CAPC Minutes 7/2015 Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee 7/2015 (A standing committee of Academic Board) Meeting 7/2015 of Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee commenced at 3.15pm on Wednesday 28 October 2015 in the Sir George Lush Room, Ground Floor, Chancellery Building A, 27 Chancellors Walk, Clayton Campus. MINUTES 1 There were present: Professor Sue Willis (Chair), Professors Darrell Evans, Ben Canny, Rob Brooks, Marilyn Baird (for Professor Wayne Hodgson), David Paganin, Alwyn Louw (via teleconference), Associate Professor Alan Reid, Dr Greg Cusack (for Professor Zlatko Skrbis), Dr Kate Tregloan, Dr Patrick Emerton, Ms Lisa Smith, Ms Natalie Mitchell, Mr Neville Hiscox, Mr James Marshall, Ms Heather Fletcher, Ms Martine Xavier, Ms Marian Costelloe, Mr Donald Wong (via video conference), Ms Kelly Anderson. Apologies: Professor Zlatko Skrbis, Professor Wayne Hodgson, Ms Sunny Yang, Ms Glenda Key, Ms Li Ping (Kylie) Chow, Ms Neda So, Ms Samantha Lipscombe. Observers: Ms Jean Minutolo (for Ms Glenda Key), Ms Amanda Semertzian. In attendance: Professor Carl Kirkpatrick (via teleconference, Ms Kirstie Galbraith, Associate Professor Meredith McIntyre (via teleconference), Professor Sharon Pickering, Ms Madeleine Soederberg, Ms Margaret Murphy, Ms Melanie Koo. 2 Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items Members noted that: - Item 7 – Course Proposals to be taken immediately before Item 6. The star was removed from the whole of item 7 and replaced with a star on item 7.1 – Proposals for New Offering and the following courses under item 7.2 – Proposals for Amendments to Courses: o Bachelor of Nursing o Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery o Executive Master of Public Administration - Ms Heather Fletcher starred the 3801 Executive Master of Public Administration under 7.2 and 7.3. Ms Natalie Mitchell starred the Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours) under item 7.2. The Committee agreed that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and that the actions recommended be taken or the information therein noted. S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 1 CAPC Minutes 7/2015 3 Minutes 3.1 The Minutes of Meeting 6/2015 of the Coursework Admissions and Programs Committee, held on 23 September 2015, were confirmed. 4 Matters arising from the minutes of previous meeting 4.1 The Committee noted the updated schedule of action items. - Mr Neville Hiscox suggested that the physical date from Callista be removed from the course accreditation, publication and marketing and recruitment timeline. Subsequently various other physical dates have also been removed. Amended version attached, see page 9. 5 Chair’s Business - No report to this meeting. 6 Course Reviews (Ms Margaret Murphy and Ms Madeleine Soederberg) - The purpose of the review and revision of the Course Review Procedures and Guidelines is to more closely link course reviews with accreditation and reaccreditation and to reduce unnecessary administrative burden while assuring a rigorous approach to assessing course quality and viability. - There has been consultation with faculties and central portfolios and a common theme is a desire for greater clarity on the self-review process and on the link between course reviews and reaccreditation. - Amongst the specific suggestions were: - that 5.1.2 be amended by removing the word cognate, - that 5.1.4 “None of the Panel can have had direct involvement with the course under review” be reworded to "... direct involvement with the management or teaching of the course. - Faculties with course delivered at the Malaysia campus need to be sensitive to approval processes specific to Malaysia. - Policy, procedures and guidelines are being developed by Ms Madeleine Soederberg and will come back to this forum at a later date. Resolution: CAPC noted the Course Review Project update and provided feedback on the detailed description of the proposed future state for coursework course reviews. For information/action: Ms Margaret Murphy and Ms Madeleine Soederberg 7 Course Proposals 7.1 Proposals for New Offerings (Course, Major, Minor, Specialisation, Partner, Location) Master of Forensic Medicine (Professor Marilyn Baird) - The Master of Forensic Medicine includes a new specialisation in Forensic Medical Science. Professor Baird reported that this is an innovative development and it will be the only course in the country offering this specialty. Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood (Associate Professor Alan Reid) - This course will not be offered in Australia being designed for students offshore in countries where the standard early childhood teaching qualification is shorter than the four years applying in Australia. - Accreditation date for this course will be 31 December 2019 so that is aligned with rest of courses within the Bachelor of Education. S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 2 CAPC Minutes 7/2015 Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) / Master of Pharmacy (Ms Marian Costelloe, Professor Carl Kirkpatrick and Ms Kirstie Galbraith) - The Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)/Master of Pharmacy is a vertical double degree course offering a value add for students studying pharmacy. - It was noted that a communication plan will be critical in explaining the vertical double to future students. Resolution: CAPC endorsed the proposals for a new offerings listed below for approval by Academic Board: Existing Course Code 3412 new P3001/ New Masters 7.2 Existing Course Title Master of Forensic Medicine New Course Title Managing Faculty MNHS Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) / Master of Pharmacy Education Pharmacy Notes Transition course to Course Architecture, disestablish old course code, add new specialisation in Forensic Medical Science 3 year specialist course to be offered in offshore locations where the local profession and market does not support a longer honours degree course Introduction of a vertical Bachelor/Masters double degree. Proposals for Amendments to Courses 3801 Executive Master of Public Administration (Professor Sharon Pickering) - At an earlier meeting, CAPC had asked for reassurance that we were able to assure that appropriate standards were in place given the nature of the collaborations between various universities and the non higher education provider status of ANZOG. The committee was reassured on this matter. - Units which are developed, taught and assessed completely by a second institution with no control by Monash University cannot be listed on the student's transcript as a Monash unit. In future we may develop a mechanism for more fully recognising units such as these, but in the short term these units must be represented by cross institutional codes. - The course title is not strictly complaint with the AQF, which does not recognise the award form "Executive Masters ...". The course has been mapped as leading to a standard expert Masters degree. - The course was endorse by CAPC subject to variation to the codes/titles of units which will be taught by other universities, to make it clear that they are not Monash University units. - Ms Heather Fletcher noted that the course code for Executive Master of Public Administration is incorrect and should read as 3801 (not 4437 as was shown in the agenda) and that the title is as quoted here (not Executive Master of Business Administration as shown in one place in agenda). This has been amended in item 7.2.1 and 7.3 below. 0727 Bachelor of Nursing (Associate Professor Meredith McIntyre) - The Bachelor of Nursing has been revised considerably with a reconceptualisation of the course themes and the units that support the learning outcomes. 4514 Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) (Associate Professor Meredith McIntyre) - The Bachelor of Midwifery component of this double degree course has been revised considerably to change it from an AQF7 Bachelor qualification to an AQF8 Bachelor Honours qualification. There has been a reconceptualisation of the course themes and the units that support the learning outcomes. S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 3 CAPC Minutes 7/2015 This double degree courses has been modelled on the Bachelor of Education (Honours) double degree courses with the honours degree Midwifery component building upon the discipline study in the Nursing degree component. 7.2.1 Resolution: CAPC approved the following proposals for amendments to courses for approval by Academic Board: Existing Course Code Existing Course Title/s 0727 Bachelor of Nursing 4514 Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery 4437 3801 Executive Master of Administration New Course Title Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) Executive Master of Public Administr ation Managing Faculty Notes MNHS Transitioning to Course Architecture with amendments, including introduction of scholars program. MNHS Transitioning to Course Architecture with amendments to the Midwifery component of the course to upgrade it to an AQF 8 honours qualification, and disestablish the old course code. Arts Transitioning to Course Architecture with amendments to change the name of the course, amend course duration, disestablish the old course code and transfer ownership to the Faculty of Arts. Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours) - Ms Mitchell commented that the policy unit has not yet received a copy of the Faculty of Arts sign off for the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours), however Ms Heather Fletcher advised that this has already been sent. Ms Mitchell and Ms Fletcher to follow up offline and ensure documentation is available prior to forwarding to Academic Board. 7.2.2 Resolution: CAPC approved the following proposals for amendments to existing courses and forwarded to Academic Board for noting: Existing Course Code Existing Course Title/s 4438 Master of International Business (Double Masters with Southeast University) 4121 Master of Journalism New Course Title Managing Faculty Notes BusEco Memo - removing Graduate Certificate in Business as an exit award. Arts Transition course in the Faculty of Arts with current accreditation into the Course Architecture S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 4 CAPC Minutes 7/2015 2309 0101 S2000 S3001 S3002 A6010 A6011 (Double Masters with Warwick University) Master of Clinical Embryology Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Sciences Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Advanced Global Challenges (Honours) Bachelor of Science Advanced Research (Honours) Master of International Relations Master of International Relations and Master of Journalism 3113 Master of Design 4516 Honours degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy A6007 Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies compliant suite of postgraduate courses. Bachelor of Physiothe rapy (Honours) MNHS Transition to Course Architecture compliant, and disestablish the old course code. MNHS Transition to Course Architecture compliant, and disestablish the old course code. Science Propose Geosciences minor, major and extended major be renamed Earth Science Arts Removing Rights and Justice Specialisation from Master of International Relations and associated double degrees. MADA Transitioning to Course Architecture compliant, and disestablish the old course code. MNHS Request to amend course and award title to a form that is AQF compliant. The course will not transition to CA since it will be withdrawn after 2016. Arts Amend course from a 72-point course to be offered from 2017 as a 96-point course due to the need to; align with the AQF, renew the approval of the NAATI professional accreditation of the whole course and be better aligned with other similar master courses globally. For information/action (item 7.2.2): Professors S Willis, Z Skrbis, C Varsavsky, W Hodgson, R Brooks, B Horrigan, Ms G Key, Ms Jean Minutolo, Ms N Mitchell, Ms C Plumejeau, Ms D Aitken, Ms M Boissezon, Ms K Faria, Mr N Hiscox, Mr M Hatwell, Mr A Keleher, Ms S Yang, Mr D Wong. S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 5 CAPC Minutes 7/2015 7.3 Proposals for Disestablishments of Courses Resolution: CAPC: - Existing Course Code 2309 Noted the proposal for disestablishment of course codes as a result of amendments to courses to align with Course Architecture (members were invited to note that the disestablishments are colocated with proposals relating to item 7.2 above). CAPC to forward the proposals below to Academic Board for endorsement. Master of Clinical Embryology New Course Title MNHS 3412 Master of Forensic Medicine MNHS 0727 Bachelor of Nursing MNHS 0101 Graduate Diploma in Reproductive Sciences MNHS 4514 Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery MNHS 4437 3801 Executive Master of Public Business Administration Arts 3113 Master of Design MADA Existing Course Title/s Managing Faculty Disestablish course code due to Course Architecture transition – no teach out implications as the course is ongoing Disestablish course code due to Course Architecture transition – no teach out implications as the course is ongoing Disestablish course code due to Course Architecture transition – no teach out implications as the course is ongoing Disestablish course code due to Course Architecture transition – no teach out implications as the course is ongoing Disestablish course code due to Course Architecture transition – no teach out implications as the course is ongoing Disestablish course code due to Course Architecture transition – no teach out implications as the course is ongoing Disestablish course code due to Course Architecture transition – no teach out implications as the course is ongoing S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 6 CAPC Minutes 7/2015 8 Policies and Procedures 8.1 Credit Transfer Arrangements between Republic Polytechnic and Monash University Resolution: Coursework Admissions and Program Committee noted the credit transfer arrangements between Republic Polytechnic and Monash University. For information/action: Mr J Marshall 8.2 Credit Transfer Arrangements between Temasek Polytechnic and Monash University Resolution: Coursework Admissions and Program Committee noted the credit transfer arrangements between Temasek Polytechnic and Monash University. For information/action: Mr J Marshall 9 Scholarships and Prizes 9.1 Scholarship Proposal Resolution: The committee approved the introduction of the following scholarship for administration by the Coursework Scholarships Unit: - Salter Foundation Scholarship For information/action: Dr C Menidis 9.2 2016 – 2018 Coursework Scholarships Budget Resolution: CAPC noted the 2016 – 2018 Coursework Scholarships Budget. For information/action: Dr C Menidis 10 Amendment to CAPC Membership Resolution: CAPC approved the amended membership list. For information/action: Ms G Key 11 Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at 3.15pm in the Council Room. S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 7 CAPC Minutes 7/2015 12 2016 Meeting Dates CAPC meetings will be held on Wednesday at 3.15pm in the Sir George Lush Room, Ground Floor, Building 3a, Clayton Campus on the following dates: Meeting Number 1/16 2/16 3/16 4/16 CPEG Submission Date due by Mon 5.00pm 18 Jan 14 Mar 2 May 20 Jun 5/16 6/16 7/16 8/16 1 Aug 12 Sep 10 Oct 21 Nov CAPC Submission Date due by Mon 5.00pm 25 Jan 21 Mar 9 May 27 Jun 8 Aug 19 Sep 17 Oct 28 Nov CAPC Meeting Date Sir George Lush Room Wednesday 3.15pm 3 Feb 30 Mar 18 May 6 Jul 17 Aug 28 Sep 26 Oct 7 Dec S:\ADM\ES\Coursework Admissions & Programs Committee (CAPC)\Minutes\2015\07-2015-Capc-MinutesConfirmed.Docx Page 8