Cebrowski Institute Brown Bag What is Carnegie Mellon University

Cebrowski Institute Brown Bag
Glasgow East
Room 203
What is Carnegie Mellon University
doing in Silicon Valley?
And why disaster management?
In 2009, Carnegie Mellon University of Silicon Valley
established the Disaster Management Initiative (DMI) to
leverage mobile and social technologies to provide open
and interoperable next-generation technical solutions for
all-hazard, multi-jurisdictional disasters. The DMI is a
consortium of researchers, practitioners, developers,
organizations and volunteers, working together in the
interest of disaster management and humanitarian
assistance. Public organizations, non-profits, private
corporations, technologists and
citizens jointly develop better
technical solutions for disaster
Dr. Martin Griss is Director of the
Silicon Valley Campus, Associate Dean
for the College of Engineering and
Director of DMI at Carnegie Mellon
University. Griss leads research and
prototyping into use of mobile and sensor technologies and
networked services to enable citizens and professional
responders to better collaborate in emergency situations.
He has nearly 40 years of academic and industrial research
The Cebrowski Institute
1411 Cunningham Rd, GLE-324 Monterey, CA 93943
831.656.1132, 831.656.3994 –fax