Single equation estimators and system estimators;Testing over-identifying restrictions. Ragnar Nymoen Department of Economics, UiO 13March 2009 ECON 4610: Lecture 9 GIVE and 2SLS With reference to the notation in lecture 9 we have that the Generalized IV estimator (GIVE !), for the …rst equation in the model: bIV 1 D .W10 Z1 / 1 W10 y1 h b1 : X1 0 D Y Y1 : X1 i 1 0 b1 : X1 Y y1 b1 is obtained from the reduced form equations where W1 D Y for the included endogenous variables, is identical to the 2SLS estimator: bSLS D . Y b1 : X1 1 0 b1 : X1 / Y 1 b1 : X1 Y where it is understood that (??) is the second stage of a b is from the …rst stage. 2-step procedure, where Y For the exactly identi…ed case we also have bIV D b2SLS D bILS . 1 1 1 ECON 4610: Lecture 9 0 y1 Single equation and system methods of estimation IV and 2SLS are single equation estimators: They can be used to estimate any identi…ed equation in a model. 2SLS The rest of the model still plays a role for b1 , via the reduced form that gives the relevant and valid instruments, but 1 is not estimated jointly with the other j of the structural model. A system estimator estimates all identi…ed parameters of a model jointly. The system version of 2SLS is three stage least squares (3SLS), which allows for contemporaneous correlation between the structural disturbances. 3SLS is an application of the SURE procedure to a simultaneous equations model: From the 2 stage residuals the correlation matrix of the disturbances are estimated 3SLS (consistently) and then bj are obtained for j D 1, 2, ...M for all the equations of the model. ECON 4610: Lecture 9 Maximum likelihood estimation Maximum likelihood is an estimation principle that “chooses” the values of the parameters that makes it most likely that the model has generated the data. Full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation requires that we specify the distribution of the disturbances (and therefore also the distribution of the endogenous variables). In the single equation case with exogenous regressors and independently normally distributed disturbances, FIML yields the same estimator as OLS. For simultaneous equations models, 3SLS, if it is iterated rather than stopped at the third stage, converges to FIML. 2SLS can be shown to have the same large sample distribution as the limited information maximum likelihood estimator (LIML), which is the single equation version of FIML. ECON 4610: Lecture 9 Examples of the use of the estimation methods We can estimate the following cases of our single market model, using PcGive Qcase3,t Qcase3,t D 1.2 D 0.8Pcase3,t C "dt 0.2 C 0.5Pcase3,t C 2Xst C "st and Qcase4,t Qcase4,t D 1.2 D 0.8Pcase4,t C 1.5Xdt C "dt 0.2 C 0.5Pcase4,t C 2Xst C "st In Case 3 it makes sense to estimate the demand equation, in case 4 we can estimate both. We can check OLS, 2SLS, 3SLS and FIML. ECON 4610: Lecture 9 Equivalence of method for exactly identi…ed equations and models The results shows that in both cases (case 3 and case 4) all the valid estimators ( 2SLS, 3SLS and FIML) give identical results. This is because in both cases, the identi…ed equations are exactly identi…ed. There is in fact a theorem saying that 3SLS = 2SLS when all the equations of the system are exactly identi…ed, or when the disturbances are independent. PcGive “delivers” according to this theorem. ECON 4610: Lecture 9 Testing over-identi…cation Before we give examples of di¤erent estimators in an over-identi…ed equation, we can consider testing any such over-identifying restrictions This is relevant because identifying restrictions should be theoretically motivated, so tests of over-identifying restrictions are tests of economic hypotheses. The principle for testing is simple: Obtain the unrestricted reduced form (URF) of an exactly identi…ed version of the system and estimate that URF by OLS on each equation. Obtain a system counterpart to the unrestricted residual sum of squares (RRSU / that we considered in the single equation case. If we impose 1 or more over-identifying restrictions, and derive the restricted reduced form, the RRSR RRSU . If the di¤erence in signi…cant the restrictions are rejected. In practice, in PcGive, the log-likelihood value of the reduced form takes the place of RRSU and RSSR . ECON 4610: Lecture 9 The simple Keynes model revisited Let Yt denote GDP. Ct is “consumption”, and let Xt and Zt denote “exogenous expenditure”. Assume that Ct depends on GDP, then our example model is Yt Ct Zt D Ct C Xt C Zt (1) D 100 C 0.8Yt C "ct , D 80 C 0.5 Zt For simplicity we assume normality "t 1 (2) C " zt N.0, 2 /. " The parameter of interest is the marginal propensity to consume b2 , which we set equal to 0.8. We consider estimation of (2) and the testing of any over-identifying instruments. ECON 4610: Lecture 9