Course Syllabus Spring 2014 CRS 255: Consumer Behavior in Apparel and Related Industries Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1-1:50 Graham Building 209 INSTRUCTOR: Michelle Childs OFFICE: Stone 357 EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday 10:00-11:00 or by appointment REQUIRED READING: Solomon, M. R., & Robolt, N. J. (2009). Consumer behavior in fashion (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Columbus, Ohio. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Study of consumers and consumer choices, big and small, right and wrong, in today’s complex, ever-changing marketplace. Consumer rights, responsibilities, and diversity considered. Basis for informed and wise consumer decisions. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: • Understand fashion concepts, theories related to consumer behavior, and major concepts in consumer behavior. • Understand cultural, sociological, and psychological concepts related to consumer behavior. • Describe consumer characteristics, motivations and values, and concepts related to the self. • Describe and understand demographic (age, race, ethnicity, income and social class) and psychographic aspects of consumers. • Gain an understanding of concepts related to fashion communication and decision-making. • Identify and analyze consumption related ethical issues related to consumer protection, the environmental impact of consumption, and the role of government in these issues. 1 EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to attend class, participate in class discussions and complete all course assignments. No late assignment will be accepted. Students are expected to treat everyone with respect at all times. There is no texting, using social media, or use of laptops in-class. If these devices are used, the instructor reserves the right to deduct class participation points. In case of emergency, please step outside to use your cell phone. ASSIGNMENTS Visual Journals: The first visual journal covers Section 1 (Chapters 1-3), the second journal covers Section II (Chapters 4-9), the third visual journal covers Section III (Chapters 10-13), and the fourth visual journal covers Section IV (Chapters 14-15). Students will be broken up into groups of 5-6 and as part of the assignment will create a visual journals on Pinterest. Students will be evaluated on their use of images and explanations of why the images were chosen and how it relates to course concepts explained in each of the sections. Students will also have to explain the percentage of contribution of each student in their group. Based on student’s written explanation of contribution, assignment grades may be altered per person in the group. Visual journals are due at 1pm of the day the journal is due. Exams: There will be three in-class exams. The first exam will cover Chapters 1-5, the second exam will cover Chapters 6-10, and the final exam will cover Chapters 11-15. Exams will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer. Exams will cover course readings and major concepts discussed in class. Class Participation: Participation points can be obtained two ways. Firstly, in-class quizzes will take place that cover major course concepts. In-class quizzes will take place in most classes either at the beginning, middle, or end of class. Secondly, in accordance with the chapter being covered, there will be periodic in-class assignments. Attendance is required to obtain in-class participation points. Extra Credit: Based on the needs of the class and opportunities to participate in outside activities, there may be opportunities to gain extra credit points. Available Class Points Visual Journals (40%) Visual Journal # 1 Visual Journal # 2 Visual Journal # 3 Visual Journal # 4 Exams (45%) Exam # 1 Exam # 2 Exam # 3 In-Class Participation (15%) Total Points: 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 150 Points 150 Points 150 Points 150 Points 1000 Points 2 Grading Scale A+ = 97 – 100 B+ = 87 – 89 C+ = 77 – 79 A = 93 – 96 B = 83 – 86 C = 73 – 76 A- = 90 – 92 B- = 80 – 82 C- = 70 – 72 D+ = 67 – 69 F = Below 60 D = 63 – 66 D- = 60 – 62 AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT & ACCOMODATIONS: UNCG seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Office of Disability Services located in 215 EUC. CARS STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The UNCG Academic Integrity Policy states, “if knowledge is to be gained and properly evaluated, it must be pursued under conditions free from dishonesty. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the fundamental activity of this academic institution and shall not be tolerated”. ACADEMIC HONOR CODE: All students enrolled in this course are expected to know and abide by the UNCG Academic Honor Code. See for a statement. NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to alter the syllabus if necessary. 3 Date Class Topic Readings Assignments / Notes Week 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to Fashion January 13, 15, 17 Concepts, Theories, and Consumer Behavior Week 2 Chapter 2: Cultural Influences on Jan 22, 24 Consumer Behavior Read Chapter 1 Read Chapter 2 Jan 20th Dr. Martin Luther King Day Week 3 Jan 27, 29, 31 Read Chapter 3 Jan 31st Work on group project Week 4 Feb 3, 5, 7 Chapter 3: The Creation and Diffusion of Fashion Consumer Culture Chapter 4 and 5: Individual Consumer Dynamics Read Chapter 4 and 5 Feb 3rd Section I Visual Journal Due Week 5 Feb 10, 12, 14 Chapter 6: Demographic Subcultures Read Chapter 6 February 10th Exam 1 (Chapters 1-5) Week 6 Feb 17, 19, 21 Chapter 7: Demographic Subcultures Read Chapter 7 Week 7 Feb 24, 26, 28 Chapter 8: Psychographics Read Chapter 8 Week 8 March 3, 5, 7 Chapter 9: Consumer Perceptions Read Chapter 9 Week 9 March 7th Work on group project Spring Break Week 10 March 17, 19, 21 Chapter 10: Fashion Communication Read Chapter 10 March 17th Section II Visual Journal Due Week 11 March 24, 26, 28 Chapter 11: Individual and Household Decision Making Read Chapter 11 March 24th Exam 2 (Chapters 6-10) Week 12 April 7, 9, 11 Chapter 12: Group Influence and Fashion Opinion Leadership Chapter 13: Buying and Disposing Chapter 14: Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Environmental Issues Chapter 15: The Role of Government and Business in Consumer Protection Read Chapter 12 and 13 April 11th Section III Visual Journal Due Read Chapter 14 April 18th Spring Holiday Read Chapter 15 April 25th Exam Review April 25th Section IV Visual Journal Due Week 13 April 14, 16 Week 14 April 21, 23, 25 Week 15 April 28 Final Exam 4