README file for "Whitmire, Amanda L. (2015): Data and code from: Variability in academic research data management practices: implications for data services development from a faculty survey. Oregon
State University Libraries. Dataset. ".
There are two zip folders associated with this dataset, and The file list for each folder is given below. The data files are comma-separated text files containing data that has been exported from Qualtrics survey software and extracted from the larger dataset. These data support a manuscript published in the journal Program, titled, “Variability in academic research data management practices: implications for data services development from a faculty survey”. [This readme will be updated with the article citation information when it becomes available.]
File naming conventions for the data files and R code are meant to very briefly allude to the contents or purpose of the file. Each R acript produces a heatmap figure, which is used in the paper. The data and code are briefly described. dataTypesPercentYesByAffil.csv – the % of “Yes” answers to the data type question, by affiliation dataTypesYesByAffil.csv – the # of “Yes” answers to the data type question, by affiliation dataTypesYesNoByAffil.csv – the # of “Yes+No” answers to the data type question, by affiliation dataVolNum.csv – the # of responses in each volume range, by affiliation dataVolPrct.csv – the % of responses in each volume range, by affiliation dataStoreLocIDK.csv – the # of “I don’t know” responses in each storage location, by affiliation dataStoreLocNo.csv – the # of “No” responses in each storage location, by affiliation dataStoreLocPrctYes.csv – the % of “Yes” responses in each storage location, by affiliation dataStoreLocTotal.csv – the # of “Yes+No+IDK” responses in each storage location, by affiliation dataStoreLocYes.csv – the # of “Yes” responses in each storage location, by affiliation whoTasksPrctYes.csv – the % of “Yes” responses in each data management task, by job position whoTasksYes.csv – the # of “Yes” responses in each data management task, by job position getDataTypeAffil.R – Figure 1. Data types produced by affiliation plotDataVolAffilRates.R – Figure 2. Data volume produced by affiliation plotDataStorLoc.R – Figure 3. Data storage location by affiliation plotWhoTasks.R – Figure 4. Data management roles by position type
Contact: Amanda L. Whitmire,