2015-01-07 1 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro The Bryan School of Business and Economics Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management ISM 280 - 01 Business Processes and Information Systems SYLLABUS Spring 2015 Instructor: Classroom: Meeting date and time: Office: Office hours: Dmytro Babik (d_babik@uncg.edu) Bryan 212 Monday, Wednesday, 3:30 – 4:45 AM Bryan 484 Monday, Wednesday, 2:30 – 3:15 PM by appointment CATALOG DESCRIPTION The course involves a discussion and analysis of major business functions, organizational structures, activities and processes and how information technology can be used to improve processes, performance, and innovation. You will study business functions and operations, learn about new information technologies and analyze how businesses apply them to remain competitive by improving processes. Prerequisite: ISM 110 and overall GPA of 2.0 or higher. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Identify the roles that information systems play in organizations and describe how organizations use information systems (IS) in implementing competitive strategies (Chapter 1, pages 4 – 9, Chapter 2, pages 32 – 55); 2. Describe and distinguish components of a firm’s value chain, application of IS and innovation (Chapter 2, pages 43 – 46); 3. Explain and describe information technologies (IT) used by modern business organizations (Chapter 3, pages 64 – 81; Chapter 4, pages 132, 135 – 137; Chapter 7, 213 – 217); 4. Explain and apply concepts related to managing people, processes and IS in organizations. (Chapter 5, pages 136 – 130; Chapter 8, pages 226 – 248; Chapter 10, pages 292 – 310); 5. Explain concepts related to managing information resources and innovation in a business enterprise (Chapter 4, pages 99-113); 6. Discuss examples of different website information architectures and explain the importance of usability and accessibility related to information systems (Chapter 6, pages 170 – 177); 7. Explain how IT supports business decisions including web analytics, dashboards, portals and web 2.0 technologies (Chapter 7); 8. Explain legal and ethical issues related to use of information systems in business organizations (Chapter 10); 9. Explain several Enterprise Systems including: Finance, Human Resources, Supply Chain, Customer Relations and Enterprise Resource Management. (Chapters 5 and 7). 2015-01-07 2 REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS, MATERIALS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Required Text Wallace, P. (2015). Introduction to Information Systems. Pearson. 2nd Edition. ISBN: 9780133753509 Required Software MyMISlab (www.MyMISLab.com) Simulations, quizzes and tests will be provided via MyMISLab. The course calendar is also in MyMISLab. You may purchase the text and software in several different ways: 1. MyMISLab 2. eText 3. Value text print version 4. Traditional bound text Explore your options at the UNCG bookstore and/or at http://www.mypearsonstore.com/bookstore/introduction-to-information-systems-plus-2014-mymislab0133807487. The bottom line: you need access to MyMISLab and some version of the text (electronic or printed). iSpartan email Most individual communications outside classroom will be done through email. I expect you to check your iSpartan email daily. I encourage you to email me immediately whenever you feel you need help. Please check Email Etiquette section on the last page of this syllabus for appropriate conduct. Canvas Class Management System You should become familiar with Canvas because it may be used for announcements. This syllabus is also posted on Canvas. Other information systems (At the discretion of the instructors) Dropbox, YouTube, Skype etc, may be used in the course if they help achieve the course objectives. You will be notified and provided instructions if you need them. You should have a computer with a functioning internet connection, know your usernames and passwords and be able to connect to and remain connected to the UNCG network, especially during the tests. I expect you to bring your computers (laptops or tablets) to every class. Mac users will need to use remote desktop connect to MyMISLab. Instructions are posted on Canvas. 2015-01-07 3 INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY AND ASSESSMENT This class will be based on readings, simulations, in-class exercises and discussions, quizzes and tests. Instruction is divided into 11 units, roughly corresponding to one chapter of the textbook and one week of classes. All materials will be distributed and all tests will be administered electronically. Feel free to keep notes in any format convenient to you. In-class discussions In-class time will be dedicated primarily to discussing the key fundamental concepts, clarifying information learned from textbook, and playing, reviewing and/or discussing simulations. Therefore, I expect you to come to each class fully prepared and having read the chapter assigned for that week and completed simulations and quizzes. Quizzes After reading each chapter, you have to complete a short take-home quiz. You will have an unlimited number of attempts. The last score will count towards your grade. All attempts must be completed by the class time on Monday. Note: quiz 3 has two parts (a and b), each worth 10 points; both have to be turned in. Simulations Each chapter of the textbook comes with an online simulation. I expect you to run a simulation after having read the chapter. Budget about one hour to complete each simulation. When you complete the simulation, submit your results to me (see additional instructions in the Course Documents). You have an unlimited number of attempts and may submit your best result. Make sure to answer the questions at the end and turn in before class on the due date. Important: we will experiment with playing sims 1 and 2 in class and based on how this goes, I will decide how to proceed. Tests There will be four multiple-choice take-home tests administered via MyMISLab. You will be able to reference the textbook and your notes during the tests. No make-up examinations will be offered. If you must miss a test for an extraordinary reason, please notify me in advance to work out a solution. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION / GRADING Your grades will be based on the following allocation: Requirements Quizzes (12 quizzes, 20 points each) Simulations (11 simulations, 20 points each) Tests (four tests, 100 points each) Class participation Total Points toward grade 240 220 400 140 1000 Your letter grade will be based on the following distribution: Points 97-100% 93-97% 90-93% Grade A+ A A– Points 87-90% 83-87% 80-83% Grade B+ B B– Points 77-80% 73-77% 70-73% Grade C+ C C– Points 67-70% 63-67% 60-63% < 60% Grade D+ D D– F 2015-01-07 4 STATEMENT OF STUDENTS’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES This syllabus is a contract between you as a student and me as the instructor in this class. Your full understanding and acceptance of the following rights and responsibilities will lead to better learning. If you are in this class after week 1, I assume you have read, understood and “signed” this contract. You have the right to expect from your instructor: 1. A clear statement of course policies, expectations, assessment and grading practices; 2. Opportunities to learn and grow professionally; 3. Knowledgeable and timely assistance regarding class assignments and course content; 4. A response to your email within 24 hours, including an arrangement to meet; 5. Adherence to the University policies; 6. Professional behavior, equitable treatment, ethical practices, and respect for human rights; 7. Adequate opportunity to appeal any perceived violations of the above rights. You have specific responsibilities to: 1. Commit yourself to grow academically and professionally; 2. Plan your study and work schedule appropriately to allow sufficient time to do quality work in the course (Review “Suggested Academic Workload Guidelines” for the Bryan School of Business and Economics published in the UNCG Undergraduate Bulletin); 3. Complete all assignments in a professional manner; 4. Strictly adhere to the posted deadlines; 5. Practice ethical behaviors and display respect to the rights of others; 6. Timely contact your instructor and discuss circumstances that may prevent you from achieving acceptable performance; 7. Understand and follow the school and course policies, including the Inclement Weather and the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy (sa.uncg.edu/dean/academic-integrity). Report observed violations of the latter. I encourage you to seek ways to learn about the subject matter of this course, apply the knowledge you gained for the benefits of yours and others, and have fun doing this (in socially and environmentally responsible manner). You must attend each class period on time and come to class prepared. Please avoid coming to class late. When absent, it is your responsibility to ascertain missed information, including any special announcements. In the case of extraordinary circumstances (inclement weather, family, etc.) your absence must be justified with a document proof. Quizzes and simulations will be opened for submission in advance long enough to avoid missing them. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY University students are expected to observe academic honesty and the provisions of the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy in completing their coursework (sa.uncg.edu/handbook/academic-integritypolicy). Discussing your assignments with other students can be a valuable learning opportunity. However, you are expected to do your own original work. A student is a subject to penalty for academic misconduct, such as plagiarism. I assume that by submitting your work in this course you conform to the Academic Integrity Policy. Any violations will result in charges. DISABILITY SERVICES If you have any type of learning or physical disability, please contact the UNCG Office of Disability Services in Suite 208 EUC. The Disability office will contact me once your request is approved. 2015-01-07 5 COURSE SCHEDULE (This schedule will be adjusted around Feb 9 – 11) Week Day Date Topic 1 M W M W M W M W M W 1-12 1-14 1-19 1-21 1-26 1-28 2-2 2-4 2-9 2-11 Syllabus and Introduction M 2-16 W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M W M T 2-18 2-23 2-25 3-2 3-4 3-9 3-11 3-16 3-18 3-23 3-25 3-30 4-1 4-6 4-8 4-13 4-15 4-20 4-22 4-27 4-30 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Introduction to IS. IS and People Readings Assignments due Ch 1 MLK DAY IS and People Ch 1 Quiz 1 IS and Strategy Sim 2 Ch 2 Quiz 2, Sim1 ICT: Enterprise Architecture Sim 3 Ch 3 Quiz 3, Sim 2 Databases and Data Warehouses Ch 4 IS for the Enterprise Ch 5 Sim 1 Quiz 4, Sim 3 (a, b) TEST 1 (Ch 1, 2, 3) Sim 4 Quiz 5 Sim 5 The Web, E-Commerce, M-Commerce Ch 6 Quiz 6 Sim 6, TEST 2 (Ch 4, 5) NO CLASS, SPRING BREAK NO CLASS, SPRING BREAK Sim 7 Business Intelligence and Decision Making Ch 7 Quiz 7 Collaborating with Technology Ch 8 Quiz 8 Sim 8 CATCH-UP DAY TEST 3 (Ch 6, 7, 8) Knowledge Management and E-Learning Ch 9 Quiz 9 Sim 9 Ethics, Privacy, and Security Ch 10 Quiz 10 Sim 10 Project Management and Strategic Planning Ch 12 Quiz 12 Sim 12 REVIEW DAY TEST 4 (9, 10, 12) 2015-01-07 6 EMAIL ETIQUETTE You are always encouraged to contact me via email with any questions or concerns that you may have. However, I ask that you comply with the following ‘house rules’: 1. Send your email and reply to my emails from your UNCG account. Given security risks, I will not open emails from other accounts. 2. Check the syllabus and Blackboard first to see if your question can be answered. This cuts down on the number of emails that need to be answered, which results in faster replies when you need help. If you ask a question that has already been answered, you will receive an automated reply telling you to look up the answer on your own. 3. Please use appropriate etiquette when you email and I will do the same in return: (a) begin with a greeting; (b) state who you are and which class you are in; (c) end with an appropriate signature; (d) spell-check as if you email to your future employer. If you fail to adhere to these guidelines, you will receive an automated reply that asks you to consult these guidelines and to re-send your email. Example of appropriate email format: ‘Hi Dmytro, My name is [YOUR FULL NAME] and I am in your [NAME OF COURSE]. I have a question about X .... Thanks, [YOUR NAME]’ Example of inappropriate email format resulting in no response (lack of greeting; no personal identification; no reference to course name; no signature; spelling errors; inappropriate language): ‘Hey, So i was wonderign when you were gonna post the notes?’ Proper email etiquette is extremely important in that (a) it helps me be more efficient in helping you because I don’t lose time trying to figure out who you are or what you are asking; (b) it is a vital skill to have in the ‘real world’. Professional relationships necessitate professional email correspondence. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!