1) Below we show some plots for

Problem Set 7
1) Below we show some plots for 15N T1s and T2s for a 21 kDa protein collected at 600 MHz for protons and
25º C.
a) Using the simple formulas given in class estimate the correlation time for the protein using some of the data
around residues 30-60.
b) Given that the dipolar interaction constant for a H-N pair (dd/4) is 1.46 x 109, calculate the order parameter
S for these residues
c) If S were 0.8 and the fast motions of the H-N vector were associated with wobbling around the surface of a
cone, what would be the cone angle?
T2 (ms)
T1 (ms)
2) We Have three atoms, A,B, and C, connected by bonding and NOE constraints. A and C are constrained by
bonding to be exactly 6.5Å apart. Moderate NOEs are observed between both A and B and C and B. We
assign constraints to B set minimum and maximum distances at 2.0 and 3.3Å. We determine 20 structures by
simulated annealing using a square well representation of constraints.
a) Estimate the position and RMSD of the B atom.
b) Suppose the B atom really moves between two equally populated positions, one 2.5Å from A and one 2.5Å
from C. Assume the NOE observed is the 1/r6 average of the two positions. How does this compare to an NOE
at a single position 3.25Å from A and C? Is the
RMSD calculated in a meaningful?
3) The spectrum at the right is an NOE
spectrum of a short DNA duplex: 5’CATGCATG
Showing connections between base protons and
sugar H1’ protons. See if you can make
appropriate connections and assign the
4) Estimate the rates of chemical exchange for the following
a) The NMR spectrum of N,N-dimethylnitrosamine shows
distinct cis and trans methyl lines with width at
half height = 1 Hz and a separation of 100 Hz. The
inherent resolution due to homogeneity is 0.5 Hz.
b) The same molecule in the same spectrometer shows a
single line of width 5 Hz.