Science Test Description ACT prep 2013

ACT prep 2013
Science Test Description
The Science Test is a 40-question, 35-minute test that measures the skills required in the natural
sciences: interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem solving.
You are not permitted to use a calculator on the Science Test.
The test assumes that students are in the process of taking the core science course of study
(three years or more) that will prepare them for college-level work and have completed a course
in Earth science and/or physical science and a course in biology.
The test presents several sets of scientific information, each followed by a number of multiplechoice test questions. The scientific information is presented in one of three different formats:
data representation (graphs, tables, and other schematic forms)
research summaries (descriptions of one or more related experiments)
conflicting viewpoints (expressions of several related hypotheses or views that are
inconsistent with one another)
The questions require you to:
recognize and understand the basic features of, and concepts related to, the provided
examine critically the relationship between the information provided and the conclusions
drawn or hypotheses developed
generalize from given information and draw conclusions, gain new information, or make
Content Covered by the ACT Science Test
The content of the Science Test includes biology, chemistry, physics, and the Earth/space
sciences (for example, geology, astronomy, and meteorology). Advanced knowledge in these
subjects is not required, but background knowledge acquired in general, introductory science
courses is needed to answer some of the questions. The test emphasizes scientific reasoning
skills over recall of scientific content, skill in mathematics, or reading ability.
The scientific information is conveyed in one of three different formats:
Data Representation (38%). This format presents graphic and tabular material similar to
that found in science journals and texts. The questions associated with this format
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ACT prep 2013
measure skills such as graph reading, interpretation of scatterplots, and interpretation of
information presented in tables, diagrams, and figures.
Research Summaries (45%). This format provides descriptions of one or more related
experiments. The questions focus on the design of experiments and the interpretation of
experimental results.
Conflicting Viewpoints (17%). This format presents expressions of several hypotheses
or views that, being based on differing premises or on incomplete data, are inconsistent
with one another. The questions focus on the understanding, analysis, and comparison of
alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.
Test tips:
Carefully read the instructions on the cover of the test booklet.
Read the directions for each test carefully.
Read each question carefully.
Pace yourself—don't spend too much time on a single passage or question.
Pay attention to the announcement of five minutes remaining on each test.
Use a soft lead No. 2 pencil with a good eraser. Do not use a mechanical pencil or ink
pen; if you do, your answer document cannot be scored accurately.
Answer the easy questions first, then go back and answer the more difficult ones if you
have time remaining on that test.
On difficult questions, eliminate as many incorrect answers as you can, then make an
educated guess among those remaining.
Answer every question. Your scores on the multiple-choice tests are based on the
number of questions you answer correctly. There is no penalty for guessing.
If you complete a test before time is called, recheck your work on that test.
Mark your answers properly. Erase any mark completely and cleanly without smudging.
Do not mark or alter any ovals on a test or continue writing the essay after time has been
called. If you do, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored.
If you are taking the ACT Plus Writing, see these Writing Test tips.
Sample Science Practice
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