Version 2013-08-19 1 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro The Bryan School of Business and Economics Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management ISM 218 - 01 Database Systems SYLLABUS Fall 2013 Instructor: Classroom: Meeting date and time: Office: Office hours: Dmytro Babik ( Bryan 213 Tuesday, Thursday, 8:00 – 9:15 AM Bryan 484 Tuesday, Thursday, 9:20 – 10:00 AM and by appointment CATALOG DESCRIPTION Study of database management systems including their design, implementation, query and use. Includes an extensive case study requiring development of a multiple table database system for organizational needs. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ISM 110 or equivalent. COURSE OBJECTIVES Databases (DB) and database management systems (DBMS) are important parts of information systems (IS). Developing virtually every IS involves the design and implementation of a new DB or the use of an existing DB. Understanding the fundamental concepts of DB systems and the basic knowledge of DBMS tools is a critical first step in your future careers as either users or developers of IS of any kind. This is a general course about data and data management, and its intent is to assure your basic understanding of DB and DBMS. No explicit prior knowledge of the subject is required for this course. Students enter this course with widely varying backgrounds in terms of education, business experience, and technology knowledge. Therefore, I assume that overall students taking this course have little entry knowledge of the subject. Some of you may find that they have more knowledge of particular areas than is required for the course. I ask you to be patient if you encounter this situation. The objectives of this course are to: 1. Introduce general concepts of data, database systems and database management; 2. Introduce you to the design of relational databases through the Entity-Relationship Diagrams and Normalization procedures; 3. Develop basic skills in the use of SQL in defining and creating a database, inserting and modifying entries in a table, and retrieving data to produce useful information. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to: 1. Develop and implement a sound data model for a business data system; 2. Design, implement, and use a relational database; 3. Use SQL to create queries, generate reports and administer a database; 4. Understand how database systems are used in various types of business IS. Version 2013-08-19 2 REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS, MATERIALS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Oppel, A. (2011). Databases DeMYSTiFieD (2nd ed). ISBN: 978-0-07-174799-8 (DBsD) Oppel, A. (2005). SQL DeMYSTiFieD. ISBN: 978-0-07-226224-7 (SQLD) Blackboard Class Management System ( You should be familiar with Blackboard. It will be used for announcements and updates, distributing materials and administering quizzes. I expect you to check Blackboard daily. iSpartan email and calendar Most individual communications outside classroom will be done through email. I expect you to check your iSpartan email daily. I encourage you to email me immediately whenever you feel you need help. MySQL account ( This will be your primary working environment. It is free. I will provide you with your access credentials by email during the first week of the course. You should have a computer with a functioning internet connection, know your usernames and passwords and be able to connect to and remain connected to the UNCG network, especially during the tests. I expect you to bring your computers (laptops or tablets) to every class. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY AND ASSESSMENT This class will be based on readings and online videos, in-class exercises and discussions, quizzes, and homework assignments. All materials will be distributed and all tests will be administered electronically. Feel free to keep notes in any format convenient to you. Lectures In-class time will be dedicated primarily to clarify the course materials, to discuss the key concepts, to review homework assignments and to practice. Therefore, I expect you to come to each lecture having read the chapter(s) assigned for that day. Quizzes There will be 10 weekly short take-home quizzes to check your familiarity with readings and basic understanding of fundamental concepts. Quizzes will include the entire week’s material. To pass them successfully you will have to read in advance. Each quiz will contain 10 multiple choice questions and will be administered via Blackboard and graded automatically. Quizzes will open on Mondays at 7:00 AM and will be due on Thursdays at 11:59 PM. Feel free to submit early. Homework Assignments There will be 10 individual homework assignments due in class on Tuesday. Use the template on Blackboard. Bring two hard copies. Tests The midterm and final tests will consist of about 40 multiple choice questions and short problems each. They will be administered via Blackboard in class. Both tests will need to be taken on the scheduled days. No make-up examinations will be offered. If you must miss a test for an extraordinary reason, please notify me in advance to work out a solution. Version 2013-08-19 3 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION / GRADING Your grades will be based on the following allocation: Requirements Points toward grade Quizzes (10 quizzes, 2 points each) 20 Homework (10 assignments, 5 points each) 50 Midterm test (15 points) 15 Final test (15 points) 15 Total 100 Your letter grade will be based on the following distribution: Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade 97-100% A+ 87-90% B+ 77-80% C+ 67-70% D+ 93-97% A 83-87% B 73-77% C 63-67% D 90-93% A– 80-83% B– 70-73% C– 60-63% D– < 60% F Version 2013-08-19 4 STATEMENT OF STUDENTS’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES This syllabus is a contract between you as a student and me as the instructor in this class. Your full understanding and acceptance of the following rights and responsibilities will lead to better learning. If you are in this class after week 1, I assume you have read, understood and “signed” this contract. You have the right to expect from your instructor: 1. A clear statement of course policies, expectations, assessment and grading practices; 2. Opportunities to learn and grow professionally; 3. Knowledgeable and timely assistance regarding class assignments and course content; 4. A response to your email within 24 hours, including an arrangement to meet; 5. Adherence to the University policies; 6. Professional behavior, equitable treatment, ethical practices, and respect for human rights; 7. Adequate opportunity to appeal any perceived violations of the above rights. You have specific responsibilities to: 1. Commit yourself to grow academically and professionally; 2. Plan your study and work schedule appropriately to allow sufficient time to do quality work in the course (Review “Suggested Academic Workload Guidelines” for the Bryan School of Business and Economics published in the UNCG Undergraduate Bulletin); 3. Complete all assignments in a professional manner; 4. Strictly adhere to the posted deadlines; 5. Practice ethical behaviors and display respect to the rights of others; 6. Timely contact your instructor and discuss circumstances that may prevent you from achieving acceptable performance; 7. Understand and follow the school and course policies, including the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy (, and report observed violations of these policies. I encourage you to seek ways to learn about the subject matter of this course, apply the knowledge you gained for the benefits of yours and others, and have fun doing this (in socially and environmentally responsible ways). You must attend each class period on time and come to class prepared. Please do not come to class late. When absent, it is your responsibility to ascertain missed information, including any special announcements. In case of extraordinary circumstances (inclement weather, family, etc.) your absence must be justified with a document proof. Quizzes and assignments will be opened for submission in advance long enough to avoid missing them. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY University students are expected to observe academic honesty and the provisions of the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy in completing their coursework ( Discussing your assignments with other students can be a valuable learning opportunity. However, you are expected to do your own original work. A student is a subject to penalty for academic misconduct, such as plagiarism. I assume that by submitting your work in this course you conform to the Academic Integrity Policy. Any violations will result in charges. DISABILITY SERVICES If you have any type of learning or physical disability, please contact the UNCG Office of Disability Services in Suite 208 EUC. The Disability office will contact me once your request is approved. Version 2013-08-19 5 COURSE SCHEDULE You can use the following schedule to track your progress in the course. Should any changes in this schedule happen, I will provide you with the updated version. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Day Date Topic Readings due Assignments due T 20-Aug Syllabus and Introduction R 22-Aug Database Fundamentals DBsD Ch 1 T 27-Aug Database Fundamentals SQLD Ch 1 R 29-Aug Intro to SQL: Concepts DBsD Ch 4, SQLD Ch 2 Quiz 1 T 3-Sep 5-Sep DBsD Ch 2 SQLD Ch 2 HW 1 R RDB Components Basics of Creating Tables Quiz 2 T 10-Sep RDB Components DBsD Ch 2 HW 2 R 12-Sep Basics of Single Table Queries SQLD Ch 4 Quiz 3 T 17-Sep Database Modeling, ERD DBsD Ch 7 HW 3 R 19-Sep Single Table Queries SQLD Ch 4 Quiz 4 T 24-Sep Database Modeling, ERD DBsD Ch 7 HW 4 R 26-Sep Functions SQLD Ch 4 Quiz 5 T 1-Oct Database Normalization DBsD Ch 6 HW 5 R 3-Oct Inserting Data. Altering Tables SQLD Ch 7 Quiz 6 T 8-Oct Database Normalization DBsD Ch 6 R 10-Oct MIDTERM TEST T 15-Oct FALL BREAK. NO CLASS R 17-Oct Catch-up class T 22-Oct Database Life Cycle DBsD Ch 5 HW 6 R 24-Oct Multiple Table Queries. Joins SQLD Ch 5 Quiz 7 T 29-Oct Physical Database Design DBsD Ch 8 HW 7 R 31-Oct Multiple Table Queries. Joins SQLD Ch 5 Quiz 8 T 5-Nov Physical Database Design DBsD Ch 8 HW 8 R 7-Nov Defining DB Objects Using SQL SQLD Ch 3 Quiz 9 T 12-Nov SQL: Sub Queries HW 9 R 14-Nov Practicing SQL Quiz 10 HW 10 T 19-Nov Practicing SQL R 21-Nov Practicing SQL T 26-Nov Review R 28-Nov HOLIDAY. NO CLASS T 3-Dec Reading Day R 5-Dec FINAL TEST