CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION IN CYBERPHYSICAL SYSTEMS: FROM SENSOR NETWORKS TO "SMART PARKING" APPS C. G. Cassandras Division of Systems Engineering and Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Center for Information and Systems Engineering Boston University Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS INTERNET Data collection: relatively easy… CYBER PHYSICAL Control: a challenge… Christos G. Cassandras CISE - CODES Lab. - Boston University SENSOR NETWORK AS A CONTROL SYSTEM What is the function of a SENSOR NETWORK? ? 1. Seek and detect “Data Sources” (or “Targets”) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2. Once a Data Source is detected, collect data from it, track it if mobile ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3. Continue to seek data sources while collecting data from detected sources Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University OUTLINE Sensor Networks as Control Systems No knowledge of mission space: Coverage control, Persistent Monitoring Full knowledge of mission space: Data Collection, Data Harvesting, Reward Maximization Distributed Optimization Framework Information exchange among nodes: Event-driven communication Sensor + Actuation Networks: “Smart Parking” system Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University SENSOR NETWORK AS A CONTROL SYSTEM Know nothing - must deploy resources (how many? where?) - Cooperate but operate autonomously - Manage Communication, Energy COVERAGE COVERAGE Know everything - must deploy resources to maximize benefit from interacting with data sources (targets): track, get data - Manage Communication, Energy Data fusion, build prob. map of target locations (static) or trajectories (dynamic) Position/Move to optimize detection prob. Update event density information Localize targets TARGET TARGET DETECTION DETECTION DATA DATA COLLECTION COLLECTION Position/Move to optimize data collection quality Model for optimization COVERAGE: persistently look for new targets spread nodes out and search Christos G. Cassandras TRADEOFF: Control node location to optimize COVERAGE + DATA COLLECTION DATA COLLECTION: optimize data quality congregate nodes around known targets CODES Lab. - Boston University COVERAGE MOTIVATIONAL PROBLEM: COVERAGE CONTROL Deploy sensors to maximize “event” detection probability – unknown event locations – event sources may be mobile – sensors may be mobile R(x) (Hz/m2) 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 8 6 ? ? ????? ? ? 4 2 0 10 5 • Meguerdichian et al, IEEE INFOCOM, 2001 • Cortes et al, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 2004 • Cassandras and Li, Eur. J. of Control, 2005 • Ganguli et al, American Control Conf., 2006 • Hussein and Stipanovic, American Control Conf., 2007 • Hokayem et al, American Control Conf., 2007 0 Perceived event density (data sources) over given region (mission space) Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University OPTIMAL COVERAGE IN A MAZE Christos G. Cassandras Zhong Zhongand andCassandras, Cassandras,2008 2008 CODES Lab. - Boston University COVERAGE: PROBLEM FORMULATION N mobile sensors, each located at siR2 R(x) (Hz/ m2) 50 40 30 Data source at x emits signal with energy E 20 10 0 10 Signal observed by sensor node i (at si ) 8 6 ?? ? ???? ? ? 4 2 0 0 SENSING MODEL: pi ( x, si ) P[Detected by i | A( x), si ] ( A(x) = data source emits at x ) Sensing attenuation: pi(x, si) monotonically decreasing in di(x) ||x - si|| Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University 10 5 COVERAGE: PROBLEM FORMULATION Joint detection prob. assuming sensor independence ( s = [s1,…,sN] : node locations) Event sensing probability N P( x, s) 1 1 pi ( x, si ) i 1 OBJECTIVE: Determine locations s = [s1,…,sN] to maximize total Detection Probability: max R( x) P( x, s)dx s Perceived event density Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University DISTRIBUTED COOPERATIVE SCHEME CONTINUED Set N H ( s1 , , s N ) R( x)1 1 pi ( x)dx i 1 Maximize H(s1,…,sN) by forcing nodes to move using gradient information: N pk ( x) sk x H dx R( x) 1 pi ( x) sk d k ( x) d k ( x) i 1,i k k 1 i s H s k k si Christos G. Cassandras k i Desired displacement = V·t Cassandras Cassandrasand andLi,Li,2005 2005 Zhong and Cassandras, Zhong and Cassandras,2011 2011 CODES Lab. - Boston University PERSISTENT MONITORING (PERSISTENT SEARCH, SURVEILLANCE) COVERAGE CONTROL v PERSISTENT MONITORING PERSISTENT MONITORING: – environment cannot be fully covered by stationary team of nodes – all areas of mission space must be visited infinitely often – minimize some measure of overall uncertainty ? ? ? ? ?? ? Christos G. Cassandras ? ? CODES Lab. - Boston University PERSISTENT SEARCH IN 2D MISSION SPACE Dark brown: HIGH uncertainty White: NO uncertainty Agents play a cooperative PACMAN game against “uncertainty” which continuously regenerates… JAVA multi‐agent simulator designed to interactively test various controllers. Polygonal obstacles may be added to the environment. Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University PERSISTENT MONITORING PROBLEM SENSING MODEL: p(x,s) Probability agent at s senses point x x s(t) UNCERTAINTY MODEL: Associate to x Uncertainty Function R(x,t) such that if R ( x, t ) 0, A( x) Bp ( x, s (t )) 0 R ( x, t ) A( x) Bp ( x, s (t )) otherwise Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University PERSISTENT MONITORING PROBLEM Partition mission space = [0,L] into M intervals: … 1 M For each interval i = 1,…,M define Uncertainty Function Ri(t): if Ri (t ) 0, Ai BPi (s(t )) 0 Ri (t ) Ai BPi (s(t )) otherwise N Pi (s) 1 1 pi ( s j ) pi ( s j ) p j ( i , s j ) j 1 where Pi(s) = joint prob. i is sensed by agents located at s = [s1,…,sN] Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEM Determine u1(t),…,uN(t) such that 1 min J u1 ,,u N T s.t. T M 0 Ri (t )dt Uncertainty measure i 1 Agent dynamics sn u n , un (t ) 1, 0 sn (t ) L if Ri (t ) 0, Ai BPi (s(t )) 0 Ri (t ) Ai BPi (s(t )) otherwise x sj 1 p j ( x, s j ) rj 0 Christos G. Cassandras if x s j r j Uncertainty dynamics Sensing model if x s j r j CODES Lab. - Boston University OPTIMAL CONTROL SOLUTION 12 13 1411 22 23 24 21 Optimal trajectory is fully characterized by parameter vectors: j j1 jS , j 1, , N such that agent j switches * from u j (t ) 1 to u *j (t ) 1 at sj = jk, if k is odd * * from u j (t ) 1 to u j (t ) 1 at sj = jk, if k is even Cassandras, Cassandras,Lin, Lin,Ding, Ding,20012 20012 Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University DATA COLLECTION COVERAGE + DATA COLLECTION Recall tradeoff: TRADEOFF: Control node location to optimize COVERAGE + DATA COLLECTION COVERAGE: persistently look for new targets spread nodes out DATA COLLECTION: optimize data quality congregate nodes around known targets MODIFIED DISTRIBUTED OPTIMIZATION OBJECTIVE: collect info from detected data sources (targets) while maintaining a good coverage to detect future events S(u) : data source value Hs, t Rx Px, sdx ∑ u∈Dt SuFu, s Dt : set of data sources, estimated based on sensor observations Christos G. Cassandras F(u,s) : joint data collection quality at u (e.g., covariance) CODES Lab. - Boston University DEMO: REACTING TO EVENT DETECTION Important to note: There is no external control causing this behavior. Algorithm includes tracking functionality automatically Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University DEMO: REACTING TO EVENT DETECTION Important to note: There is no external control causing this behavior. Algorithm includes tracking functionality automatically Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University DATA COLLECTION: REWARD MAXIMIZATION, DATA HARVESTING REWARD MAXIMIZATION MISSION X X X X X ? X TARGETS WITH DIFFERENT REWARDS AND DEADLINES ? UNKNOWN TARGETS ? Node 4 “repelled” by Node 3 MISSION OBJECTIVE: MAXIMIZE TOTAL REWARD COLLECTED VISITING Search task performed BY TARGETS BEFORE THEIR “DEADLINES” EXPIRE Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University REWARD MAXIMIZATION MISSION CONTINUED This is like the notorious TRAVELING SALESMAN problem, except that… … there are multiple (cooperating) salesmen … there are deadlines + time-varying rewards … environment is stochastic (nodes may fail, threats damage nodes, etc.) Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University COOPERATIVE RECEDING HORIZON (CRH) CONTROL: MAIN IDEA • Do not attempt to assign nodes to targets • Cooperatively steer nodes PLANNING towards “high expected reward” regions HORIZON, H • Repeat process periodically/on-event • Worry about final node-target assignment Turns out nodes at the last possible instant converge to targets ACTION HORIZON, h on their own! Solve optimization problem by selecting all ui to maximize total expected rewards over H u1 u2 Christos G. Cassandras u3 CODES Lab. - Boston University REWARD MAXIMIZATION DEMO Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University BOSTON UNIVERSITY TEST BEDS Christos G. Cassandras SMARTS Kickoff Meeting CISE - CODES Lab. - Boston University THE BIGGER PICTURE: DISTRIBUTED OPTIMIZATION DISTRIBUTED COOPERATIVE OPTIMIZATION N system components (processors, agents, vehicles, nodes), one common objective: min H ( s1 , , s N ) min H ( s1 , , s N ) s1 s.t. constraints on s1 … s1 ,, s N s.t. constraints on each si min H ( s1 , , s N ) sN s.t. constraints on s N Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University DISTRIBUTED COOPERATIVE OPTIMIZATION Controllable state si, i = 1,…,ni i si (k 1) si (k ) i d i (s(k )) Step Size min H ( s1 , , s N ) si Update Direction, usually d i (s(k )) i H (s(k )) s.t. constraints on si i requires knowledge of all s1,…,sN Inter-node communication Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University HOW MUCH COMMUNICATION FOR OPTIMAL COOPERATION ? SYNCHRONIZED (TIME-DRIVEN) COOPERATION COMMUNICATE + UPDATE 1 2 3 Drawbacks: Excessive communication (critical in wireless settings!) Faster nodes have to wait for slower ones Clock synchronization infeasible Bandwidth limitations Security risks Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University ASYNCHRONOUS COOPERATION 1 2 3 Nodes not synchronized, delayed information used Update frequency for each node is bounded + technical conditions si (k 1) si ( k ) i d i (s( k )) converges Bertsekas Bertsekasand andTsitsiklis, Tsitsiklis,1997 1997 Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University ASYNCHRONOUS (EVENT-DRIVEN) COOPERATION UPDATE COMMUNICATE 1 2 3 UPDATE at i : locally determined, arbitrary (possibly periodic) COMMUNICATE from i : only when absolutely necessary Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University WHEN SHOULD A NODE COMMUNICATE? Node state at any time t : xi(t) si(k) = xi(tk) Node state at tk : si(k) AT UPDATE TIME tk : s ij (k ) : node j state estimated by node i Estimate examples: s ij (k ) x j ( j (k )) j Most recent value j (k ) i j t (k ) s ij (k ) x j ( j (k )) k i d j x j ( j (k )) Linear prediction j Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University tk WHEN SHOULD A NODE COMMUNICATE? AT ANY TIME t : xij (t ) : node i state estimated by node j If node i knows how j estimates its state, then it can evaluate xij (t ) Node i uses • its own true state, xi(t) • the estimate that j uses, xij (t ) j g x ( t ), x … and evaluates an ERROR FUNCTION i i (t ) Error Function examples: xi (t ) xij (t ) , 1 Christos G. Cassandras xi (t ) xij (t ) 2 CODES Lab. - Boston University WHEN SHOULD A NODE COMMUNICATE? j Compare ERROR FUNCTION g xi (t ), xi (t ) to THRESHOLD i Node i communicates its state to node j only when it detects that its true state xi(t) deviates from j’ estimate of it xij (t ) j so that g xi (t ), xi (t ) i xi (t ) i Event-Driven Control j i Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University CONVERGENCE Asynchronous distributed state update process at each i: si (k 1) si (k ) d i (s i (k )) K d i (s i ( k ) i (k ) i (k 1) Estimates of other nodes, evaluated by node i if k sends update otherwise THEOREM: Under certain conditions, there exist positive constants α and Kδ such that lim H (s(k )) 0 k Zhong Zhongand andCassandras, Cassandras,IEEE IEEETAC, TAC,2010 2010 INTERPRETATION: Event-driven cooperation achievable with minimal communication requirements energy savings Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University COONVERGENCE WHEN DELAYS ARE PRESENT g xi , xij Error function trajectory with NO DELAY i k 0 0ij 1ij 2ij 3ij t Red curve: Black curve: g xi , xi j g x ,~ xj i i DELAY i k 0 Christos G. Cassandras 0ij 1ij 2ij 1ij 3ij 2ij 3ij 4ij 4ij CODES Lab. - Boston University t COONVERGENCE WHEN DELAYS ARE PRESENT Add a boundedness assumption: ASSUMPTION: There exists a non-negative integer D such that if a message is sent before tk-D from node i to node j, it will be received before tk. INTERPRETATION: at most D state update events can occur between a node sending a message and all destination nodes receiving this message. THEOREM: Under certain conditions, there exist positive constants α and Kδ such that lim H (s(k )) 0 k NOTE: The requirements on α and Kδ depend on D and they are tighter. Zhong Zhongand andCassandras, Cassandras,IEEE IEEETAC, TAC,2010 2010 Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University SYNCHRONOUS v ASYNCHRONOUS OPTIMAL COVERAGE PERFORMANCE Energy savings + Extended lifetime SYNCHRONOUS v ASYNCHRONOUS: No. of communication events for a deployment problem with obstacles Christos G. Cassandras SYNCHRONOUS v ASYNCHRONOUS: Achieving optimality in a problem with obstacles CODES Lab. - Boston University DEMO: OPTIMAL DISTRIBUTED DEPLOYMENT WITH OBSTACLES – SIMULATED AND REAL Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University SENSOR + ACTUATION NETWORK INTERNET Data collection: relatively easy… CYBER PHYSICAL Control: a challenge… Christos G. Cassandras CISE - CODES Lab. - Boston University SENSOR + ACTUATION: A “SMART PARKING” SYSTEM “SMART PARKING” - MOTIVATION 30% of vehicles on the road in the downtowns of major cities are cruising for a parking spot. It takes the average driver 7.8 minutes to find a parking spot in the downtown core of a major city. R. Arnott, T.Rave, R.Schob, Alleviating Urban Traffic Congestion. 2005 Over one year in a small Los Angeles business district, cars cruising for parking created the equivalent of 38 trips around the world, burning 47,000 gallons of gasoline and producing 730 tons of carbon dioxide. Donald Shoup, The High Cost of Free Parking. 2005 Christos G. Cassandras CISE - CODES Lab. - Boston University “SMART PARKING” - CONCEPT OPTIMAL PARKING SPOT ng arki p l a ptim for o d A t Fin spo TION A T IN S E D Minimize a function of COST and DISTANCE from A “SMART PARKING” - CONCEPT DESTINATION OPTIMAL PARKING SPOT GUIDANCE-BASED PARKING – DRAWBACKS… Drivers: City: • May not find a vacant space • May miss better space • Imbalanced parking utilization • May create ADDED CONGESTION (as multiple drivers converge to where a space exists) • Processing info while driving Searching for parking Competing for parking SMART PARKING – NEW FEATURES • System finds BEST parking space for driver (based on PROXIMITY to destination + parking COST) • Space RESERVED guaranteed parking space • System continuously IMPROVES assigned parking space • System ensures FAIRNESS in parking space allocation • Parking space UTILIZATION INCREASES Driver makes decisions System makes optimal decisions for driver GUIDANCE-BASED PARKING v “SMART PARKING” INFO COLLECTING DATA IS NOT “SMART”, JUST A NECESSARY STEP TO BEING “SMART” PROCESSING DATA TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS IS “SMART” ACTION INFO SMART PARKING – IMPLEMENTATION • Parking space availability detection Standard sensors (e.g., magnetic, cameras) Wireless sensor networking • Vehicle localization GPS • System-Driver communication Smartphone Vehicle navigation system • Parking reservation Folding/Retreating barrier Red/Green/Yellow light system PROBLEM FORMULATION WAIT Allocation Fail Request Allocation 1 Departure RESERVE 2 .. . N Allocation Succeed OBJECTIVE FUNCTION Objective function at kth decision point: J (k ) min X x iW ( k ) R ( k ) j i ( k ) ij J ij (k ) Decision variables: 0 if user i is NOT assigned to resource j xij 1 if user i is assigned to resource j User cost function: J ij i cost upper bound M ij (k ) Mi (1 i ) Dij Di max proximity to dest. weight MIXED INTEGER LINEAR PROBLEM (MILP) min Satisfied User Cost Unsatisfied User Cost (1 x x iW ( k ) R ( k ) j i ( k ) ij J ij ( k ) iW ( k ) j i ( k ) ij ) s.t. x ij iW ( k ) R ( k ) x ij 1 i W (k ) x ij 1 i R(k ) x J ij ( k ) J iqi ( k 1) (k ) i R(k ) j i ( k ) j i ( k ) j i ( k ) ( 1 j (k ) ij x n i ( k ) in Reservation Guarantee Reservation Upgrade ) xmj 0 j (k ), i i | j i (k ), m m | j m (k ), t mj tij , m W (k ) xij {0,1} i W (k ) R(k ), j i (k ) Fairness “SMART PARKING” TEST BED Christos G. Cassandras CODES Lab. - Boston University SIMULATION CASE STUDY On-street parking spaces Off-street parking spaces Points of interest CASE STUDY RESULTS Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic SP: BU Smart Parking system NG: No guidance (status quo) G: Parking using guidance-based systems KEY CONCLUSIONS 1. 10-20% higher parking utilization HIGHER REVENUE, LOWER CONGESTION 2. % drivers searching for parking (wandering) < 2% HIGHER REVENUE, LOWER CONGESTION 3. 50% reduction in parking time under heavy traffic LOWER CONGESTION, LESS FUEL, DRIVER COMFORT IMPLEMENTATION “Smart Parking” proof-of-concept study implemented in a small (27 space) garage at Boston University during summer 2011: - Parking request through iPhone app. - Smart Parking Allocation Center (SPAC): Server located in CODES Lab SPAC determines optimal allocation for request (if one exists) and notifies driver through iPhone app showing the identity of reserved spot - Garage gateway: Laptop computer located in garage -Sensor and light system device: Custom-built device affixed on ceiling over each parking spot. PROJECT TEAM, RECOGNITION TEAM: Yanfeng Geng (PhD student), Ted Grunberg (Undergrad. Student), Andy Ochs, Mikhail Gurevich, Greg Berman (BU SOM students) • 2011 IBM/IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge competition, team won 2nd place prize • Best Student Paper Award, Finalist, 2011 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control • Third prize poster on “Smart Parking”, INFORMS 2011 Northeastern Conference • Ongoing implementation under BU OTD “Ignition Award” • Working with City of Boston under IBM Award for “Combating Climate Change Through Smarter Urban Transportation Policies” • Geng, Y., and Cassandras, C.G., “Dynamic Resource Allocation in Urban Settings: A “Smart Parking” Approach”, Proc. of 2011 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Oct. 2011. • Geng, Y., and Cassandras, C.G., “A New “Smart Parking” System Based on Optimal Resource Allocation and Reservations”, Proc. of 14th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conf., pp. 979-984, Nov. 2011. “SMART CITY” AS A CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEM Privacy Data collection Control and Optimization Actions Safety Security Geng, Y., and Cassandras, C.G., “Traffic Light Control Using Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis”, subm. to 51st IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2012 Information Processing SENSOR NETWORKS Decision Making Energy Management Christos G. Cassandras TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTROL “SMART PARKING” CISE - CODES Lab. - Boston University