3.3V P2 5DIR K3 GND10 ADV7842_INT_GPIO0 A1 6OE K4 GND11 EI3_GPIO0 P1 6DIR M3 GND12 ADV7842_INT_GPIO1 M4 GND13 EI3_GPIO1 ADV7842_INT_GPIO2 74AVC24T245 LFBGA84 EI3_GPIO2 ADV7842_INT_GPIO3 3 EI3_GPIO3 U8 1 OE0 2 A0 RN16 3 B0 ADV7842_INT 24_BIT_ADV7842 4 OE1 5 A1 6 B1 SPORT_ENABLE ADV7842_INT B2 8 11 EI3_GPIO4 3.3V ADV7842_INT_GPIO5 3.3V EI3_GPIO5 ADV7842_INT_GPIO6 U7 1 VCCA EI3_PPICLK R5 0402 33 4 1A1 1A2 2A1 11 2B1 7 EI3_PPIFS3 12 1B2 6 EI3_PPIFS2 13 1B1 5 EI3_PPIFS1 2A2 10 2B2 2 1DIR ADV7842_INT_GPIO7 PPICLK EI3_GPIO7 PPIFS1 R8 3 B0 RN17 4 OE1 5 A1 ADV7842_INT_GPIO0 6 B1 ADV7842_INT_GPIO1 10 OE2 9 A2 ADV7842_INT_GPIO2 B2 8 ADV7842_INT_GPIO3 13 OE3 12 A3 3 3.3V R7 10K RNET8 ADV7842_INT_GPIO4 11 B3 ADV7842_INT_GPIO5 PI3C3125 TSSOP14 PPIFS2 R6 9 ADV7842_INT_GPIO6 ADV7842_INT_GPIO7 1 R1 2 R2 3 5 COM1 10 COM2 R3 4 R4 6 R5 7 R6 8 R7 9 R8 PPIFS3 15 1OE 3 EI3_GPIO6 16 VCCB R5 U9 1 OE0 2 A0 10 COM2 R4 8 B3 5 COM1 R3 4 7 PI3C3125 TSSOP14 ADV7842_INT_GPIO4 3 R2 6 13 OE3 12 A3 R1 2 10 OE2 9 A2 1 10K RNET8 14 2OE 2DIR SN74AVC4T245 SOIC16 3.3V 3.3V ANALOG DEVICES 4 C90 0.1UF 0402 C91 0.1UF 0402 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Buffers/SoftConfig Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 3 of 9 A B D C 1 1 3.3V 2 VCC U12 17 TP2 PPID0 2 1A1 PPID1 3 1A2 1B2 PPID2 4 1A3 1B3 PPID3 5 1A4 PPID4 6 1A5 1B5 PPID5 7 1A6 1B6 PPID6 9 1A7 1B7 PPID7 10 1A8 1B8 PPID8 11 1A9 PPID9 12 1A10 1B10 PPID10 13 1A11 1B11 PPID11 14 1A12 1B12 1B1 1B4 1B9 54 53 52 51 50 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 ADV7842_D4 ADV7842_D5 ADV7842_D6 ADV7842_D7 ADV7842_D8 ADV7842_D9 ADV7842_D10 ADV7842_D11 ADV7842_D16 ADV7842_D17 ADV7842_D18 2 3.3V ADV7842_D19 56 1OE PPID12 15 2A1 2B1 PPID13 16 2A2 2B2 PPID14 18 2A3 2B3 PPID15 20 2A4 2B4 PPID16 21 2A5 PPID17 22 2A6 2B6 PPID18 23 2A7 2B7 PPID19 24 2A8 2B8 PPID20 25 2A9 2B9 PPID21 26 2A10 PPID22 27 2A11 2B11 PPID23 28 2A12 2B12 24-Bit Mode RGB 8:8:8 3 SN74CB3Q16211 TSSOP56 2B10 40 39 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 ADV7842_D20 C15 0.1UF 0402 ADV7842_D21 ADV7842_D22 ADV7842_D23 ADV7842_D28 ADV7842_D29 ADV7842_D30 ADV7842_D31 ADV7842_D32 ADV7842_D33 ADV7842_D34 ADV7842_D35 8 GND1 19 GND2 38 GND3 49 GND4 55 2OE 24_BIT_ADV7842 2B5 41 3 ANALOG DEVICES 4 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Video Mode Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 4 of 9 A 1.8V 301ma 1.8V 435ma DVDDIO F5 G5 H5 J5 K5 L5 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 D C DVddIO-6 DVddIO-1 DVddIO-2 DVddIO-7 DVddIO-5 DVddIO-3 DVddIO-4 Vdd-8 Vdd-7 Vdd-2 Vdd-1 Vdd-9 Vdd-3 Vdd-4 Vdd-5 Vdd-6 J7 K6 K7 K8 K9 L6 L7 L8 L9 F12 G12 H12 J12 K12 L12 VDD_SDRAM Vdd_SDRAM-5 Vdd_SDRAM-1 Vdd_SDRAM-2 Vdd_SDRAM-3 Vdd_SDRAM-4 1.8V 38ma VDD AVdd-3 AVdd-2 AVdd-5 AVdd-4 AVdd-1 AVdd-6 D15 D16 C12 C13 C14 D12 E11 E12 1.8V 250ma PVDD AVDD PVdd-1 PVdd-2 3.3V 135ma CVDD CVdd-2 CVdd-1 CVdd-6 CVdd-5 CVdd-4 CVdd-3 TVdd-4 TVdd-2 TVdd-3 TVdd-1 A5 B5 B15 A15 TVDD B 3.3V 150ma 2.5V or 3.3V 35ma 1 RN7 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A ADV7842_D4_X ADV7842_D5_X ADV7842_D6_X ADV7842_D7_X U10 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B 1 ADV7842_D4 ADV7842_D5 ADV7842_D6 ADV7842_D7 A1 A10 A16 B10 C5 C15 D5 E1 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 J6 J8 J9 J10 J11 J16 K10 K11 L10 L11 M1 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 T1 T6 T12 T16 GND-53 GND-51 GND-50 GND-49 GND-48 GND-47 GND-46 GND-45 GND-44 GND-43 GND-42 GND-41 GND-40 GND-39 GND-17 GND-38 GND-37 GND-2 GND-36 GND-35 GND-1 GND-3 GND-4 GND-5 GND-6 GND-7 GND-8 GND-9 GND-10 GND-11 GND-12 GND-13 GND-14 GND-15 GND-16 GND-52 GND-18 GND-19 GND-20 GND-21 GND-22 GND-23 GND-24 GND-25 GND-26 GND-27 GND-28 GND-29 GND-30 GND-31 GND-32 GND-33 GND-34 75 RESCAV_YC164-8 RN1 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A ADV7842_D8_X ADV7842_D9_X ADV7842_D10_X ADV7842_D11_X 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B ADV7842_D8 ADV7842_D9 ADV7842_D10 ADV7842_D11 75 RESCAV_YC164-8 BGA256C100P16X16_1700X1700 ADV7842 RN6 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A ADV7842_D16_X ADV7842_D17_X ADV7842_D18_X ADV7842_D19_X ADV7842_D16 ADV7842_D17 ADV7842_D18 ADV7842_D19 75 RESCAV_YC164-8 TWI Address 0100 000x x is the R/W bit. Read - 1, Write - 0 DDCB_V5 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B RN5 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A ADV7842_D20_X ADV7842_D21_X ADV7842_D22_X ADV7842_D23_X DDCA_V5 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B ADV7842_D20 ADV7842_D21 ADV7842_D22 ADV7842_D23 75 RESCAV_YC164-8 U10 TXACTXAC+ TXA0TXA0+ TXA1TXA1+ TXA2TXA2+ 2 DDCA_SCL DDCA_SDA C7 C9 D10 D9 TXBCTXBC+ TXB0TXB0+ TXB1TXB1+ TXB2TXB2+ A9 B9 A8 B8 A7 B7 A6 B6 HPDB DDCB_SCL DDCB_SDA C6 C8 D8 D7 CEC D6 GR_G_IN GR_R_IN GR_B_IN Y_IN PR_IN PB_IN L15 K15 K16 J14 K13 J13 H15 G16 G15 G13 F14 F13 HPDA YC_CVBS_AUTO CVBS YC_C_AUTO 3 A14 B14 A13 B13 A12 B12 A11 B11 RXA_CRXA_C+ RXA_0RXA_0+ RXA_1RXA_1+ RXA_2RXA_2+ P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 P26 P27 P28 P29 P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 HPA_A RXA_5V DDCA_SCL DDCA_SDA RXB_CRXB_C+ RXB_0RXB_0+ RXB_1RXB_1+ RXB_2RXB_2+ HPA_B RXB_5V DDCB_SCL DDCB_SDA CEC AIN1 AIN2 AIN3 AIN4 AIN5 AIN6 AIN7 AIN8 AIN9 AIN10 AIN11 AIN12 LLC/VCLK SYNC_OUT VS/FIELD HS/CS FIELD/DE A4 A3 B3 A2 B2 B1 C2 C1 D2 D1 E2 F2 F1 G2 G1 H2 H1 J2 J1 K2 K1 L2 L1 M2 N2 P1 P2 R1 R2 T2 R3 T3 R4 T4 R5 T5 2 ADV7842_D4_X ADV7842_D5_X ADV7842_D6_X ADV7842_D7_X ADV7842_D8_X ADV7842_D9_X ADV7842_D10_X ADV7842_D11_X RN2 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A ADV7842_D32_X ADV7842_D33_X ADV7842_D34_X ADV7842_D35_X TP4 TP5 TP6 HS_IN1 VS_IN1 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B ADV7842_D32 ADV7842_D33 ADV7842_D34 ADV7842_D35 TP1 AVDD 33 AVDD PPICLK C92 0.1UF 0402 B4 C3 C4 D4 RN8 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B R55 10K 0402 PPIFS2 PPIFS1 VDD OE R7 0402 TRI1 TRI2 TRI3 TRI4 HS_IN1/TRI5 VS_IN1/TRI6 HS_IN2/TRI7 VS_IN2/TRI8 3 R56 33 0402 U26 75 H13 H14 F16 F15 L14 K14 E13 E14 ADV7842_D28 ADV7842_D29 ADV7842_D30 ADV7842_D31 75 RESCAV_YC164-8 ADV7842_D28_X ADV7842_D29_X ADV7842_D30_X ADV7842_D31_X ADV7842_D32_X ADV7842_D33_X ADV7842_D34_X ADV7842_D35_X R3 0402 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B 75 RESCAV_YC164-8 ADV7842_D16_X ADV7842_D17_X ADV7842_D18_X ADV7842_D19_X ADV7842_D20_X ADV7842_D21_X ADV7842_D22_X ADV7842_D23_X N1 RN4 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A ADV7842_D28_X ADV7842_D29_X ADV7842_D30_X ADV7842_D31_X 75.0 OUT CEC GND 12MHZ OSC015 PPIFS3 TP7 TP3 TP14 VGA_SCL VGA_SDA SYNC1 SYNC2 D13 D14 L16 J15 H16 G14 P4 L13 VGA_SCL VGA_SDA SYNC1 SYNC2 SYNC3 SYNC4 AP0 AP1 AP2 AP3 AP4 AP5 AVLINK SCLK MCLK AOUT ADV7842 BGA256C100P16X16_1700X1700 H3 K4 L4 K3 J4 H4 J3 G4 RN9 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B SPORT0_D0 SPORT0_D1 SPORT1_D0 SPORT1_D1 75 RN10 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A R4A 8 R1B 7 R2B 6 R3B 5 R4B SPORT0_FS SPORT0_CLK 75 ANALOG DEVICES 4 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board ADV7842 Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 5 of 9 A B D C 3.3V R61 4.7K 0402 R57 4.7K 0402 1 1 VDD_SDRAM U10 M4 N3 ADV7842_INT INT1 INT2 F4 G3 C93 0.1UF 0402 EI3_SCL EI3_SDA R6 0402 0 C95 10UF 0805 2 C94 0.1UF 0402 TTX_SCL TTX_SDA L3 M3 SCL SDA E16 E15 SDRAM_CS SDRAM_WE SDRAM_CKE SDRAM_UDQS SDRAM_LDQS EP_CS EP_SCK EP_MOSI EP_MISO C16 B16 Y1 28.6363MHZ SDRAM_BA0 SDRAM_BA1 REFN REFP E3 F3 E4 D3 EP_CS EP_SCK EP_MOSI EP_MISO SDRAM_DQ0 SDRAM_DQ1 SDRAM_DQ2 SDRAM_DQ3 SDRAM_DQ4 SDRAM_DQ5 SDRAM_DQ6 SDRAM_DQ7 SDRAM_DQ8 SDRAM_DQ9 SDRAM_DQ10 SDRAM_DQ11 SDRAM_DQ12 SDRAM_DQ13 SDRAM_DQ14 SDRAM_DQ15 SDRAM_RAS SDRAM_CAS SDRAM_CK SDRAM_CK XTALN XTALP D11 RTERM SDRAM_VREF T9 R9 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 40 28 41 42 SDRAM_BA0 SDRAM_BA1 26 27 47 20 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 BA0 BA1 SDRAM_UDQS SDRAM_LDQS N10 T10 N16 C97 27PF 0402 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 VREF SDRAM_BA0_X SDRAM_BA1_X 16 51 U16 UDM LDM CAS# RAS# WE# SDRAM_CS_X SDRAM_WE_X SDRAM_CKE_X P15 N11 SDRAM_RAS_X SDRAM_CAS_X P16 N15 SDRAM_CK_X SDRAM_CK_X P13 SDRAM_VREF R58 499 0402 SDRAM_DQ0_X SDRAM_DQ1_X SDRAM_DQ2_X SDRAM_DQ3_X SDRAM_DQ4_X SDRAM_DQ5_X SDRAM_DQ6_X SDRAM_DQ7_X SDRAM_DQ0 SDRAM_DQ1 SDRAM_DQ2 SDRAM_DQ3 SDRAM_DQ4 SDRAM_DQ5 SDRAM_DQ6 SDRAM_DQ7 SDRAM_DQ8 SDRAM_DQ9 SDRAM_DQ10 SDRAM_DQ11 SDRAM_DQ12 SDRAM_DQ13 SDRAM_DQ14 SDRAM_DQ15 VDD_SDRAM R53 1.0K 0402 49 SDRAM_VREF 22 23 21 SDRAM_CAS SDRAM_RAS SDRAM_WE C77 0.1UF 0402 C78 1UF 0402 R59 1.0K 0402 2 SDRAM_UDQS_X SDRAM_LDQS_X P10 R10 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13 54 56 57 59 60 62 63 65 LDQS UDQS SDRAM_CS 24 SDRAM_CKE 44 SDRAM_CK SDRAM_CK 46 45 NC1 NC2 NC3 CS# CKE NC5 NC6 NC7 NC8 CK# CK ADV7842 BGA256C100P16X16_1700X1700 C96 27PF 0402 61 55 15 9 3 SDRAM_DQ0_X SDRAM_DQ1_X SDRAM_DQ2_X SDRAM_DQ3_X SDRAM_DQ4_X SDRAM_DQ5_X SDRAM_DQ6_X SDRAM_DQ7_X SDRAM_DQ8_X SDRAM_DQ9_X SDRAM_DQ10_X SDRAM_DQ11_X SDRAM_DQ12_X SDRAM_DQ13_X SDRAM_DQ14_X SDRAM_DQ15_X SDRAM_A0 SDRAM_A1 SDRAM_A2 SDRAM_A3 SDRAM_A4 SDRAM_A5 SDRAM_A6 SDRAM_A7 SDRAM_A8 SDRAM_A9 SDRAM_A10 SDRAM_A11 VDDQ-1 VDDQ-5 VDDQ-3 VDDQ-2 VDDQ-4 R13 T13 R12 P12 N12 T11 R11 P11 R16 R15 T15 N14 P14 R14 T14 N13 R60 4.7K 0402 RN11 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A 5R4A 6R5A 7R6A 8R7A R8A 16 R1B15 R2B14 R3B13 R4B12 R5B11 R6B10 R7B9 R8B SDRAM_DQ0 SDRAM_DQ1 SDRAM_DQ2 SDRAM_DQ3 SDRAM_DQ4 SDRAM_DQ5 SDRAM_DQ6 SDRAM_DQ7 16 R1B15 R2B14 R3B13 R4B12 R5B11 R6B10 R7B9 R8B SDRAM_DQ8 SDRAM_DQ9 SDRAM_DQ10 SDRAM_DQ11 SDRAM_DQ12 SDRAM_DQ13 SDRAM_DQ14 SDRAM_DQ15 16 R1B15 R2B14 R3B13 R4B12 R5B11 R6B10 R7B9 R8B SDRAM_A0 SDRAM_A1 SDRAM_A2 SDRAM_A3 SDRAM_A4 SDRAM_A5 SDRAM_A6 SDRAM_A7 16 R1B15 R2B14 R3B13 R4B12 R5B11 R6B10 R7B9 R8B SDRAM_A8 SDRAM_A9 SDRAM_A10 SDRAM_A11 SDRAM_BA0 SDRAM_BA1 SDRAM_UDQS SDRAM_LDQS 16 R1B15 R2B14 R3B13 R4B12 R5B11 R6B10 R7B9 R8B SDRAM_CS SDRAM_WE SDRAM_CKE SDRAM_RAS SDRAM_CAS SDRAM_CK SDRAM_CK 14 17 25 43 53 19 50 VSS-2 VSS-1 VSS-3 TEST4 TEST5 TEST6 TEST7 TEST8 VDD_SDRAM 66 48 34 N4 P3 N6 P5 C11 SDRAM_A0_X SDRAM_A1_X SDRAM_A2_X SDRAM_A3_X SDRAM_A4_X SDRAM_A5_X SDRAM_A6_X SDRAM_A7_X SDRAM_A8_X SDRAM_A9_X SDRAM_A10_X SDRAM_A11_X 33 18 1 PWRDN1 N9 T8 R8 P8 N8 T7 R7 P7 N7 R6 P9 P6 VDD-2 VDD-3 VDD-1 C10 SDRAM_A0 SDRAM_A1 SDRAM_A2 SDRAM_A3 SDRAM_A4 SDRAM_A5 SDRAM_A6 SDRAM_A7 SDRAM_A8 SDRAM_A9 SDRAM_A10 SDRAM_A11 VSSQ-5 VSSQ-4 VSSQ-3 VSSQ-2 VSSQ-1 RESET 64 58 52 12 6 N5 EI3_RESET K4H561638J TSOP66_22P2X11P76X0P32MM 22 RNS003 RN12 SDRAM_DQ8_X SDRAM_DQ9_X SDRAM_DQ10_X SDRAM_DQ11_X SDRAM_DQ12_X SDRAM_DQ13_X SDRAM_DQ14_X SDRAM_DQ15_X 3 SDRAM_A0_X SDRAM_A1_X SDRAM_A2_X SDRAM_A3_X SDRAM_A4_X SDRAM_A5_X SDRAM_A6_X SDRAM_A7_X EP_SCK EP_CS 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A 5R4A 6R5A 7R6A 8R7A R8A 22 RNS003 RN14 R52 4.7K 0402 U13 EP_MOSI 3 22 RNS003 RN13 3.3V R51 4.7K 0402 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A 5R4A 6R5A 7R6A 8R7A R8A 8 VCC 5 SI 6 1 3 7 2 SO SCK CS EP_MISO SDRAM_A8_X SDRAM_A9_X SDRAM_A10_X SDRAM_A11_X SDRAM_BA0_X SDRAM_BA1_X SDRAM_UDQS_X SDRAM_LDQS_X 22 RNS003 RN15 WP RST/HOLD SST25WF040 SOIC8 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A 5R4A 6R5A 7R6A 8R7A R8A GND 4 SDRAM_CS_X SDRAM_WE_X SDRAM_CKE_X SDRAM_RAS_X SDRAM_CAS_X SDRAM_CK_X SDRAM_CK_X 1 2R1A 3R2A 4R3A 5R4A 6R5A 7R6A 8R7A R8A ANALOG DEVICES 22 RNS003 4 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board ADV7842 Memory Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 6 of 9 A B D C DDCA_V5 DDCB_V5 R22 1.0K 0402 R23 1.0K 0402 J5 1 TXA2+ 2 1 TXA2- 4 5 TXA1- TMDS_CLOCK+ 11 TXACCECA DDCA_SCL CEC HEC 15 DDCB_SCL SCL 16 DDCB_SDA SDA 17 DDC/CEC_GND 18 +5V 19 HPDA TMDS_CLOCK- 14 DDC/CEC_GND 18 TMDS_CLK_SHIELD 13 CECB SDA 17 TMDS_CLOCK+ 12 TXBC- +5V 19 HPDB HOT_PLUG_DETECT FCI_10029449-002TLF HDMI HDMI TMDS_DATA0- 11 SCL 16 DDCA_SDA TXBC+ SHGND TMDS_SHIELD0 10 HEC 15 TMDS_DATA0+ 9 TXB0- CEC 14 TMDS_DATA1- 8 TMDS_CLOCK- 13 TMDS_SHIELD1 7 TMDS_CLK_SHIELD 12 TMDS_DATA1+ 6 TXB1- 1 TMDS_DATA2- 4 TXB0+ HDMI TMDS_DATA0- 10 TMDS_SHIELD2 3 5 R8 0 0402 TMDS_SHIELD0 9 TXAC+ TXB2TXB1+ TMDS_DATA0+ 8 TXA0- TMDS_DATA2TMDS_DATA1+ TMDS_DATA1- 7 TMDS_DATA2+ 2 TMDS_SHIELD1 6 TXA0+ 1 TXB2+ TMDS_SHIELD2 3 TXA1+ J6 TMDS_DATA2+ HOT_PLUG_DETECT FCI_10029449-002TLF HDMI 2 2 TXAC- TXA1- TXBC- TXB1- TXAC+ TXA1+ TXBC+ TXB1+ TXA0- TXA2- TXB0- TXB2- TXA0+ TXA2+ TXB0+ TXB2+ D7 3.3V D8 1 IN1 10 1 9 2 7 4 6 5 8 3 OUT1 2 IN2 OUT2 4 IN3 IN4 GND1 GND2 OUT2 IN3 OUT4 3 OUT1 IN2 OUT3 5 D9 IN1 OUT3 IN4 OUT4 GND1 RCLAMP0524 DIO_RCLAMP0524 GND2 10 1 9 2 IN1 IN2 4 7 IN3 R29 27K 0402 6 5 IN4 8 3 GND1 RCLAMP0524 DIO_RCLAMP0524 D10 10 1 10 OUT1 9 2 9 OUT2 7 4 7 OUT3 6 5 6 OUT4 8 GND2 3 8 GND2 OUT1 IN1 OUT2 IN2 IN3 OUT3 OUT4 IN4 GND1 RCLAMP0524 DIO_RCLAMP0524 D6 DB3X314 RCLAMP0524 DIO_RCLAMP0524 DIO_DB3X314 R26 0 0402 3 DDCA_V5 R28 0 0402 CECA 3 DDCB_V5 CEC R27 0 0402 CECB R18 47.0K 0402 R21 47.0K 0402 R19 47.0K 0402 DNP D4 DDCA_SCL CLAMP2 5V/NC NC 5 2 6 CLAMP3 DDCA_SDA 4 HPDA CLAMP4 GND_PAD RCLAMP0504 DIO_RCLAMP0504 U21 CECB D5 1 CLAMP1 5 5V/NC DDCB_SCL 3 CLAMP2 2 NC DDCB_SDA 7 U22 1 3 CLAMP1 1 1 CECA HPDB HPDA 6 CLAMP3 4 7 CLAMP4 GND_PAD RCLAMP0504 DIO_RCLAMP0504 HPDB SN74LVC1G125 SOT23-5 R20 47.0K 0402 DNP SN74LVC1G125 SOT23-5 R24 220.0 0603 R25 220.0 0603 LED1 GREEN 0603 ANALOG DEVICES LED2 GREEN 0603 4 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Video Connectors Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 7 of 9 A B D C C20 1000PF 0402 1 1 SYNC2 C17 0.1UF 0402 J1 CUI-STACK_RCJ-32265 RCA R32 24.0 0603 2 PR_IN C18 0.1UF 0402 R35 24.0 0603 C19 0.1UF 0402 R34 24.0 0603 G 3 Component R41 24.0 0603 J2 YC_CVBS_AUTO C22 0.1UF 0402 R43 24.0 0603 R36 51.1 0402 4 C CUI-STACK_MD-40SM MINI-DIN B R42 51.1 0402 5 R37 51.1 0402 1 GND12 GND25 GND36 GND47 GND5 3 Y YC_C_AUTO 6 PB_IN C21 0.1UF 0402 1 4 Y_IN R R44 51.1 0402 R33 51.1 0402 2 2 3.3V S-Video C23 1000PF 0402 SYNC1 C24 0.1UF 0402 R38 24.0 0603 C25 0.1UF 0402 R39 24.0 0603 R45 4.7K 0402 R46 4.7K 0402 GR_R_IN J3 GR_G_IN 4 C26 0.1UF 0402 R40 24.0 0603 GR_B_IN HS_IN1 VS_IN1 VGA_SCL 3 R47 51.1 0402 R48 51.1 0402 R49 51.1 0402 VGA_SDA R12 0402 R13 0402 R54 0402 R14 0402 1 RED GND1 2 GREEN GND2 3 BLUE GND3 5 6 J7 RCA CON012 100 13 HS 100 14 VS GND5 7 GND4 8 10 9 VGA_5V GND6 100 15 VGA_SCL GND7 100 12 VGA_SDA GND8 11 16 C16 0.1UF 0402 VGA R30 24.0 0603 2 CVBS 3 1 R31 51.1 0402 17 GND9 EDAC_634-015-263-032 DSUB Composite ANALOG DEVICES 4 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Video Connectors 2 Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 8 of 9 A B D C 3.3V TP9 TP11 3.3V VDD_SDRAM VR5 LED3 GREEN LED001 1 EN OUT 3 2 IN 4 C39 2.2UF 0805 R50 430 0402 C27 2.2UF 0805 C67 0.01UF 0402 ADP1715 MSOP8 5 6GND1 7GND2 8GND3 GND4 SS 1 C28 2.2UF 0805 C69 0.01UF 0402 C70 0.01UF 0402 C71 0.01UF 0402 2.5V @ 500mA C72 0.01UF 0402 1 TP12 AVDD VR2 1 EN OUT 3 2 IN 4 C40 2.2UF 0805 C38 2.2UF 0805 C37 0.01UF 0402 ADP1715 MSOP8 5 6GND1 7GND2 8GND3 GND4 SS C33 0.01UF 0402 C35 0.01UF 0402 C34 0.01UF 0402 C54 0.01UF 0402 C36 0.01UF 0402 1.8V @ 500mA C48 0.01UF 0402 1.8V @ 500mA TP13 VDD VR3 1 EN OUT 3 2 IN C49 2.2UF 0805 4 C41 2.2UF 0805 C31 0.01UF 0402 ADP1715 MSOP8 5 6GND1 7GND2 8GND3 GND4 SS 2 C46 0.01UF 0402 C29 0.01UF 0402 C47 0.01UF 0402 C45 0.01UF 0402 2 1.8V VR4 CVDD FER1 1 EN OUT 3 1 3 OUT IN 2 IN 2 GND 4 SS C52 2.2UF 0805 C51 0.01UF 0402 ADP1715 MSOP8 C53 2.2UF 0805 5 6GND1 7GND2 8GND3 GND4 5V C32 0.01UF 0402 NFE61PT472 FIL_NFE61PT C30 0.01UF 0402 C42 0.01UF 0402 C1 2.2UF 0805 C66 0.1UF 0402 1.8V @ 500mA PVDD FER2 1 3 IN OUT 3 3 2 GND C43 0.01UF 0402 NFE61PT472 FIL_NFE61PT VIN USB_VCC C68 0.1UF 0402 C2 2.2UF 0805 PWR_IN 3.3V @ 1A D2 MBR130LSFT1G SOD-123FL TP10 3.3V D3 MBR130LSFT1G SOD-123FL F1 1A 1206 VR1 DVDDIO FER4 1 5 OUT1 D1 3 6 OUT2 MBR130LSFT1G SOD-123FL 4 7 EN IN1 IN2 SENSE 2 GND 8 SS 1 IN 3 OUT 2 GND C56 4.7UF 0603 C60 0.01UF 0402 NFE61PT472 FIL_NFE61PT C61 0.01UF 0402 C62 0.01UF 0402 C63 0.01UF 0402 C64 0.01UF 0402 C65 0.01UF 0402 C3 2.2UF 0805 ADP1706-3.3V LFCSP8 P1 3 2 C55 4.7UF 0603 C57 0.01UF 0402 1 XV_POWER CON027 PWR 1 IN 4 ANALOG DEVICES TVDD FER3 3 OUT 2 GND NFE61PT472 FIL_NFE61PT C50 0.01UF 0402 C44 0.1UF 0402 C59 0.01UF 0402 C58 0.1UF 0402 C4 2.2UF 0805 Title Size A B C Nashua, NH 03063 4 PH: 1-800-ANALOGD Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Power Board No. Rev A0253-2010 C Date 20 Cotton Road 1.0 Sheet 3/7/12 D 9 of 9 I INDEX A ADV7842 high-performance receiver, x, 1-3 ADV7842_INT_GPIOx signal, 2-9 component connector (J1), 2-11 composite connectors (J7), 2-13 HDMI connectors (J5-6), 2-12 SPORT_ENABLE signal, 2-9 S-video connector (J2), 2-11 VGA connector (J3), 2-11 architecture, of Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board, 2-2 B bill of materials, A-1 board design database, 1-6 board schematic (Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board), B-1 bus switch example, 2-5 J7 (composite), 2-13 P1 (power), 1-5, 2-13 contents, of this Extender Board package, 1-2 customer support, xii D DIN connector, 2-11 DSUB15 connector, 2-11 E example programs, 1-6 expansion interface III (EI3) connector (J4), 2-12 overview, 1-5 F FET switches, 2-3, 2-4 G C component connector (J1), 2-11 composite connector (J7), 2-13 connectors diagram of locations, 2-10 J1 (component), 2-11 J2 (S-video), 2-11 J3 (VGA), 2-11 J4 (EI3), 2-12 J5–6 (HDMI), 2-12 GPIO expander (U10), 2-8 signal (ADV7842_INT_GPIOx), 2-8, 2-9 H HDCP 1.4 support, 1-4 HDMI connector (J5–6), 2-12 detect LED (LED1-2), 2-14 Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual I-1 Index receiver (ADV7842), x, 1-3, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13 receptacles, 2-12 I R RCA jacks, 2-11, 2-13 S MCP23017 device, 2-7 mechanical switch, 2-4, 2-6 schematic, of Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board, B-1 serial port (SPORT), 1-4 SoftConfig (software-controlled switches) examples, 2-3 on the Extender Board, 2-8 overview, 2-3 programming, 2-7 SPORT_ENABLE signal, 2-9 supported products, xiii S-video connector (J2), 2-11 system architecture, 2-2 N T notation conventions, xv TWI port, 1-4 two-wire interface (TWI), 2-7 installation, of this Extender Board, 1-2 L LEDs, 2-14 LED1-2 (HDMI), 2-14 LED3 (power), 2-14 M P package contents, 1-2 power connector (P1), 1-5, 2-13 LED (LED3), 2-14 product overview, ix I-2 V VGA connector (J3), 2-11 video connectors, x interface (ADV7842), x Video Decoder EI3 Extender Board Manual