Italics and Quotation Marks: Learning Target 2 SUMMATIVE

Italics and Quotation Marks: SUMMATIVE
Learning Target 2
Rule 3: Use quotation marks to enclose a direct quotation – a person’s exact words.
Rule 4: A direct quotation begins with a capital letter.
Rule 5: When a quoted sentence is divided into two parts by an interrupting expression such as he
said or Mother asked, the second part begins with a small (lower case) letter.
Rule 6: A direct quotation is set off from the rest of the sentence by commas or by a question mark
or an exclamation point.
Rule 7: Other marks of punctuation when used with quotation marks are placed according to the
following rules:
Rule 7A: Commas and periods are always placed inside closing quotation marks.
Rule 7B: Colons and semi-colons are always placed outside closing quotation marks.
Rule 7C: Question marks and exclamation points are placed inside the closing quotation
marks if the quotation is a question or an exclamation; otherwise they are placed outside.
Insert necessary punctuation into the following sentences. Watch carefully for the placement of
commas and end marks in relation to quotation marks and for capital letters at the beginning of direct
1. Oh, I left the bibliography for my paper at home! exclaimed Beth.
2. Don’t panic replied Natalie. Perhaps it’s just lost in your notebook.
3. No, sighed Beth, I see it now, lying on a typewriter.
4. Was it completed asked Natalie.
5. Natalie, asked Beth, did Mrs. Gwinn say that we could turn our papers in tomorrow?
taken from Warriner’s English Composition and Grammar, Fourth Course,
Exercise 2, pg. 602-603.
Italics and Quotation Marks: SUMMATIVE
Learning Target 2
6. The following students have, in the words of Coach Hatch, demonstrated leadership both
academically and athletically: Steven Cline, Becky Dodge, Judith Lewis, and Fred Vine.
7. Why did Jennifer say, You ought to know?
8. Glaring at her opponent, Samantha replied, Do I look like a mind reader?
9. I turned on the television in time to hear the reporter saying, That ends the list of school
closings; however, I didn’t hear which schools were closed due to the blizzard.
10. In a crowded place, never shout fire! Unless you mean it.
taken from Warriner’s English Composition and Grammar, Fourth Course,
Exercise 2, pg. 602-603.