Lesley Skousen, PhD

Lesley Skousen, PhD
 Elegant
 Dynamic
 Layered
 Benefits:
 Multiple Discussions
 Individual Attention
 English / Prose
 Oral v Written
① Content Delivery:
 Reading assignment, podcast, video lecture,
② Thought Activity:
 Search online for current events; take a survey; Apply
key concepts; Interactive Websites
③ Discussion Forum
④ Assessment 1: React
 quiz, image creation, project
⑤ Assessment 2: Recreate
 Reaction paper, Research essay, creative project, test
Instructions: Read the attached PDF. Pull a quote and analyze it in a post.
Then response to at least two classmates by providing context and analysis.
Student A: “If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman
Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due
to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a
failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse.” My analysis…
Student B: I’m not sure I agree with that quote. After all…
Student C: I understand why you would be skeptical. Still…
Student D: I definitely think this quote fulfills historical…
What were the causes of WW2?
Research at least two for forum sharing:
Economic Depression
Global Influence
Social Status
Civil War
Political Ideology
 The Challenge of Thesis Writing
 Instructor Feedback + Student Feedback = Multiple
rewards and points of view
 Varied focus on phrasing, structure, accuracy, and
accessibility through instruction and peers
 Blended or Online options
 Sharing essays after completion
 Crowdsource + Peer Pressure for a good performance
 Results: More learning, more critical thinking, crowd
source information
 Instructor remains active to ensure accuracy
 Active learning, not Passive learning
 Example: Airplane Project
 Example: Group Essay
 Example: Similar Topics
 80% of my online students would recommend an online
course to first-year English language learners.
 “Online discussions can last for any time period we want, whereas face-to-face
discussion is very limited to time.”
 “Forums give me the opportunity to really think about my answers. It allows
me to explore in research of a topic, engage myself with it, and develop an
answer I am proud of.”
 “Talking online is good to understand the conversation. Teachers talk too fast
and I do not understand. But online I go to the book and I use time to think
of my good answer. It is a second thought of everything you want to express.”
Olla Najah Al-Shalchi, “The Effectiveness and Development of Online
Discussions.” Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
http://jolt.merlot.org/vol5no1/al-shalchi_0309.htm (Accessed on 15 March
AR Roper, “How Students Develop Online Learning Skills” Educause Quarterly, 1
(2007), pp. 62-64
J Du, K Zhang, A Olinsock, and J Adams. Graduate Students’ Perspectives on
the Meaningful Nature of Online Discussions” Journal of Interactive Learning
Research Vol 19, No 1 (2008), pp. 21-36
Michael Prince, “Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research.” J. Engr
Education, Vol 93 No 3 (2004), pp. 223-231
pdf (Accessed 15 March 2015)
Let’s Collaborate!!