Cycle 17 Planning SM4, New Instruments, New Planning Elements, Changed

Cycle 17 Planning
SM4, New Instruments, New
Planning Elements, Changed
Constraints, and a Return to 3Gyros
LRP planning Process Flow
Regular GO planning
Survey program planning
Parallel program planning
• Planning of the
different types of
visits will proceed
logically: GO,
Survey, then
emplacement of
the on-COS
Planning Within GO/Survey
• Each of the first two categories will be broken
down into two separate phases of planning:
– North-point
– Remainder
• The purpose is to maximize utility of the
underutilized orbits (which typically are the
north-point, SAA-impacted orbits, and in
particular the ‘heart’ orbits of the SAA).
Planning Procedure
• Definition: ‘Cold’ times: Generally low
numbers of visits/targets which will schedule
within given orbits.
• Identify visits most needed for the ‘coldest’
times. This can be done in different ways
– using SPIKE cold-spot tools after visits are
– Using the skygrid which identifies raw
Key Planning Issues
SM4 Planning
– Enabling of specific instrument modes
• USC generator scripts must be ready prior to ingest (q.v.
wfpc2_uscs_b4_sm4.bash ringworld LRP cron)
– Replacement FGS and handling guide star availability.
2-Gyro --> 3-Gyro planning
– How should we go about merging/maintaining an operational 2-Gyro LRP
while simultaneously assimilating a 3-Gyro Cycle into the flow?
North-point/SAA-hiding for the new Cycle.
– New SPIKE scheduling critic (not yet delivered) for restricting candidate
– Reserving the subset of SNAPs which are optimum for use of the Northpoint times.
Blackout times/angles for Bay 5/8 thermal restrictions? (depends upon
result of SM4 achievements)
Power constraints for mid-2009.
– New SPIKE constraint implemented with modulated orient table (not
delivered yet) (ij 08-04-17 delivered with CASM 17.2 and destined for
SPIKE 31.1
– Possible instrument campaigns?
Key Planning Issues (2)
• Identification of early-goers (,
• Post-LRP-build (?) emplacement of orient restrictions for any
parallels (on top of COS).
• Better analysis of the distribution of NICMOS and WF3/IR fainttarget observations to ensure balanced SAA-hiding distribution
(may not be feasible)
• Change in the modulation amplitude and phase for North-point
occurrences in SPIKE.
• If any Survey programs are accepted, management of the
proposal windows and visits is needed.
LRP Planning Software Issues
• Multiple scenarios for LRP build.
– Metrics for deciding which LRP is superior.
• Advanced target RA distribution analysis.
• SPIKE hot/cold-spot analysis tools.
– Apply these to both the GO pool and the Surveys
• Tools to subselect and manage Survey proposals.
• In Cycle 14 at the 3-->2 Gyro transition, a special procedure was
required for merging the Cycle LRPs. This must be resurrected,
revamped, or rewritten with modifications to handle the return to
Merging 2- & 3-Gyro LRPs
In the Cycle 14 build (at the end of Cycle 13), a separate 2-Gyro
constraint LRP was created and maintained with a nightly process.
– Planning the ‘new cycle’ was handled with resource cut-outs and a
separate set of constraints.
– The 2-Gyro LRP was then merged in with the operational 3-Gyro
LRP to yield the operational released LRP.
– In effect, the upcoming 2-Gyro LRP was a subset of the old 3-Gyro
LRP. Both could be handled within a 3-Gyro SPIKE image postfacto.
With the current and upcoming Cycle, doing the same could be similar
but with a twist:
Merging a 3-Gyro LRP with a 2-Gyro LRP might be handled similarly,
however, the directionality is reversed.
In planning the Cycle 17 visits, resource cut-outs from the Cycle 16visits could be implemented (new software is needed to do this properly
and not the way it was done in Cycle 14).
Cycle 17 Early-Goers
• Visits from the Cycle 17 pool that can execute prior to SM4 fall
into 2-categories:
• Singletons
– Singleton visits from the current instrument suite can easily
be planned to execute prior to SM4.
– However, allowing planning of large numbers of these prior
to the LRP build could skew the build distribution.
• Linksets
– These may be problematic if they have reduced 2-Gyro
constraint windows for planning. Large numbers planned
prior to Cycle 17 LRP build should be avoided.
New/Resurrected Instruments
New Science Instruments:
– COS:
• NUV Channel
– WFC3:
• IR
Resurrected Science Instruments:
– ACS:
Also to be installed:
NOBL (Bay 8)
New RSUs (back to 3 gyro ops)
New Batteries (possible new
reconditioning exercises.
Also Possible:
NOBL (Bay 5)
• The new FGS will not be available for guiding
for a specified period of time (needs
• Incoming visits will need to be planned so as
not to use this FGS post-SM4 until the
expected recommisioning date.
• New FGSs were accommodated after SM2
(Cycle 7) and SM3A (1999). Procedures
need to be identified for handling the visit
planning taking the lessons from these
installations into account.