The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Spring 2014 CRS 530 B. Jin
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
The Department of Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies
CRS 530: Economics of the Textile and Apparel Complex (3 credits)
Tues. & Thurs. 3:30-4:45pm (75min), Eberhart Building 161
FACULTY: Dr. B. Jin (212 Stone,
Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 2:00 - 3:00 pm or by appointment.
GRADUATE ASSISTANT: Mr. Bharath Ramkumar (361 Stone,
Office Hours: Wed & Fri. 2:00 - 3:00pm or by appointment.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Economics and social aspects of production, distribution, and
utilization of textiles and apparel. Note: Although this course refers to “economics” in its title,
CRS 530 has focused on the “textile and apparel complex” in a global context. The focus very
much reflects the extraordinary changes in the industry in recent years and is reflected in the
choice of readings for the course.
PREREQUISITE: Grade of C or better in ECON 201
 Rivoli, P. (2009). Travels of a t-shirt in the global economy (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
 Additional readings will be distributed during class or available electronically on
 Dickerson, K. G. (1999). Textiles and apparel in the global economy (3rd ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
 Kunz, G. I., & Garner, M. B. (2011). Going global (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Fairchild
 Shoemack, H. R., & Rah, P. M. (2010). Essentials of exporting and importing: U.S. Trade
policies, procedures, and practices. New York: Fairchild publication.
Upon completion of the course, you should be able to:
1. Develop a global focus at the micro- and macro-levels of the textiles and apparel
2. Gain a historical perspective on the development of the global and the US textile and
apparel industries,
3. Understand the global environment in which textiles and apparel production and trade
4. Understand theory relevant to global trade in textiles and apparel,
5. Examine textiles and apparel trade policies, at the global and US levels,
6. Discuss challenges of importing and export opportunities to emerging markets,
7. Explore the international economy from the perspectives of industry and labor, retailers
and importers, consumers, and policy makers.
Spring 2014 CRS 530 B. Jin
STYLE/MODE OF TEACHING: Lecture on major concepts, discussion on articles and cases,
presentations, and guest lectures. Reading articles and other materials will be posted on
blackboard (
For undergraduate students, each component is a group project with a group consisting of two.
For graduate students, each component is an individual project. The PPT file for each project
needs to be submitted to the instructor by email attachment (copy to Mr. Bharath Ramkumar)
before the presentation for grading.
1. Class Attendance (2 pts x 30 times= 60 pts): If you attend all classes, this point will be
given. Each absent results in 2 points deduction. Roll will be taken at the very beginning
of class. You are allowed three personal days in which you do NOT need to provide
reasons for your absence. You should use your personal days to account for sick days and
other days that will not allow you to come to class (i.e., job interview, university
sponsored events, etc.). If you want to get an excused absence, you may choose to do it
only after using these three personal days. Each attendance is worth 2 points (2 x 30 = 60
pts total). Missing more than 10 times (including three personal days) automatically
results in F grade. Two lates are counted as one absence. If you are late for class, you will
need to let instructor know your attendance after class. Each day that an assignment is
due, it must be submitted at the beginning of class. If you miss class, it is your
responsibility to find out what you missed and to be prepared for the next class.
2. Article Discussion Leadership (60pts): We will have 10 academic articles (see bold
articles on the right column of page 5) to be discussed throughout the semester. You will
be randomly assigned to one discussion session (roughly 40 min.) and lead the
discussion. To prepare the discussion, you will need to i) summarize the major points of
an article you will lead (20pts) and ii) prepare four thought provoking and stimulating
questions (5pts x 4 questions = 20pts) in a PowerPoint format. During the discussion, you
will present the summary and lead the discussion (20pts).
Book Chapter Discussion Leadership (50pts): Once we learn the major concepts of
global A & T industries, a book focusing on t-shirts trade (i.e., Rivoli, 2009) will be
discussed. Each student will need to make a 20 min PPT presentation about one chapter
of the book on a chosen date.
4. Current Reading Presentation (50pts): Each day before lecture, each student is
required to make a ten min. presentation about a trade article related to the topic/article
discussed in previous class. Trade journals include Apparel Magazine, The Wall Street
Journal, Fortune, Forbes, Stores, Chain Store Age, Business Week, etc. You are expected
to i) choose a very current article in the T & A industry that is closely related to the
topic/article discussed in previous class (20pts), ii) develop PowerPoint slides
summarizing the article (10pts), iii) explain why and how the article is related to what we
learned in previous class (10pts), and iv) discuss what we can learn from the story and
Spring 2014 CRS 530 B. Jin
implications for U.S. T & A industry (10pts). A hard copy of presented article as well as
PowerPoint file should be submitted to instructor/GA before presentation.
5. Exam (100pts): Exam will consist of multiple choices, true/false, and short answer. ALL
reading materials and the materials presented in class as well as textbook chapters will be
covered in the exam. No make-up exams will be given with the exception of an
emergency. This emergency has to be verified through legal/official sources (letter from a
doctor/ funeral home, etc.) within one week of the absence.
6. Term Paper (100pts, group project for undergraduate and an individual project for
graduate student): The purpose of this term paper is to help you further investigate into
a topic dealt during this semester. Your group/ a graduate student will need to choose one
topic and are expected to write a 15-20 page paper excluding cover page, a table of
contents, and a reference list (see below for term paper format). A detailed guideline for
the term paper will be provided.
Term Paper Format: Use 12 Times New Roman font and double space with 1 inch
margin on all sides. Your term paper should begin with a cover page (title of the project,
name) and a table of contents, a list of tables and figures (each of the former items should
have a separate page regardless of its length), and should end with a reference list in APA
style*. Please carefully review and proof read all assignments prior to submission. Papers
will be expected to be error-free (spelling, grammar, punctuation, and content). Both
papers will be evaluated based on comprehensiveness of contents, writing and
organization, logical flow, critical analysis, amount of reference and correctness of its
citation both in the text and reference list. The evaluation rubric will be given.
* You need to refer at least ten sources combining academic and trade articles and these
sources need to be listed in the reference list. Citing only web links will result in losing
7. Presentation (30pts): Each group will be required to present a term paper using
PowerPoint slides. The specifics of the presentation will be discussed as the due date
approaches. An oral presentation evaluation rubric will be given prior to the presentation.
PROFESSIONALISM: The quality of your future career depends on the degree of
professionalism you exhibit. It is expected that students conduct themselves in a mature and
professional manner in every class session. Professionalism includes respecting fellow students,
paying attention to lectures/discussions, constructive participation during lectures/discussions,
leaving after a class is over, no side-talking, eating, sleeping, knitting, texting, answering cell
phone, shopping online, etc. If one of these behaviors is observed, you will get a warning from
the instructor. Continuous violation of professionalism results in a letter grade downgraded from
your final grade.
SUBMISSION/LATE POLICY: All assignments must be turned in on the assigned due dates
even though you are absent. Excuses such as printer failure will not be accepted; so plan ahead of
time. If work is handed in late, 20 percent of the given points will be deducted for each day the
assignment is past due.
Spring 2014 CRS 530 B. Jin
Class attendance
Current reading presentation
Book chapter leadership
Article discussion leadership
Term Paper
Total points for class
450 – 437 = A+
436 – 419 = A
418 – 405 = A-
404 – 392 = B+
391 – 374 = B
373 – 360 = B-
60 pts
50 pts
50 pts
60 pts
100 pts
100 pts
30 pts
450 pts
359 – 347 = C+
346 – 329 = C
328 – 315 = C-
< 315 = F
SPECIAL NEEDS: UNCG seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the
Office of Disability Services in 215 Elliott University Center, 334-5440, htt://,
Integrity Policy states, “If knowledge is to be gained and properly evaluated, it must be pursued
under conditions free from dishonesty. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the
fundamental activity of this academic institution and shall not be tolerated.” By choosing to
enroll in this course and by completing the assignments, project, quizzes, examinations, etc., you
are by default held to the standards of the Academic integrity Policy, and you are subjected to
sanctions should you violate the policy in any manner.
class notes for commercial gain or purchasing such class notes in this or any other course at
UNCG is a violation of the University’s Copyright Policy and of the Student Code of Conduct.
Sharing notes for studying purposes, or borrowing notes to make up for absences, without
commercial gain, are not violations.
Spring 2014 CRS 530 B. Jin
Tentative Class Schedule
Class Topic
Jan 14 Class overview
Textiles and apparel as a global sector
Jan 16
History overview of T & A complex
Jan 21 The setting- An overview
Jan 23 Basic economic concepts & trade theory
Jan 28 Global patterns of T & A industry development
Jan 30 Global patterns of Textile and apparel activities
Current reading 1
Feb 4
Feb 6
The U.S. T & A industries and trade
Feb 11
Feb 13
Feb 18
Feb 20
Feb 25
Feb 27
Mar 4
Mar 6
Mar 11
Mar 13
Mar 18
Mar 20
Mar 25
Mar 27
Apr 1
Apr 3
Apr 8
Apr 10
Current reading 2
Trade regulation and trade agreements (e,g.,FTA)
Economics of offshoring
Current reading 3
Payment in exports/imports
Pricing in international markets
Current reading 4 and 5
Major U.S. trading partner: China
Current reading 6
Spring break (No Class)
Spring break (No Class)
Major U.S. trading partner: India
Current reading 7 and 8
Major U.S. trading partner: Vietnam
Mid-term exam
Current reading 9
Major U.S. trading partner : Mexico
Current reading 10
Major U.S. trading partner: Mauritius & Moroco
African countries’ second hand market
Corporate social responsibility
Apr 15 Environmental sustainability
Apr 17 Copyright issues
Apr 22 Term Paper Presentation
Apr 24 Term Paper Presentation- Cont’d
16 Apr 29 Term Paper Presentation- Cont’d
Dickerson. Chap 1
Dickerson. Chap 2
Dickerson. Chap 3
Dickerson. Chap 4
Dickerson. Chap 5
Dickerson. Chap 6
Jin, Kendagal, & Jung (2013)
Dickerson. Chap 9
AAFA report
Dickerson. Chap 10
Kunz & Garner (2011). Chap 6
Rivoli (2009) Chap 1, 2, & 4
Rivoli (2009) Chap. 10, 11 & 12
Cook (2007)
Shoemack & Rath (2010)
Chap 10.
Rivoli (2009) Chap 5 & 6
Rivoli (2009) Chap 7 & 8
Stalk & Michael (2011)
Tewari (2006)
Thomsen (2007)
Tsang & Au (2008)
Leseure, Hurreeram &
Bennett (2009)
Rivoli (2009) Chap13, 14 & 15
Porter & Cramer (2011)
Schor (2005)
Hemphill & Suk (2009)
pp.1170-1196 only
Final Term Paper Due
Spring 2014 CRS 530 B. Jin
The list of ten academic articles
Feb 4 (Tues)
Jin, B., Kendagal, P. & Jung, S. (2013). Evolution patterns of apparel brands in Asian countries:
Propositions from an analysis of the apparel industry in Korea and India. Clothing and Textiles
Research Journal, 31(1), 48 – 63.
Feb 20 (Thurs)
Cook, T. (2007). Global sourcing logistics: How to manage risk and gain competitive advantage
in a worldwide marketplace. New York: American Management Association. Chap 3. Landed
Mar 18 (Tues)
Stalk, G., & Michael, D. (2011). What the West doesn’t get about China. Harvard Business
Review, 89(6), 25-27.
Mar 20 (Thurs)
Tewari, M. (2008). Varieties of global integration: Navigating institutional legacies and global
networks in India’s garment industry. Competition & Change, 12(1), 49-67.
Mar 25 (Tues)
Thomsen, L. (2007). Accessing global value chains? The role of business–state relations in the
private clothing industry in Vietnam. Journal of Economic Geography, 7, 753–776.
Apr 1 (Tues)
Tsang, W. Y., & Au, K. F. (2008). Textile and clothing exports of selected South and Southeast
Asian countries: A Challenge to NAFTA trading. Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management,
12(4), 565-578.
Apr 3 (Thurs)
Leseure, M., Hurreeram, D., & Bennett, D. (2009). Playing with catch-up with China:
Challenges and strategies for smaller developing countries, Technology Analysis & Strategic
Management, 21(5), 617-637.
Apr 10 (Thurs)
Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2011). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review,
89(1/2), 62-77.
Apr 15 (Tues)
Schor, J. B. (2005). Prices and quantities: Unsustainable consumption and the global economy.
Ecological Economics, 55, 309-320.
Apr 17 (Thurs)
Hemphill, C.S., & Suk, J. (2009). The law, culture, and economics of fashion. Stanford law
Review, 61(5), 1147-1199.