Using the same error correction transformation: and (4) ∆we,t = β0 + β11∆mct + β21∆ut + (β11 + β12)mct−1 + (β21 + β22)ut−1 + (α − 1)wet−1 + εt ∆we,t = β0 + β11∆mct + β21∆ut (5) ½ ¾ β + β12 β + β22 − (1 − α) we,t−1 − 11 mct−1 − 21 ut−1 + εt 1−α 1−α To reconcile this with the hypothesized long run relationship H1gmc, we make use of β + β22 γe,1 = 21 (the l-r multiplier of wage with respect to u), 1−α and impose the following restriction on the coefficient of mct−1: β11 + β12 = (1 − α) (6) ∆we,t = β0 + β11n∆mct + β21∆ut o − (1 − α) we,t−1 − mct−1 − γe,1ut−1 + εt (7) since the long-run multiplier with respect to mc is unity. Then (5) becomes (Note that the short-run multiplier wrt mc is β11, which can be considerably smaller than unity without violating the main-course hypothesis H1gmc). The formulation in (7) is an ECM. We can write 0 ∆we,t = β0 + β11∆mct + β21∆ut − (1 − α) {we − we∗}t−1 + εt where we∗ is given by the left hand side of the extended main course hypothesis H1gmc. Stable dynamics: Assume ∆mct = gmc and ∆ut = 0 (constant rate of unemployment). Assume disequilibrium in period t − 1: {we − we∗}t−1 > 0 reduces ∆we,t, which leads to {we − we∗}t < {we − we∗}t−1 in the next period, hence error-correction. 22 21 rate of unemployment Exercise 2.1 Is β22 > 0 a necessary and/or sufficient condition for path b to occur? t 0 time wage level a Exercise 2.2 What might be the economic interpretation of having β21 < 0 , but β22 > 0? Exercise 2.3 Assume that β21 + β22 = 0. Try to sketch the wage dynamics (in other words the dynamic multipliers) following a rise in unemployment in this case! b t0 time Figure 2: The main course model: A permanent increase in the rate of unemployment, and possible wage responses. 23 24