Canadian Electricity Association ELECTRICITY 08 2008 - Volume 79 - Number 1 ENGAGING CANADIANS IN A SUSTAINABLE ELECTRICITY FUTURE Message from CEA’s Chair Canada’s electricity sector is engaging in a wide-ranging public policy debate that will shape how power is produced, delivered and sold for generations to come. The debate touches on critical issues in environmental regulation, long-term energy security, economic competitiveness and infrastructure reliability. None of these issues can be effectively addressed in isolation, and each one must be considered when planning how we will meet Canada’s future demand for electricity. Both Canada and the United States are experiencing growing economies and rising populations, with consequential increases in electricity demand. Canadians, for example, already consume 21% more power today than we did 15 years ago and our population is forecast to reach 40 million by 2030. Projections in both Canada and the United States call for a 25% increase in generation capacity by 2025. As an industry, we have a strong record of providing power when needed and our goal is to continue to do so in the future. But in many North American regions new power generation is not keeping pace with growth. Construction is lagging behind demand due to uncertainties about environmental policy and transmission availability, regulatory processes that are prolonged by ineffective stakeholder engagement, and the impact of rising costs and scarce supplies of labour, commodities and parts. CEA’s member companies are working to address these challenges in a North American context, and although there remains uncertainty about future environmental regulations we have also recognized for some time that we are working in a carbon-constrained environment. The debate is not about the merits of long-term reductions in greenhouse gases or air emissions, but over how quickly we can get there, at what cost and who pays. In March 2008 the federal government unveiled an aggressive plan to reduce Canadian greenhouse gas emissions 20% by 2020, and 50% by 2050, and target further reductions in air emissions. To help meet these goals the Canadian electricity industry has already made substantial investments that reduce the carbon intensity of power generation. As we make further investments in cleaner power generation and new technologies we believe it is essential that policymakers align the pace of change with our trading partners so that Canadian businesses can remain competitive. The Canadian and American electricity markets are extensively interconnected, and share many issues in common. Making generation, transmission and labour constraints a North American concern makes sense from both an economic and a political perspective. CEA has put forward a thoughtful and credible perspective, and the Association is an influential participant in the dialogue about the future of the North American energy supply. My focus as Chair has been on telling the story of Canada’s electricity industry, because we have an interesting and progressive story to tell. In this year’s publication you can read about the work our member companies are doing across Canada to secure our high standard of living, support growth and improve our environment. I am pleased to have the opportunity to further the good work CEA has initiated during my second year as Chair. In the year ahead, we will continue to engage member companies and make progress on achieving CEA’s strategic goals. Don Lowry CEA Chair President and CEO, EPCOR Utilities Inc. Table of Contents Engaging Canadians in a Sustainable Electricity Future . . . . 3 Risk Management: The Key to Sustainable Resource Management . . . . . . . . . . 9 CEA Member Utility Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 AltaLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ATCO Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ATCO Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 BC Hydro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 BC Transmission Corporation . . . 19 Brookfield Renewable Power . . . 20 ENMAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 EPCOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 FortisAlberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 FortisBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Horizon Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Hydro One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. . . . . 27 Manitoba Hydro . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Maritime Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 New Brunswick Power . . . . . . . 30 Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro . . . . . . . . . . 31 Newfoundland Power . . . . . . . . 32 Northwest Territories Power Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Nova Scotia Power . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ontario Power Generation . . . . . 35 Saint John Energy . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Saskatoon Light & Power . . . . . . 37 SaskPower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Toronto Hydro Corporation . . . . . 39 TransAlta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Canadian Electricity Association, Electricity 08 is published by CEA to inform its members on the activities of the Canadian electricity industry. Correspondence should be addressed to the Editor, Electricity 08: 350 Sparks Street, Suite 907, Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8 Tel.: 613.230.9263 • Fax: 613.230.9326 Email: • Internet site: Executive Editor: Francis Bradley • Editor: Brigitte Hébert Graphic design and production: Infoscan Collette, Québec Électricité 08 est aussi disponible en français. TransCanada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Yukon Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 CEA Environmental Stewardship Award . . . . . . . . . . . 47 CEA President’s Award of Excellence for Employee Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1 ENGAGING CANADIANS IN A SUSTAINABLE ELECTRICITY FUTURE Electricity has been a persistent issue on the public policy stage, fueling debates on its generation, transmission, distribution and pricing for well over a century. Coined the “People’s Business” by Tennessee Valley Authority head David Lilienthal in 1939, electricity has maintained its prominent image as a key contributor to the common good and a symbol of Canada’s prosperity, leadership and quality of life. Along with industry and governments, individual Canadians and communities have a long and rich history of involvement in shaping our electricity system and such a tradition is particularly germane today. Public understanding is an important factor of progress as the electricity industry adapts and transforms itself to meet increasing demand in a reliable, environmentally sustainable and competitively priced manner. Current issues such as those related to electricity infrastructure, energy efficiency, new technologies, regulation, the environment and security pose unique challenges to the industry, each of which is linked to public interest. As service providers, employers, benefactors, partners and members, utilities are intrinsically tied to the success and well-being of their communities, and thus uniquely positioned to improve and enrich them as well. Electricity is indeed the “People’s Business”, as much today as in 1939, though the urgency of relaying this message is reaching a critical point. As new generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure is required to ensure an adequate, reliable and sustainable supply of electricity, industry and governments need to raise awareness, build acceptance and transform public understanding. People must be educated in what it takes to deliver the reliable and affordable electricity that is so often taken for granted. Moreover, the overall benefit of electricity as a key part of an energy strategy for the 21st century must be communicated for such a plan to be successful. Canadians need to be well informed of and prepared for the cost of clean, efficient electricity that can support our energy-intense lifestyle and economy. 2 3 Canadians need to understand that more can be less in the long term, and that the interests of society as a whole must be the first consideration. A more expensive system can increase reliability and result in less loss of economic activity. More expensive electricity can be consumed through more efficient technologies resulting in less increase on the customers’ bill. And a more modern and efficient infrastructure will result in less environmental impact and less drag on the Canadian economy. All in all, getting the investment conditions right will help make Canada a destination of choice for long term capital and pay significant dividends in terms of both productivity and quality of life. According to International Energy Agency projections, Canada will require investments in excess of $185 billion between now and 2030 to replace and build new generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure. At a minimum the right investment conditions must be put in place to address the electricity infrastructure deficit. Those conditions include a coherent energy policy framework that is broadly supported, an effective and efficient regulatory environment where project investors can get process and timeline certainty, appropriate fiscal and monetary conditions where long term capital can be adequately rewarded, and a human resource pool deep enough to provide confidence that the job will get done. Moving Forward Industry, governments and communities have a vested interest in understanding these forces if Canada is to successfully address the challenges of achieving safe, secure, reliable, sustainable and competitively priced power. Each has a unique and important role to play in seeing that the six fundamentals outlined on page 6 are in place to reach this goal. 4 20% 0% 9% 8% 40% Source: CEA Public Attitudes Survey, 2007 Public Expectations Most importantly, the public is increasingly recognizing the benefits and importance of better managing their energy consumption. CEA’s 2007 Public Attitudes Survey reported that when it comes to meeting the future electricity needs of their province Canadians are most in favour of energy efficiency and conservation programs. Canadian electric utilities have long been delivering energy efficiency programming and information to their customers and Canadians place high value on receiving information from their electric utility on using energy more efficiently. Three-fifths of those polled were of the opinion that their electric utility should be responsible for delivering energy efficiency programs and information. 2006 60% DK/Ref. • Increasing interest in the opportunity for creative collaboration between public and private investment in responding to these challenges. 2007 Both Federal and Provincial Gov. Both Utility Co. and Gov. Other • A growing recognition of the need to conserve and be stewards of our resources for future generations, and to operate in a way that is environmentally sustainable; 80% Private Sector/ Independent Source Municipal Gov. • Aging public and private infrastructure that is nearing the end of its life; 100% 6% 6% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 1% 0% 1% 1% • A rising demand for power fueled by a growing economy and population; Responsibility for Delivery of Energy Efficiency Programs (2006-2007) Federal Gov. Also critical to our industry’s success is greater public acceptance of electricity infrastructure as a vital component of our quality of life and the foundation of a sustainable and thriving economy. Tomorrow’s electricity system will be a smart one, utilizing advanced digital controls to seamlessly move power across a real time, self-healing network linking large and small power sources to load in a bi-directional manner. Such a system will be smarter, more efficient, and more environmentally responsible. It will cost more than our current analogue system, but it will also be more reliable. And the cost of an unreliable system to the modern economy, as the 2003 blackout showed, is vastly higher than the incremental cost of a modern electricity system. Issues related to the security, reliability and sustainability of Canada’s electricity supply stem from a convergence between such forces as: There is a climate of opinion building around energy efficiency and this presents an important opportunity for energy efficiency to become part of the fabric of Canada’s energy framework. With direct access to consumers and their understanding of local electricity consumption patterns utilities are uniquely positioned to deliver on the expectations around energy efficiency. However, they cannot do it alone. Effective coordination of policy, programs and regulatory efforts along with long term policy and program commitments and appropriate incentives are needed to meet public expectations. The time is right to demonstrate leadership in energy efficiency to ensure a sustainable energy future. 15% 17% In August 2007, the Council of the Federation issued A Shared Vision for Energy in Canada in which they called for the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation as the first step in their Seven Point Action Plan. In September, the Council of Energy Ministers released a report which presented a foundation for action on energy efficiency. The document provided a broad direction for energy efficiency in Canada including principles for the design and implementation of effective energy efficiency policies and programs. Canada’s electricity infrastructure is at the same crossroads as other physical infrastructure across the country: it is aging and requires replacement, refurbishment, and in some jurisdictions, it implies significant new construction. Historical demand trends and future electricity use projections signal the scale of investment that might be required to meet Canada’s electricity needs. Between 1990 and 2005, overall electricity demand in Canada increased by 24 percent, fueled in large part by a growing population, an expanding economy and greater use of electrical equipment. Despite improvements realized through energy efficiency and demand management, electricity demand is projected to increase by an annual average growth rate of approximately 1 to 1.5 percent. A Climate of Opinion Provincial Gov. Government Action More Can Be Less 63% 62% In 2006 CEA joined with the Canadian Gas Association and regulators from Ontario and Alberta in the development of a series of workshops, designed to take place over a two year period to explore the fundamentals of utility energy efficiency programming and regulatory oversight of these programs. Discussions centered on the experience to date in Canada, experiences from other jurisdictions, program measurement and evaluation and rates. The dialogue helped to clarify the cost benefits program equation and achieve a greater understanding in the regulatory community of the utility business case for energy efficiency. Two years later, energy efficiency, driven by environmental concerns, economic competitiveness and energy security remains a core issue for utilities, energy regulators, governments – and citizens. Understanding the Infrastructure Challenge Electric Utility Co. TIME FOR LEADERSHIP ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Canadian Electricity Generation by Fuel Type, 2007 OECD North American Energy Investment Requirements to 2030 Nuclear 14.7% Oil 22.1% Combustion Turbine 4% Internal Combustion 0.2% Hydro 60.4% Conventional Steam 20.6% Power 48.4% Gas 27.8% Coal 1.7% Source: Statistics Canada, Survey 2151 Source: International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2007 • Hydro power is a fundamental component of Canadian electricity production, making up more than 60%. • Since 1990, the largest structural change in the production mix has been a decline in hydro power’s share of total production (from 63% in 1990 to 60% in 2007). • Nuclear power’s share has increased recently, as facilities in Ontario returned to service following refurbishment. • There have been important increases in combustion turbine generation since 1990 (from < 1% in 1990 to 4% today). In 2007, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated that over $4.7 US trillion (cumulative) of energy infrastructure investment is needed from 2006 to 2030 in OECD North America: • $2,246 billion US for electricity • $1,291 billion US for natural gas - 54% Generation • $1,023 billion US for oil - 14% Transmission • $78 billion US for coal - 32% Distribution 5 ELECTRICITY SECTOR SF6 EMISSIONS: PROACTIVELY MANAGING AND TRACKING SF6 USE AND RELEASES Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) is a greenhouse gas (GHG) that has been used for over 30 years in the utility industry as an insulating medium and for arc interruption in electrical transmission, distribution, and generation equipment. The combination of electrical, physical, chemical, and thermal properties makes SF6 unique and indispensable in electric power equipment, with no functionally equivalent substitute. However, the use of SF6 also has environmental consequences. It has a significant global warming potential (GWP), which requires immediate and proactive action by industry to track and manage SF6 use and releases. Recognizing the GWP of SF6, CEA incorporated the management of SF6 into the Association’s Environmental Commitment and Responsibility (ECR) Program. Many CEA member companies have also integrated SF6 into their Environmental Management Systems (EMS), best management practices, and internal occupational health and safety standards. In March 2007, CEA took this good industry practice another step forward with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Environment Canada to cooperate on SF6 release data from the electricity sector and share information on best practices, guidelines, and technology developments on SF6. As part of the MOU, the electricity sector and Environment Canada have now completed a first in kind SF6 emission measurement and reporting protocol for utilities from coast-to-coast-to- coast. The protocol, consistent with the current guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), will be the first detailed guidance document made available for the measurement of SF6 releases from electric utilities. It provides a detailed description of the uses of SF6 within the electricity sector, a description of releases resulting from current maintenance practices, and internationally recommended approaches to the quantification and reporting of SF6 releases. 6 Addressing the Industry’s Challenges through CEA’s Strategic Goals 1. Timely Investment in Infrastructure • We must overcome barriers to timely investment in infrastructure, including siting, rates of return, community acceptance, and public understanding of need. 2. Coordinated, Effective and Efficient Regulatory Regimes • There must be stable policy and regulatory frameworks in place that provide investors with the certainty needed to develop much needed power projects. Coordinated, effective and efficient regulatory regimes within and between governments, and more timely decisions to provide greater certainty for investors are essential to attracting investment in Canada’s electricity system. 3. Coordinated Environmental Management • CEA seeks a holistic approach and greater regulatory coherence on environmental issues, in a manner that is results focused and preserves the widest range of options in a sustainable manner. Governments should pursue a balanced strategy that calls for the generation of power from a mix of fuel sources. Doing so captures the benefits each source brings, and reduces the risks that flow from an over-reliance on a single generation type. 4. Development and Deployment of New Technologies Enhancing Awareness and Collaboration In order to maximize the potential of Canada’s electricity system, governments and industry need to collaborate on a sound public policy framework that will ensure adequate supply, encourage efficient use of our energy resources, and promote environmental sustainability. However, even with effective policy and regulatory conditions in place, the final arbiter and often the most significant hurdle to new infrastructure development is public opinion. The development of the quantification protocol under the MOU marks an important milestone for tracking, quantifying, and managing SF6 emissions in the electricity sector, while enhancing the sector’s contribution to environmental sustainability. Although the electricity sector is a relatively minor emitter of SF6, Canadian electricity companies are leading the way in terms of managing SF6 through responsible action. While there is broad consensus on the importance of reliable and affordable electricity supply to our every day lives, there is a growing disconnect between individual views and the collective interest when it comes to energy infrastructure development. The costs of infrastructure are often evident, while the benefits (reliable electricity supply that powers our homes, businesses and the economy as a whole) tend only to be top of mind during or in the immediate aftermath of power disruptions. It is clear that critical to achieving a reliable electricity future is ensuring the public understands that the cost of unreliable power resulting from a lack of infrastructure development presents significant challenges to the economy and Canadians’ quality of life. This will require a long-term commitment and investment in outreach, education and transparency that will undoubtedly challenge our industry. But the evidence is mounting that if we don’t take on this daunting challenge, the costs of delays, inefficiencies and misunderstandings will be far higher, both to our industry and to the interests of society as a whole. • Maximizing the benefits of leading-edge technologies and deploying next-generation technology is essential to meeting industry and customer needs and to ensure an adequate and sustainable supply of electricity. A strong market based framework (including tax and financial incentives and regulatory reform) will advance investment in commercial technologies that better serve customer needs and meet expectations for sustainability. 5. Energy Efficiency • More needs to be done to encourage Canada to achieve its energy efficiency potential. Customers expect their electricity supplier to provide options to assist them in using electricity more efficiently, to help manage customer costs and minimize environmental impacts. Accordingly, governments and stakeholders must increase efforts in support of energy efficiency information, programs and offerings. Also, governments and industry must focus on energy efficiency as a strategic energy policy that is supported by a long-term and sustained commitment to energy efficiency programs and incentives. 6. Security and Protection of Critical Infrastructure • Governments and industry must collaborate to ensure that the electricity system is protected from physical and cyber threats. Ensuring the long-term security, reliability and stability of the electricity system in Canada, considering its key role in powering other critical infrastructure sectors, is essential to the economy and quality of life. 7 RISK MANAGEMENT: THE KEY TO SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Resource industries – with the electricity sector often leading – have worked closely with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) over the last several years on the development of materials aimed at streamlining the regulatory process. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DFO and the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) was a significant step forward in that working relationship. The multi-sector MOU between DFO and seven trade associations, including CEA, known collectively as the National Resource Industry Associations (NRIA), is another. Both of these activities have emphasized improved communications, consultation, and collaboration, and took as their starting point an initiative begun within DFO, known as the Risk Management Framework. The framework is a simple matrix by which projects affecting fish and fish habitat are classified as low, medium, or high risk. It offers a structured approach to characterize and communicate risks to fish and fish habitat associated with development projects, and to identify appropriate management options to manage risks. Natural resource development projects almost always have some effect on fish and fish habitat, but those effects can fall anywhere on a risk spectrum. However strong or thorough a piece of legislation may be, there is inevitably a need for public officials to review the particular impacts of a project, in other words for a judgment call. A risk management framework brings rules to the game for that judgment call, and in so doing offers a means to reduce arbitrariness and increase certainty. DFO’s Risk Management Framework is now a few years old but it is still early days in its application. Imbedding it in a very busy government department that conducts itself in a highly decentralized manner is challenging. The success of DFO officials in this effort is important however, not only because the Fisheries Act itself is so important as a piece of legislation affecting resource projects, but also because the risk management approach could set a precedent for how a series of other pieces of federal resource legislation are implemented. Four such pieces of legislation are top of mind for resource companies today: the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the Navigable Waters Protection Act, the Species at Risk Act, and the Migratory Birds Convention Act. They all have a significant impact on natural resource management. Like the Fisheries Act, each of these acts is particularly important today, when there is so much activity in the resource FEDERAL MAJOR PROJECTS OFFICE OPEN FOR BUSINESS Large electricity projects typically require a comprehensive environmental assessment, followed by a number of regulatory approvals. Better coordination, more timely outcomes, as well as greater accountability in regulatory decision processes are critical to building needed electricity infrastructure to power Canadian homes and businesses. In February, Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn launched the Major Projects Management Office (MPMO) to provide oversight and accountability to the federal regulatory process, and improve the timeliness and consistency of regulatory approvals. There is a critical linkage between an efficient and effective regulatory system, and Canada’s ability to attract project investment. The federal government and industry alike see an important role for the MPMO to contribute to ensuring innovative and competitive natural resource industries across Canada while strengthening the protection of the environment. The MPMO will track projects as they progress through the regulatory system and work with regulatory departments to identify and solve problems. Its tracking system will also let stakeholders and the public track the progression of individual projects. At the beginning of the process, the Office will establish formal agreements for each project between federal entities. These agreements will include timeframes and targets, including Aboriginal consultation workplans with defined roles and responsibilities. When necessary, the Office will intervene to address blockages of the system. The MPMO will also conduct research, identify areas where problems exist and pilot new approaches to improve Canada's system in both the short and longer term. 9 The 2007 Federal Budget provided $150 million over five years to create the MPMO and enhance the scientific and technical capacity of key regulatory departments and agencies that deal with major resource projects. Participating departments and agencies include the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Natural Resources Canada, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and the National Energy Board. To ensure CEA remains on-track with meeting the evolving needs of an ever-changing industry, the Association’s Board of Directors recently undertook a comprehensive review of its strategic direction. A priority area identified by Board members was the urgent need for more coordinated, effective and efficient regulatory regimes within and between governments and more timely decisions to provide greater certainty for customers and shareholders. The establishment of the MPMO is a step in the right direction. CEA continues to work with federal officials to ensure that the MPMO and related investments in environmental assessment and regulatory capacity will improve the efficiency, predictability and accountability of the federal regulatory system, and improve the integration of all Canadian regulatory jurisdictions as they apply to major natural resource projects. For more information about the MPMO, please visit 10 sector. Canadian resources and Canadian energy are supplying domestic and global economic growth, and the economic gains from that for our society are substantial. But resources cannot be developed nor energy managed if projects cannot proceed because of regulatory delays. No amount of clear permitting authority will be enough to expedite this process, or better protect the environment. The fact remains that there will always be a need for a reasoned assessment of what is and is not a priority concern, and why. A risk management framework is essential to do this. What will it do? Quite simply, it will separate the tough projects from the easy ones. Those projects with lower risks can be managed using tools that permit a greater degree of self-regulation by the project proponent. In the case of the Fisheries Act, lower risk projects are starting to be handled in this way. Best management practice documents and operational statements are being developed by industry in cooperation with DFO and then adhered to by industry to get projects through the regulatory process. By following these and – attesting to the fact that they have done so – industry provides DFO with a means to “check the box” besides the projects in question and focus resources on higher risk projects. An auditing mechanism is currently under development to provide a guarantee that the self-regulatory process conforms to the regulatory objectives. While some argue that industry cannot be trusted to comply in this manner, the existence and success of selfauditing by industry in a host of other areas makes it clear that the approach can work well if properly designed. Managing lower risk projects in this way allows public officials to concentrate their resources on the higher risk projects, and ensure that they are really getting the attention they deserve. By definition, higher risk projects could have a greater negative impact on the environment, and so require the time and effort of professionals (engineers, biologists and others) to ensure that the best designs, the best mitigation efforts, the best compensatory regimes, are used to minimize those negative impacts. In so doing, a more sustainable resource project can proceed, and Canadians can rest assured that public money dedicated to protecting our wealth of resources is being well spent. This is sustainable resource management. Where to from here? For the electricity sector, involvement with DFO has been a long and at times a very confrontational process. Change doesn’t occur quickly, but through sustained cooperative engagement much progress has been made in applying a risk management based approach that meets the concerns of both sides. This needs to be encouraged, not just for the ongoing work with DFO, but with regulators responsible for the other pieces of legislation identified above. CEA and other industry trade associations need to lead this effort – it will mean a more efficient and effective regulatory process, driving our economy forward, and maintaining our environmental well-being. 11 Energy efficiency isn’t a zero-sum game, where the choice is between sacrificing quality of life or the environment. It’s about putting utilities and consumers in the driver’s seat to control how and when we use energy. Cellnet+Hunt is leading the way with the one network ready to combine smart metering, smart grid and personal energy management communications. That’s what it means to Manage Energy Better. Learn more about how to manage energy better by visiting Scott Thon President and CEO CEA Member Utility Profiles 08 AltaLink ATCO Electric ATCO Power BC Hydro BC Transmission Corporation Brookfield Renewable Power ENMAX Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Everyday Albertans use electricity – to make their morning coffee, to run their businesses, to light up their early days on the farm – and we need to be there when they flip the switch. There’s no question Alberta’s appetite for electricity continues to grow. AltaLink is committed to transmitting electricity from Alberta’s generators to the more than 85 per cent of Albertans we serve. Our most important issue for 2008 is to meet the electricity needs of our existing and new customers by getting much needed new transmission facilities in place. • Creating Customer Value: Continuing to develop strong relationships with customers by listening, communicating and working with our many customer and stakeholder groups to identify opportunities and solutions which meet their needs. EPCOR Meeting the Needs of our Customers FortisAlberta Our team has been dedicated to ensuring Albertans have reliable electric supply since AltaLink assumed responsibility of our province’s largest transmission grid in 2002. Without a significant upgrade to the transmission system in more than 20 years, the need to reinforce the system and serve Albertans is urgent. FortisBC Horizons Utilities Hydro One Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. Manitoba Hydro Maritime Electric New Brunswick Power • Operational Excellence: Delivering value to Alberta ratepayers by achieving operational excellence through continuous improvement of our business practices and processes. • Supporting the Growth: Recognizing the importance of a reliable and efficient transmission system in a strong economy, AltaLink will look to find new, innovative ways to collaboratively build much needed transmission infrastructure in Alberta. • Positioning AltaLink as an Employer of Choice: Attracting, retaining and building relationships with the qualified workforce needed to sustain and grow our business. Everyday, we strive for continuous improvement in order to get the necessary transmission infrastructure built and to keep the lights on in a more cost-effective way. By focusing on several areas – creating customer value, operational excellence, supporting Alberta’s growth and positioning AltaLink as an employer of choice – we will provide Albertans with safe, reliable and cost-effective transmission service well into the future. Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Newfoundland Power Company Data Ownership: Northwest Territories Power Corp. Nova Scotia Power A Limited Partnership owned indirectly by SNC Lavalin Group Inc. (76.92%) and Macquarie Transmission Alberta (23.08%) Number of Employees Approximately 365 Revenues $213,439,000 million for the 12 months ended December 31, 2007 Saskatoon Light & Power Total Assets $1,450,298,000 as at December 31, 2007 SaskPower Transmission Network AltaLink owns and operates the largest transmission system in Alberta, supplying electricity to 85 per cent of the province’s population. AltaLink is responsible for the maintenance and operation of more than 11,600 kilometres of transmission lines and approximately 260 substations in Alberta. Ontario Power Generation Saint John Energy Toronto Hydro Corporation TransAlta TransCanada The Danford Arm is a hydraulically powered, boom-mounted robotic arm designed and intended for use at both distribution and transmission voltage levels. The Danford Arm makes energized work on transmission lines safer and more efficient. Yukon Energy 15 Sett Policicchio President Rick Brouwer President Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Ensuring the safe and reliable delivery of electricity to our customers. • Improve safety performance. • Implement human resources strategies that will support the company’s projected growth. • Manage capital growth. Operational excellence. • Continue to focus on operational excellence in all areas of our organization. • Assessing and developing organic and external growth opportunities • Continuous improvement in health, safety, and environmental performance. • Implementing a human resources strategy to support the business plans and sustained growth. • Working collaboratively with the communities where we operate. During 2007, ATCO Electric experienced record levels of capital work in distribution and transmission due to intense economic activity and growing customer demand in Alberta. This kind of growth creates both challenges and opportunities, particularly with those operations in the high growth areas of the province like Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie. The company invested a record amount of capital in 2007 – more than $296 million. This is over 30 per cent more than was spent in 2006, the previous record year. That included more than $161 million invested in distribution and $91 million in transmission. ATCO Electric also invested millions of dollars in technology, fleet and isolated generation. We continue to differentiate the company as a preferred place to work given our remote locations and the challenges that come with recruiting in a busy economy. ATCO Electric has programs to support engineers-in-training, new accountants and technologists and we are bringing many new apprentices on board as well. Company Data Ownership ATCO Group Number of Customers 197,364 Number of Employees More than 1,200 Energy Delivered 10,258,000 MWh Transmission and Distribution Network Subsidiary Companies Geographically, ATCO Electric serves almost two-thirds of Alberta, delivering electric energy to petroleum and forestry companies, farms, towns and cities, First Nations and Métis Settlements in 245 communities. Yukon Electrical Company Limited, Northland Utilities In 2007, ATCO Electric’s own power lineman apprenticeship program held its largest classes yet, and we are expecting further increases. In addition to intensive classroom learning, the program gives apprentices hands-on field experience working side-by-side with veteran linemen who can pass on some of their years of expertise and experience. Apprentices are paid throughout their training. Our corporate objective is to be the safest electrical utility in Canada; and “best in class” among members of the Canadian Electricity Association. Our aim is to meet and exceed safety requirements to keep our employees, customers and the public safe. Operational Excellence ATCO Power’s mission is to increase shareowner value by developing, owning, and operating world-class power generation projects in Canada and selected global markets. Our focus in 2008 will be on enhancing the performance of our operations, capitalizing on development opportunities, respecting the environment and the health and safety of our people, and building and maintaining positive relationships with the people in the communities where we live, work, and operate. Overarching these objectives is a requirement to attract and retain a highly skilled and motivated workforce. Company Data Ownership Canadian Utilities Limited / ATCO Ltd. Number of Employees 475 Revenues $828.5 million (2007) Total Assets $2,412 million (2007) Generation Capacity 2,687 MW (2007) Energy Produced 14,856 GWh (2007) Subsidiaries ATCO Power is a world-class developer, construction manager, owner and operator of technologically advanced and environmentally progressive independent power generation plants. ATCO Power Canada Ltd.; ATCO Power Generation Ltd.; ATCO Power Australia Pty Ltd., Alberta Power (2000) Ltd.; ATCO Resources Ltd.; ASHCOR Technologies Ltd. Dan Vachon (left) and Bill Woroschuk are part of the transmission line crew based in Vegreville Alberta. 16 17 Bob Elton President and CEO 500 MW unit at Revelstoke and the redevelopment of our Aberfeldie Generating Station are examples of this reinvestment. Most Important Issue BC Hydro continues to focus on planning for British Columbia’s electricity future by addressing the emerging supply/demand gap. Securing our Future for Generations BC Hydro is in the midst of perhaps the most exciting and active period since we completed the construction of our major hydroelectric facilities in the early 1980s. The initiatives we are undertaking today are critical to British Columbia achieving energy self-sufficiency by 2016, and ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same benefits of low-cost, reliable power that we enjoy today. The 2007 release of the Province’s BC Energy Plan: A Vision for Clean Energy Leadership aligns with many of the initiatives BC Hydro has been undertaking over the past few years. Among the Energy Plan’s action items, BC Hydro will be focusing on meeting 50 per cent of incremental resource needs through conservation and efficiency by 2020; ensuring that all new electricity projects will have zero net greenhouse gas emissions; and generating clean or renewable electricity that will continue to account for at least 90 per cent of total generation, placing the Province’s standard among the top jurisdictions in the world. To help address the gap between electricity demand and that which can be supplied from existing resources, we have developed an updated Demand Side Management plan that will aggressively target 10,000 GWh of savings by 2020. In addition, we are investing significant resources in our existing heritage assets to ensure that the low-cost benefits these provide continue into the future. Projects such as the addition of a fifth BC Hydro is also seeking additional supply of clean power from Independent Power Producers through our Standing Offer Program for small-sized generation projects, our Clean Power Call to contract for up to 5,000 GWh of energy a year, and our Bio-Energy Call to utilize wood waste and diseased timber. We are also undertaking comprehensive consultation on the potential Site C hydroelectric project on the Peace River to explore this resource option. Our ability to deliver on our business goals and priorities depends on the strength of our people. Most industrial sectors face an aging workforce and a shrinking labour market, and ours is no different. We are addressing this challenge by actively investing in hiring and retaining highly qualified employees, developing a diverse workforce and building leadership throughout our company. BC Hydro is committed to fulfilling our primary purpose, which is to provide clean, reliable power at low cost for generations. We will achieve this through a commutative and collaborative approach with our customers, First Nations, communities in which we operate, and other stakeholders. 2008 Company Objectives BC Hydro will be working to return the province to electricity selfsufficiency by 2016. Realization of this target will require us to focus conserving more, buying more clean energy from Independent Power Producers, and building more by reinvesting in our heritage assets and assessing new resources. As we address these issues, we will continue to focus on our short-term priorities: safety; reliability of supply and for customers; climate change, energy conservation and efficiency; financial targets; customer satisfaction; and people. Company Data Ownership Commercial Crown Corporation, owned by the Province of British Columbia Energy Produced Between 43,000 and 54,000 GWh of electricity annually Number of Customers More than 1.7 million Generation Capacity Number of Employees 4,546 (as of March 31, 2007) Our generation system, of which 90% is based on clean, renewable hydroelectricity, has a total installed capacity of 11,300 MW 10,113 MW, recorded in Fiscal 2007 Revenues Net income in fiscal 2007 was $407 million. Domestic sales were $2,791 million and trade electricity sales were $1,406 million. 52,911 GWh were sold domestically, with 41,336 GWh through trade in fiscal 2007. Peak Demand for Power Transmission and Distribution Network Electricity is transmitted through approximately 18,280 kilometres of transmission lines and 56,000 kilometres of distribution lines. Subsidiaries Powerex Corp. is a leading marketer of wholesale energy products and services in Western Canada and the United States. Powertech Labs offers a full range of engineering, testing, and analysis services to clients around the world. Total Assets $12,845 million Total Electricity Sold 94,247 GWh (Fiscal 2007) Total Energy Sales $4,197 million (Fiscal 2007) 18 Jane Peverett President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Overcoming issues of community acceptance in planning and implementing new transmission expansion and enhancement. • Reliability, Costs and Service: Achieve reliability improvements while lowering costs and delivering outstanding service. • Market Efficiency: Ensure efficient use and development of the transmission system. • Environment and Safety: Continually improve our environmental and safety management performance. • Relationships: Build open and constructive relationships with stakeholders and First Nations. • Organization & People: Build an engaged and highly skilled workforce. • Financial Return: Deliver the allowed return to our shareholder annually. Meeting the Need: Building for a Clean and Reliable Energy Future As a government-owned Crown corporation, BC Transmission Corporation (BCTC) is committed to our mandate to plan, operate and maintain the transmission system and continue the delivery of safe, reliable, and cost-effective electricity to the province. We’re driven by the BC Energy Plan and its call for clean, renewable energy, and we are conscious of the need to integrate new, energy-efficient technology into the transmission system. With the future in mind, BCTC will continue to invest in improvements and reinforcements to extend the life and enhance the capacity of our transmission system. Currently, the majority of BC’s transmission system is between 40 and 50 years old, and BCTC is working to make our system more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sound. New transmission lines and other system reinforcements mean reliable, cost-effective energy for communities across BC. One of the biggest challenges we face in delivering infrastructure improvements is community acceptance of new transmission lines. Communicating British Columbia’s need for transmission improvements to communities will play a key role in developing long-term solutions to meet growing energy demands across the province. Company Data Ownership Crown corporation owned by the Province of British Columbia Number of Customers 26 wholesale transmission customers Number of Employees 408 Revenues $189.8 million in 2007 Total Assets $145.6 million Transmission Network 287 substations; 18,280 km of high voltage lines BCTC is dedicated to working with stakeholders to develop expansions that will meet the needs of our growing and dynamic province. By working with communities, customers, and our transmission partners, we are delivering state-of-the-art, efficient and cost-effective solutions to transmission expansion in BC. Building BC’s transmission future. 19 Richard Legault President and Co-CEO Gary Holden President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Producing reliable, low cost power with a priority on health, safety and the environment. • Expand our high-quality, long life asset base through acquisition or development. • Promote excellence in all our operations. • Expand core competencies in other generation technologies. • Achieve excellence in safety performance and be recognition as industry leaders in accident prevention. • Manage natural resources in ways to ensure sustainable development. Deliver creative solutions to provide cleaner, reliable energy for our customers. • Provide leadership in areas of new technology. • Expand generation capacity. Brookfield Renewable Power manages the power generating and marketing operations of Brookfield Asset Management, a global asset manager focused on property, power and other infrastructure assets. Building on 100 years of experience, Brookfield Renewable Power is a leading producer and developer of primarily renewable power, using water and wind resources, with a growing portfolio of generating assets. Currently, operations include over 160 generating facilities that provide energy to markets in North America and Brazil. In 2007, total assets increased to US$6.8 billion from US$5.4 billion due in part to the acquisition and development of power facilities. We increased the overall installed capacity during the year by 117 megawatts through the addition of 18 facilities with expected annual generation of 500 gigawatt hours. We acquired five facilities in North America with installed capacity of 28 megawatts at a cost of US$67 million. We also increased the number of facilities in Brazil by 13 through acquisitions and development at a total cost of US$188 million. In addition, we have six hydroelectric facilities under construction that will expand our capacity by 145 megawatts at a total projected cost of US$352 million. Brookfield Renewable Power takes responsibility for managing natural resources in ways that ensure sustainable development. In 2007, the company implemented 14 sustainable development initiatives with a total investment of more than $1 million. These projects, which support communities surrounding our facilities, are aimed at conservation, preservation and the support of economic development. The Brookfield Renewable Power management philosophy is guided by a core set of values dedicated to protection and enhancement of the environment, health and safety of employees and the public, and a commitment to local communities. Going forward, we will continue to maintain our growth momentum in the North American and Brazil energy markets by remaining focused on acquisition and development opportunities. Company Data Ownership Brookfield Renewable Power comprises the power generating, distribution and marketing operations of Brookfield Asset Management Inc. Number of Customers Primarily public utilities, industrial customers and other market participants in North America and Brazil Number of Employees 1,000 across North America and Brazil Revenues US$963 million (12 months ended December 31, 2007, including operations in North America and Brazil) Total Assets US$6.8 billion in high quality power assets Energy Produced 13,000 GWh Generation Capacity 3,900 MW Distribution Network Great Lakes Power Ltd. Company Data Strong. Simple. Sustainable. Three important words at ENMAX that serve as guideposts for 2008 as we continue to advance our company's projects, as well as launch new ideas and initiatives. We draw our strength from our solid financial record coupled with the expertise of our employees – whether they are keeping the lights on in the middle of the night, exploring more energy-efficient ways of generating and delivering electricity to our customers, or finding ways to provide the highest quality billing and customer care services. It is on this strong foundation that we confidently forge ahead to bring new solutions to the industry. One of our major accomplishments in 2007 was the official opening of our 80 MW Taber Wind Farm, the largest project of its kind in Alberta. We're proud of the fact that our wind farm is a source of clean energy and we continue to pursue initiatives that underscore our commitment to sustainability. We're even getting closer to offering energy-efficient micro-generation options for the home or business. 2008 will see ENMAX continue to be a reliable and safe energy provider and retailer for more than half a million customers throughout Alberta. Plans to build two new gas-fired generation facilities in southern Alberta will ensure our long-term ability to better serve our customers. Our highly popular EasyMax energy retail program, which grew in leaps and bounds in 2007, will continue to offer customers a competitive choice in the deregulated market. Through it all, our focus is to keep it simple. We'll make it easy for households to adopt energy-efficient technologies and save money at the same time. We strive to make the overall customer experience just as easy. We'll make it as simple as ... turning on the lights. (Data is for year end 2007) Ownership City of Calgary, 100% Number of Customers 500,000 Number of Employees 1,226 Revenues $2.1 billion Total Assets $2.5 billion Energy Delivered 33,987 GWh Generation Capacity 1,892 MW (includes wind power generation and PPAs) Peak Demand for Power 1,559 MW Transmission and Distribution Network 7,514 km Total Energy Sales 15,958 GWh Subsidiaries ENMAX Energy Corp., ENMAX Power Corp., ENMAX Energy Marketing Inc., ENMAX Commercial Energy Marketing Inc., ENMAX Envision Inc., ENMAX Green Power Inc., Valeo Power Corp., Furry Creek Power Ltd., Hydromax Energy Ltd., ENMAX Power Services Corp., ENMAX Utility Services Ltd., ENMAX Encompass Inc., EnPower Green Energy Generation Inc. The Taber Wind Farm, developed by ENMAX Green Power Inc., is the largest project of its kind in Alberta, with 37 Enercon turbines located southeast of the town of Taber. The wind farm has a total generation output of 80 MW – enough to power more than 32,000 homes. 20 21 Don Lowry President and CEO Most Important Issue EPCOR’s focus in 2008 will be on implementing our capital program, monitoring the company’s risk exposure and financial position, building the competitiveness of the EPCOR Power L.P., and using our environment strategy as an enabler for our business. EPCOR’s people continue to make progress toward our goal of becoming one of the best power and water companies in North America. We are focused on implementing a plan to invest almost $4 billion over the next five years (2008-12) – $3 billion in new power generation and infrastructure and about $1 billion in new water and wastewater facilities – while, at the same time, transforming the processes we use to run our business. The company’s income growth depends on expansions at our current operations, improved operational effectiveness, and the successful development and acquisition of power and water assets. EPCOR’s capital plan remained on track in 2007 with investments approaching $500 million. In February 2007 we began construction of the 495 megawatt (MW) Keephills 3 power generation project which we co-own with TransAlta Corporation. We also received approval to build 243 MW of new power generation at our Clover Bar site, using three high-efficiency natural gas turbines. The first Clover Bar unit with a capacity of 43.4 MW entered operation in the first quarter of 2008. Following many months of planning and a successful public consultation process, our Distribution and Transmission business began construction on its Downtown Edmonton Supply and Substation (DESS) project. The project includes a 10.5 kilometre underground power transmission line that will help meet Edmonton’s growing electricity demand. Looking to the future, we also invested in design and early-stage development for projects that have the potential to deliver dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from power generation. This includes our partnership with Natural Resources Canada and the Alberta Energy Research Institute on the Front End Engineering and Design of a near-zero emission power plant at our Genesee site. We are also exploring the possibility of providing power and recycled water to the Carbon Development Partnership’s Dodds-Roundhill project, potentially Canada’s first commercial coal gasification facility. While we continue to pursue new technologies, we also caution that the pace of implementation must be realistic. For these technologies to become economically achievable, we will need to overcome technical barriers and adopt market designs that flow the costs of cleaner electricity through to consumers. The costs should ultimately be borne by each of us as citizens and consumers of power because we will each benefit from improved environmental performance. 22 This is an exciting period in EPCOR’s history. The challenges before us are many; how we resolve them will help shape the evolution of Canada’s power industry for decades to come. 2008 Company objectives • Continue with construction of the 495 MW Keephills 3 supercritical coal plant co-owned with TransAlta Corporation. • Installation of the second of three natural gas-fired turbines at the Clover Bar Energy Centre, and planned completion of the Edmonton Downtown Supply and Substation project. • Continue to examine the project design, schedule and regulatory process for the Kingsbridge II Wind Power Project. • Continue to pursue cleaner power generation through the Genesee IGCC project and explore supplying power and recycled water to the Carbon Development Partnership’s Dodds-Roundhill project. • Advocate for public policies that support our vision of cleaner power, cleaner water and a cleaner future, and address the lack of transmission infrastructure. • Continue to design internal processes that optimize returns on existing assets, achieve operational improvements, and create a zero-injury culture. Company Data Ownership City of Edmonton, sole shareholder Number of Customers 600,000 (regulated retail rate, Alberta) Number of Employees 2,800 Revenues $3.7 billion (consolidated, 2007) Total Assets $6.6 billion (consolidated, 2007) Energy Produced 14,224 GWh (EPCOR and EPCOR Power L.P.-owned units) Generation Capacity 3,400 MW (responsible for operating) Distribution Network 8 distribution substations, 284 distribution feeders and approximately 5,000 circuit km of primary distribution lines serving about 321,000 customers in the City of Edmonton Selected Subsidiaries EPCOR Power L.P., TSX:EP.UN (EPCOR Utilities Inc. owns 30.6% interest) EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. EPCOR Power Development Corporation EPCOR Energy Alberta Inc. EPCOR Merchant and Capital L.P. EPCOR Water Services Inc. Karl Smith President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Delivering quality customer service is fundamental to FortisAlberta’s success. In 2008, the Company will enhance customer service through targeted initiatives such as: • Continue to deliver consistent earnings driven by customer growth and an increased rate base. • Improve customer service through key initiatives such as enhancing relationships with developers and other key customer groups, implementing automated metering technology, expanding use of electricity-driven equipment for oil and gas opportunities and establishing new performance targets for new customer connections, outage management and first call resolution. • Focus on discretionary capital spending through strategic investments in the electrical system to improve reliability through initiatives such as replacing aging facilities, improving construction standards, upgrading lines and installing distribution automation equipment to restore service faster. • Improve operational capacity and meet customer demands for new load by connecting approximately 13,000 new customers to the electric system. • Continue improvement in safety performance and increase public awareness of electrical safety hazards through new work techniques and equipment, safety education, and training to employees and external high-risk groups. • Increase visibility in Company’s service territory through community investment programs highlighting safety, education and the environment such as partnerships with Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society, Alberta Birds of Prey Centre and other initiatives such as United Way, Junior Achievement, 4-H and CIBC’s Run for the Cure. • building relationships with customers and key stakeholders; • installing automated metering technology to provide accurate daily meter reads and eliminate the need for estimated metering; and • implementing new responsiveness targets for new customer connections, outage management and first call resolution. Managing Growth and Focusing on Customers Operating in a robust economy with increased customer demands, FortisAlberta’s focus in 2008 will be to balance customer needs, reliability, safety and environmental requirements with prudent capital investment to improve reliability and service for customers. In 2008, FortisAlberta will focus on improvements in all areas of interactions with customers and stakeholders. Providing excellent customer service is fundamental to FortisAlberta’s future success whether it is managing outages and first-call resolutions or responding quickly to a request for a new customer connection. The Company’s challenge has been, and continues to be, achieving performance improvements during a period of record capital investment, significant customer growth and increased regulatory requirements. FortisAlberta will spend approximately $286 million in capital in 2008 to build additional load capacity mainly to meet customer growth requirements. The Company is also investing in other infrastructure to benefit customers such as automated metering technology. This new system will eliminate estimated meter reads, reduce overall operating costs associated with manual meter reading and improve billing accuracy for customers. Other capital projects include maintaining and upgrading lines, replacing vintage poles and information technology. The Company’s strong reliability performance is a direct result of the improved condition of its assets through targeted capital investment and enhancements in preventative maintenance. While FortisAlberta continues to achieve high reliability performance, it also continues to seek improvement in the strength and integrity of its electric distribution network through the strategic replacement of existing equipment. FortisAlberta’s safety performance generally exceeds the Canadian average for utilities of comparable size. In 2008, the Company will improve safety performance through additional training for apprentices and new hires, refresher training for experienced staff, continued investment in new tools and equipment and the development of new work techniques. Through partnerships with the government and other industry stakeholders, FortisAlberta will also continue its efforts to provide safety education and awareness to reduce the number of public contacts with electrical facilities. Company Data Ownership FortisAlberta is a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Fortis Inc., the largest investorowned distribution utility in Canada, serving almost two million gas and electric customers. Number of Customers 448,100 Number of Employees 999 Revenues $269,898,000 Total Assets $1,500,244,000 Peak Demand for Power 3,182 MWh Distribution Network 106,000 km (operate) Total Energy Sales 15,378 GWh 23 John Walker President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Meeting public policy requirements around climate change and broader environmental issues, while delivering safe, reliable electricity to our growing customer base at the lowest reasonable cost. • Exceed customer expectations through efficient, reliable service, at the lowest reasonable cost. • Provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace that fosters personal growth and rewards initiative, action and productivity. • Operate in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. • Optimize shareholder return. Continuing to create value for shareholders, customers and the communities we serve in an increasingly complex regulatory environment. • Mergers and Acquisitions. • New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Business System Implementation. • Enhanced Asset Management Model. • Smart Meter Integration. FortisBC’s 2008 priorities focus on safety performance, capital plan execution, environmental stewardship, customer satisfaction, and the attraction and retention of skilled and motivated employees. Today, British Columbia is experiencing strong economic growth. At FortisBC we are supporting growth in the communities we serve through ongoing maintenance and capital investment in the electric system. The Company is executing a multi-year strategy that will build additional capacity into the electric system to meet load growth while providing long term reliability improvements and minimizing operating costs over time. In 2008, we will invest an additional $109.6 million to execute capital projects. During this period of intense capital construction, safety performance continues to be strong with employees demonstrating a solid commitment to both personal and public safety. In the year ahead, the Company will focus on sustaining safety achievements through enhanced safety awareness and accident prevention programs. Improving customer service is another key priority in FortisBC’s strategic plan. We continue to implement programs that enable us to costeffectively improve customer service through timely communication, streamlined processes, and the introduction of new technology. Central to these and all other Company initiatives is the ongoing involvement, commitment and focus of our employees. Recognizing the importance of a skilled and motivated workforce, we actively participate in activities that support successful recruitment and retention, including employee-driven initiatives, apprenticeship and scholarship programs. Company Data Ownership FortisBC Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fortis Pacific Holdings Inc. which is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Fortis Inc., a Canadian public company. Number of Customers 154,000 Number of Employees 532 Revenues $218,295,000 Total Assets $913,305,000 Energy Delivered 3,125 GWh Energy Produced 1,498 GWh Generation Capacity 223 MW Peak Demand for Power 683 MW Transmission and 6,900 km Distribution Network Total Energy Sales $211,400,000 In 2008 FortisBC will embark on two significant regulatory processes – a resource planning process and a full cost of service and rate design study. Both processes will take into account the challenges and opportunities presented by Government policy around climate change and broader environmental issues. At FortisBC we are committed to minimizing the impact of our operations on the environment. We apply best practices that ensure appropriate environmental protection measures are in place for all FortisBC business activities, and are working with our communities and the government to help address global environmental issues. FortisBC President and CEO John Walker is actively involved as a member of British Columbia’s provincial Climate Action Team established by Premier Gordon Campbell in 2007. The team’s mandate is to offer advice on feasible actions to achieve emission reduction targets set for 2012, 2016 and 2020. FortisBC powerline technicians working at Big White Mountain. Growth Through Sector Consolidation Horizon Utilities’ focus in 2008 will be on growth through mergers and acquisitions and ensuring the appropriate structures exist for distribution utilities to participate fully in conservation and supply/demand initiatives needed to address Ontario’s future electricity requirements. Company Data Ownership Horizon Holdings Inc. Number of Customers 232,628 (Service territory – City of Hamilton and City of St. Catharines) Horizon views the highly fragmented nature of the distribution sector and the resulting scale of distributors in Ontario as significant opportunities to create enhanced shareholder and customer value. Horizon continues to be committed and supportive of utility mergers and acquisitions and intends to play a leadership role in the consolidation of our sector. Number of Employees 336 Revenues $94.6 million Total Assets $418 million With regard to meeting Ontario’s conservation and supply/demand requirements, Horizon will continue to be an industry leader. This includes our track record on the design and delivery of conservation programs that add value to our customers and the timely connections with generators that are targeted to meet regional supply and demand issues. Peak Demand for Power 1,051 MW Distribution Network 3,541 km of line Total Energy Sales $523 million Energy Delivered 5,547 GWh Robert Palmese – Palmese Photodesign Group - Hamilton Strategic, Sustainable Growth 24 Max Cananzi President and CEO Generation Conservation, an exciting, hands-on, 10-module, curriculum-based, energy conservation course is being rolled out to 7,500 Grade 5 students in 200 schools in Hamilton and St. Catharines. 25 Laura Formusa President and CEO Rosemarie T. Leclair President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue To meet the growing electricity needs of Ontario’s communities, Hydro One is engaged in its largest infrastructure renewal program in more than two decades. • Continue to operate the existing transmission and distribution system in a manner that is commercial and transparent. • Work with our industry partners to ensure that electricity is delivered safely, reliably and affordably to our customers. • Maintain operational excellence and remain absolutely and resolutely committed to safety and to a cleaner environment. • Listen to our customers and be flexible, creative and transparent at every stage of infrastructure renewal projects. • Continue to implement aggressive workforce renewal programs to recruit an entirely new generation of energy professionals. • Continue to develop a Smart Network to modernize our distribution operations. • Renew our work on a Ten-Year Transmission Plan to support the Ontario Power Authority’s Integrated Power System Plan. • Help our customers conserve energy – a precious resource, thereby supporting the Province’s efforts to create a conservation culture in Ontario. Continue to enhance customer value through service excellence and innovation, providing safe, reliable and responsive services at competitive rates. Partners in Powerful Communities In 2008, our focus will remain on our core business of transmitting electricity safely and reliably to Ontario homes and businesses. As stewards of Ontario’s massive and complex electricity transmission system, Hydro One is continuing to make significant progress on a number of critical system investment initiatives. These initiatives include improving the use of existing infrastructure, relieving internal congestion points and delivering new clean generation, including renewables, into our system. The largest aspect of our system augmentation is improving transmission capabilities in southern Ontario. A new 180-km 500-kV transmission line, scheduled to be in service by the end of 2011, will deliver approximately 3,000 MW of emission-free power to Ontarians. Public awareness and understanding of the need for projects is at the heart of their acceptance. Working well with our stakeholders is the only way to ensure we can complete the enormous amount of work to be done. At every opportunity, we meet people in the communities where they live, understand their issues and work with them transparently to ensure Ontarians have the electricity they need, when they need it. Company Data Ownership Owned by the Province of Ontario Number of Customers 1.3 million Number of Employees 4,600 regular employees Revenues $4,655 million A Leading, Trusted, Community Company To be recognized as a leading, trusted, community company – that is the vision the Hydro Ottawa Group of Companies has set for itself: Leading the sector in efficient, reliable service and the creation of shareholder value; trusted by our customers, our employees, our shareholder, our community and our industry colleagues; and always acting as a responsible and engaged corporate citizen in our community, reflecting our dual mandate as both a financial investment and a community asset delivering essential services. In 2007, we made significant progress toward this vision by maintaining excellent service reliability and keeping our costs low, and by continuing to invest in our assets and our people, developing and retaining the skills we need for the future. Total Assets $12,790 million Peak Demand for Power 25,737 MW Distribution Network 123,000 circuit kilometres We also continued to enhance our engagement with the communities where we do business. We were recognized for our efforts in energy conservation with a PeakBuster Award from the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, received two awards for our work promoting safety in our community, and finished second among medium-sized utilities across Canada in the J.D. Power & Associates Customer Satisfaction Study. Our core electricity distribution company, Hydro Ottawa Limited, received ISO certification of its management systems for both Health and Safety and Environment. And with Smart Meters installed in more than half of our customers homes, we are well on our way to meeting the provincial government’s mandate to deploy Smart Meters across our service territory. Subsidiaries Hydro One Networks, Hydro One Telecom, Hydro One Remote Communities Each of these positive results is a testament to the commitment to excellence and improvement that employees across the group of companies bring to their work. Energy Delivered 152.2 TWh (in 2007) To ensure that Hydro Ottawa continues to prosper in the years ahead, we will continue to focus on the things that have brought us success – efficient and effective operations, asset management and reinvestment, strong financial performance, customer value, and responsible corporate citizenship. We will also continue to invest in our employees, and to prepare for the challenges of the future by expanding our apprenticeship programs. We look forward to continued success in 2008 as we continue to pursue our vision. Hydro One’s high-voltage line maintainers work together to ensure Ontario has a safe, reliable supply of electricity. 26 An important investment: Hydro Ottawa’s in-house Apprenticeship Program will ensure future reliability with a qualified and highly trained workforce. 2008 Company Objectives • Enhance customer value by providing safe, reliable and responsive services at competitive rates to the customers and communities that we serve; • Achieve solid financial and operating results by cultivating a culture of excellence and continuous improvement; • Continue to demonstrate leadership in conservation and Smart Meter implementation; and • Contribute to the well being of our community by acting as a responsible and involved corporate citizen. Company Data Ownership Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc. is wholly owned by the City of Ottawa Number of Customers 282,000 electricity distribution Number of Employees 570 Revenues $680.6 million Total Assets $684.4 million Energy Delivered 7,466 GWh Energy Produced 120.15 GWh Generation Capacity 21 MW Peak Demand for Power 1,205,186 kW Distribution Network 3,450 km (overhead); and 2,000 km (underground) Total Energy Sales 7,466 GWh Subsidiaries Hydro Ottawa Limited, Energy Ottawa Inc., Telecom Ottawa Limited. 27 Bob Brennan, FCA President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives A top priority for the Corporation is improving the safety record of its employees. Major new initiatives were undertaken during the year and progress is being made towards achieving an even safer workplace. (From Manitoba Hydro’s Corporate Strategic Plan) Manitoba Hydro made significant progress on several major projects during the year while continuing to focus on its mission of providing Manitobans with a long-term supply of energy in a safe, cost-effective, reliable and environmentally appropriate manner. A major accomplishment was getting work underway on an access road to the site of the future Wuskwatim Generating Station. The project has an in-service date of 2012 and is being developed by the Wuskwatim Power Limited Partnership (WPLP), a unique business relationship between Manitoba Hydro and the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN). This is the first time Manitoba Hydro has entered into a formal partnership with a First Nations community, and it is believed to be precedent-setting for Canada. Our new head-office is rapidly taking shape as it becomes the latest addition to Winnipeg’s downtown skyline. In November we reached the top floor as concrete was poured for the 22nd storey. The 695,000 square-foot building, which will be home to more than 2000 Manitoba Hydro employees, is a landmark achievement in energy efficiency for large office towers worldwide. Using a carefully selected building site, a range of state-of-the-art design features and innovative building systems, Manitoba Hydro’s new head office will use 60 per cent less energy when compared to a new office tower of conventional design. This signature building affirms Manitoba Hydro’s commitment to energy efficiency and sustainable development as we look to reduce the impact of our operations on the natural environment. The opportunity for future export sales remained very favourable when our utility signed a Term Sheet with Xcel Energy’s Northern States Power company of Minnesota in late 2007 to provide over $2.2 billion in hydropower over 10 years. The sale, which would begin in 2015, must still be approved by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and Canada’s National Energy Board but the prospects are indeed promising. Manitoba Hydro continues to enjoy success in increasing employment of Aboriginals as part of Hydro’s workforce. The Corporation has put in place several programs to assist in further elevating Aboriginal representation in the workforce and to provide a broader range of career opportunities for all Aboriginal people. During the year, the Corporation’s employees once again supported a number of Manitoba communities through involvement in events both large and small. I’m very proud of our employees’ volunteer efforts and would also like to acknowledge their efforts in continuing to meet the energy needs of Manitobans with skill and dedication. I am justifiably proud of all of them. 28 1. Improve safety in the work environment. 2. Provide customers with exceptional value. 3. Be a leader in strengthening working relationships with Aboriginal peoples. 4. Improve corporate financial strength. 5. Maximize export power net revenues. 6. Attract, develop and retain a highly motivated workforce that reflects the demographics of Manitoba. 7. Be proactive in protecting the environment and the leading utility in promoting sustainable energy supply and service. 8. Be an outstanding corporate citizen. 9. Proactively support agencies responsible for business development in Manitoba. 10.Be a national leader in implementing cost-effective energy conservation and alternative energy programs. Company Data Ownership Manitoba Hydro is a Crown Corporation owned by the people of Manitoba. The governance of the Corporation is administered through the Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board, whose 11 members are appointed by the LieutenantGovernor in Council. Number of Customers 516,861 (electricity) 259,569 (gas) Number of Employees 5,567 Revenues $2,140,000,000 Total Assets $10,964,000,000 Energy Delivered Manitoba: 20,555 MWh, Exports: 8,217 MWh, Gas deliveries: 2,056,000,000 cubic metres Generation Capacity 5,461 MW Peak Demand for Power 4,173 MW Subsidiaries Manitoba Hydro International, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, Manitoba Hydro Utility Services Fred J. O’Brien President and CEO Most Important Issue Company Data Ownership Wholly owned subsidiary of Fortis Inc. Number of Customers 71,900 Number of Employees 179 Since 1918 Maritime Electric has provided service on Prince Edward Island and is a fully integrated Company that provides for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity to 71,900 customers. The Company and its 179 employees are committed to providing safe, reliable electricity throughout its service territory. Revenues $128,809,000 Total Assets $361,255,000 The substantial increases in the cost of fossil fuels and the refurbishment of the Point Lepreau Generating Station, for which the Company has an entitlement agreement, are among the factors that continue to put significant upward pressure on energy supply costs. Generation Capacity 150 MW Peak Demand for Power 218 MW The Company recently secured 30 MW of transmission service on the new 345 kV International Power Line between New Brunswick and Maine which will increase Maritime Electric’s energy supply options. Transmission and Distribution Network 4,601 km Total Energy Sales 1,034.1 GWh Delivering safe and reliable electricity to customers at the lowest possible cost. Delivering Value Here at Home Wind energy continues to play an important role in the Company’s long-term energy supply planning process. The recent completion of a 138 kV transmission line to interconnect a new Government-owned wind farm has enabled the Company to meet the requirement of having renewable sources comprise 15% of its electricity requirements 2 years in advance of the legislated deadline. The Company also recently completed the interconnection of a 20 MW merchant wind farm which has plans to expand to 100 MW. Energy Delivered 1,034.1 GWh Energy Produced 0.3 GWh The promotion of safety to customers and employees continues to be an important Corporate focus. The Company’s long-standing Grade 6 School Safety Program and public safety presentations conducted by Company retirees were both expanded this year. The Company remains committed to a targeted capital investment program in energy delivery infrastructure to further improve system reliability. 2008 Company Objectives Maritime Electric is committed to the following: • Management of operating costs to minimize costs to customers. • Improving customer service through operational excellence and improved system reliability. • Exploration of viable renewable energy sources. • Continued emphasis on safety and environmental practices and performance. • Assisting all customers in using electricity efficiently. Power Line Technician, Brackley, PEI. 29 David D. Hay President and CEO Ed Martin President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Refurbishing the Point Lepreau Generating Station • Refurbishing the Point Lepreau Generating Station. • Mitigating fuel costs. • Minimizing our environmental footprint. Safety is our number one priority. • • • • • Contributing to a More Vibrant New Brunswick The NB Power Group is 2,500 New Brunswickers committed to providing safe, reliable and efficient power for the benefit of all New Brunswickers. We operate one of North America’s most diverse networks of generating stations consisting of nuclear, hydro, coal, oil and diesel-powered stations. Company Data Ownership Province of New Brunswick Number of Customers 373,207 In 2006/07, NB Power recorded net earnings of $21 million. Our results in 2006/07 were partially due to strong nuclear and thermal generating station performance and better-than-average hydro flows. Number of Employees 2,588 Total Assets $4,151 million In early 2007, we made significant strides in the renewable energy portfolio with the signing of agreements to acquire up to 96 MW of wind energy in 2008. In May of 2007, we issued a request for proposals for an additional 300 MW of wind energy by 2010. Energy Delivered 17,507 millions of KWh Throughout 2007, our employees continued to focus on strong operational performance and our operations have never been better. For the second year in a row our Belledune Generating Station was rated number one in North America, winning the Electric Utility Cost Group’s best performer award. Statistics Canada reporting indicated that our thermal plants, all of our fossil fuel plants, were the most efficient fleet in Canada. The reliability performance of our distribution system, which brings the wires right to homes in New Brunswick, was the best it has been in 14 years. Two other significant accomplishments that topped off our year were the completion of the International Power Line and being recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers – an honour that recognizes NB Power’s culture of performance and accountability. Looking forward, our primary focus in 2008 will be refurbishing the Point Lepreau Generating Station. We will operate our conventional generating and transmission systems reliably during the refurbishment outage to ensure a continued reliable supply of electricity for New Brunswickers. Energy Produced 14,660 millions of KWh (including purchases of 2,529) Generation Capacity 3,959 MW Peak Demand for Power 3,160 MW Distribution Network 20,030 km Total Energy Sales 17,507 millions of KWh Subsidiaries New Brunswick Power Holding Corporation has four subsidiaries: New Brunswick Power Generation Corporation* (Genco), New Brunswick Power Nuclear Corporation (Nuclearco), New Brunswick Power Transmission Corporation (Transco), New Brunswick Power Distribution and Customer Service Corporation (Disco) Pursuing New Opportunities at Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro In 2007, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador created a new provincial energy corporation charged with pursuing business opportunities in the energy sector. The new corporation is the holding company for Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro), the fourth largest power utility in Canada with over 7,200 MW of operating capacity and employing over 1,200 Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. Hydro is pursuing broader-based energy opportunities and expanding its operations into: oil and gas; wind generation; new hydroelectric developments; alternative energies; and, research and development. However, our core business – generating and transmitting energy – will continue to be the cornerstone of the company’s and province’s future. Hydro is committed to delivering safe, reliable, least-cost power to residents, businesses and industrial customers in Newfoundland and Labrador. We take great pride in our focus on safety, environment, conservation and ongoing investment in the province. Through our strong leadership and employee commitment, we are well positioned to achieve our corporate goals and realize the full potential of our province’s energy resources. * including New Brunswick Power Coleson Cove Corporation (Colesonco) and NB Coal Limited (NB Coal) The cost of fuel and purchased power is our single biggest expense, representing one half our total operating expenses. Throughout 2008, we will continue to mitigate our fuel costs to reduce upward pressures on rates. We will also further our environmental commitment through the proactive pursuit of opportunities to minimize our environmental footprint. Young customer plans his future. 30 Be a world-class safety leader. Be an environmental leader. Strengthen our financial and governance structure. Grow a diversified and viable energy business. Through operational excellence provide exceptional value to all consumers of our energy. • To deliver First Commercial Power from the Lower Churchill Project to customers in 2015. • To ensure a highly skilled and motivated team of employees who are strongly committed to our success and future direction. • To be a valued corporate citizen and a strong member of the communities in which we operate. Company Data (for year end 2006) Ownership Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro is a Crown corporation owned by the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Number of Customers 35,381 (industrial, utility, retail and residential) Number of Employees Hydro has a dedicated workforce of 1,147 fulltime equivalents. Revenues $548 million Total Assets $2672.8 million Energy Delivered 39,715 GWh Energy Produced 40,236 GWh Generation Capacity 7,288 MW Peak Demand for Power 6,897 MW Transmission and Distribution Network Hydro maintains over 4,700 km of transmission lines and 3,300 km of distribution lines. Total Energy Sales $439.3 million Subsidiaries The Hydro Group of Companies is comprised of: Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Limited (CF(L)Co), Lower Churchill Development Corporation Limited (LCDC), Gull Island Power Company Limited (GIPCo) and Twin Falls Power Corporation Limited (TwinCo). Transformer Gallery, Churchill Falls Generating Station. 31 Earl Ludlow President and CEO Leon Courneya President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Safety is first and foremost our most important concern, followed by maintaining high customer satisfaction and low operating costs for the benefit of our customers. • Improve safety performance by ensuring safety remains our number one priority. • Invest in our system to provide safe, reliable, least-cost electricity • Maximize service delivery while minimizing long-term costs. • Increase energy efficiency programs and services to assist customers. • Maintain the necessary skills to continue meeting customers’ needs • Enhance our commitment to the communities we serve. Staffing/succession planning in general and the attraction and retention of line persons and other journey persons. • Begin permitting process to expansion of Taltson Hydro site to serve the diamond mines. • Operate with no lost time accidents. • Complete General Rate Application. • Connect 5 diesel plants to SCADA. • Obtain franchise to serve new mine. Focusing on our Future Safety is a core value shared by all of our employees. In 2008 we will remain committed to the elimination of workplace and public safety incidents. Our key safety initiative for 2008 includes the integration of the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 Health and Safety Management System. Company Data In 2008 the NWT Power Corporation will continue expanding its use of automation and technology to improve efficiency and service to customers. Plans for the year include increased centralized control of diesel plants 24/7 and increased use of automated meters. Growth opportunities will be pursued with a new mine under development as well as the development, in partnership with the Akaitcho Nation and the Métis Nation of a new hydro site and transmission line to serve the diamond mines operating north east of Yellowknife. Ownership Fortis Inc. Energy efficiency will evolve rapidly in Newfoundland and Labrador throughout 2008 as a result of a new provincial Energy Conservation and Efficiency Partnership. We look forward to playing an active role in this partnership, and will continue to provide our customers with practical, actionable energy efficiency information. We will also complete a detailed review of our customer service operations with a view to maximizing service delivery while minimizing long-term costs for the benefit of our customers. Number of Customers 232,262 Number of Employees 555 Revenues $490,232,000 Total Assets $985,930,000 We are focused on the right priorities and look forward to continued success in 2008. Generation Capacity 139.4 MW Peak Demand for Power 1,142 MW Energy Delivered 312 GWH Total Energy Sales 5,093 GWh Energy Produced 130 MW on 27 Isolated Systems (240 kW to 65 MW) Transmission and Distribution Network 10,707 km Generation Capacity 115 MW (Isolated Systems) Peak Demand for Power 68 MW (Non-coincident) Transmission and Distribution Network 8000 Poles Total Energy Sales 312 GWH Subsidiaries NWT Energy Corporation Ltd., NWT Energy Corporation (03) Ltd., Sahdae Energy Ltd., 5383 NWT Ltd. Energy Produced 379.5 GWh Company Data Ownership Government of the Northwest Territories Number of Customers 8,423 Number of Employees 165 Revenues $77 million Pristine Beauty of the Taltson South Valley Spillway. Our employees are focused on the safety of themselves and others, every day. 32 33 Ralph Tedesco President and CEO Most Important Issue For 2008, key priorities are continued reliability improvements, introduction and effective execution of conservation and energy efficiency initiatives, and continued progress on the addition of renewable energy to the Nova Scotia Power grid. Cleaner, Greener Energy In 2008, Nova Scotia Power will continue to implement our strategy of adding cleaner sources of energy, resulting in a more diverse energy portfolio and that is consistent with customers' expectations of more renewable energy and lower emissions. Nova Scotia Power has 60 MW of installed wind capacity. Upcoming contracts will more than quadruple that amount by 2010. This represents a half billion dollar investment, the largest investment in new power generation in Nova Scotia in more than a decade. We have also embarked, with other partners, on an exciting demonstration to develop tidal power in the Bay of Fundy. Nova Scotia Power and OpenHydro of Ireland are designing and building a 1 MW in-stream tidal turbine which will be tested in the Minas Passage in the Bay of Fundy. The Bay has been identified as the best site in North America for tidal development by the Electric Power Research Institute. Our goal is to fully explore technical and environmental implications of commercial development of this renewable energy source and turn the dream of making electric energy from Bay of Fundy into reality. Working with stakeholders and our regulator, Nova Scotia Power is participating in the design of important new conservation and energy efficiency programs. Managing demand also contributes to our strategy for managing emissions from fossil fuel generation. The company is also proceeding in 2008 with plans for development of LEED-certified, environmentally-responsible, office space. We are building on our strong operations. In 2007, Nova Scotia Power earned the President’s Award of Excellence for Employee Safety (Bronze Award) from the CEA. We were also honoured by the Industrial Accident Prevention Association with the Canadian Innovation Award for the Promotion of Healthy & Safety Practices in the Workplace. As well, three Nova Scotia Power fossil-fired generating units and one gas-fired unit were recognized for operation excellence, identified by CEA as being among the most efficient in Canada. 34 Nova Scotia Power is taking steps to reduce emissions from its power plants. Low NOx burners were installed in 2007 on two units at our largest generating station, Lingan. By the end of 2008, low NOx burners will be in place on all four units at Lingan as well as the Point Tupper and Trenton generation stations. New equipment at Trenton will enhance fuel flexibility, enabling the use of lower sulphur fuels, while also reducing particulate emissions. A capital project is under way to install a new waste heat recovery unit at our Tufts Cove Generating Station. A financially strong, healthy utility is best positioned to innovate and deliver on customer expectations. The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board has agreed that a Fuel Adjustment Mechanism is in the interest of our customers. In 2008, Nova Scotia Power will work with stakeholders and our regulator on details for a Fuel Adjustment Mechanism which has been approved for implementation in January 2009. 2008 Company Objectives • Work with stakeholders and our regulator to ensure implementation of our Greener, Cleaner Strategy. • Increase renewable energy sources that provide electricity for Nova Scotian homes, businesses and industries. • Explore new energy options including the development of tidal power and the importation of hydro. • Continue to lower emissions from our fossil-fired generating stations. • Contribute to the dialogue with governments on strategies to reduce greenhouse gases. • Enhance our strong safety culture and remain one of the safest power companies in Canada. • Invest in our people. • Ensure financial stability. Company Data Ownership 100% owned by Emera Inc., a publicly-traded company that is widely held Number of Customers 470,000 Number of Employees 1,600 Revenues $ 1.1 billion Total Assets $3.1 billion Generation Capacity 2,320 MW Jim Hankinson President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Continually improving performance and building for the future. • Continued performance improvement. • Contributing to Ontario’s electricity supply through new generation initiatives. • Operating our generating assets in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. • Operating on a financially sustainable basis. • Operating according to the highest standards of corporate governance with an ongoing commitment to being an open, transparent and accountable company. It’s All About Performance In 2007, OPG continued to deliver on its mandate – generating 70% of the electricity consumed in Ontario while operating in a safe, open and environmentally responsible manner. Our hydroelectric and fossilfuelled generating stations continued to achieve excellent availability levels while our Darlington nuclear station was recognized as one of the best performing nuclear stations in North America. In addition, OPG was named one of the top 100 employers in Canada, and also received the CEA President’s Award of Excellence for top quartile employee safety performance in 2005 and 2006. Throughout 2008, OPG will operate with a focus on continually improving performance and contributing to Ontario’s electricity supply through new generation projects. OPG is currently involved with several major development projects. These projects include the 550 megawatt Portlands Energy Centre in downtown Toronto, the first phase of which is scheduled to come into service this summer; the Niagara Tunnel to increase energy output at our Beck hydroelectric stations; and the 12.5 megawatt Lac Seul hydroelectric generating station in Northwest Ontario. OPG is also exploring the potential development of a gas-fuelled generating station at the site of the former Lakeview coal-fired generating station. A number of additional hydroelectric projects in Northern Ontario are also being developed or studied. Company Data Ownership Province of Ontario Number of Employees 11,658 Revenues $5,887 million Total Assets $24,839 million Generation Capacity 22,158 MW Energy Produced 105.1 TWh in 2007 Subsidiaries Numerous We continue with the regulatory approvals process for building new nuclear units at our Darlington site, including a federal environmental assessment that includes extensive consultation with the public and local stakeholders. We are also proceeding with developing a business case for the potential refurbishment of the Pickering B and Darlington nuclear generating stations. Refurbishment will take place only if there is a solid business case to justify it. In 2008 and beyond, OPG will continue to operate with an emphasis on the highest standards of corporate governance; public and workplace safety; corporate citizenship; and environmental and social responsibility. We will also continue to operate in an open, transparent and accountable manner. Ontario Power Generation President and CEO Jim Hankinson, Senior Vice-President Darlington Nuclear Wayne Robbins and OPG’s Chief Nuclear Officer Tom Mitchell receive prestigious Performance Improvement Award from nuclear industry peers – the first time a Canadian nuclear operator has received the award. 35 Henry Hildebrandt Eric J. Marr, P.Eng. President and CEO Manager Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Rate stability. • Completion of construction and transfer of operations to our new facility. This building replaces the utility’s current structure built in the 1960’s and mid 1970’s. • Completion of an AMI feasibility study. We are concentrating our focus in 2008 on: Safety, Reliability, and Fiscal Responsibility. Saskatoon Light & Power will provide safe, reliable and cost-effective electricity in an environmentally responsible way. • Apprenticeship Conversion Process. • Implementation of the Safety First Software in conjunction with our Safety Performance Management System. • Secondary Network System Upgrade – High Voltage Primary Interrupters and Communication System. Helping our Customers with Rising Prices The year 2007 saw the beginning of construction on Saint John Energy’s new Operations Facility. This facility, which will replace our administrative offices and several of our existing storage locations, will be completed in 2008. This represents an exciting opportunity to optimize our operational efficiency and effectiveness. Also pending is a decision on the full scale implementation of Automated Metering Infrastructure which will have a significant operational and financial impact on the company as we move forward. Changes to the electricity market round out the significant issues facing the company over the next year. Management will continue to monitor current and expected market conditions to ensure a balance between rate exposure and long term infrastructure requirements needed to maintain the utility’s reliability and reputation. During 2007, I was pleased to see the utility continue its “no lost time” safety record which has lead to four consecutive “CEA President's Gold Medal Award of Excellence for Employee Safety”. This is a significant achievement for which the management and staff of Saint John Energy are very proud. We will continue our efforts to extend this impressive record over the coming year. Hard on the heels of our overwhelmingly successful compact fluorescent lighting program of 2006, this past year saw the utility conduct an LED Holiday Lighting campaign. The rising cost of energy will require the development of additional such programs that help our customers with rising energy prices. Over the coming year and beyond, the Commission will develop new incentives, initiatives and programs to promote energy conservation. Company Data Number of Customers 35,000 Number of Employees 101 full-time, 5 full-time equivalent Revenues $97.3 million Total Assets $47.3 million (net) Energy Delivered 1,017.6 GWh Transmission and Distribution Network 12 substations, 410 km overhead lines,105 km underground lines Peak Demand for Power 270.1 MW Total Energy Sales $94.1 million Saskatoon Light & Power’s Vision It is our goal that Saskatoon Light & Power be a key player in Saskatchewan’s changing energy future. We work towards being recognized as an efficient, reliable and responsive energy service provider by the citizens and customers in the City of Saskatoon. Saskatoon Light & Power will sustain a high level of customer satisfaction by meeting the customers’ needs and expectations. In order to achieve our goals, Saskatoon Light & Power is committed to: • • • • • • • Quality Service Fiscal Responsibility High Performance Respect for Others Safe and Supportive Work Environment Co-operative Spirit Continuous Employee Development Company Data Ownership City of Saskatoon Number of Customers 58,000 Number of Employees 121 Revenues $110.6 million (2006) Peak Demand for Power 227,867 MVA Distribution Network 519 km O/H and 243 km UG Total Energy Sales 1,115 GWh (2006) The Utility will have greater stakeholder value by adopting state-ofthe-art technologies, such as a fibre optics network and automated distribution, improving the quality and reliability of our distribution system, as well as providing value-added energy services to our community. Saint John Energy looks forward to bringing value and reliability to our ratepayers in this era of increasing energy costs with the firm commitment of continuing to provide our customers with safe, reliable electricity at the lowest rates possible. City of Saskatoon – Central Business District – SL&P Secondary Network System. 36 37 Patricia Youzwa President and CEO Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Most Important Issue 2008 Company Objectives Continuing to strengthen our company through intensive infrastructure and workforce renewal, as well as by developing and executing a range of innovative initiatives designed to position SaskPower for present and future success. SaskPower's ongoing mission is provide safe, reliable and sustainable power to customers while striving to achieve our vision of powering Saskatchewan to a bright future. Our present areas of focus include: • Integrating infrastructure and operational elements of new supply decision. • Researching supply options and alternatives for next major decision expected in 2009. • Improving customer, operating, business and safety process efficiencies. • Further developing comprehensive workforce planning, training and recruitment programs. • Enhancing partner and community relationships. Ensuring that our customers receive safe, efficient and reliable service in a manner that is consistent with our commitment to corporate social responsibility. To that end, we are making significant investments in our distribution system and infrastructure, and supporting this with proactive community relations and Conservation and Demand Management programs. • • • • The Power of Transformation In business, evolution is a necessary and natural process. At SaskPower, our company's consistent ability to adapt over our nearly 80-year history has secured our role in assisting growth and ensuring quality-of-life in Saskatchewan. Today, in our province's period of heightened economic development, an ongoing commitment to revitalization is more important than ever. Following a year marking record peak load, record customer connects and record new service applications, we now have the first of a series of major supply decisions in-hand. As a result, SaskPower is presently putting in place the initial phase of up to 400 MW of simple cycle natural gas turbines. In addition to this highly flexible option, wasteheat recovery, wind generation, net metering, conservation and demand side management will also play a part in our short-term supply strategy. With our next major supply decision expected in 2009, intensive research and development continues on a range of options, including clean coal. First, we and our partners advanced this exciting technology by becoming the first utility to complete a workable design for the world's first large scale near-zero emissions pulverized coal plant. Now, with federal and provincial government support, we are developing one of the first and largest integrated clean coal/carbon capture demonstration projects in the world at Boundary Dam Power Station. These activities illustrate the type of dynamic thinking and action that will help our company successfully transform how we deliver services to customers. In addition to extensive work on supply, we remain focused on improving internal processes and resources to meet present and future realities. Initiatives such as our Service Delivery Renewal Program, Business Continuity Planning Project, Succession Planning Program and Internal Control Project are taking us through intensive research, analysis and response designed to prepare SaskPower as we enter a new era of performance. Aside from capital costs associated with new generation, it's estimated that in the next five years SaskPower will spend over $2 billion on infrastructure renewal. 38 David S. O’Brien President and CEO Company Data (as at December 31, 2006, unless otherwise noted) Ownership Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan Number of Customers 445,569 Number of Employees 2,458 Revenues $1.353 billion Total Assets $4.4 billion Energy Delivered 17,880 GWh Energy Produced 19,714 GWh Generation Capacity 3,668 MW Peak Demand for Power 2,969 MW (February 2007) Transmission and Distribution Network 155,055 km Subsidiaries SaskPower International, NorthPoint Energy Solutions and SaskPower Shand Greenhouse • • • • Toronto Hydro continues to lead ambitious Conservation and Demand Management Programs (CDM) programs for our residential and business customers. Since launching our CDM portfolio in 2005, we’ve saved approximately 350 megawatts. We’ve been recognized nationally and internationally for the innovative programs that we develop, and the communications campaigns that support them. Continue our focus on safety and environmental responsibility Continue to invest in the renewal of our distribution system. Continue to enhance customer service across all business units. Maintain Top 100 Employer status, with engaged and empowered employees who continue to be proud to work for Toronto Hydro. Provide a consistent and fair regulated rate of return to shareholder. Continue to participate in the provincial energy strategy, working in the best interest of our customers and our shareholder. Continue our emphasis on Conservation and Demand Management. Continue the mass installation of smart meters and the preparation of billing systems for Time-of-Use rates. Company Data Ownership Toronto Hydro Corporation operates three wholly-owned affiliates in the electricity distribution; energy services and streetlighting; and data communications and Internet service businesses. The City of Toronto is Toronto Hydro Corporation’s sole shareholder. Number of Customers 679,913 We strongly support the direction the province is taking to reduce peak electricity demand in Ontario and to date we’ve installed approximately 416,000 smart meters. We’ve embarked on a significant capital investment program to enhance our system’s reliability and efficiency. We’ve also installed advanced outage-response and customer information systems to further improve our service. Number of Employees Toronto Hydro Corporation: 33, Toronto Hydro Telecom Inc.: 79, Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc.: 66, Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited: 1,543. Total: 1,720 Total Assets $2,672,525 (‘000) Our affiliates continue to make significant gains. Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. is expanding its service offerings in the Greater Toronto Area and has been selected by the City of Toronto to deliver City Hall’s new energy project. It’s also working with Toronto Police Services to install close-circuit security cameras in Toronto’s downtown core, contributing to safety and security throughout the city. Toronto Hydro Telecom Inc. continues to challenge the marketplace by introducing superior grade data services. Its WiFi network was ranked “best in performance” when compared to 41 other networks in an independent study (conducted by Novarum) and it opened a new state-of-the-art data centre providing customers with a secure hosting environment for mission critical data and operations. Peak Demand 4,788 megawatts in June 2007 This represents 18 per cent of the Provincial peak Transmission and Distribution Network 9,100 km Overhead wires, 7,600 km Underground wires, 16,200 Underground vaults, 10,071 Cable chambers Subsidiary Companies Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited is the regulated wires affiliate. The utility serves more than 679,000 customers in the city of Toronto. Toronto Hydro Telecom Inc. is a data communications provider offering customers a suite of managed network services from connectivity, including Private Line and Ethernet Metro LAN, to value added services like Collocation, Security and Storage. The company also offers its One Zone WiFi subscription services. Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. is a leading energy services company in the GTA. Its core business services include the ownership and operation of over 160,000 street light assets in Toronto, developing clean and green generation projects, and providing business customers with turn-key CDM. In 2007, we launched an innovative CDM program that was overwhelmingly successful. The first-in-Canada Summer Challenge for Business challenged business customers to reduce electricity consumption between July and August by 10 per cent (when compared to 2006) and achieved a demand reduction of approximately 83 Megawatts. We are proud to be named one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers (by MacLean’s magazine) for the third consecutive year; one of the Top 50 Employers in the Greater Toronto Area and one of the Top 10 FamilyFriendly Employers in Canada. These awards typify our commitment to workplace health and safety, customer service, environmental responsibility, CDM, operational excellence, sound financial management, community involvement and employee relations. Revenues in 2007 $2,389,178 (‘000) 39 Steve Snyder President and CEO Most Important Issue Sustainable earnings and capacity growth while achieving aggressive environmental standards. It’s Obvious… the World is Changing. We’re Ready… As one of the western North America’s leading power generation companies, TransAlta is uniquely positioned to take on the challenges of our changing times. • We have a highly diversified portfolio of generation assets – primarily located in western North America – with a variety of fuel types including renewables. Our fuel diversity provides strong ongoing potential – hydro, wind, geothermal, natural gas and coal. • We maintain a low-to moderate-risk business model, driven by our investment grade balance sheet and long-term contracts. • Our asset base can be continuously renewed for the long-term sustainability of the Company through efficient investments. This strength is reflected in the strong cash flow we generate and our balanced approach to capital allocation. • We consistently take a long-term view, keeping our focus on operations, costs and productivity, and sustaining a strong balance sheet. Company Data (as at Dec. 31, 2007) Ownership Public company, shares widely held Number of Customers Approximately 190- wholesale, large commercial and customer counterparties. Number of Employees Approximately 2,202* Revenues $2.7 billion Total Assets $7.1 billion Energy Produced 50,395 GWh – 87.2 per cent availability* Generation Capacity 10,824 MW of which TransAlta owns/operates 8,877* Subsidiaries TransAlta Corporation has three subsidiary companies – TransAlta Utilities Corporation, TransAlta Energy Corporation and TransAlta Cogeneration Ltd. TransAlta Energy Corporation includes international operations in the United States, Mexico** and Australia. TransAlta Energy Corporation has a 50 percent partnership interest in TransAlta Cogeneration L.P. TransAlta Cogeneration Ltd. has a 0.01 per cent partnership interest in TransAlta Cogeneration L.P. * Information provided as at February 26, 2008 ** Mexican assets were sold to InterGen Global Ventures B.V. on Feb. 20, 2008. Sale is subject to regulatory approval. • Looking ahead, TransAlta sees exciting market opportunities, and we have a sound strategy to deliver consistent and growing shareholder value. 2008 Company Objectives • Achieve safety improvement targets. • Deliver on key plant performance metrics with a focus on reliability and productivity. • Develop long-term plans to achieve more aggressive environmental standards. • Execute on all growth initiatives. • Maintain a strong balance sheet. Alex Pourbaix President, Energy TransCanada Corporation Most Important Priorities 2008 Energy Objectives Continued growth through acquisitions and execution and delivery of power projects under development or construction. • Continued growth through acquisitions, execution and delivery on power projects in various stages of development or construction. • Focus on markets where we have significant competitive advantages. • Pursue long-term power purchase arrangements with stable, predictable earnings. • Pursue low-cost, base-load generation with robust earnings and cash flow. With more than 50 years of experience, TransCanada is a leader in the responsible development and reliable operation of North American energy infrastructure. TransCanada’s total power production can meet the needs of about 7.7 million average households. The Energy division’s Power business is one of the fastest growing and most profitable in Canada and is well-positioned to serve growing power demand both in the short and long-term. Our diversified portfolio encompasses 7,700 MW of nuclear, natural gas, coal, hydro and wind generation. Company Data Ownership TransCanada Corporation Number of Customers Mix of customers ranging from long and shortterm wholesale energy purchasers, commercial retail, and industrial customers. We have expanded our reach in the Energy arena tenfold since 1999 and nearly half of our net earnings are driven by our Energy division. Our success is a direct result of our very broad and deep understanding of our core markets. Number of Employees 3,600 (TransCanada total) This year and into the future our focus remains on growth and execution of our various plants under construction which include Cartier Wind Power, Halton Hills Generating Station and the Portlands Energy Centre. TransCanada is also a part owner of Bruce Power, which is currently implementing a $5.5 billion restart and refurbishment program that will deliver 1,500 MW to the Ontario market beginning in 2010. Energy Earnings Energy's net earnings for the year ended December 31, 2007 of $514 million compared to $452 million in 2006. Total Energy Assets Energy total assets were $7.037 billion at December 31, 2007. Generation Capacity 7,734 MW (December 31, 2007) Our focus is to expand our already diverse power supply portfolio, with low operating costs and high reliability and/or facilities that are underpinned by secure, long-term contracts. We continue to seek growth and long-term success through acquisitions and greenfield opportunities in the North American electricity markets we know well or where we have a competitive advantage. Total Energy Sales 43,818 GWh Energy Revenues Energy segment revenues: $4,116 million in 2007, compared to $3,530 million in 2006. Through our industry leading experience in energy infrastructure development and operations, excellent project management and construction execution, and marketing and trading expertise, we believe we are a partner and developer of choice. We will continue our efforts to maintain our reputation as a respected and responsible participant in the energy markets we serve. TransAlta Wind: Castle River Wind Farm, Pincher Creek, Alberta. TransCanada's Bear Creek industrial cogeneration power plant in Alberta. 40 41 David Morrison President and CEO Most Important Issue Developing new capacity and energy projects to meet our growing load base. This will be, without doubt, one of the busiest years in Yukon Energy’s history. Not only will we complete Phase 1 of a new 138 kV transmission line in the Central Yukon (at an estimated cost of $36-million), but we have a number of other projects planned to help address the growing need for electricity. This includes preparing for the installation of a third hydro turbine at our Aishihik plant in the southwestern Yukon, refurbishing two of our oldest diesel units, and searching for viable options for new hydro development. We also plan to file a General Rate Application in the fall of this year. As always, our ultimate goal is to achieve operational excellence. We will measure our success by our continued ability to deliver safe, reliable power to our customers, our ability to attract and retain a skilled and engaged workforce, our respect for the environment and for the communities and people we serve, and the knowledge that safety is a part of every decision we make and every action we take. Company Data Ownership Yukon Energy is a publicly-owned electrical utility that operates as a business, at arms length from the Yukon government. Number of Customers 1,801 retail customers and 1 major wholesaler that supplies 14,863 retail customers Number of Employees 80 Revenues $28,061,000 Total Assets $180,949,000 Energy Delivered 301,989 MWh Energy Produced 326,772 MWh Generation Capacity 112 MW Peak Demand for Power 66 MW Transmission and Distribution Network Two power grids: one in the Southern Yukon known as the Whitehorse-Aishihik-Faro grid and one in the Central Yukon known as the MayoDawson grid. We are currently in the process of constructing a new line that will eventually connect these two systems. Neither grid is connected to Southern Canada. Total Energy Sales $27,528,000 Subsidiaries Yukon Energy’s parent company is the Yukon Development Corporation, which is a crown corporation of the Yukon government. 2008 Company Objectives Photo credit: • Complete construction of the Carmacks to Stewart Transmission Line to Pelly Crossing. • Complete preparations for third turbine at Aishihik. • Faro and Whitehorse diesel generator rebuilds. • General Rate Application. Surveying Yukon Energy’s new CarmacksStewart Crossing Transmission Line. 42 ® Arc Flash Safety, Device Coordination, and Design Made Easy! EasyPower®, the most automated, user-friendly power system software on the market, delivers a full lineup of Windows®-based tools for designing, analyzing, and monitoring electrical power systems. EasyPower helps you get up to speed rapidly, finish complex tasks quickly, and increase your overall productivity. Consultants, plant/facility engineers, maintenance personnel, and safety managers will all realize increased job throughput and profitability without extensive training! Watch our 3 minute EasyPower® video; just go to: Arc Flash Safety Compliance Made Easy! Studies, Work Permits, Boundary Calculations, and More EasyPower ArcFlash™ lets you: • Rapidly create and implement a comprehensive arc flash program • Comply with OSHA, NFPA, NEC®, and ANSI regulations • Prevent expensive fines and litigation • Reduce risks and improve plant safety • Identify all critical PPE levels and clothing needs • Prepare efficiently for emergencies • Save valuable time and money One-Touch PDC and Design Tools Now Available in EasyPower 8.0! What used to take hours or even weeks can now be accomplished in seconds. Finally, truly automated design and device coordination is here. With EasyPower’s one-touch automation, you don’t need to make manual calculations or memorize electrical codes. For the first time, even those without design experience can complete comprehensive design and analysis tasks. SmartDesign™ | Automated Design for Low-Voltage Systems EasyPower SmartDesign™ completely automates equipment sizing in the design process, saving countless hours of manually rerunning calculations to verify code compliance. It also generates comprehensive reports to alert you to possible problem areas, giving valuable insight. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel with SmartDesign™; just set up your design sheets ONCE, and SmartDesign™ does all the rest for you. SmartPDC™ | Protective Device Coordination Made Easy EasyPower SmartPDC™ fully automates the tedious, labor-intensive work of setting protective devices — just highlight an area to coordinate, and one click completes the task for you. Intelligent reporting automatically provides a list of devices and setting options, with a detailed description explaining each setting. It’s like having the industry’s brightest engineers right inside your PC. About ESA, Developers of EasyPower Since 1984, ESA has redefined the way companies manage, design, and analyze electrical power distribution. Our innovative technologies make power system design and management simpler, smarter, and safer than ever. We invite you to visit for a complete overview of all the powerful options available within EasyPower 8.0! Power made easy intelligent | intuitive | instantaneous power system software 46 WHY EASYPOWER? • • • • • • • Easiest to use Fastest algorithms and results Intuitive graphical user interface Shortest learning curve Most accurate, lowering liability/risk Follows Windows® standards Complete integration of all functions C L I C K O N C E TO . . . • Size equipment per National Electric Code • View/modify integrated one-line data • Perform complex arc flash calculations • Verify duty ratings and compliance • Analyze switching conditions instantly • Study countless operating scenarios • Generate detailed reports • Access critical documentation • Print compliant work permits and labels MANITOBA HYDRO’S WUSKWATIM PROJECT EARNS CEA ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP AWARD Manitoba Hydro was honoured with CEA’s prestigious Environmental Stewardship Award in recognition of the utility’s partnership with the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN) to reduce environmental impacts on the Wuskwatim Project. “The Wuskwatim Generating Station Project marks the first time an electric utility and a First Nation have entered into such a comprehensive partnership to develop a generating station with a particular focus on preserving our natural environment,” said CEA President and CEO Hans Konow. “Utility and First Nation partnering is an innovative concept to new hydroelectric generation projects which may serve as a model for future resource development not only within Manitoba, but throughout Canada and around the world. CEA is proud to honour an approach that responsibly addresses social, economic and environmental issues”. remain accountable and transparent to NCN. From the beginning of the project, consultation was an essential part of the planning used to select the station design, while Ethinesewin was used to identify locations for the construction camps, access roads and transmission lines. In the end, Ethinesewin together with economic analysis and logistical implications were used by the partnership to collectively determine the most appropriate project configuration that would provide both environmental sustainability and economic benefits. CEA’s Environmental Stewardship Award is an integral part of the Association’s Environmental, Commitment and Responsibility (ECR) Program. Based on specific criteria and principles, a third party adjucation panel recognizes the year’s top electricity industry initiative that tangibly demonstrates environmental leadership and innovation. Manitoba Hydro’s Wuskwatim project was chosen because it: • Shows significant impact reduction; • Has implications for the industry as a whole; • Demonstrates innovation; and • Focuses on partnerships and engages First Nations. “EasyPower 8.0 really knocked my socks off. I don’t know of any other program that comes close to its speed and automation — that auto-coordinates and eliminates all the guesswork. Typically, setting devices takes up to 15 minutes — sometimes longer — per circuit, depending on the complexity. But with EasyPower SmartPDC, it literally takes only 5 to 15 seconds. Just amazing! Tie this all in with new automated design features, the ability to conduct studies, and having a fully integrated database - and watch productivity skyrocket.” — Jim Phillips, P.E. T2G Technical Training Group T RY B E F O R E Y O U B U Y Download a Free Demo! O N L I N E P R E S E N TAT I O N Witness the speed and automation of EasyPower and ask engineers specific questions during a live online product presentation. Manitoba Hydro President and CEO Bob Brennan (left) accepting Environmental Stewardship Award from CEA President and CEO Hans Konow (right). The Wuskwatim Generating Station brought Manitoba Hydro and NCN into a close partnership. Both partners filled an essential role in the project planning process and these roles will continue throughout the construction and operation phases. Manitoba Hydro’s vision was to construct a new generating station in an environmentally sensitive and socially conscientious manner. NCN approached the project with the purpose of maintaining the traditional use of the land while providing the community with the economic benefits of being a partner in the development and operation of a hydroelectric generating station. Manitoba Hydro has ensured the incorporation of NCN’s traditional knowledge – Ethinesewin – into Wuskwatim project planning and development in order to limit adverse environmental impacts and Sign up today. It’s free! Tap into the power of EasyPower! Download a FREE demo or sign up for a free live, online presentation: | 503-655-5059 x35 47 CEA’S PRESIDENT’S AWARD OF EXCELLENCE HONOURS BEST PERFORMING UTILITIES IN EMPLOYEE SAFETY For over thirty years, the Canadian Electricity Association has tracked the employee safety record of its member utilities. Annually, the President’s Award of Excellence for Employee Safety is presented to members who have demonstrated superior safety performance in the past year. By promoting safety, this award has assisted CEA members in meeting their objectives of accident reduction and overall performance. To receive the President’s Award, a reporting utility must be ranked within the top quartile of their grouping for both All Injury/Illness Frequency and Lost-Time Severity rates. There are three award levels: Bronze for the companies who meet the award criteria for the given year; Silver for meeting the criteria two consecutive years; and Gold for three or more consecutive years. Congratulations are extended to the following companies who have attained the 2006 President’s Award of Excellence for Employee Safety: Gold Award For the under 300 employee group (Group III) Saint John Energy Silver Award For the over 301 employee grouping (Groups I & II) ® Air Core Current Limiting Reactors Line Traps PLC Relay Communication Channels Capacitor Voltage Transformers Current Transformers Potential Transformers Metering Transformers Low Power V/I Transformers LV-HV Bushings (Pwr Transformer) Capacitor Bank Protective Relays Resonant Grounding Systems Composite Bushing Insulators TRENCH LIMITED 71 Maybrook Drive, Toronto ON M1V 4B6 Canada Tel: 416-298-8108 • Fax: 416-298-2209 48 Ontario Power Generation Bronze Award For the over 301 employee grouping (Groups I & II ) For the under 300 employee group (Group III) Nova Scotia Power ATCO Power Delivering for Today, Building for Tomorrow 10% Cert no. 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