Author(s) Stuffle, L. Douglas. Title Bathymetry from hyperspectral imagery. Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1996 URL This document was downloaded on May 04, 2015 at 22:48:14 DUDLr NAVAL t . , >!< MONTEREY CA -»Y 'i'S SCHOOL -5-5101 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA THESIS BATHYMETRY FROM HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGRY by L. Douglas Stuffle December, 1996 Thesis Advisor: Co- Advisor: Approved R. C. Olsen Newell Garfield for public release; distribution is unlimited. Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Public reporting burden for (his collection of information is estimated to average 1 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and comments regarding Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate to the No 0704-0188 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to OMB this burden estimate or any other aspect of for Information Operations this and Reports, 1215 Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20503 1 . AGENCY USE ONLY REPORT DATE (Leave blank) 3. December, 1996. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Master's Thesis BATHYMETRY FROM HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGRY FUNDING NUMBERS AUTHOR(S) L. 7. Douglas Stuffle. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA 93943-5000 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed official policy or position of the 12a. 13. those of the author and do not reflect the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words) This work used hyperspectral imagery classify substrates this in this thesis are work. DISTRIBUTION CODE 12b. A to derive shallow water depth estimates. and estimate reflectance values for the substrate types is technique to the major contributions of This was accomplished by masking different bottom types based on spectra, effects that were not included The high SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER 10. in previous methods. altitude of the lake provided a relatively straight environment. HYDICE data 22, 1995. low aerosol content within the atmosphere. This allowed for forward atmospheric corrections. The atmospheric was taken over Lake Tahoe on June radiative This was substantially easier than in an oceanic transfer code MODTRAN3.0 was used to model the at the time of the experiment. The radiative transfer code HYDROLIGHT3.5 was used to model the attenuation coefficients of the relatively clear water of the lake. Minimal river input and low chlorophyll concentrations made it simpler to determine these values. Making use of the full spectral content of data within the optical range, multiple substrates were differentiated and masked off. This allowed for an estimation on wet substrate reflectance and a straight forward calculation of bottom depth. atmospheric conditions 14. subject terms: Hyperspectral, Visible, Imagery, Bathymetry, HYDICE, 15. PAGES MODTRAN3.5, HYDROLIGHT3.0, 17. NSN SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified Unclassified 7540-01-280-5500 NUMBER OF 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT 87 16. PRICE CODE 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UL Unclassified Standard Form 298 Prescribed by ANSI Std. (Rev. 2-89) 239-18 298-102 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. BATHYMETRY FROM HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGRY L. Douglas Stuffle Lieutenant, United States B. S., Navy University of Arizona, 1990 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December, 1996 ™ LIBRARY 3RADUATE SCHOOL • , Mowt« CA MONTERcY 93943-5101 ABSTRACT This work used hyperspectral imagery to derive shallow water depth estimates. technique to classify substrates and estimate reflectance values for the substrate types the major contributions of this work. bottom types based on HYDICE data spectra, effects that were not included was taken over Lake Tahoe on June 22, 1995. environment. The atmospheric radiative transfer code HYDROLIGHT3.5 was water of the lake. at The high previous methods. altitude of the lake This allowed for relatively The in an oceanic was used to model radiative transfer code used to model the attenuation coefficients of the relatively clear Minimal river input the optical range, multiple substrates for an estimation MODTRAN3.0 the time of the experiment. and low chlorophyll concentrations made simpler to determine these values. Making use of the depth. in forward atmospheric corrections. This was substantially easier than the atmospheric conditions is This was accomplished by masking different provided a low aerosol content within the atmosphere. straight A were full spectral differentiated on wet substrate reflectance and a content of data within and masked straight it off. This allowed forward calculation of bottom VI 1 . TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 BATHYMETRY 3 II. WEIGHTED LINE SOUNDINGS B. SONAR SOUNDINGS C. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS WITH LIDAR D. ALTIMETER DEPTH MEASUREMENTS E. PASSIVE OPTICAL METHODS A. III. 3 5 6 7 9 Remote Sensing 1. Satellite Spectral 2. Airborne Spectral Remote Sensing 1 3. Recent Developments 13 OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS 15 A. B. 9 GEOMETRICAL RADIOMETRY 15 1. Radiance 15 2. Irradiance 16 3. Reflectance 16 4. Radiance Invariance 17 LIGHT 1. AND HOW IT INTERACTS WITH WATER Inherent Optical Properties 18 19 a. Spectral Absorptance b. Spectral Scatterance 20 20 c. Spectral Transmittance 21 d. Other Significant Quantities 21 2. Water Constituents 22 3. Summing 23 4. Absorption 5. the Different Inherent Optical Properties in Water 23 Pure Water a. Absorption b. Absorption Due to Dissolved Organic Matter c. Absorption Due to Phytoplankton and Organic Detritus in From Sediment d. Contributions e. Deriving a Model for Total Absorption Scattering in Water 24 26 26 27 27 28 C. RADIATIVE TRANSFER Water 31 D. BATHYMETRY FROM REMOTELY SENSED RADIATION 32 1. 1 Radiative Transfer Unmixing Algorithm 2. - Effects An at the Due 29 Depth and Substrate Reflectance - The Bierwirth LANDSAT Data Hamilton Algorithm - An Application of AVIRIS Data to Exploitation of Empirical Model - VII 32 35 . IV. MEASUREMENTS AT LAKE TAHOE A. MEASUREMENTS AT LAKE TAHOE B. V. MODEL APPLICATION 39 Atmospheric Contributions a. Normalizing 47 Sky Radiance c. Convolving Modtran3.5 Data e. 3. Water Leaving Radiance 42 43 43 44 46 Path Radiance b. d. VI. 37 APPLICATION OF THE BIERWIRTH METHOD TO LAKE TAHOE DATA..40 1. Processed HYDICE Data 40 2. B. 37 INSTRUMENTS INITIAL A. 37 to Match HYDICE to Reflectance Depth Derivation 48 a. HYDROLIGHT, b. Results of Bierwirth a Radiative Transfer Model APPLICATION OF THE HAMILTON METHOD TO LAKE TAHOE DATA. ..51 DERIVING DEPTH WITH MODELED BOTTOM TYPES A. MASK CONSTRUCTION 1 2. 3. B. 49 50 Mask 53 Sandy Bottom Areas Constructing Masks for Dark Areas Composite of the Bottom Types Constructing for MODELING DEPTH BY INCLUDING SUBSTRATE REFLECTANCE 1. 53 56 58 59 60 Estimating Substrate Reflectance 61 Rock Substrate Sandy Substrate Wet Substrate Reflectance 61 a. b. c. 62 63 64 Depth Results a. Depth by Using Bottom Reflectance Compared to Depth Without Using 64 Bottom Reflectance Entire Scene 65 b. Using Substrate Reflectance to Calculate Depth for 66 C. RELIABILITY OF ATTENUATION COEFFICIENTS 2. VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS LIST OF 69 REFERENCES 73 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 77 Vlll INTRODUCTION I. A basic military need in bathymetry. This knowledge is warfare littoral an accurate knowledge of near-shore is necessary for special forces and other combatants prior to landing activities, and for marine forces traversing the coastal zone. information is, of course, just one element of the intelligence information needed to plan a landing, with other elements including a defenses, Such "metoc" knowledge of beach trafficability, and shore The work described here addresses how including mines and obstacles. bathymetric information can be obtained from (visible) spectral imagery. Due to the complex and constantly varying nature of electromagnetic radiation with water, a relatively benign environment. model situation, Once one can then begin near-coastal regions of the ocean. HYDICE it's over Lake Tahoe on June 5 to best to begin the analysis of a satisfactory results , new technique of in have been obtained for the understand the interaction within the tumultuous Measurement taken with th interaction the the hyperspectral imager 1995 provided an ideal basis to begin determining depth from hyperspectral data. As with any measurement of spectral imagery, be unmixed with the noise inherent within the For the case of measurements over water, the data received at the sensor medium through which this it must has traversed. noise will include effects due to the atmosphere as well as the water column, both of which are extremely dynamic, changing with time and geographical position. that has sufficient model MODTRAN3.0 is a proven radiative transfer been developed over the past two decades and model for the HYDROLIGHT, Lake Tahoe atmosphere. will be In addition, shown to model provide a the radiative transfer developed by Curtis Mobley, will be used to determine the behavior of the water, or specifically, the wavelength dependent attenuation coefficients. This thesis will take previous depth derivation algorithms and build on them to take advantage of the wealth of information available through hyperspectral imagery. will It conclude by presenting a relatively accurate depth contour of a portion of Lake Tahoe called Secret Harbor. It will begin with a brief presentation of the history of 1 bathymetry measurements in Chapter II followed by a discussion of the basic principles needed to understand radiative transfer and IV how light interacts will then describe the conditions of the how those measurements were taken. previous algorithms Chapter VI, of data as results it how is presented in with water in Chapter HI. Chapter Lake near the time of the measurements and Initial observation, analysis and comparison to Chapter V, followed by a complete discussion, in to take advantage of the information content within the hyperspectral applies to the algorithm. Finally, Chapter VII will present a discussion of the and conclusions drawn from the modeling technique used throughout the thesis. . BATHYMETRY II. The mapping of the Earth's oceans dates back to ancient maps were constructed with Figure 2. chisel Babylon and times when and rock instead of paper and pencil, or computer, 1 Figure map 2. 1 Ancient Babylonian . depicting Babylon surrounded by ocean. Gaskell (1964). map Figure 2.1 shows an ancient Babylonian somewhat as a castle is surrounded by a moat. based on facts they could observe like them bravely and cautiously were A. like, that depicts at the time. set out to This It Babylon surrounded by water, map and those similar to it were wasn't until Greek mariners and others sea that these ancient ideas on what the oceans began to be disproved. WEIGHTED LINE SOUNDINGS One of the first scientific ways in which early mariners could of the ocean depth was with a weighted line, Figure 2.2. 3 make measurements Figure 2.2. Depiction of early sounding measurements. Gaskell (1964) This was an arduous and time consuming method. information at best, vessel. coastal regions. much often resulted in mediocre depth but until recent times was the only method in use. Depth measurements measuring It are limited to In ancient times this As how much meant that line measurements were limited capabilities of the vessels grew, deeper larger area of the ocean were possible. quality of the information produced how to near measurements spanning a As with any measuring instrument, a function of the instrument's resolution. is case of sounding measurements the resolution quantity of the measurements, can be tethered from the is, among far apart they are the In the other things, dependent on the made and the ability of the measuring vessel to establish an accurate geographical position. In very deep water, as normally the case the in the sounding dredge. measurements while however to the open ocean, it This makes sometimes takes several hours it very difficult to take also maintaining an crew of the British accurate position. ship H.M.S. Challenger. to many is lower and raise closely spaced Credit must be given, Over the course of Challenger's three-year expedition, the crew providing the first H.M.S. Challenger look is at made a total of over the relative transoceanic depth. depicted in two hundred soundings The course taken by the Figure 2.3 to provide the reader an idea of the scope of the effort put forth by her crew. Figure 2.3. Route taken by the H.M.S. Challenger during expedition to It is make B. three year transoceanic oceanographic measurements. Gaskell (1964). interesting to note that in very near coastal water pole than a weighted it's it is more accurate to use a sounding line. SONAR SOUNDINGS With the advent of sonar the could be made in same measurements a matter of seconds. The speed of the that used to take several hours measurements allows higher frequency of measurement along the ship's path and therefore a bottom resolution as shown in Figure 2.4. for a much much better Figure 2.4. Comparison of soundings taken with weighted line (on the soundings taken with sonar (on the Figure 2.4 is same area of a comparison of weighted the South Atlantic soundings were made Ocean line and Gaskell (1964). soundings and sonar soundings made of the floor. As Gaskell (1964) points out, only 13 with the weighted line as compared to the 1300 soundings with sonar, resulting in a C. right). left) much more made detailed profile. DEPTH MEASUREMENTS WITH LIDAR Just as sonar measures depth using acoustics, a Light Detection (LIDAR) system use electromagnetic makes use of radiation to measure return time. and Ranging LJDAR the different properties of air and water to determine the depth. by sending a very short laser pulse downward from energy are reflected off the ocean surface and part an airborne platform. is It however, operates Portions of the reflected off of the sea bed. The nature of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and water will be discussed in more detail later in this paper. Given a reasonably distinct bottom return, the depth can be calculated by taking the difference between the return times of the surface and bottom reflections. .'* H HHIV *' 1 1 M 15' IS H 2(T H H !f A ,.,. 1 \ A 1 \ 1 ; \ 1 '/' If 1 OPTICAL SURVEY ACOUSTIC SURVEY LIDAR measurements Figure 2.5. and Acoustical measurements, Cassidy (1995) As reported in Cassidy (1995), Figure 2.5 displays the results from a test of a French system, which shows a comparable accuracy between acoustic and Cassidy argues that a LIDAR has an advantage over acoustical methods in that allows low cost surveys of difficult to reach or spread out coastal areas. inherent navigational difficulties associated with coastal However, it must be kept in optical mind that as light travels results. it is fast, In addition, the sonar surveys are avoided. through both air and water, it experiences propagation losses that will be discussed in later chapters. This effect in fact places limitations on where and D. how a LIDAR system can be used. ALTIMETER DEPTH MEASUREMENTS Satellite based altimeters are capable of making depth measurements on a wider scale than either sonar or measurements are the LIDAR as can be seen in Figure 2.6. result of 4.5 years of and 2 years of European Remote Sensing U. S. Satellite Navy Geosat altimeter much These depth measurements (ERS-1) altimeter measurements. In Figure 2.6 green areas have essentially normal depth, areas with yellow-orange-red hues are relatively shallower and areas with blue-violet-magenta are increasingly deeper. t 30°E 60°E 90°E 120°E 180" 150°E 150°W 120°W 90°W 60"W 30"W 0° I 60° N 60'N A .*c>i y 1 1 f-'N^J-*^ ''• '•» V '' ' ' :. 30° N 30°N 0" °"l I'-' " .-J 30°S 30°s' ] ] "".y 60°Sj 60°S 1 0° 30°E 60°E 90°E 120°E 150°E 180° 150°W 120°W 90"W 60°W 30°W 0° Figure 2.6. Depth derivation, on a continental scale, from altimeter measurement. As reported by NASA From Sandwell et al. (1995). (1986), the sea surface has bulges that result from the variation in gravity in different regions of the ocean, Figure 2.7. Figure 2.7. Gravitational effects on ocean surface from altimeter measurements. From Sandwell et al. (1995). 8 As depicted in Figure 2.7, such features as mid-oceanic ridges have a high concentration of mass and therefore will have a greater gravitational pull, causing a "pile up" of water above them. This accumulation of water can result in a rise of the sea surface as much as Contrary, areas were trenches exist will have less of a gravitational pull and 5 meters. subsequently cause a depression of the sea surface, sometimes as These variations in the electromagnetic radiation, sea surface can much then be measured would measure depth as a sonar much 60 meters. as by an altimeter, using via acoustics. Altimeter measurements have given scientist an excellent view of the large scale However with depth variation within the Earth's oceans. km, altimeter measurements resolutions on the order of 7 are not suited for near shore bathymetry where depth variations over meter distances are needed. E. PASSIVE OPTICAL METHODS The were first field of remote sensing can be dated back to as early as 1858 placed on balloons and used to take large scale photographs. Elachi (1987), this 1909. Some was soon followed by kites, then when cameras As outlined in pigeons and eventually airplanes in of the earliest references that could be found with regard to depth derivation from remotely sensed data dated back to World War II, (McCurdy (1940) and Anon (1945)). Satellite Spectral 1. Remote Sensing Spectral sensors of the type adequate for relatively few, satellite systems, though the number is littoral or clear water bathymetry are set to increase rapidly in the near future. The sensors appropriate for this kind of work are the traditional earth resources LANDSAT, CZCS T Observation de la Terra). (Coastal Color Making use of Zone Scanner) and SPOT (Satellite the visible operating range of Pour LANDSAT, listed in Table (along with other operating characteristics), several papers have 2.1 explored the possibilities for bathymetric depth derivations. Table 2.1 Landsat Thematic Mapper Spectral Bands. Derived from Collins, 1996 Band Number Spectral 0.45 1 In particular Lyzenga 0.52 (blue) - 0.52 2 0.60 (green) - 3 0.63 4 0.76 Bands (Jim) - - 0.69 (red) 0.90 (NIR) 5 1.55- 1.75 (SWIR) 6 10.4- 12.5 (LWIR) 7 2.08 (SWIR) (1978) outlines - 2.35 method of mapping a multispectral data. Bierwirth (1993), which will be discussed in an algorithm to get at sea-floor reflectance and water depth water more depth with detail later, derives LANDSAT by unmixing imagery. Although no references were found LANDSAT. very capable to returning data very similar to operating ranges of SPOT, to bathymetric applications for Table 2.2 list ( 1 Mode SPOT. 992) Band of Operation nm Range nm 1 500 2 610nm-680nm 3 790 nm - 890 nm Black and White 510 nm - 730 nm Multispectral Panchromatic Spectral Spatial Resolution = 10 10 m - is the different Table 2.2. Operating characteristics for SPOT. Information derived from Kramer it 590 The CZCS instrument was launched the st 1 1978 onboard the in NIMBUS-7 satellite and was multiple channel optical sensor tuned for observing the ocean environment. data was significant in that it proved that such oceanic constituents as chlorophyll and phytoplankton could be determined from remote measurements. resolution on the order of km, 1 CZCS CZCS However, given a did not prove useful for small scale or shallow water measurements. Airborne Spectral Remote Sensing 2. The Visible / Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), airborne spectral imagers. It was developed as a result of the was one of the first need for greater spectral resolution than satellite based instruments could provide and the subsequent high data volumes. The success of this sensor prompted a push to develop what is now called the hyperspectral sensor and resulted in such systems as the Hyperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment sensor will shortly be that will not included anticipated to be the Initial results first in be discussed further here. payloads; satellite Hyperspectral systems NASA/TRW the in operation Lewis satellite from several experiments conducted with hyperspectral sensors have These data were taken on October 2 The scene was taken by the AAHIS was n in over an area of coral reef AAHIS the high quality images as instrument, at shown in Figure 2.8. Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. operated by primary instrument flown in SETS Technology, the Island Radiance experiment conducted by the Hyperspectral MASINT (HYMSMO) Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Coincidentally, office in October, 1995 staged at figure illustrates a substantial number of amount of sun reflect the variety of is such, in 1997. been very exciting and have resulted Incorporated. Hyperspectral Imaging There are many other instruments currently Spectroradiometer (AAHIS). and under development (HYDICE) and Advanced Airborne Support to Military Operations the problems in the remote sensing area. glint (small bottom types white spots). The is a substantial color variations (coral, sand, etc.), as well as 11 There the water depth. Figure 2.8. radiance. - band 1 Three color image of run 2oct_rll, taken Red band 50 (705 nm), Green Exploitation of the data for water depth These data offer at Island band 25 (567 nm), Blue (435 nm). Derived from data provided by HYMSMO. - fair possibilities, - was one of the primary goals of the experiment. but aircraft motion makes geo-registration of the data difficult. Several experiments have been flown over Lake Tahoe resulting in excellent data. Hamilton et al. (1993) applies an empirical model to one of these data sets to derive depth information. The model used measured parameters, and requires is in an attempt based on a multiple regression of apriori depth information; it will be discussed in greater detail later in this thesis. Table 2.3, gives the spectral operating ranges of both the HYDICE and the AVIRIS instruments. 12 Table 2.3. Spectral Band AVIRIS and HYDICE. Characteristics of Derived from Collins, 1996 Instrument Spectral Range Number (fim) of Spectral Bands AVIRIS HYDICE Kappus et al. (1996) look at Kappus 224 0.4 221 - 2.5 Lake Tahoe data taken on June 22 not explore depth derivations, however an HYDICE 0.4-2.5 initial shows that the radiance values 1995. , They do analysis of the quality and usefulness of data in determining water radiance parameters et al. nd is provided. determined from Figure 2.9 from HYDICE measurements agree closely with the ground truth measurements as well as the modeled values. Water Leaving Radiance solid: HYDICE clotted: ground dashed: 0.40 0.60 0.50 Figure 2.9. Comparison of Remotely sensed that of As will be shown measured and modeled later, most important steps 3. truth WDROLIGHT data. 0.70 HYDICE From Kappus data to et al. (1996) an accurate calculation of the water leaving radiance in extracting is one of the bathymetry. Recent Developments The quality of measurements taken by follow-on instruments such as SeaWIFS CZCS to be carried prompted the development of on SeaStar and the Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) onboard the Advanced Earth Observing 13 Satellite (ADEOS). ADEOS, considered and is OCTS the follow on to dedicated to Earth environmental research. CZCS, was launched As described by August 1996 EROC (1996), the sensor will be utilized to observe the ocean environment. Taking advantage of 12 bands covering the visible and thermal infrared regions, of in dissolved measurements substances, will be and phytoplankton crucial in helping sea it measures spectral reflectance surface researchers temperature. come to a These more complete understanding of the particulate distribution within water. Understanding this distribution better, is a necessary step in deriving shallow water bathymetry. gather similar information and is expected to be launched 14 SeaWTFS in 1997. is expected to OPTICAL MEASUREMENTS III. The taking of optical measurements requires an understanding of (and models a wide range of optical processes. Atmospheric transmittance and absorption, surface reflectance at the ocean surface, and the volumetric scattering addition, when analyzing measurements over shallow will play an important role as well. needed for A. this for) all play important roles. In waters, reflection off the substrate In the sections that follow, the optical elements study are presented. GEOMETRICAL RADIOMETRY radiance 'Spectral hydrologic optics.', is Mobley fundamental radiometric quantity of the (1994). It light field, including the spatial (x), dependence. This directions, is in temporal directional (£ (t), all in other description of the structure of the full ), and wavelength (X) which are measured over contrast to the irradiance quantities and therefore contain no directional dependence. target illumination while radiance defines instrument 1. from where gives a foundation radiometric quantities can be derived, and provides interest all Irradiance describes the measurements. Radiance Equation [3.1] describes the quantities which comprise radiance. of the radiant energy, within the solid angle AQ., that enters a sensor and a detector element of area AA L&'S&K) AQ is within a time At and over a wavelength band A A ^ fA A, (W m 15 2 1 sr nm a measure is incident AX . 1 ). (3.1) upon Irradiance 2. In contrast to radiance, when measuring or working with units of irradiance, the angular dependence on the amount of radiant energy is removed, and the equation reduced to radiant energy per unit time, per unit area, per unit wavelength as in is Equation [3.2], E ^ v^ s However, the detectors of 2 fPA , (W m" nm A interest 1 (3.2) ). only receive photons from within a particular hemisphere, thus leading to a hemispherical dependence on irradiance measurements. While sensor limitation, by rotating the sensor 180°, radiation measurements can this is a be made from both hemispheres. For most environmental applications, sensors that measure irradiance are positioned straight up downwelling irradiance, and then straight down and reflected from the Earth's surface - to obtain readings of the sky energy to obtain a - the measure of energy emitted the upwelling irradiance. Reflectance 3. Two quantities that will be of use are the spectral irradiance reflectance R(z;A,) and the spectral remote-sensing reflectance R rs (0,(t);A,), defined as Equations [3.3] and [3.4] respectively. RtoX)*£&Q, (3.3) Ej(z;X) <P,0;X)»— -=— L J? 1 (sr ). E,(z = a;X) Where E u and Ed irradiance, and in (3.4) Equation [3.3] are the spectral upwelling and downwelling plane R(z;?i) is evaluated just below the surface of the water. 16 In Equation [3.4] Lw is referred to as the water leaving radiance and Ej R of the water, so that rs is a measure of the is now evaluated above the surface amount of downwelling light that has returned through the water surface for detection. Radiance Invariance 4. The radiance invariance law Simply stated, photon path 'Radiance in example, Figure is an important consequence of the measurement. is distinguished by the property that a vacuum.', Mobley (1994). 3. 1 showing two , it does not change along a This can be illustrated by a geometric different viewpoints of the same system. (a) Sr (b) Sr Figure 3.1. Radiance Invariance In (a) the radiance quotient can be described as from the surface S Sr at Ao is Q.Q r, r / Ao^o, where incident on the collection surface, Ao- The O r is the radiant Q O /ArQ r where now , surface S r of variable area at the the solid angle described by r A to the collector's surface. 17 r, power solid angle subtended and distance between the emitting surface and the collector in (b), the radiance is from a point O the radiant is r. power O by Conversely originates and travels within a bundle confined by In either viewpoint the radiant power incident on the collectors surface remains unchanged, solid angle, Q. - A/r Equation , = From <J> r . the definition of [3.5] follows. ^ It 3>o = Q A =Q A r (3.5) . r then follows from the definition of radiance, that U=O r O /AA = U /AoQo = (3.6.a) thus Lo change the amount of radiation [3. 6. a] a vacuum, the and medium through which can be developed to separate LIGHT AND As in the this journey to the sensor. With from noise inherent through a medium, and constantly changing, vacuum. how much this in to a particular If in not of the mind, models medium. it will interact in such a way as to change the Whether these transformations are minor, or extremely in the past is air fairly and water. The atmosphere, although very dynamic well for a more understood, and several models have been decades that predict light propagation within of this interaction and the associated model However, shown dependent on the nature of the medium. In particular the two mediums that paper will be interested in are developed the radiation travels determines real signals characteristics of that light field. is relations HOW IT INTERACTS WITH WATER light travels significant, The that arrives at the detector. [3.6.b] holds as long as the radiation travels within a emitted signal will be attenuated B. (3.6.b) between the source of emission and the collector does not In other words, the distance Equation = Lr- 'MODTRAN3.5' is A brief discussion presented in section HI.C. detailed discussion of the subject, the reader 18 it. is referred to Robinson (1985), or Stewart (1985). suspended material in However, water much is concentration greater medium which a denser that In air. contains addition, more these concentrations change rapidly over very small spatial dimensions making water a very difficult medium to model. understand body of water the properties of a Mobley (1994), To this interaction, relate to a light field. understand depend upon both the medium This second category is itself is how Following the reasoning of depend upon the medium inherent optical properties (IOP's). The second category 1. first the different properties of water can be divided into essentially categories; the first being those properties that that one must two itself, defined as composed of those properties and the directional structure of the light field. defined as apparent optical properties (AOP's). Inherent Optical Properties IOP's can be better understood by volume of water visualizing first AV and thickness Ar, Figure how light interacts with a small 3.2. d>„(X) AV, > om <t>A) > *A) Ar Figure 3.2. Geometry used to define inherent optical properties. From Mobley ( Using the notation of Mobley (1994), Oj(X) collimated beam column of water, of monochromatic O t (A,) is light, 1 is O 994). the incident radiant a (A,) a measure of the radiant 19 is the radiant power power of a narrow power absorbed by that is transmitted a through the same column of water, and \j/ is O s (A,) is the radiant the scattering angle. Summing conservation of energy gives Equation Oi(A.) From this power = that is scattered by the column of water the different terms in accordance with the [3.7], O a (A.) + Q,(k) + <t> t (k). (3.7) such properties as the spectral absorptance coefficient, relation beam spectral scattering coefficient, b(k), and the spectral a(X,), attenuation coefficient, the c(X,), can be defined. Spectral Absorptance a. The spectral absorptance absorbed within AV, Equation defined as the fraction of incident power is [3.8]. A(X).£H. Then by taking (3.8) the limit of A(k) divided by the length of the water column Ar Equation [3.9], fl(*)»lim-^. Ar-^o with the spectral absorption coefficient a(k) having units of m" power Ar, that is 3 9) - . Spectral Scatterance b. The ( Ar spectral scatterance is similarly defined as the fraction of the incident beam as it scattered out of the passes through the column of water of length Equation [3.10], B(X)= O A(X) 20 J , (3.10) and the spectral scattering coefficient b(A,) is defined as Equation [3.1 1], W)«iim^. Spectral Transmittance c. The to incident (3.1D power spectral transmittance, T(A,), is given as the ratio of transmitted power as in Equation [3.12], O (X) <&,.(X) T(^) is a measure of the amount of radiative power that passes through a water column. Other Significant Quantities d. Several other IOP's are derived from these 3 quantities. defined as the spectral beam sum of first is the spectral absorption and scattering coefficients and is simply called the attenuation coefficient Equation [3.13], c(k) The beam The - a(A.) + b(?l). (3.13) attenuation coefficient, in turn leads to another important quantity called the optical depth, defined as a measure of the attenuation of energy due and scattering, and given by Equation to both absorption [3.14], z £=Jc(z>fe'. (3.14) o Where the beam geometric depth attenuation coefficient c(z) z. 21 has been expressed as a function of One final quantity absorptance). This term of note is more commonly is called the spectral absorbance - (note not the referred to as the optical density and is given by Equation [3.15], ^ D(X) = log 5,0 10 <i> v - A(k)] = -log.Jl 5l ° Knowing the IOP's field will interact with a itself, a very important step in being able to is (3. 15) model how a light body of water. However, these properties depend not only on the but also on the various constituents within the water. important to be concerned with the various constituents that water. . Water Constituents 2. water (?i)+<D,a) The main obvious difference between the two various amounts of dissolved salt. Although these is salts It make up both is therefore fresh and sea the fact that sea water contains do not have significant effect on absorption in the wavebands of interest, namely the visible portion, they do increase the scattering above information in that of fresh Mobley (1994), water by approximately 30%. Table 3.1, derived from lists several of the constituents that may be found in both types of waters, and gives a brief explanation of each. Particulate matter can, in general, be divided into two separate categories based on origin: biological and inorganic sources. Those particles that are of biologic origin include bacteria, phytoplankton, and organic detritus (particulate matter left after zooplankton the death of an organism and organic waste). Inorganic particles enter the water as a result of the erosion of terrestrial rocks or soil. 22 Table 3.1. Types of water constituents. Comments Matter Type Type of Particle Organic Colloids Contribute significantly to back scattering Bacteria Contributes significantly to particulate backscatter, Phytoplankton Primarily responsible for determining optical properties of most ocean waters. Organic Detritus Primary component backscattering in the ocean Inorganic Zooplankton Very small Quartz Sand Typically very finely ground living animals Clay Minerals Summing 3. As described the Different Inherent Optical Properties in the last section, water contains many different types of particulate Since each of these will interact with a field of light matter. in a different manner, the inherent optical properties will change as a function of the distribution of particles within a body of water. The particles to be very the sum water, being a very dynamic entity, also causes the distribution of dynamic, and therefore of the effects that is difficult to exactly predict. of interest. By knowing scattering for different particulate matter, the effects can be how the entire body of water In particular, it's the general absorption and summed to develop a AOP's can be will interact with the light field. described as a derivative of IOP's that are dependent on both the nature of the and the directional structure of the ambient 4. When Absorption in feel for generally medium light field. Water discussing the absorption of light in water, particulate matter play a role, and need to be modeled. 23 most The all of the above mentioned total absorption coefficient will be the sum of all the different particulate matter coefficients, as well as the inherent absorption due to the electromagnetic (EM) properties of pure water. The models presented below are taken from Mobley (1994). Absorption in Pure Water a. For a more complete understanding of substances with different index of refraction, the reader For the purpose of this text it is assumed is properties as they relate to referred to Klein et al (1986). that the reader has sufficient wave propagation. optics to understand the basic principles of plane relationship EM between the absorption coefficient a(A,) background To in begin, a and the complex index of refraction k(X) (Also called the Electrodynamic absorption coefficient) is defined by Equation [3.16], 4nk(k) a(X) (3.16) X Where X is the in vacuo wavelength. Figure 3.3, is a representation of with wavelength. 0.01 0.1 1 10 nm 100 1 10 100 nm nm nm \ivn 1 1 mm cm 10 1 cm m wavelength Figure 3.3. Complex refraction in Pure Mobley (left) and Real Index (right) of Water verses wavelength. From (1994). 24 how k(X) varies ' » Mobley (1994) In addition, m refraction decrease in (where k{X) as sharply again as the m it = n The ik). feature of interest the nine order of magnitude is approaches the near infrared. This characteristic it complex index of passes through the near ultraviolet into the visible, and then rises absorption spectral - defines n(X) to be the real part of the in water through Equation pure is [3.16], directly related to and is displayed graphically in Figure 3.4. Iff 1 £ , -— a !0 h ^i c I0 4 <*- *— <L> O o I0 seawater 2 c o *— 10" ex t— o 00 X) 03 2 _j TO" 14 i r io- 10 -10 10"* i i_ 2 10" 0" wavelength X (m) Figure line) 3.4. Absorption coefficient of pure water (solid and pure sea water (dotted wavelength. It is this characteristic bathymetry possible. measurements From Mobley line) plotted verse (1994). of pure water and pure sea water that However it is also this characteristic that restricts bathymetric to the visible portion of the spectrum. shallow water bathymetry is makes shallow water In fact, Figure 3.5 further restricted to the blue spectrum. 25 - shows that green portion of the visible * 0.15 W5 o 03 3 fl> *i 3 0.10 CTQ n o rt c 'o £ •*> n?> o y c o o 3 «— 0.05 <5- o i 0.00 200 300 500 400 wavelength 600 700 800 (nm) X, Figure 3.5. Absorption coefficient a(X) (solid line) and scattering coefficient b(A.) (dotted line) of pure water plotted verse wavelength. From Mobley (1994). Figure 3.5 clearly shows a sharp increase in absorption outside the blue - green portion of the spectrum. b. Absorption Due to Dissolved Dissolved organic matter, which CDOM or gelbstoff, fairly closely is usually taken to be Xo c. referred to as yellow matter, [3.17]: a Y a) = a v Thus, by knowing the commonly Absorption by yellow matter can be modeled well understood. by Equation is Organic Matter initial = 440 nm, a absorption )e-° 0Ha - x °\ a y (k the absorption at Absorption Due to ) all at (3.17) some characteristic wavelength, other wavelengths can be modeled. Phytoplankton and Organic Detritus Photosynthetic pigments of various types are the major contributors to absorption contributor. be expected by phytoplankton, of which chlorophyll Chlorophyll is is common is known to all photosynthetic plants, a strong absorber of visible the green portion of the visible spectrum. light. This effect is to be the strongest and therefore as would particularly strong within Results form the analysis of several different types of phytoplankton are plotted in Figure 3.6. 26 450 400 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength X (nm) Figure 3.6. Total absorption coefficient for selected chlorophyll concentrations C. It From Mobley (1994). should be noted that each plot of the absorption coefficient takes on a blue portion of the spectrum minimum around 600 nm significant at nm 440 in the and in the red at 675 nm, while green portion of the spectrum. consequences when trying maximum it in the takes on a This effect will have to derive bathymetric information in areas with a high chlorophyll concentration. d. Contributions From Sediment Absorption due to inorganic material, although possibly just as significant as that of organically derived particles, is not well understood. Much of the research in the field of bio-optics has been directed toward understanding the growth of biological constituents in different areas of the ocean. As help to model the optical interaction of light a result, algorithms have been derived that in waters with varying concentrations of organic material. However, comparatively speaking little trying to better understand the role of sediment in water. clear fresh water, the effects of sediment load will be e. effort has been put forth However, for the purpose of assumed to in be minimal. Deriving a Model for Total Absorption Several models have been developed that lead to a description of the total spectral absorption coefficient for a given water type, each of 27 which in some way or One another will depend on the definitions above. mentioned at this point, due to the model Hydrolight3.0, transfer [3.18] attempts to express it in model to consequences be discussed it later. algorithm, in particularly, will be have on running the radiative will The algorithm presented a(X), due to the total absorption one complete formula. 065 om4a a(X) = (a w a)+0.06a c *\X)C )(\ + 0.2e- Scattering can be defined as the redirection of energy, removal of energy. EM radiation can be scattered mentioned constituents of water. The manner number of refraction, (3.18) ) which it by what is is where as absorption virtually is wavelength of radiation and viewing geometry. The Mie parameter [3.19]. in by different parameters, including particle shape different types of scattering - 440) Water Scattering in 5. Equation above terms, and the all in Mie size, the any of the above scattered and is is a function of a particle index of theory characterizes the called the scattering size parameter %, Equation simply a ratio of the circumference of a particle to the wavelength X of the incident radiation, X~. where r is the radius of the particle. manner in ways which radiation in which radiation will As would be expected, scattered will be different. is 0.19) be scattered as a function %. 28 for different values of % the Table 3.2 outlines the different Table 3.2 Types of scattering based on the scattering size parameter %. Type of X Very x<io10'3 50 As with modeling little scattering Rayleigh Scattering <x<-l Mie < % < 50 .1 Scattering Scattering Geometric Scattering <X absorption, it is very difficult to sort out the different individual effects within different water types. Therefore, several analytical formulas have been developed to model the curves detailed in Mobley which result data. Several of these models have been (1994), and will not be discussed in detail here. RADIATIVE TRANSFER C. Prior to understanding a the history of the signal, sensor. radiation The theory of together in what is where i.e. The processes is you must come signal, came from and what path to an understanding of it took to arrive at the whether that transfer is that apply to through the atmosphere, atmospheric modeling are summed called the atmospheric Radiative Transfer Equation, and for our in elementary form. the radiative transfer equation ^Sensor Where L Se nsor it to another, purposes can be expressed Robinson (1985), measured radiative transfer explains the rules that govern the transfer of from one place water or orange paint. = Lpath + 1 Lsky + is 1 Using similar notation to L ky s is that of expressed as Equation [3.20], Lwater- (j.ZU) a measure of the total radiation arriving at the sensor, Lp at h atmospheric path radiance, is from measured is the a measure of the radiance reflected off of the surface, the atmospheric transmittance and Lwater 29 is T defined as the water-leaving radiance. Figure 3.7 depicts the general terms involved and gives a rough idea of the different paths the photons take to arrive at the sensor. Figure 3.7. Radiative Transfer through the The path radiance term sensor field of view air and water. is a resultant of (FOV) and have all the photons that originated outside of the been, for one reason or an other, scattered by the atmosphere into the FOV. The path radiance terms include the dotted lines the arrow labeled Lp a th- and is that is incident on the water within the sensors FOV subsequently reflected or scattered back toward the sensor, can be considered to come from two that radiation general terms from the sun However, sky surface into the glitter is The — sun glitter and sky glitter. Sun glitter can be described as that is reflected at the sea surface, directly into the FOV. scattered by the atmosphere, prior to being reflected off the FOV. The lines in Figure 3.7. is Radiance that lead to contributions that make up L k y s are represented final contribution to the overall radiance defined as the water leaving radiance, Lw, which 30 is shown by the dashed measured by the sensor as the solid lines in Figure Lw 3.7. sum the is of those photons that actually enter, interact with and then emerge again, from the water, within the sensors As model briefly mentioned earlier, FOV. MODTRAN3.5 the atmospheric effects discussed above. is a radiative transfer MODTRAN3.5 of lifted as December MODTRAN3.5 reference for et al. (1996), which is 1996. At the time was not available. a paper that this thesis However had been submitted was that will the latest generation is BETA of atmospheric modeling programs developed by Phillips Laboratory. were model restrictions written, a substantial Phillips Laboratory cited A for publication. discussion of the parameters used for the modeling of Lake Tahoe will Berk complete be provided in Chapter IV. Radiative Transfer at the Water 1. Once atmospheric next step is is to model effects are understood and modeled, Lw can be derived. the radiative transfer process within the water very difficult as the radiation is itself. However, The this effected by scattering at the surface of the water, absorption and scattering within the water column and scattering and attenuation of the bottom material. All of which are extremely complex and constantly varying. Mobley (1994) presents a complete and thorough discussion of the process of radiative transfer within the water. Curtis D. Mobley, can be used to HYDROLIGHT model a 3.0, which was developed by Dr. variety of different aquatic environments based on many of the parameters explained above. The more information a user into the As will A discussion of the inputs used for Lake Tahoe will be given in Chapter be pointed out later, the parameter of interest, wavelength dependent diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd). Mobley (1995) and Kd able input code concerning the particular makeup of a body of water, the more accurate the results will be. V. is is provided as an example of . 31 within the water, will be the Figure 3.8 HYDROLIGHT' s is Figure 8 from ability to compute 350 400 450 500 550 650 600 700 wavelength X (nm) Figure 3.8. Example of modeled Kd. Figure The values 8, from Mobley (1995). for Kd(A,) upwelling (dotted line) and Kd(?i) downwelling (solid), plotted in Figure 3.8, are calculated for pure water which also contains such particulate matter as colored dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll-bearing particles. D. BATHYMETRY FROM REMOTELY SENSED RADIATION 1. Unmixing Due Depth and Substrate Reflectance An Exploitation of LANDSAT Data Effects Bierwirth Algorithm - Water leaving radiance is the column. This upwelling radiation the radiation which leaving radiance, L s is due is to amount of the radiation upwelling sum of radiation incident off of the substrate and to the bulk reflectance of the water. cover, Ldw the radiance due to the bulk reflectance of the water Tw the transmittance within the 32 The from within the water Let Lw be the water the radiance of the wet substrate material, as if there radiance) and, as before, - column were no water (i.e. medium. Following deep water the method of Jupp (1988), and Bierwirth et al. combined (1993), the preceding terms can be to form Equation [3.21], Lw = T w L + now This expression takes into account column by combining them between and allows to pass. 1 , it Tw into the is one term Tw . If Tw is normalized so that it varies then becomes a fraction for the amount of radiation the body of water then takes the form of the attenuation coefficient and z exact, but (3.21) . of the scattering and absorption of the water all Tw = Kd -T w )Ldw (1 s come very is e- 2Kdl (3.22) . the depth. Equations [3.21] way close to modeling the in and [3.22] are not which radiative transfer takes place. Jupp, therefore, argues that they sufficiently model the radiative process within the water studied. Equation [3.23] is the result of combining Equations [3.21] and L w = Ldw +{L [3.22], -Ldw )e- 1K->\ s (3.23) Bierwirth (1993), follows a similar development to that of Jupp (1988) up to this point. Bierwirth then seeks to unmix the effects due to reflectance with those due to depth, by deriving a substrate reflectance factor for each band processed. normalizing Equation [3.23] to reflectance values, as R w = RJw +(R Assuming that the deep-water reflectance is s in He begins, by Equation [3.24] -R Je- 2K^. d (3.24) small compared to the substrate reflectance, Equation [3.24] can be expressed as Equation [3.25], RM -RM = Rwl '=R e* K"-> i=LN. li 33 (3.25) Where R w ' the water leaving reflectance, corrected for deep water, the i-subscripts is specify a wavelength dependence and that for ideal N the is all of the reflectance from the substrate Solving for depth z in ^-W;i = N+l unknowns need that N values of taking a linear combination of geometric mean falls out. This assumption RS i all A (3.26) as is the depth, giving a total of unique solution is However, by unlikely. of the substrate reflectance equals one, a solution for the estimated depth is equivalent to letting the second term on the right hand side O V ,-i-2K 4-t dl al. .,N. the wavelength dependent equations and assuming the of Equation [3.26] equal zero. The resultant Bierwirth et unknown are be sorted out. to attenuated. "2 A",, 2K„, [3.26], the is Equation [3.25] will be zero. Equation [3.25], gives Equation [3.26], = For Equation R wi = R dwi and measurements over deep water, This indicates that number of wavelength measured. Notice, is Equation [3.27]; V NAT (1993), in applying Equation [3.27] to multispectral LANDSAT data taken over Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia has been able to produce an estimated depth image, Figure 3. 9. a, and 3.9.b. Artificial illumination has been applied Figure 3.9.b to get a better idea of the detailed structure that has been derived. comparison, Figure 3.9. c depicts a true depth image of the hydrographic survey. Z, the estimated depth, has an error of Az. to this depth error is A the assumption of an overall bright bottom, inaccurate report of depth over areas of dark substrate 34 pool resulting in For from primary contribution which results in the \ (3.9.b.) (3.9.a.) (3.9.c.) Figure 3.9. Derived and measured bathymetry for Hamelin Pool, Bierwirth et In comparing Figure 3.9.a and correlated "reasonably" well. substrate (i.e. al. 3.9.c, (1993). Bierwirth et al. point out that the two are linearly However, he also makes the point near the bottom and in the in the tidal that, in regions of dark channels near the top), the depth is exaggerated. Empirical Model 2. Hamilton Algorithm - An Application of AVIR1S Data A more empirical approach is possible. Hamilton et al. (1993) estimate depth in Lake Tahoe using an empirical model of the form. Z = aQ + Where R Equation rs is ai(R K (h)) + ^(RA)). (3.28) the remotely sensed reflectance at a particular wavelength, as defined [3.4] and ao, a\ and ai are the linear coefficients. 35 To determine by these linear ' coefficients for Lake Tahoe, Hamilton compared along a et al. transit line of varying explain that the surface spectra was taken and Two bottom depth. chosen that displayed a large amount of variance wavelengths were then X = 560 nm. The application of a multiple regression revealed the be ao = 34.96, a\ = 23.36 and Figure 3.10.a Hamilton et <?2 a contour plot of is al.. = 34.64 with a multiple AVIRIS X = 490 in instrument response, nm and linear coefficients to correlation coefficient of 0.96. data taken over a portion of Lake Tahoe from For comparison, Figure 3.10.b shows the charted depth of the same region. • * -^ >» * «• ' ,« .a -^ " .0 »1 •l f 1. .3 0^ i> 1" t« »v . ** /,. .' ,05 •> »* '* C' *\ ., . tt ; •»• • ;» " "" •'*. • «« 1 11 .!« rr* K%- : *. v; ; y *" r ;. ^ ***..•"' / \,« ..- (3.10.b) (3.10.a) Figure 3.10. »-;i «*" ..« >'* « R**'„ p ..» »' ' " A comparison of the depth derived from the Hamilton algorithm (3.10.a) to the charted depth (3.10.b) for a region of Lake Tahoe. Hamilton et al. (1993). As Hamilton et al. concludes, the two scenes are not exact, but do agree in major features such as the 60 ft. depth curve. 36 some of the MEASUREMENTS AT LAKE TAHOE IV. MEASUREMENTS AT LAKE TAHOE A. Due to the complexity of the water environment, as described in the last chapter, the best place to start deriving bathymetric estimates with data from passive sensors from a relatively clear environment. Nevada border high within Lake Tahoe, which little was conducted on June As explained m 1906 is high and a longitude of 120.19°W, and can be considered a fairly minimal runoff from rivers and low chlorophyll values (less was extremely clear. The data was taken sun glint off of the water, with an aircraft flight at at B. minimize sun Kappus et al. a latitude of 39.14°N, homogeneous body due than .2 mg m path of approximately 100°. at The ). approximately 10:05 path was chosen to correspond with the azimuth angle of the sun to in 22, 1995, on a calm, clear day with very atmospheric aerosols present. Lake Tahoe at the time, located on the California- the Sierra-Nevada mountains provided the ideal conditions to begin developing a model for shallow water bathymetry. (1996), the experiment is is am to lake, to avoid This flight the time, again trying glint off of the waters surface. INSTRUMENTS Two instruments were flown Hyperspectral Digital at Lake Tahoe the day the experiment took place; Imagery Collection Experiment (HYDICE) and the Airborne Visible infrared Imaging Spectrometer ( AVIRIS). For the purpose of this paper, the focus of the discussion will be the use of HYDICE. HYDICE based calibration to convert measured raw HYDICE, which from 0.2 km is fitted to fly to 1.15 above the lake, which resulted numbers onboard a Convair-580 km, dependent on conducted over Lake Tahoe, the digital aircraft in a utilizes onboard and laboratory to physical units of radiance. aircraft, has a swath that varies the altitude of the aircraft. was flown swath of 0.385 37 at km For the experiment an altitude of 2.35 km (5,000 ft) and a corresponding resolution of 1.2 m. Kappus et al. (1996) points out that this altitude was chosen for a number of reasons, including minimizing atmospheric effects, flight path alignment, choice of swath width and to allow sufficient collection time. 38 INITIAL V. The distributed HYDICE MODEL APPLICATION image of Lake Tahoe was obtained from the HYDICE Table 5.1 1995 Demonstration Tape, with scene of HYDICE 5.1. list interest in Altitude "Yuma, AZ" 2 6514' "Lake Tahoe, NV" 4 14,544' 23 25,982' 31 10,111' Label 1 N/A "support" 2 950629 3 950622 4 950622 "Cuprite, 5 950829 "Aberdeen, The scene was written to an Interactive 2 8mm NV" Jim" ). MD" tape in the form of pre-processed radiance data, with 1 1 sr" Initial analysis and display was completed by Data Language (IDL) produced by Research Systems, addition, extensive use of The Environment for Visualizing a product of Research Systems, Inc., and runs in the sections will consist of an initial algorithm and the Hamilton general idea of indication of how how to HYDICE bold type. Run Mission m" the tape information on the 1995 Demonstration Tape Information File units of (Watts on a office 1995 Demonstration Tape, along with several other significant scenes taken that year, Table 5.1. Table HYDICE et al. Inc., utilizing the Boulder, Images (ENVI), which EDL environment. The analysis of the data utilizing the Bierwirth et (1993) algorithm. This CO. initial analysis is is In also next two al. done (1993) to get a the data responds to the different algorithms, thereby giving an proceed with the final analysis. 39 A. APPLICATION OF THE BIERWIRTH METHOD TO LAKE TAHOE DATA Processed 1. Figure 5.1, on the eastern is a HYDICE Data 320 by 320 pixel display of radiance data taken side of Lake Tahoe, and is displayed as a RGB (Red - Green with the Red wavelength set to 650 nm, the Green wavelength set to 550 wavelength set to 450 nm. Selecting the wavelengths in this at Secret Harbor - Blue) image, nm and the Blue manner, allows the scene to be displayed as a simulated true color image to give the reader a qualitative impression of the scene. Figure 5.1 . Raw data image, displayed with ENVI. Within the scene, shown in Figure 5.1, are regions that have been highlighted by white rectangles to display areas in which information for region labeled 1, initial data analysis were taken. The was taken over an area of relatively deep water, while regions 2 and were respectively taken over areas of rocky and shallow 40 substrate. 3 These regions provide enough contrast presented in in relation to each other to sufficiently test ability of the Bierwirth each highlighted box et al. in algorithm (1993), to predict depth. Three pixels were chosen, one from Figure 5.1, for analysis. A line plot of the spectrum for each of the three data points, Figure 5.2, indicates a distinct difference in the amount of radiance the sensor for each of the different pixels, with the lowest radiance values data received at coming from the rocky substrate and the highest values coming from the shallow water over a sandy bottom. Lake Tahoe - Hydice Data 30 ~i ooooooooooo 1 r Deep Water Rock =t Shallow Water _ 20 - 0.6 0. Wavelength Figure 5.2. HYDICE (/x) Spectra for Three Contrasting Pixels. Notice how the radiance values for each pixel are centered through the blue portion of the visible spectrum, as would be expected from previous arguments. 41 - green Atmospheric Contributions 2. The first step atmospheric effects. to in deriving bathymetry MODTRAN3.5 model the atmosphere at the (Beta version 5.2. MODTRAN3.5 sensor radiance for the code was used 1.0), radiative transfer made with MODTRAN3.5. parameters used to model Lake Tahoe Run Type Cards Used correct to time of the experiment. Listed in Table 5.2 are several of the parameters used for the different runs Table is Sky Radiance Path Radiance 1, 1A, 2, 3, 3A1,3A2,4, 5 1, 1A, 2, 3, 3A1,3A2,4, Parameters km Visibility 120 Ground Altitude 1.905 Initial Height Final Height 4.25 120 km km 1.905 km km N/A km N/A 1.905 km Tangent Height N/A Viewing Angle 180° N/A Scattering Mie Mie Day 173 173 Latitude 39.14° 39.14° Longitude 120.19° 120.19° Greenwich Time 17.08z 17.08z Frequency Range 10,000 -25,000 cm" Julian Frequency Step Size 15 cm" 42 1.905 1 10,000 -25,000 1 15 cm" 1 cm 1 5 Path Radiance a. Inputting the above parameters, mode. Assuming Lpath that the sensor was computed. Figure 5.3 was looking is MODTRAN3.5 was down straight first run at the lake, the in radiance path radiance modeled path radiance. the resultant spectra for the Modtran — Path Radiance I 0.40 0.50 M I 0.60 0.70 Wavelength I I I _ I I I | I I 0.80 I I I I I 1 I I 0.90 1.00 (/^) Figure 5.3. Modeled Path Radiance for Lake Tahoe, June b. 22, 1995. Sky Radiance Next, the sky Radiance Lsky (described in section running Modtran3.5 with the sensor located The resultant spectra is plotted as Figure 5.4. 43 at the HC) was surface, looking computed, by up toward the sky. " 1.0 Modtran - Sky Radiance i' ' 1 1 1 1 n 1 0.8 0.6 c 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.40 0.70 0.60 Wavelength 0.50 0.80 0.90 1.00 ( (/j.) Figure 5.4. Sky Radiance Computed from Modtran3.5, Lake Tahoe, June 22, 1995. c. Convolving Modtran3.5 Data HYDICE to Match HYDICE has 79 measurement bandwidths of variable width between and 1.0 (im while Modtran3.5 computes the radiance for around 1000 bandwidths. therefore necessary to convolve the HYDICE after it sensor. Figure 5.5, has been converted to is modeled spectra a plot of the HYDICE sum to the spectral 44 It is coverage of the of path and sky radiance before and wavelengths. The convolved spectrum as a solid line. .4 is plotted Modtran - Path plus Sky ].'[-. 0.6 0.8 Wavelength (fi) Figure 5.5. Convolved Path and Sky Radiance, Lake Tahoe, June 22, 1995. To compute the water leaving radiance Lwater the wavelength dependent atmospheric transmittance T atm Modtran3.5. Figure 5.6, convolved to the is T atm was computed also needed. a plot of the is wavelengths of as part of the path radiance run of modeled transmittance before and HYDICE. T ransmittonce 1 .0 ' 1 ' | i i i i i OS? v\'- <"" 08 'k ' -A : J / \ C ' o | '•' 0.6 - 01 C o . o ; €. 0.4 _ o E < - 0.2 - - 0.0 0.4 i i 0.6 0.8 Wavelength i i i 1.0 (/i) Figure 5.6. Convolved Transmittance, Lake Tahoe, June 22, 1995. 45 after it was 1 1 Water Leaving Radiance d. To compute water look back at Equation [3.20]. However, Lsensor(A) Lwater = Lpath(A) gives Equation Substituting the in now spectrum, it is the radiative transfer equation Equation + T atm (A.) L must be [5.1], + T a m (A) s ky(/l) best to Lwater(^)- t (5.1) [5.2], Lse„sor(^)-L'path D ath L water (^) HYDICE leaving radiance for the expressed as a function of wavelength as Solving for 1 (^)-Tatm (^)L sky skv (^) (5.2) Tatm a) modeled radiance values and measured radiance of the three selected the data points into Equation [5.2], results in the water leaving radiance curves of Figure 5.7. Hydice - Water Leaving Radiance 30 1 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 0.40 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 0.50 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.60 0.70 Wavelength _ 0.80 0.90 1.00 (/j.) Figure 5.7. Water Leaving Radiance, as computed for three contrasting data point, shallow-water, deep-water and rocky terrain. 46 - As with Figure 5.2, the radiance from shallow water (plotted as dark circles with a solid line) is the highest, the radiance from followed by the radiance from deep water (plotted as open circles) and the rocky region (plotted as a solid wavelengths electromagnetic radiation fact by observing the radiance values is in Recall that line). almost completely absorbed Figure 5.2 Lw = seen that this effect is it (i.e. at is higher 0). In true and that corrections for atmospheric effects are reasonably accurate. Normalizing e. At radiance. Ed(?t) this point most convenient is work with to reflectance instead of Therefore, following Equation [2.4] a model of the downwelling irradiance must be computed. irradiance it to Reflectance This was again accomplished utilizing Modtran3.5 run mode. After convolving the data to found as a function of wavelength, Figure HYDICE in wavelengths the irradiance was 5.8. Modtran - Downwelling Radiance 2000 i 1500 %". ! i i - £*''.••"" r^KjA '.. . : $kl ; «$ v<* • >M • *r\ 1000 : - ,,- a'' 500 - { - 1 0.50 0.40 1 1 0.70 0.60 Wavelength i 0.80 i.... 1.00 0.90 (^t) Figure 5.8. Down-welling Irradiance, modeled The remote sensing Lwater(^), reflectance, by the down-welling R rs , is for Lake Tahoe, June 22, found by dividing the water leaving radiance, irradiance, Ed(A,). data points of interest. 47 Figure 5.9 is a plot of R rs for the three Remote Sensing Reflectance 0.020 0.015 0.010 - 0.005 - 0.000 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 Wavelength 0.65 0.60 0.70 (/x) Figure 5.9. Remote Sensing Reflectance, Lake Tahoe, June 22, 1995. The remote sensing reflectance, reflectance varies between R and s, value will in general vary between and 1 , and. Here .018. Depth Derivation 3. Several properties of the water must be Bierwirth (1993) to derive depth from R s known In particular, to apply . use the method of in order to Equation [2.27] the values for the wavelength dependent attenuation coefficients Kd must be known, or at least modeled was used for the water in question. to carry out the model of the several parameters that were input into The radiative transfer Kd values within the water. HYDROLIGHT3.0. 48 model HYDROLIGHT3.0 Table 5.3 presents Table 5.3. HYDROLIGHT3.5 parameters used to model Lake Tahoe Run Value Parameter HYDICE Central Wavelengths Julian Day Wavelengths 173 Latitude 39.14° Longitude* -120.19° Pressure 17.65 Aerosols 5.0 Humidity 10% Precipitation .8% 120.0 Visibility Average Chlorophyll 0.2 km mg m" 3 concentration * West Longitude is expressed as negative. Several of the above listed parameters are "hard wired", so to speak, within the file 'qarealsky.f and must be altered to match the particular environmental conditions of interest. HYDROLIGHT, a. a Radiative Transfer Inputting the above parameters, Kd(?i). Figure 5.10, convolved to the is a plot of the wavelengths of Model HYDROLIGHT was used modeled attenuation coefficients HYDICE. 49 to that determine have been down — welling Attenuation Diffuse 0.8| 8 ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' I Coefficients ' ' ' ! 0.4 0.45 0.40 0.50 0.55 Wavelength 0.60 0.70 0.65 (/z) Figure 5.10. Attenuation Coefficients Kd(A.), as It modeled by HYDROLIGHT. should be kept in mind, however, that determination of the attenuation coefficients currently one of the most difficult parts of the problem, and a wealth of research underway will to figure out the best assume that HYDROLIGHT above values to results for the K^ values b. way to model these values. For the moment, has sufficiently modeled K<j, continue the analysis of the Bierwirth method. will be examined at the and this is is still paper therefore, use the The sensitivity of the end of the next chapter. Results of Bierwirth Substituting the above modeled values for Kd„ where the subscript T K<j(A,) in Equation [3.27] for indicates the wavelength dependence, the estimated depth can be derived for each of the three data points, Table 50 5.4. Table Depths, 5.4. from Equation derived [3.27], for 3 separate data points. Bierwirth Depth Data Point Shallow Water 23.8 Deep Water 26.9 m 29.6 m Rocky Area The values given R s . The Table 5.4 are indicative of assuming a constant bottom reflectance in results in the data, as expected contain a large Az factor for each depth. relative depth results for areas over The sandy substrate are relatively well behaved. However by assuming a uniform bottom type, there and dark rock. As a m result, the calculated is no way to differentiate depth over the rocks is between deep water deeper than that of deep water, resulting in unsatisfactory results. APPLICATION OF THE HAMILTON B. METHOD TO LAKE TAHOE DATA In R rs , applying the method of Hamilton as explained previously, those used in Hamilton et and the values for «o, fli al. was computed et al. (1993), the remote sensing reflectance for the entire scene at similar wavelengths to Using these computed scene values and #2 given in section HI.E.2 region of Lake Tahoe can be generated, Figure soundings Figure 5.1 l.b. 51 for R rs , Equation [3.28] a contour plot of the Secret Harbor 5. 11. a and compared to published Derived Contour 300 - Using Homilton Algorithm _, , , . JOO • • '* f, iOO h 4-^-'-- (S.ll.b) (5.11.a) Figure 5.11. Comparison of contour plot derived from Hamilton et al. (1993) algorithm to published soundings of the same region of Lake Tahoe. The light colors within this deeper water (white is scene represent shallow water as the darker colors represent zero). Therefore, for this scene the Hamilton et al. (1993) algorithm has computed the depth to be the deepest near the shore and the shallowest further off shore (where white same area within Lake Tahoe this algorithm to the Secret is it is land). Comparing this to published soundings of the seen that these results are incorrect. Harbor data, apriori derive the applicable correlation coefficients. variation within the substrate of the scene, it 52 correctly apply depth information would be needed to However, due would be correlation coefficients that apply to the entire scene. be incorrect. To to the large amount of difficult to establish any solid Therefore depth results would still DERIVING DEPTH WITH MODELED BOTTOM TYPES VI. As a result of the discussion in the previous sections, of information about the bottom type will the Bierwirth et al. can be surmised that a lack result in a depth error (1993) model to a scene. must be sorted out. wavebands of information are such as available, However, by taking advantage of when attempting to apply Therefore, to compute accurate depth results, substrate reflectance instruments. it This a difficult task is when only a few Landsat or other multispectral in the wealth of information available in a hyperspectral data cube, sorting out the bottom types within a scene becomes much more feasible. MASK CONSTRUCTION A. The viewed land, HYDICE in the however, the scene scene of Lake Tahoe contains a large portion of land, as can be bottom, right hand, corner of Figure 6.1. is The radiant information from considered noise for the purpose of analyzing the water column within and therefore should be removed prior to performing any significant analysis. an - 3>&&2>* «.-^, - ?~ >* JF«^*~«%,'V llfllllllUlll Figure 6. 1 . Lake Tahoe, 320 x 320 pixel data scene. (Displayed at wavelength 0.5(am) 53 When viewing a scene at wavelengths on the order of the radiation that enters the water out (i.e. .7 um and longer, virtually all immediately absorbed and never makes is it's of way back appears black), Figure 6.2. Hence, at these longer wavelengths, the land and the water can easily by differentiated, and a mask of the land created, Figure 6.3 (land pixels have been set to black). 4** Masked Figure 6.2. Lake Tahoe, 320 x 320 Figure 6.3. Lake Tahoe pixel data scene. (Displayed at data scene. (Displayed at wavelength wavelength 1 550 ran) um) A plot of the correlation within each waveband, now shows what one would that a large Figure 6.4, for the masked scene, expect for a scene that contains only water. Figure 6.4 shows amount of information (high wavebands around - correlation coefficient) the blue-green portion of the spectrum (.4 information (low correlation coefficients) spectrum and beyond ( > .6 is um). 54 is - contained in the visible .6 um) and very little contained within the red portion of the HYDICE Data £ 10 o 10 - 0.50 0.40 0.70 0.60 Wavelength 0.80 0.90 1.00 (/i) Figure 6.4. Correlation between data points within each A principal component analysis scene to extract significant information. component bands, Figure bands with very little wave band. (PCA) can now be performed on A plot of the eigenvalues of each 6.5, indicates a the of the principle high degree of variance within the information in bands 5 and beyond. HYDICE - Principal Components ,7 Figure 6.5. Correlation between data points within principal component space. 55 masked first few This four order of magnitude decrease in correlation indicates the relative volume of information contained in each transformed waveband. Figure 6.6 shows the relative weighting of the observed radiance data contributions to three of the first four PC bands. HYDICE Lake Tahoe 0.2 0.1 o.o ,o»oo«"« 1 "'» u -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0.50 0.60 0.70 Wavelength 0.80 0.90 1.00 (/z) Figure 6.6. Relative weighting of the wavelength dependent data for a few of the The first radiance. band, eigenvector Bands 1 is PC-bands. (Bands 1,3 & 4) simply a weighted average of the data - roughly the total 3 and 4 include differences which highlight different scene elements. Constructing 1. , first Figure 6.7 is Mask for Sandy Bottom Areas an image of the first PC band which allows easy distinction of shallow water sand and shallow water rock. From this distinction, a mask of the shallow water sand is constructed, Figure 6.8. 56 Figure 6.7. PC Band 1 figure, showing Figure 6.8. contrast between shallow water sand sand in Masked shallow water Lake Tahoe scene. and rock In PC band 4, displayed in Figure 6.9, deep water sand contrasted from the surrounding rocks. A mask can be is the prominent feature and constructed and added to that of the shallow water for a total sand mask, Figure 6.10. ~v. Figure 6.9. PC Band Figure 6.10. Total sand 4, highlighting Tahoe deep water sand and rock contrasts. 57 is scene. mask in Lake Constructing Masks for Dark Areas 2. Thus far, it has been assumed that the dark areas, within the water scene, were rocks, however, there are two distinct dark areas as characterized by their different radiance spectrum, Figure 6.11. 0.6 O.i Wavelength (//) Figure 6.11. Contrasting Spectra from dark bottom material. The solid line represents the spectra from the brighter of the in the spectra suggest that, if covered by different material. the paper and the two the two material In fact, this is two material. The are both rocks, then they are what will be assumed for the difference undoubtedly remainder of materials will simply be characterized as "bright rock" and "dark rock". Taking advantage of the large difference in the radiance around 550 nm, a mask can be constructed for the two different types of rocks within the scene, Figure 6.12a and 6.12.b. This is done by removing all the data within the scene except for that of bright and dark rocks, by applying the mask for sand. 58 (6.12.a.) (6.12.b.) Mask and Dark rocks, (6.12.a and 6.12.b respectively) within the HYDICE Lake Tahoe scene. Figure 6.12. The white for Bright areas in the scene are the resultant mask for each type of rock. Composite of the Bottom Types 3. Table 6.1 is a summation of the threshold values and bands used to determine the different masks. Table 6.1 . Threshold values used to define different masks. Mask Min Threshold Max Threshold Shallow Sand -13000.0 -3800.0 PC band 1 Deep Sand 5.0 2500.0 PC band 4 1000.0 10000.0 Water-Sand Masked cube - band 36 .5 999.0 Water-Sand Masked cube - band 36 Bright Rock Dark Rock 59 Band As a result of the different mask formation, the Lake Tahoe scene composite of three different bottom types; sand - bright rock - now becomes a dark rock, Figure 6.13. Figure 6.13. Composite of sand and rock masks, (blue rock, red The construction of masks for each - - sand, yellow - bright dark rock). of these types of bottoms allows for an individual analysis of each bottom type and then a reconstruction of the scene. B. MODELING DEPTH BY INCLUDING SUBSTRATE REFLECTANCE Now that the different areas within the scene can be characterized by the reflectance of the underlying substrate, the Chapter III, method of Bierwirth et al. (1993), presented in can again be applied to the Lake Tahoe data. Flowever, including effects of the substrate reflectance, Equation [3.26] will be utilized instead of Equation [3.27]. 60 Estimating Substrate Reflectance 1. The process of in grouping pixels of similar spectra. Once by advantage taking made for for of the variability To proceed with classifications. at characterizing the different substrates, what Bierwirth et al. this is was essentially an exercise done, depth information can be derived within each of these different substrates the application of Equation [3.26] an estimate must be (1993) refers to as the radiance of wet substrate material no water cover (Ls described in Chapter a depth of zero where the substrate is HI.). would be determined Ideally this spectra wet but not covered with water. However, in the absence of an exact measurement of the spectra from each of the wet substrates, an approximation can be made by taking near shore-values. Rock Substrate a. The areas within the scene that have been characterized as rock, both the bright and dark, have smaller radiance values near-shore than in deeper water. This effect is due to the dark material of the rocks reflecting little radiation, similar to a blackbody. At shallow depths the material add to the is this dark material will resemble a blackbody more closely than covered by a deeper layer of water (i. e. The bulk water when reflectance will water leaving radiance over dark areas of the scene). Consequently, the darkest pixels needed to be determined in order to obtain a characteristic spectra. the radiance values from the making use of the histogram of masked scene can be generated (Figure 6.14 and Figure 6.15) and, from the values within the be located and averaged. A minimum bin the pixel with minimum spectra can This was done for both the bright rock and the dark rock, by masks discussed in the previous chapter. For the bright rock approximately 5 pixels associated with a brightness level of around 1050 were selected. For dark rock approximately 6 pixels associated with a brightness were selected. 61 level of around 750 " VHistoqram c 10 ' ' of Scene Values for Briqht Rock ' J ' I 10 Histogram c 3 of Scene Values t I ' ' ' for ' l Dark Rock i ' 1(T 1000 2000 4000 3000 200 400 Rodionce Bins Figure 6.14. Histogram plot for determining shallow water spectra for bright rock within the masked Lake Tahoe data cube. Notice the difference need to treat the two in 600 800 1000 1200 Radiance Bins Figure 6.15. Histogram plot for determining shallow water spectra for dark rock within the masked Lake Tahoe data cube. radiance values between the bright and dark rock, reiterating the as different types of substrate. The resulting spectra are presented below. b. In Sandy Substrate contrast to the dark areas in the scene, the area that has been characterized as sand has large near-shore radiance values that decrease with increasing depth. Therefore, the best estimate of the wet sand spectra several pixels with the highest spectra. histogram of the radiance values as is to determine the average of This was again accomplished by plotting a in Figure 6.16. For sand approximately 7 pixels with brightness values on the order of 3100 were selected and averaged. 62 \- ,«5 10 10 istogram of Scene Values 4 - <0 u c o 10 3 D K u (J O V *o 0> 7 10 2 A . ~ - E V, I 10 1 - 10° , 1000 i I , 2000 U.I 3000 4000 Rodionce Bins Figure 6. 1 6. Histogram plot for determining shallow water spectra for sand within the masked Lake Tahoe data cube. Wet Substrate Reflectance c. The wet substrate radiance's are plotted in Figures 6. 17. a, 6.17.b 6.17.C for wet sand, wet bright rock and wet dark rock respectively. o^ce (6.17.a.) Figure rock 6. 17. (6.17.c) (6.17.b.) Average spectra of wet sand (c). 63 Averoge Shallow-Water Dark Rock Rodionce (a), bright rock (b) and dark and The solid line in each Figure represents the average of the various dotted spectra. and dark rock have similar values from about that the bright dramatically from about .5 - is - .5 |Lim, but differ .6 fim. In all cases the pixels near the shoreline. This .4 Notice used to determine the substrate reflectance were located the expected result as the water will be the shallowest near the shore for each substrate type. Although these values may not be exact for wet substrate with zero water cover, they are probably as close as you can get without making ground truth measurements of each substrate. Depth Results 2. Depth by Using Bottom Reflectance Compared Using Bottom Reflectance a. to Depth Without Including the results of substrate reflectance the depth of water in the three pixels used in Chapter V can now be calculated and compared same to the results of Section V.A.3.b. Table 6.2. Comparison of depth derived without substrate reflectance and with substrate reflectance. Data Point Depth without Shallow Water 23.8 Rocky Area substrate is now Az as was 3.2 m 6.2 m 1.9 m R s a relative decrease in depth between the deep water and the rocky observed. Previous results incorrectly showed depth to be larger over the rocky substrate than over deep water. error Depth with s m 26.9 m 29.6 m Deep Water As would be expected, R in the In addition, there previous calculated depth. 64 These is no longer an inherent depth results clearly indicate that to must be included correctly derive depth, the bottom reflectance characteristics in the calculation. Using Substrate Reflectance b. Equation [2.26] can the scene. The results of this now to Calculate Depth for Entire Scene be used to compute the depth at computation are displayed as Figure 6.18. the published charted depth for Secret Harbor and is Depth Contour Secret Harbor, Lake, Tahoe 1 1 _i i_ '„'..' 300 '^.l^Jt-,.. ' .'^ ' ' i ! J, I.-.. — 200 o in ? -+- 100 -10. 1 200 00 300 Lines 6. 1 8. Contour plot of derived bathymetry' (including effects due to bottom reflectance). 65 Figure 6.19 is provided as a comparison to the calculated depth. Figure each pixel within The dark box 6.19 is curves. 6. 19. depth. From in Figure 6.19 is roughly the shown on a smaller Published charted Figure NOAA( 1987). same area as in Figure 6.18, however Figure scale to get a better idea of the relative depth of the different The red depth curve (or the yellow curve (or the top curve) is bottom curve) in Figure 6. 19 is around 7 m. Similarly in Figure curves are highlighted by a white outline. The depth around 4 m. and the 6. 18 the 4 m and 7 m in Figure 6.19 decreases in accordance with the scaling bar to the right of the Figure. RELIABILITY OF ATTENUATION COEFFICIENTS C. Much of the dependence on IQ is modeled. concentrations, Without Ka was the accurate truth to is mg m" 3 at the surface 66 for well chlorophyll in the calculations. For that variation in chlorophyll will The dynamic chlorophyll range be .16 how dependent on measurements was completed on how much a effect the depth calculations. al. ground most worrisome parameter used reason, a brief error analysis reported in Kappus et accurate depth derivations for Lake Tahoe varying to .26 mg m' 3 at was 35 m. Therefore, chlorophyll HYDROLIGHT3.0 was = .26 mg m" of Kd values resulting for these two scenes is 3 . in run once for chlorophyll The depth was then = .16 mg m" and once for calculated for the entire scene for each set two separate depth scenes. The difference in the depth results displayed in Figure 6.20. *#* 4 j$?: % *-,* u &5 Q.20- 10 Figure 6.20. Variations in depth due to variations in As can be seen from values. the scaling bar to the right, the error averages around goes no higher than 50%. chlorophyll concentration It is Kd 1 0% or so and This indicates that the assumption of a relatively uniform made earlier will result in only a mild error of depth estimation. pointed out that the highest errors in the depth calculations result in areas that were estimated to be bright rock. rocky substrate that is This leads the author to believe that these areas are covered with various amounts of algae. in fact The chlorophyll concentrations within the algae then give rise to the higher depth estimation error reported in Figure 6.20. 67 68 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS VII. High water and low chlorophyll concentrations altitude, clear made Lake Tahoe an ideal spot to begin to develop a method for deriving shallow water bathymetry from hyperspectral data. The scene of Secret Harbor on the eastern shore of the lake provided a clearly varying substrate type and bottom depth that proved to be a good test case for deriving bottom depth. scene, it difficult to fully access is The depth. However, given the full data set taken by just south of Dollar Point, interest to how relatively close the depth derivations correspond to actual HYDICE on June 22 which has been charted apply the methods developed poor published soundings for the in nd includes the western shoreline much greater detail. in this thesis to this area It would be of of the lake to get a better estimation of error. Atmospheric conditions were modeled by inputting relevant parameters into the radiative transfer model MODTRAN3.5. Similar methods to that of were used to correct for atmospheric effects with similar aerosol free conditions, as described in Kappus et al., Kappus The results. et al. (1996) clear, virtually allowed for a relatively straight- As forward modeling of the atmosphere above Lake Tahoe the day of the experiment. result the derivation A results. a of water leaving radiance, Lw, was accomplished with excellent marine boundary layer will introduce a larger, and more difficult to account for, error. The clear water of Lake Tahoe was assumed purpose of the calculations values to vary between .16 10% in this thesis. mg m" and .26 Ground mg 10% in depth. attenuation coefficient made to HYDROLIGHT3.0 was Kd given be relatively homogeneous for the truth measurements revealed these nrT resulting in an average error of about across the scene for that difference in range. homogenous chlorophyll concentration should than to The assumption of a therefore result in an average error of less able to adequately the clear water environment. model water with much higher concentrations of 69 relative model the values However, for as attempts are particulate matter, it will become increasingly more difficult to model, and closer attention will need to be given to thorough ground truth measurements. As an initial test of the performance of the depth derivation method stated in Bierwirth (1993), the radiance spectra was chosen from three separate pixels were analyzed. One of these pixels was located in shallow water over a sandy substrate, one in deep water over a sandy substrate and one over a rocky substrate in relatively shallow water. Calculations resulted in a depth over the three different areas of interest resulted in an erroneous report of depth over the dark rocky substrate with respect to the sandy substrate. In addition, these reasons, each calculation resulted was surmised it that in a large offset error in actual depth. substrate effects would need to For be included to correctly calculate depth. This process has not been included in previous depth derivation methods. To calculate depth based on substrate type, the scene needed to be divided into A principle component analysis different regions. of sandy substrate. Once these regions were were differentiated based on was easily masked off, the areas spectral differences in selected of dark and bright rock wave bands. This process completed due to the wide selection of spectral characteristics available from hyperspectral data. No resulted in the classification of regions ground A mask for each of the three regions was created. were available on the spectral characteristics of the three truth data defined substrates. Therefore, a simple program was developed to select and average the most significant near shore values for each bottom values were chosen and for both types of rock the Depth was determined The values of bottom reflectance. depth contour. plot a detailed masked three scenes minimum maximum spectral values spectral were chosen. region separately using the respective were then added to form one composite plot. a result of the analysis of this thesis, map For sand, the Very good agreement was observed between the derived depth contour and the published contour As for each type. it is concluded that it is possible to derive of bottom depth from remotely sensed hyperspectral data. accomplished by the fact that This is bottom types are distinguishable form one another based on 70 variations within the hyperspectral data. turbid coastal By developing similar techniques to survey waters, information can be provided to the targeted coastal landing zone. war fighter concerning This can be accomplished with limited risk to and military equipment. 71 human a life 72 LIST OF REFERENCES Anon, "Underwater Depth Determination", Photographic Interpretation Handbook, Supplement No. 18, Photographic Intelligence Center, Division of Naval Intelligence, Navy Department., 1945. 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Belvoir, Kingman Road., STE 0944 VA 22060-6218 Dudley Knox Library Naval Postgraduate School 411 DyerRd. Monterey, CA 93943-5101 Captain A. Legrow, Navy TENCAP .. Code N632, Rm. 5D773 The Pentagon Washington, DC 20350-2000 Commander Jelinek, Navy TENCAP Code N632, Rm. 5D773 The Pentagon Washington, 5. DC 20350-2000 Richard C. Olsen, Code PH/OS . Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, 6. CA 93943-5002 Newell Garfield, Code OC/GF .. Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5002 7. Greg Pavlin, SITAC 1781 Lee Jackson Mem. Hwy. Suite 500 Fairfax, VA 22033-3309 1 8. Mark Anderson, SITAC 1 1781 Lee Jackson Suite Mem. Hwy. 500 Fairfax, ... VA 22033-3309 77 . 9. Ron Resmini, SITAC 1 1781 Lee Jackson Suite 500 Fairfax, 10. Mem. Hwy. VA 22033-3309 Curt Davis, NRL Remote Sensing Division, 4555 Overlook Ave., Washington, 1 1 DC Code 72xx SW 20375 Mary Kappus, NRL Remote Sensing Division, Code 7210 4555 Overlook Ave., SW Washington, DC 20375 12. 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