5728 Walnut St., Phila., Pa.
"My kingdom for a horse."
Southern Manual Training High School. Drexel Club of Engineers (r, 2, 3). Class Secretary (2).
"Beatts" has shown his ability
took charge of temporary repairs of
broken and the fuses gone. He has
shouting is being done, such as ''\Ve
in various ways about the school. One of them was vthen he
lights in the senior locker room one day when the switch was
been a very loyal fellow, his voice leading the others when any
want light!"
Beatty took charge of the Minstrel Show and Dance given by D. C. E. and deserves the thanks
of the class for the businesslike way in which he carried it through.
"Beatts" is one of those fellows who can :)e depended on to help when any one 1s needed about
school to run lanterns, usher and lh~ like.
Besides all this, he is an authority on the ope ration of the Market Street Elevated, and ran supply any information desired on the subject.
P utting these things togeth er, I predict that he will becom e the in vento r of a wireless apparatu s by mea ns of which two team s may play a game of ball and yet all the members of th e
tea ms may stay at ho me and help their wives with the house work a t th e same time.
Now last, but certainly not least, we come to Frank Beatty. H e enli sted in the National
Guard of · Pennsylvania recently, and we can't overlook this fact because he is o ur only soldier.
'0le kno w that there is no o ne quite lik e F rank in the army, so, ther efore, I predict that he
will be sent t o Mexico by Presid ent Wilson t o settle the entire question. This will not only
save the Government a great deal of money, but will have exactly th e sa me results.
This completes th e class roll, a nd I have only to say in closin g that it is
wish that in later years, when we have found what th e future really holds
fell ows, individually and collectively, will still r etain th e same ch ee rful , earnest
made our three years' association with each other am ong th e happiest ones of
my most sincere
for us, that the
spirit wh.ich has
our lives.
Orrin L. Dyer, P rophet