Author(s) Han, Hwang-Jin. Title Physical processes in hollow cathode discharge sources. Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1989 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 22:54:29 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey , California THESIS Hin^5 PHYSICAL PROCESSES IN HOLLOW CATHODE DISCHARGE uy Han, Hwang- J in December 1989 Thesis Advisor; Richard C. Olsen Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited T2A7903 CLASS'?. CA"'0". 0!" PAGE 'H.S REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE i£?ORT SECURITY CLASSi^.CAriON RESTRICTIVE lb MARKINGS Unclassified icCuRlTY CwASS^rlCATlON DEC-ASSiPiCATION iRrORiVlING MA.ViE / AUTHORITY Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMa£R(S) Of PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b OFFICE and SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION applicable) Naval Postgraduate School {City, Stace. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5 (If IDDRESS DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 3 61 Naval Postgraduate School ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS Monterey, California 93943-5000 NAME OF FUNDING/ SPONSORING ORGANIZATION ADDRESS (City. State, and ZIP Code) Monterey, California 93943-5000 8b OFFICE (If (Gty, State, SYMBOL 9, PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER applicable) and ZIP Code) 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM PROJECT NO. ELEMENT NO. TASK WORK NO ACCESSION NO UNIT TITLE (Include Security Classification) Physical Processes in Hollow Cathode Discharge PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) TYPE OF REPORT 3b TIME Master' Thesis COVERED FROM U. DATE OF REPORT TO (Year, f^ontti, Day) 15 PAGE COUNT 1989 December 61 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not fleet the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U. S. Government COSATI CODES FiElD GROUP 18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) SUB-GROUP Hollow Cathode, Plasma Source, Ion Beam Source ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) The hollow cathode is an effective source of dense, low energy plasma. Hollow cathodes find use in ion beam sources for laboratory and space applications. They can also be used independently for satellite charge control, and ion beam neutralization. A heaterless hoi -low cathode design was tested with argon gas used as a propellant. This thesis work inve -stigated the device properties, that is, the emission currents as a function of discharge current, propellant flow rate and other physical parameters. Starting behavior was a main point of the investigation. The results of these experiments were compared with studies of the conventional hollow cathode. D.STRiBUTlON/AVAiLASiLlTY OF ABSTRACT Qu^CLASS'FiED/UNLiMl'ED a. NA.-.IE 21. SAiYE AS RPT 1473, 84 ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION D OTIC USERS Unclassified 22b TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) OF R£S?0NS;8lE iNOiViOUAu Professor )FORM D Richard Chrlstoper Olsen MAR 83 APR eO'tion All may be used (408) until exhausted. other editions are obsolete 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL 61 Os 646 - 2019 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE S U.S. Goytminent Prlnliin 0"ice: UH— 60S143 Unclassified Approved for public releause; distribution is unlimited. Physical Processes in Hollow Cathode Discharge Sources by Han, Hwang—Jin Major, Republic of Korea Army B.S., Republic of Korea Military Academy, 1981 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1989 ABSTRACT The hollow cathode Hollow cathodes find use They can is in ion an effective source of dense, low energy plasma- beam sources for laboratory and space applications. also be used independently for satellite chcirge control, neutr2dization. A as the propellant. heaterless hollow cathode design and ion beam was tested with argon gas used This thesis work investigated the device properties, that is, the emission currents as a function of discharge current, propellant flow rate and other physical parameters. Starting behavior was a main point of the investigation. results of these experiments were compared with studies cathode. Ill The of the conventional hollow ct TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. BACKGROUND 4 HI. A. HOLLOW CATHODE PHYSICS 4 B. PREVIOUS EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 7 C. HEATERLESS HOLLOW CATHODE 18 EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE A. B. EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT 25 Chamber 1. Discharge 2. Electrical Circuit 26 3. Measuring Equipment 29 4. Vcicuum System 29 25 PROCEDURE 29 1. Vacuum System 2. Starting and Shutting 29 Down the Plasma Source IV. 31 (A). Standard Hollow Cathode 31 (B). Spectra-Mat Hollow Cathode 33 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. 25 34 STANDARD HOLLOW CATHODE 34 1. Flow Rate Dependence 34 2. Temperature Dependence 34 3. Time Dependence 36 IV B. V. SPECTRA-MAT HOLLOW CATHODE Mode Dischcirge 38 38 1. Idle 2. Extraction of Discharge 40 3. Discharge Failure 41 CONCLUSION 46 LIST Table 2.1 Vcilues of Coefficients A OF TABLES and B for various 21 gaises Table 2.2 Mininum Sparking Table 4.1 Data for Potentials Spectra-Mat Cathode VI 21 40 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 1.1 Hollow Cathode Schematic Fig. 2.1 Discharge Initiation Data for Cathode with Rolled 2 Foil Dispenser 9 Fig. 2.2 Small Orificed Hollow Cathode Fig. 2.3 Variation of Minimum 10 Discharge Voltage with Pressure for Several Sepcirations Fig. 2.4 Keeper Voltage Dependence on the Operation Fig. 2.5 Time 14 Keeper Voltage Dependence on the Fig. 2.6 13 Mass Flow Rate Volt 14 Ampere Discharge Chaxact eristics of Cesium Hollow Cathode for Different Flow Rate Fig. 2.7 Compcirison between D.C. Ignition Voltage and Pulse Ignition Voltage Fig. 2.8 16 17 Relation between Pulse Ignition Voltage and Mercury Flow Rate 17 Fig. 2.9 Entire Test Log of the Cathode 18 Fig. 2.10 Paschen's Law (Breakdown voltage of the reduced electrode distance Vb as a function P*D) 20 Fig. 2.11 Spectra—Mat Hollow Cathode Appziratus 24 Fig. 3.1 General Experimental Arrcingement 25 vn Fig. 3.2 Electrical Circuitry for the HC-252 Hollow Cathode Fig. 3.3 27 ElectricaJ Circuitry for the Spectra—Mat Hollow Cathode 28 Vacuum System Fig. 3.4 Major Parts Fig. 3.6 Relation between Propellant Flow Rate and of Varian 30 Chamber Pressure 30 Fig. 4.1 Discharge Voltage vs Flow Rate 35 Fig. 4.2 Discharge Voltage vs Heater Current 36 Fig. 4.3 Idle Mode Discharge Current vs Keeper Biasing 37 Potential(Vk) Fig. 4.4 Idle Mode Dischcirge Current for Different Flow Rates Fig. 4.5 Idle Mode 39 Discharge Current for Different Biasing Keeper Voltage 39 Damaged Cathode Fig. 4.6 Picture of Fig. 4.7 Broken Tip Fig. 4.8 Detailed Digram of Disassembled Spectra—Mat of Surface Ceramic Insulator Hollow Cathode 43 44 45 Vlll ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to thesis advisor, Professor Richcird Christopher Olsen «ind second reaider, Professor S. instruction, guidance I and Gnanalingam for the friendly advices throughout this study. wish to thank the numerous scientists this work, particularly. Dr. Paul J. who contributed figures and data for Wilbur and Dr. Daniel E. Siegfried, Colorado State University. Finally, for their love many thanks to my wife, and being supportive for Kyoung—Sook and my two and IX son, Frederick Teut, hali years in Monterey, California. INTRODUCTION I. One motivation for the study of g2LS discharge technology beams plasma for reliable implementation devices provide ion Applications in is the include bombcirdment thrusters Hollow cathode gas discharge hollow cathode. important an capability electron source a source as the for low of cind the neutralize! for ion thruster ion sources filament beams. in plasma. in ion Ion thrusters, vacuum processing Large area ion beams are extracted from electron bombardment—type whose ionizing electrons are typically supplied by a hot refractory metal cathode. difficulties energy chamber dischcirge developed for space applications, axe finding increasing use applications. to produce a One popular and laboratory aind space applications. the is in However, short filament maintaining constant filaiment lifetimes (several tens emission, electron of and hours), filament breakage, ane significant undesirable features of using this type of cathode in space fhght or production processing equipment. Hollow cathodes offer substantially longer lifetimes However, cathodes axe intrinsically complex devices and than filzLment cathodes. for a specific application require a great deal of testing and pcircimetric optimization before reliable operation can be cissured. These technical challenges have limited their application industrial ion sources. is Fig. 1.1 details a hollow cathode easy to fabricate, has demonstrated long beam and plasma life which does operate operation, and may in reliably, be used for ion sources. [Ref. 2] The hollow cathode tantalum, covered on its consists of an outer downstream end by an refractory orifice metal tube, usually plate usually made of 1 PLATE ORIFICE —^ X ^KEEPER INSERT--. FLOW ^.^ANODE I GAS — i CATHODE^ ll 1 TUBE D. C. POWER SUPPLY C. POWER SUPPLY - z- Fig. 1.1 thoriated tungsten. insert Hollow Cathode Schematic The cathode also normally incorporates a refractory metal either coated or impregnated with such chemicals as baxium compounds, which aid the emission process by reducing the work function of the The cathodes used in ion thrusters typically insert surface. have inner diameters of a few millimeters and orifice diameters of a few tenths to one millimeter. length is usually a few tube diameters. The electron current is The collected by an anode biased positive with respect to the cathode. Hollow cathodes generally a small secondary anode, called a keeper, which heater is process. is in.-sert utilize used to initiate the discharge. A normally used to heat the cathode as an aid to etaiting the emission However, the discharge and the heater can be turned off or is self-sustaining (self—heating) once established turned down. As mentioned above, there has been an ion bombardment interest in hollow cathodes for use in thrusters as the electron source for the discharge chcimber and as Because operating requirements for the the neutralize! for the thruster beam. thruster dictate long lifetimes and stable operation for this component, become of prime importance to understand physical phenomena taking it pldtce in has the hollow cathodes used in these devices. With the realization that electric propulsion systems will probably be applied at first to the station operate a thruster sufficient. and is it It keeping mission, without it has become appso^ent that the ability to deterioration must also be capable for thousands of hours of rapidly starting is no longer from cold thousands of times, therefore important to identify the parameters governing this process, so that problem areas can receive attention. In the case of the electron thruster, the ability to initiate the discharge hollow cathode. For on demand this reason, this aspect of hollow is largely bombardment dependent on the cathode operation has been studied in conjunction with the fundamental investigations mentioned above. In this investigation, than was thought phenomena. it initially In particular, was found that such characteristics are more complex from consideration under any one required was not reproducible, but fell parameters The process of it is other set of conditions, gaseous breakdown the initiation voltage within a range, the magnitude of which depended strongly on temperature and flow initiation of rate. In deciding upon suitable therefore necessary to balance these quantities. [Ref. 6] objective of this study has been to gain a better insight into the physical hollow cathode operation. Towards this goal, an experimental investigation was undertaken to measure plasma properties and other pertinent physical parameters, and to observe the starting behavior under several conditions. BACKGROUND II. HOLLOW CATHODE PHYSICS A. Ignition of the standaird hollow cathode begins with the activation of the heater power supply, which heats the cathode to approximately lOOO^C, followed by the introduction of propellant into the cathode as supply is then activated, the gas breaJis down shown in Fig. electriccJly 1.1. The keeper emd an arc discharge Stable hollow cathode arcs require a copious source of electrons which the ignites. insert provides by the mechanism of scenario, the insert must be heated a region large enough such that in field enhanced thermionic emission. In this to a temperature of approximately lOOO^C over combination with the electric field generated by a nearby, dense plasma, the insert emits enough electrons to maintain a stable arc. [Ref. 10] Daniel E. Siegfried, Colorado State University, provided the current understanding of the physical processes which taie place inside the hollow cathode. He explained as follows in "Phenomenological Cathode Operation". Model Describing Orificed, Hollow [Ref. 7] The cathode orifice maintains a high neutral density inside the cathode by restricting the propellant follow and it also provides a current path to the downstream dischaxge. The electron emission comes uniformly from a narrow (a2mm) band on tne downstream end of the insert. The electrons are produced at the surface of the insert by field—enhanced, thermionic emission (the very strong electric field is a consequence of a very dense plasma and the resulting potential drop across a very thin plasma sheath). The electrons produced at the insert surface are accelerated across the plasma sheath by a potential of 8 to 10 volts. Since the mean free path for inelcistic collisions of these energetic electrons is on the order of the internal cathode diameter, the "ion production" region can be idealized to be the volume circumscribed by the emitting region of the insert. The dense internaJ plasma is established by the ionization taking place in this region. Ions produced in this volume diffuse Bohm The electrons strike the insert surface with the temperature necessary to provide the required electron emission. The emission surface temperature, however, is determined not only by the emission current but also by the local plasma out of it at the velocity. energy to heat sufficient it to properties. The plasma properties in the ion production re^on axe coupled into the problem by the energy balance at the insert surface m the following manner. The plasma properties determine the ion flux and therefore the energy input to the emission surface. For a given emission current, the surface temperature is determined by the energy balance which demands that the thermal losses from the surface due to electron production, radiation and conduction are balanced by the energy input from the ion flux. The plasma properties also affect the required emission temperature because they determine the magnitude of the electric field—enhancement in the emission process. Therefore, for a given emission current the surface temperature and plasma properties must be consistent to the extent that they satisfy the energy balance at the surface. All cathode surfaces which contact the plasma receive ion currents proportional to the Bohm velocity and the plasma density adjacent to the surface. Electron emission, on the other hcind, can be assumed to come only from the band on the downstreami end of the insert. The total emission current from the cathode is equal to the sum of the ion currents to the various cathode surfaces and the current of the emitted electrons. Certain aspects of this phenomenological model can be expressed analytically in a simple form which will allow comparison with experimental results. The plasma density adJ2w;ent to a particulax surface (n) can be calculated based on the Bohm condition using 2mm n ] = ev I B ohm i KTe" (2.1) 1/2 m, where Ii is the ion current to the surface, A K is the surface area, Tg is the Maxwellian electron temperature (°K), and is Boltzmann's constant. For an electron emitting surface the measured current to the surface is determined by both collected ions and emitted electrons, so that the total current density to the surface is !,=]. total + 1 where is j the ion current density and (2.2) ] e is j the electron emission current e i _ The ratio of ion to electron currents can be estimated from an energy balance on the emitting surface. In such a balance the ion heating power is equated to power conducted and radiated from the surface plus the power required to boil off electrons. The equation describing this is density. j^+q e = +V.-<^) j.(V 1 c 1 s (2.3) where ^ the effective work function of the surface, q is away from the surface, V is the thermal heat flux the potentiaJ drop across the plasma sheath, is V c is i the ionization potential, and is 4> the work function of the surface material ( a s material property ). Equation (2) euid (3) can be electron emission current density from the surface. = jg - aq ] t^-t^i + 1 where a = ( V^ + Vj — )" ^g . combined to give the (2.4) a^^ In general the thermal loss is a function of the temperature and the cathode thermal design. Most of the thermal loss due to radiation from the outer surfcice of the msert to rather cold external surfaces, and can be estimated from surfaice is q ^ e<7T^ (2.5) e is the emissivity (^0.5 for tantalum), a is the Stefan^oltzmann constant, and T is the surface temperature. Emission from the surface is assumed to be given by the Schottky equation for field—enhanced, thermionic emission where e where A^ = The average 120 A/cm^K^ and effective ^i-1 =Ayexp[ j i<rT KT L (2.6) J the other parameters are as previously defined. work function ^^ is given by \=*.-[^Y' L O (2.7) J where to is the permitivity of free space and E, the electric field adjacent to the surface, can be estimated using E = is ^ ^"^ =- ^ V of 4/3 comes from Child's Law considerations and the sheath estimated as one Debye length (Ai-^). [Ref. 16] Here the factor thickness -4^=- This model provides an estimate of the insert temperature and this criticaJ pcLTciraeter in is a This determining both the cathode lifetime and performance. can be done for example, by picking an electron temperature and the plasma These properties have been measured experimentally and found to be potential. rather insensitive to operating conditions with typical values of volts respectively for a cathode operating at a few — 0.8 eV and ^ 8.0 amperes of discharge current. Using these vaJues together with a specified surface work function (^) and the desired emission current (j ), Equations (1) through (8) can be solved to provide total the emission surface geneicdly be cin iterative one requiring Typical results are: B. temperature (T). T = 1000°C. [Ref. an Note that the solution scheme would initial guess of a value for either je or T. 7] PREVIOUS EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Much of the published work on standard hollow cathode in the 1970's and 1980's was done at Colorado State University, as illustrated by the work of Siegfried [Ref. 3,7,8] physical and Willicims phenomena [Ref. inside the 31,32,33,34]. This work was concerned with the hollow cathode. As part determined search for other experimental results was made. United States was done, or sponsored by, 1960's. [Ref. 17,35,36] During NASA of this thesis work, The initial work Lewis Research Center in a the in the this decade, parametric characteristics of the hollow cathode were closely observed and described. Many similar investigations with hollow cathodes have been conducted by other countries U.S.S.R. [R^f. -England 19], China [Ref. 5,6,13,14,20,22,23,24,25,26], [Ref. 28] and Japan. [Ref. 29,30] Germany (Ref. 21,27], Englsuid 1. Work by the RoyaJ Aerospace E8tablishment(RAE) and at Mullaid Laboratory, provides a comprehensive look at behavior of hollow cathode discharges, with a variety of This investigation considered starting cathode geometries. behavior as a function of temperature, flow rate, voltage, geometry of the orifice and dispenser, and barium Discheirge initiation availability. experiments using the keeper electrode were done for a tubular insert cathode, a rolled cathode, a curved orificed cathode and non—bciriated cathode foil dispenser For a given design. cathode and fixed flow rate and temperature, the voltage necessary to start a Above the upper discharge falls randomly between two limits. will limit, a discharge always occur, while below the lower limit one can never be obtained. As temperature and flow rate are increased, these limits approach each other until at sufficiently high values, they merge and behavior becomes reproducible. design of a thruster system, upper limit it is desirable to choose these parameters so that the always exceeded from these studies. is In the Fig. 2.1 shows one typical result. [Ref. 6] Further experiments at RAE physical processes operating in cathodes. cathode are illustrated in Fig. 2.2. provide The The cathode basic information erosion or orifice of diamond the basic design features of this hollow tip was a tungsten disk and 3.5mm diameter) electron—beam welded into a tantalum tube. with a central on (1mm thick was provided It between 100 and 350/im diameter formed by either spark drilling. A stainless—steel flange at the upstream end of the cathode wa^ provided for mating with other components. To initiate molybdenum the discharge a keeper disk with a 2mm central hole, was used. and it This consisted of a thin was spaced about 1mm from the •• c o 1 / > o- ^ o -5 A r^ S. c Oi ~ f fl o "O — w o ° z •£ "5 „ 5 _ • « c ^ * w ^ O f7> rs« ^— " ' • __ ^ •" _— --"" /..J / ^-''' / • •• , / / ^3 •"o CD * _ / 3"^ o^0» -' / / c • !• ** / tt ^ >M / •» o ' / ^ -V-• 1 / ^" ' 1 / / / •- • q: / / •» 5a = C * "O »;;,;;£ f-i tj <-» r / ^^ "^ _ ^- % ^^ a. 5t ^\ / / 3 1 "• " <• O. 15 c — • ^ 5 ^ ^^ / —^ »/ ^/ v^*^^^ ^^ • • « K \ ^^^^^^ «• • • \ • --•' •- ,t_2 I / ^^^y^''^ ^ o o 2 ,— -"^ .' « • -.- 1 « • 1 * O o —4 "^ ^ • • • • • • • • • . 1 • • • • / • • 1,a. * * O o CO o • 1 8 •« 1 S r» <»f A Fig. 2.1 Dischajge Ignition •B«l|OA Data for 1 1 S M e ^ — o -. o uofivtliui •6j««t9«!a Cathode with Rolled Foil Dispenser [Ref.6] 6 •» •— Q. ^ cathode tip. stainless steel From The anode, or beam simulator was normally a disk of electrode, whose distance from the cathode could be varied. the result of these experiments, the following physical explanation of hollow cathode behavior can be deduced. emission mechanisms that that thermionic emission may account is The results obtained for the observed behavior. suggest certain seems certain It normally necessary to initiate the discharge from this form of hollow cathode, but the site of this emission was not established. However, modification to include an internal auxiliary electrode showed that starting by field emission is quite feasible, even in the absence of electron-emitting coatings. thermionic emission is STAINLESS STEEL FLANGE Thus, not always required. HEATER WIRE IN STAINLESS STEEL TUBE TUNGSTEN DISC ORIFICE ^V 8. WELD /^S • m 9 ' • • '• • • • ••• VAPOR FLOW » • ••. •< • x: HEATER EMBEDDED TANTALUM ^ TUBE EITHER ALUMINA ULTRA TEMP ^5 IN OR 516 mm Fig. 2.2 Small-Orificed Hollow Cathode Once breakdown has occurred and a current is drawn to the anode, thermionic emission cannot possibly account for the high current densities obtained. One possibility is field-enhanced emission caused by sufficiently high electric fields across the space charge sheath separating the walls of the cathode from an internal 10 This plasma. effect wais This potential barrier. work function an electric is field shown by Schottky is to be due to a reduction in the surface produced by the external accelerating decreased and the emission thus increased. E amount (eE/4Teo) is , e is the electron charge. It is I^' = E if reduced by an follows therefore that the saturated emission current obtained without an external field and saturated current with an external field the Analysis shows that applied to an emitter the work function where field so that Is' if Is is is the then exp(eE/4Teo)'/^ l^ ^^.g) KT This is the Schottky equation of field emission. [Ref. 37] The conditions within the hollow cathode T that much 10'^ will it higher owing to the larger pressure and the presence of bcirium. that the sheath 'd Xj. ^ 10 potential of 5V. at unknown, but is possible be close to the value measured outside(4xl0^ <*K) and that ne will be cm~^ and assuming Then are is of the order of - [/''' L 4t ne Taking ng ^ a Debye length Xr^ where '^'- J e"^ (2.10) - the electric field gradient G ^ 4x10 This results from a large increase in the ion density in the sheath cm and V/cm for a plausma the negative electrode, probably to values several orders of magnitude greater than the prevailing ion density in the plasma. [Ref. 14] Another emission mechanism that could be very cathode is effective the release of electrons by the impact of excited atoms. 11 in the hollow High yields are to be expected when the excitation energies are not function of the emitting surface. number of processes the in than a typical discharge, dimension. orifice and ion—neutral mean free paths are By considering the emission and absorption of atoms back—scattered towcird the cathode by cathode surface in current density, and further evidence for mode minimum increased. its all of the a small area capable of providing the required is existence is provided by the ability of From Fig. 2.3, dischaige voltage approached a value close to This corresponds to the producing emission. will probable that discharges to operate at potentials considerably lower than the maximum mercury atoms to the 4.9 eV metastable It is collisions with ions reach ionization potential of the propellant( mercury). the it excited states and thus cause electron emission. [Hef. 14] This emission mechanism, therefore, stable spot work such as coUisional excitation or charge resonance radiation, von Engel and Robson showed that of the greater than the Excited propellcint atoms can be formed by a transfer, provided that the electron—neutral less much 6V it can be seen that as the pressure was of the cross section for excitation of level, and these are very effective at [Fief. 14] be noted that the preceding mechanism is not in any on the presence of an alkali metal within the cathode, and it way dependent should therefore operate successfully in the absence of the triple carbonate coating. It was, in fact, found that a discharge could be run without this coating, but the voltage required was considerably higher than normal. This suggests that a mechanism requiring the coating normally operated in conjunction with that dependent on metastable atoms. The hollow cathode mechanism preceding treatment would suggest. is undoubtedly Although it more complex than the seems hkely that, in some either or both of the emission processes discussed so far are dominant, others necessary to explain all of the data satisfactory. [Ref. 14] 12 cases, may be 16 cm 2.8 K N\ )2 'min (V) 10 1.8 cm \ B \\ \^ ^ V 0.8cm— 6 9 3 i 10 PRESSURE Fig. 2.3 Variation of Minimum 13 12 11 1 4 (torr) Discharge Voltage with Pressure for Several Sepairations. (Ref. 14] 2. Germany The research work on hollow cathodes as plasma bridge neutralizers for ion thrusters started at the University of Groh and H.W. Loeb were concerned about the tests with oxide coated rolled—foil inserts A with increasing operation time. voltage raises rapidly in the first and then remains constant at ampere. life showed time of the cathodes. ain Duration increase of the keeper voltage neutralizer system with impregnated insert investigated in a shortened duration ignitions after exposure to air. S.E Walther, K.H. Giessen at 1970. The test of about result is was 1,000 hours including some graphed in Fig. 2.4. The keeper 100 hours from 18 to 20 volts about 20 volts. The keeper current is fixed at 0.3 Moreover, the dependence of the keeper voltage on the mass flow rate was 13 ecorded after 1,000 hours operation as shown in Fig. resulting in lower keeper voltages at very small 2.6. mass flow The curve got flatter, rates. [Ref. 27] 30 m s 5i1 Ij^s 300 UKe UJ I o > '">'''" 20 It I u uu ^ u o ' t I I I o It It about 20 a: LU ignitions I : t a ma ma Ignition Ignition after exposefing tooir 10 1 ma = 0.014 SCCM X 600 ^00 200 600 1000 OPERATION TIME hrs , Fig. 2.4 Keeper Voltage Dependence on the Operation time [Ref. 27] 30 after UJ §20 o > "Ae ar>. 1000 hrs. operation. / o—o- '>--x-- after 2hrs operation UJ a. LU 10 5 10-15 MASS FLOW Fig. 2.6 RATE, m*a(i 25 20 ma = 0.014 Keeper Voltage Dependence on the Mass Flow Rate 14 SCCM) [Ref. 27] ' U.S.S.R 3. In 1988, parametric investigation of the hollow cathode for ion thrusters was presented in the U.S.S.FL This paper presented the result of parametric investigations of a cesium hollow cathode with diameter of 5 2.6 shows typical voltage—current characteristics current is of the discharge. seen under the different mass flow rates. mm. Fig. Saturation of Appeaxcince of abnormal resistance in a discharge gap can be predicted as follows; — emission current limitation as a result of a virtual cathode discharge gap; — discharge carrier at an anode current limitation as a result of the lack of discharge surfawre and a positive anode decrease of potential [Ref. 19] 3 mg/s 9x10 _2 +3 c 10 mg/s Qi 1.03xl0~^mg/s u o to 2 a mg/s 1.1x10 <— "o 03 1.16xl0~^mg/s •H 10 20 30 Discharge voltap;e (V Fig. 2.6 ) Voltage—Ampere DischcLrge Characteristics of Cesium Hollow Cathode [Ref. 19] 15 in a China 4. Pulse ignition charcict eristics for a hollow cathode for an electron bombaxdment mercury ion thruster was presented pulse igniter with positive pulse output of 0.1 ignition voltage of the hollow cathode in kV — China 6 kV in 1984. A high—voltage wais developed. was measured as a function pulse repeat frequency and mercury flow rate respectively. A The pulse of pulse width, comparison between D.C. ignition voltage and pulse ignition voltage was also made. The pulse ignition voltage dropped with the increcise of the pulse width. the pulse repeat frequency D.C. ignition was increased. Fig. 2.7 voltage and pulse ignition voltage. between pulse ignition voltage and mass flow 5. Fig. 2.8 shows the relation rate. [Ref. 28] 10,000 hours neutralize! hollow cathode endurance test was run by The the Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan in 1984. fabricated with the same process installed in a small anode was shows the comparison between J^an A was Also, the voltage dropped as as one for set before the cathode. mercury ion thruster). liquid nitrogen trap It and a virtucJ Parametric change tests and spectral analysis No were carried out every 1,000 hours. observed after the 10,000 hours operation. negligibly small, ETS—III(5cm vacuum chamber with a was tested hollow cathode severe degradation of the cathode Change of the propellant flow rate compared with the beginning flow test log of the cathode. [Ref. 30] 16 rate. Fig. 2.9 is was also shows the entire (V) 5x10^ L.C. pulse 1.5us . 4x10^ \ 3x10^ 2x10^ - \^ - m= 105ma 1 ma = 0.014 SCCM \ \ \ ' 1x10^ * t 1 10 00. 1050 t 1100 1 1200 1150 Cc Fig. 2.7 ) Comparison between D.C. Ignition Voltage and Pulse Ignition Voltage [Ref.28] xlO (V) tc=1157 T =1. 4 5 f=20 1 ma = C ^s H z 0.014 SCCM 0. 20 40 60 80 100 ina( Fig. 2.8 Relation equ) between Pulse Ignition Voltage and Mass Flow Rate 17 [Ref. 28] • 40 o h • 'c o n 30 > • > , 20 8 • 8 • 8 8 8 2 S « • • • O S 8 • O • O • o o • o 8 (^ 8 S . • 8 01 1000 C 4000 3000 2000 8000 7000 6000 5000 TIME (Hours) TIME (Hours) 40 » 30 8 s • 8 • • o • o 8 20 10000 9000 TIME (Hours) 8000 Fig. 2.9 Test Log of the Cathode [Ref. 30] HEATERLESS HOLLOW CATHODE C. With inert gas (for exainple, Argon), the cathode heater prevent condensation. is not needed to Further, hollow cathodes in laboratory inert gas ion thrusters have been started without a hollow cathode heater by flooding the cathode during ignition. Although it has been demonstrated that reliable heaters aie possible, some view them as a failure prone component which is sensitive to fabrication procedures. Ultimately, heaterless ignition of ion thruster hollow cathodes should contribute to more reliable ion thruster designs with a lower parts count. Heaterless inert gas ion thruster hollow cathodes were investigated with the aim of reducing ion Before the hollow thruster complexity and increasing ion thruster reliability. cathode can ignite 18 without a heater, the propellant must breakdown low voltage "arc"), while (not a heater. (Note that "ignition" meains establishing a electrically without (10 40 V) to high current (>1 A) "breakdown" implies the onset of an necessarily an Thus, arc).) is it electrical discharge in important mechanisms govern the heaterless breakdown discharge electrical to an some mode understand first of propellant. (i.e., what In this investigation, Paschen's law served as the model of electrical breakdown. Theory 1. For clearer understanding, the derivation of Paschen's law presented. The breakdown voltage is briefly is C+ln(P*D) where P is the pressure aind D is the distance between the electrodes. shows Vb as a function of (P*D), and the constants given in Table 2.1. For large values of linecirly vises For small values and B for several gases are (P*D) because the logarithmic term (P*D) the numerator in equation (2.11) decreases with decreasing (P*D), but ln(P*D) decreases faster, with result that when (P*D) minimum) whose (P*D)„,„ It of A (P*D) the breakdown voltage Vb according to equation (2.11) rises nearly linearly with varies slowly. 7, Fig. 2.10 is value = lowered. is Hence there minimum a is found from dVb/d(P*D) = (2.72/A)ln(H-l/7) and (Vb)n>in follows that, for example, the lowest gases and cathodes for which B/A is 19 is Vb(called Paschen's 0, viz. = B(P*D)„in breakdown voltage small and 7 Vb is (2.12) to be expected for large (Fig.2.10). Table 2.2 shows the minimum values for a equation (2.12). number For instance, for of gases. The general trend a given cathode in often smaller and 7 larger than in molecular gases Again B is small for the raxe gases and so is is Law (Breaikdown and thus (P*D)min is 10^ mm A is larger. Vb- [Ref. 15] Hg cm voltage Vb as a function of the reduced electrode distance P*D). [Hef. 15] 20 agreement with rare gases, the constant , Fig. 2.10 Paschen's in TABLE Gas VALUES OF COEFFICIENTS A AND B VARIOUS GASES. [REF. 15] 2.1 1 A- cm mm Hg N» Hz 12 Air 15 20 13 12 3 20 cm Ar He Hg TABLE 2.2 Hg 342 139 365 466 290 180 34(25) 370 V m in (Volts) He Ne Ar X/P 100-600 20-1000 100-800 500-1000 150-1000 100-600 20-150(3-10) 200-^0 MINIMUM SPARKING POTENTIALS Cathode Fe 150 244 265 275 450 330 295 420 425 520 330 335 N2 O2 Air H2 Ft CO2 Hg Hg ? Fe Hg Na Hg Fe? W 21 FOR Range of validity mm 5.4 CO2 H2O Gas V B IN (2.11) [REF 15] (P*D),in (mm Hg cm) 2.5 3 1.5 0.75 0.7 0.57 1.25 0.5 1.8 C!2 7 0.04 Law has been experimentally Paschen's D gases)and satisfied (parallel geometry) (Fig. 2.10); however, neither plate standard the in hollow nonplanar and the pressures cathode orifice plate remain the same, the i.e., cire cathode geometry because P (static criteria is geometry the is nonstatic in the breakdown region between the Nevertheless, one would expect the trends to and the keeper. when breakdown voltage hollow cathode, perhaps a Paschen MMHG*CM established for well defined is plotted as a function of minimum value characteristic of well defined P*D could be found P*D for near the Examining cases (Fig. 2.10). the standard hollow cathode under this assumption, with reasonable estimates of and D, the (0.001 P*D MMHG) product * is seen to be well below this characteristic value (0.15CM) = 0.00015 MMHG*CM). P (P*D = Hence Paschen's law well suited to the conditions in a stcindard hollow cathode. 1 is not Paschen's theory would qualitatively explain the experimental observation that for heaterless ignition of hollow cathodes high flow rates are required. increasing level P through satisfied by increased flowrate brings the breakdown voltage open the circuit voltage of the igniter heaterless ignition at reasonable igniter supply voltages electrical breakdown minimum breakdown P*D Increasing the in heaterless down to the Demanding supply. (<1KV) hollow cathodes should product by implies that occur voltages, typically on the order of 200 to 400 V near Paschen for most gases. (Fig. 2.10) Under Paschen's Law, the breakdown voltage cathode can be lowered in a number of ways (e.g., for the hollow lengthening D, increasing P, "seeding" the propellant with a low ionization potential material, 2. heaterless etc.). [Ref. 10] Hardw8u-e Heaterless inert gas ion thruster hollow cathodes were investigated 22 with the aim of reducing ion thruster complexity aind increaising ion thruster One reliability. of the heaterless This design [Ref.18] thesis as the alternative is cathode is the design invented by Aston, 1981. manufactured by Spectra—Mat Spectra—Mat cathode. (Fig. 2.11) the to refractory Inc. is referred to in this This cathode design provides an The Spectra—Mat model cathode. raetaJ filcLment and modifies the original design by Aston by including a tungsten dispenser. Porous tungsten with a formula of barium oxide dispersed throughout the matrix essential form of dispenser cathodes. The claimed performance hollow cathode device is is the Spectra—Mat for the a starting time of approximately ten seconds after which the is capable of emitting several amperes of electron With argon, a flow requirements are low. rate of Gas flow current. 3-^ seem (standard cubic centimeters per minute) will support a cathode emission current level of 5—10 amperes. Lower gas flows can be used for smaller electron emission current requirements such as ion becmi neutralizer applications. characteristic of hollow cathodes requires that the An anode regulating with a compliance voltage of about 80—100 volts. inherent supply The operating be fast current emission current response of the Spectra—Mat hollow cathode means that anode power supply Most trcinsistor regulated laboratory response times less than power supplies 1 msec are required. satisfy this requirement. There are several advantages claimed for the Spectra—Mat hollow cathode. Some of these advantages axe — Much longer cathode hollow cathode and so the ionizing listed here. is life. The electron emitting surface shielded from sputtering damstge by the is within the 50—100 volt ions in plasma — Lower power consumption and operating temperatures. This results undesirable substrate and process chamber heating. 23 in less — Less is subject to A chance of ion beam and substrate contamination. much evaporation because of less it's lower operating temperatures. unique feature of the Spectra—Mat hollow cathode cathode to be placed in cin idle chamber plasma beam or ion is mode where The hollow cathode the cathode being produced. This feature is is is the ability of the on but no discharge especially useful in continuous operations, such as ion etching, ion sputter deposition, ion milling and ion implantation. substrate erosion, is In these applications, the ion source can be pulsed on as each put in place. This minimizes the chamber heating and ion sputter promoting a much cleamer substrate environment. Fig. 2.11 new [Ref. 1] Spectra—Mat Hollow Cathode Apparatus. 24 III. A. EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT 1. Discharge Fig.3.1 arrangement. is Chamber the picture that illustrates There are four main components in the the general vacuum chamber. cathode, keeper, anode and Langmuir probe. Fig. 3.1 General ExperimentcJ Arrangement. 25 experimental They are Two hollow cathodes (a standard design manufactured by Ion—Tech and the Spectra—Mat cathode) are mounted cathode can be used at a time. to each other. Only one The standard cathode was mounted so that the parallel distance between the cathode tip and the keeper could be varied. of the thesis by Park. [Ref.SS] Both This is the subject of the cathodes are connected to copper tubes by swaigelock connectors and receive axgon ga.s The copper through these tubes. tubes were disconnected in the middle and they were replaced by tygon tubing for electricaJ isolation. The Spectra—Mat hollow cathode has the keeper in its body, but a similar appearing external anode. A Lcingmuir probe has been placed in the chamber to measure the electron temperature, electron current and plasma density. a stainless steel ball (diameter 9.614mm) and bai. This baj is it is The Langmuir probe is connected by a thin stainless steel covered with ceramic to insulate it from the plasma in the chamber. The anode, and to take the or collector, is designed to collect the discharge current role of the electric field of the space copper grid which surrounds the inside wall of the 2. environment. The anode is a jcir. Electrical Circuit Fig.3—2 illustrates the electrical circuitry for the Ion—Tech( standard) hollow cathode. As expected, High voltage (^300V)is applied to Right after the ignition, two circuits exists. through the very high resistor(llOkQ). supply is stcirt the dischcirge. However, only a low current can flow Therefore only the low voltage, high current active after the initial igniter. Fig.3—3 illustrate the heaterless hollow cathode. 26 electrical circuitry for the Spectra—Mat Fig. 3.2 Electrical Circuitry for the 27 Ion-Tech Hollow Cathode. Fig. 3.3 Electrcal circuitry for the 28 Spectra—Mat Hollow Cathode Measuring Equipment 3. Two Varicin pressures in the rough to Type 0531 thermocouples were used vacuum range and Varian 880RS measure the to ionization gauge was used measure the high vacuum pressures. Fluke 85 multimeter, Fluke 75 multimeter and Keithley 195A DMM were used to measure the anode to keeper current, the keeper to cathode current and keeper to cathode voltage respectively. HP noise model 120B oscilloscope was usually used and the plasma to watch the system oscillation. HS—lOS Hasting mass flow transducer and Nail flow meter are used to measure the argon gas flow rate, (unit: SCCM—standard cubic centimeters per minute) Vacuum System 4. Fig.3—4 shows the major parts of the Varian system. system consists of two pumps. A Rotary Vane Oil—Sealed Mechanical 3 for rough pumping; pressure range 760 torr to 10 vacuum pumping; a high range pressure 10 torr. torr rate and vacuum chamber Fig. 3.5 pressure. Pump A Turbo pump to 10 experimental system, base pressure without propellant flow valves to the gas supply open. This vacuum is torr. is is used used for For this 2.8x10"^ torr with shows the relationship between argon flow Chamber pressure increases linearly by increasing the flow rate as expected. B. Procedure 1. Vacuum System In order to start this experiment, the Bell Jaj should be evacuated to _6 the order of 10 torr. 29 ' ' VACUUM CHAMBER HIGH VACUUM VALVE TURBO PUMP Fig. 3.4 MECHANICAL PUMP Major Variam Psurts of Vacuum System. 12.00 - -e- 10.00 l_ - • •- -1 o • ,_ o o o o OX ff / Z / '/ / : 8.00 ^ a y • • / H t -'./' ' tr «; 6.00 - D 3 c y' ; in (U >4 * i_ j^ t CL ^ 4.00 - / /^ <u £> j/i ) E {v/ : o JZ u 2.00 T u.uu 0.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 4.00 2.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Gas Flow Rate (SCCM) Fig. 3.5 Relation between Propellaint Flow Rate and Chamber Pressure 30 It usually takes several hours to reach the desired pressure range of the pumping chamber and up to 24 hours for operating the vacuum system to assure complete outgassing. vacuum The procedure as follows; is Turn on the cooling water and open the nitrogen gas (A) bottle valve (Nitrogen bottle valve is set to 2.5 — 6.0 psi as the regulated pressure) (B) Place switch marked "Turbo (C) Switch on (D) Push "Start" on Pump" to "Off" position power to turbo controller and ionization gauge start, by turbo TC2 pump should not. Let system Houghing pump should controller. pump down to 100 milli torr as indicated gauge on ionization gauge panel. With (E) Pump" Switch "Turbo depressed) controller in switch to "Low Speed" (i.e., "On" when 100 Low speed button milli torr reached "Acceleration" and "Leak" indicators will (F) light. Both should go out and "Normal" indicator will light within 6 minutes system to (G) Switch on ionization gauge to When cathode has been exposed to atmosphere, allow vacuum pump down 2. at least overnight before Starting and shutting (A) pump the plasma source As mentioned above, has been exposed to atmosphere) The gas lines make sure the (2) lA increments for the initial start is 8A (if — it takes 1—2 hours to to 4A for 10 minutes. waiting 10 minutes between each increase. 31 cathode sealed. Set the heater current to up vacuum system has pumped down should be flushed twice with argon out the gas lines once the argon cylinder increase in attempting to start plasma. Standard Hollow Cathode (1) overnight. down reaxi pressure. Then, Start the argon flow at 3--5 (3) current to 9A. Set the Wait several minutes. increase the flow rate to 5 or 6 — SCCM. Wait When SCCM. 3.0 Do bypass valve 1/4 turn. will overload. again. If does not discharge nothing happens, reduce flow not leave the bypass valve open or the When plasma source the reduce the heater current to 6A and start, flow stabilizes, quickly open and close the voltage and rapid increase in current will occur. When vacuum system ignites. starts, a sudden this happens, drop in immediately adjust the flow rate to the desired level. (2 —4 range works best) Change paxameters as (6) best. (If Repeat as necessary until a stable discharge (5) SCCM Increase the heater anode voltage to 2300V. (4) rate back to 2.5 SCCM. Rapid changes in current (i.e. 0.2 To (7) shut -» required. 2A) may cause down loss of Slow changes work plasma. the plasma source, Switch off the power supply and reduce the heater current slowly to OA. (Opposite to the initiation) Allow argon gas to flow Do (8) (It is SCCM. at 2 not switch off vacuum system best to wait at least one hour to allow complete cooling). occur, close gate valve vacuum and shut in the Bell Jar while (9) off cathode To argon flow immediately. while cathode If power This will maintain a cools. restart SCCM hot. loss should plasma source when plasma loss occurs while changing parameters, bring up the heater current to 9A immediately and propellant flow rate to 3 is and wait. Discharge usually auto—stcu:ts quickly. Restarts are normally quicker and easier than the 32 set the initial daily start. (B) Spectra—Mat Heaterless Hollow cathode (1) The (2) Increase the flow rate to 6 (3) Turn on the power supply and increase the (4) Wait 30 seconds. initial stage is the same as that of the Ion—Tech cathode. SCCM. voltsige slowly to 270V. Do close bypass valve 1/4 turn. vacuum system is If (6) When nothing happens quickly open and not leave bypass valve open or you will cause plasma to overload. If still does not start, try again when pressure stable. the plasma source starts, a sudden drop in voltage (to ^ lOV) and rapid increase in current (to ^ 1.5A) will occur and voltage regulated mode changes (6) better. Rapid change to current regulated Change parameters as in current (7) mode. To may shut required. Slow change works cause loss of plasma. down slowly to zero. (opposite to the initiation) 33 the plasma source, decrease the current Allow argon gas to flow at ^ 2 SCCM. IV. The purpose make EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS of this investigation is optimum to find the paicimeters that the hollow cathode initiation certainly and operation properly. Not only the continuous, long—life operation but also proper, quick and reliable starting condition is important the for hollow cathode behaviors St anting discharge. conditions vary according to the following parameters; running propellant flow rate(m), biasing potential between cathode and keeper(Vk), cathode tip temperature(T) or heater current(Ih), keeper spacing(D) and time of turning on and A. off(t). STANDARD HOLLOW CATHODE 1. Flow Rate Dependence It (heater current was temperature slowly to about 1300<>C sufficient to increase the 8A) and to hold steawiy for it about 1 hour. Discharge initiation could then be accomplished by passing a sufficient flow rate of cirgon through the cathode while applying a potential At data could be taken. first, Vk Vk wa5 to the keeper. increased, 2. Fig. 4.1 Vd became this condition, several slowly increased at constant flow rate until This process was repeated discharge occurred at a voltage Vddifferent flow rates. From shows the result. From many times at this result, as flow rate smaller, discharge occurred fcister and was more predictably. Heater (Temperature) Dependence Vk was a potential Vd- Changing the increased at constant temperature until discharge occurred at This was repeated at different heater current (temperatures). heater current was used. 34 Fig. 4.2 shows the heater current dependence. From Fig.4.1 and Fig. 4.2, as either(flow rate or temperature) increased, Vd became current 5 SCCM With the flow smaller and more predictable. rate was and heater and 8 A, the discharge could often be initiated at voltages as low as40 V. 40.00 -. 38.00 \ • en bo \ (Volts) <u 34.00 T : 1 '- . 32.00 i D> ; i1 O -c : m 30.00 Q -. : ^ 28.00 i 26.00 ^ Till 0.00 III! > 1 T 2.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 4.00 6.00 8.00 Gas Flow Rate (SCCM) Fig. 4.1 Discharge Voltage vs 35 Flow Rate 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.00 13.50 0.00 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I [ I 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 2.00 3.00 4.00 Heater Current (Amperes) 5.00 Fig. 4.2 Dischau-ge Voltage vs Heater Current Time Dependence 3. On closer exanmi nation, as unpredictable as at first thought. hours, Vd was contrast, it Vjc was initiation was not After the discharge had been off for several generally high at given values of flow rate and temperature. was considerably lower had been switched of was found that discharge it also off. if Vk was The time taken dependent In reapplied shortly after the discharge for the discharge to strike after application upon the recent history of cathode. the In this experiment, the values of temperature (heater current) and flow rate were held constant, the discharge was extinguished and a before a fixed value of from the cathode Vk was orifice; microamperes. (Fig. 4.3) this This applied. At known time was allowed this stage, was accompcinied by a is a very idle faint mode glow emerged current of several the thermionic emission current. 36 to elapse The luminosity gradually increased, as did the current, until a discontinuous rise to several hundred milliamperes indicated discharge ignition. The maximum approximately of constant given at values flow the surface migration of barium are responsible. essential is switched is as is implying that sufficient barium orifice, Once the discharge there. mechanism applicable, adequate thermionic emission from areas close to the cathode must be available baxium is The that chemiccJ changes or the initiation If current was temperature. auid phenomena suggest relatively long times involved in these discussed in the b2u;kground section rate mode idle off, would appear that it gradually lost from the emitting zone,so that, after reapplication of Vk, a finite time is The required for replenishment. situation is undoubtedly extremely complex, and no attempt has been made to ascertain the nature of the chemical and surface processes taking plcice. would be reasonable to assume, however, that the It geometry and position of the dispenser have by no means been optimized. 0.00 0.00 I Fig. 4.3 Idle t I 1 Mode T I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I 300.00 200.00 100.00 Cathode to Keeper Voltage (Volts) I I I I ' I I I 400.00 Discharge Current vs Keeper Biasing Potential 37 SPECTRA-MAT HOLLOW CATHODE B. To find out the optimum parameters for Spectra—Mat hollow cathode to Flow operate properly, similar experiments were attempted. potential were the main parameters. rate and biasing keeper Unlike the standard hollow cathode, the When Spectra—Mat hollow cathode does not have a heater to activate the cathode. a sufficient biasing keeper potentiaJ(^ 315V) wais given, a very small discharge occured within the hollow cathode. mode This is the so called idle discharge begcin in a short time(<10 sees). second, outer anode must be 1. Mode Idle During mounted and a discharge. this experiment, In order to extract a current, Fig. 4.4 shows these two flow rates. When the idle mode was idle levels of idle mode was mode found, lower level discharge for different higher level, extraction of discharge was easier. level is insufficient for ctctivation of externcJ dischsu^ge. migration of the barium to the surface of the cathode. also depends on the biasing keeper voltage. this dependence. Fig. 4.5 Idle mode To discharge current shows one typical example explainable mode by discharge cam be seen. field enhanced emission. approximately one order of magnitude higher current presumably due to the more This idle Note in idle mode that effective fields to the cylindriccJ capacitor presented by the Spectra—Mat cathode. 38 discharge this mode. of Above Discharge current has the transition point around 295V. this range, the inside idle reach That helps the higher level, hollow cathode should be turned on for several hours. be a biausing potential applied. two kinds of level. should Idle Discharge amd higher That means lower mode design This is which is 2.00 HIGH LEVEL (n Q. E < - 1.50 - c 1.00 I 0) I- o J= .^ o LOW LEVEL 0.50 00 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ri I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10.00 8.00 6.00 Gas Flow Rale (SCCM) Mode Discharge Fig. 4.4 Idle I I 4.00 2.00 0.00 for Different Flow Rate V) 9 SCCM 8 SCCM 7 SCCM G SCCM 5 SCCM A SCCM 3 SCCM 2 SCCM ^ 1.50 Ql E < - 1.00 H l_ D o 4) i_ ° 0.50 o 'U 0.00 'I M M M M 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 Cathode to Keeper Voltage (Volts) I I I I I I I Fig. 4.5 Idle Mode I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I Discharge Current for Different Biasing Voltage 39 Extraction of Discharge 2. Discharge extraction was unhke that found for the standard hollow cathode. If discharge extraction was easy and relible, the Spectra—Mat hollow cathode would be highly recommended. took a long time for the first Unfortunately, beginning attempt. was not easy it at all. It Instead of the heater power supply, the Spectra—Mat hollow cathode needs smother power supply to bias the anode to keeper potential. taken. The problem was That compensate each other. that the status of the discharge Several data could be was not stable and did not run long. There were two kinds of mode for this extraction. For the first the external glow was seen, but the collected discharge current was small. the result at the bottom of Table around 10 minutes. this mode 4.1. This mode was somewhat However, without collecting stable. sufficient external mode, This It is lasted current(l—2A), is useless. The second mode more cleaily matched our expectations. Some data were taken as follows. TABLE 4.1 DATA FOR SPECTRA-MAT CATHODE Flow Rate (SCCM) high 3.75 2.96 5.59 The range 76.5 60 25 307 of values of discharge voltage discharge fluctuated too External Iiiternal Vci(V) much and Ii(A) Vd(V) Ie(A) 1.22 99.1 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.1 99 99 0.026 60.2 0.03 and current is cicceptable. the values were unpredictable. 40 1.3 However, the That means that Spectra—Mat hollow cathode not as good as a standard hollow cathode for most is electron and ion emission purposes. Discharge Failure 3. In the beginning of these experiments with the original Spectra—Mat cathode, the disch«irge was very difficult to start. to a very high value, (>10 10 torr, the SCCM), When the flow rate was increased the chamber pressure increased to the order of discharge would start momentarily. The status was very unstable. Ultimately, the cathode was destroyed by overheating and arcing. There seems to be three possible reasons for the discharge failure. First, the The hollow cathode might have been contaminated by time. dust, cathode had been exposed to the atmosphere for too long oil, To etc during this period. too much water vapor, prevent this kind of problem, mechanical work should've been finished completely aind checked several times before opening the The hollow cathode should be cathode shipping containers. chamber when not A initial attempts in vacuum in use. second possibility of the problem at stored ignition, is surface damage. During the both flow rate and biasing potential between cathode and keeper were too high. The flow rate was increased because the discharge started in only that consumption condition. of barium oxide. lower flow rates, or A flaws. That might cause the surface damage and too much in idle third Further operations should have been attempted at mode. possible reason for the discharge fciilure The cathode might have had uneven is manufacturing surfaces from the beginning. It observed that the discharge location was not always at the front of the cathode Sometimes discharge occurred around 2—3 41 cm back from the cathode tip. was tip. Fig. 4.6 and Fig. 4.7 shows the damaged cathode surface spot and broken part of ceramic The damaged insulator respectively. This is spot is the plaice where the discharge occured. unexpected and the main reason for the ultimate discharge Fig.4.8 cathode. is failure. a detailed dicigram of disassembled Spectra—Mat hollow This old cathode was disassembled after discharge failure for better understanding of the geometrical That structure. understanding the inner structure of the cathode. was very helpful for After several other attempts to recover the cathode operation, barium oxide was recoated over the surface of the cathode tip. Liquid barium oxide was used for this work. but the results were erratic. helped the discharge, outer anode was mounted in front of the cathode Biasing the external voltage helped the bright ignition of discharge. tip. cathode acted Still One It like a standard hollow cathode. Bieising voltage The was high.(Kl90V) unstable discharge and even discharge failure happened because of uneven coating of barium oxide and the damaged surface. The results presented above were obtained with a second cathode obtained near the end of the research period. noted, it was As also difficult to operate, though the experience gained in the initial experiments helped. 42 Fig. 4.6 Picture of Damaged Cathode 43 Surface Fig. 4.7 Broken Tip of Ceramic Insulator 44 & rim II tpim I < Ijirm III cnrm I ym I I I wOO WB ^ ^ Fig. 4.8 Detailed Diagram of Disassembled 45 Spectra—Mat Hollow Cathode CONCLUSION V. Extensive investigations the of and behaviors starting pcircimetric chaxact eristics of two (standard and Spectra—Mat) hollow cathode designs have shown how the ignition cind operation are dependent on propellant flow rate, cathode tip temperature (for standard hollow cathode), biasing potential, geometry, and the availability of a low work function material temperature or flow rate are increased, the voltage range both decrease until, potentials often below 40 volts. high at maximum values, like As barium oxide. value and width of this starting is reproducible at This behavior appears to be strongly influenced by the site and rate of dispensation of the low work function material. For the Spectra—Mat hollow cathode, after (within idle mode disch^ge occurred 10 seconds) applying a voltage of ^315 volts. — extraction, an external anode should be mounted biasing potential should be applied. Discharge extraction cind 50 For the discharge 100 volts anode to keeper is possible, condition was so erratic and the values of data were unpredictable. reasons, Spectra—Mat hollow cathode is not highly emission purposes. 46 right recommended but, the For these for cJl electron REFERENCES 1. Kim Guntber, "Hollow Cathode Plasma Source" ( Spectra—Mat Hollow ), Spectra—Mat Inc., Watsonville, California Cathode Manual Aston,Graeme, "Summary Abstract: A Hollow Cathode for Ion Beam Processing Plasma Sources", Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CcJifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109 2. 3. Daniel E. Siegfried and Panl J. Wilbnr, "An Investigation of Mercury Hollow Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado Cathode Phenomena 4. ', Daniel E. Siegfried and Paul J. Wilbur, "Studies on an Experimental Quartz University, Fort Collins, Colorado Tube Hollow Cathode", Colorado State CM. Philips and D.G. 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Gnanalingum Code 61 Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 Professor Maj. Han, Hwang—Jin Postal Code 134-00 Song-Pa Gu, Ga-Rak Dong, Seoul, Republic of Korea GM 1 5 Ga-Rak APT 59 Dong 401 Ho Maj. Kim, Jong—Ryul Postal Code 500-00 Book-Gu, Du-Am Dong, 874-14 Kwang— Ju, Republic of Korea 1 Maj. Yoon, Sang—II Postal Code 138-150 1 Gane-Dong Gu, Bang-I Dong, Sam-Ik APT 201-1103 Seoul, Republic of Korea 50 10. Yong—Seok Maj. Seo, SMC 1448, Monterey, 11. Maj. SMC Jin, Naval Postgraduate School 93943 CA Won-Tae 1737, Monterey, Naval Postgraduate School 93943 CA 12. Maj. Ryu, Joong—Keun SMC 1499, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 13. Cpt. Song, Tae-Ik SMC 2686, Naval Postgradute School Monterey, 14. CA 93943 Cpt. Pcu:k, Jeong—Hyun 1818, Naval Postgraduate School SMC Monterey, 15. 93943 Cpt. Ryu, Jong—Soo SMC 2039, Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, 16. CA CA 93943 Library, P.O. Box 2 Korea Military Accidemy Do-Bong Gu, Gong—Neung Dong 556—21 Seoul, Republic of Korea 51 ^/7-5S^ :,002 Thesis H1795 c.l Han Physical processes In hollow cathode discharge sources.