Unit 2: Greece Vocabulary  11. Fable 12. Polis

Unit 2 Greece Vocabulary words.notebook
Unit 2: Greece
Vocabulary LT1­ I can match vocabulary terms that pertain to Greece with the correct definition. August 19, 2014
1. peninsula
2. Peloponnesus
3. isthmus
4. Phoenicians
5. Alphabet
6. Zeus
11. Fable
7. Mount Olympus
12. Polis
8. Myth
9. Olympics
10. Epic poem
13. Aristocracy
14. Oligarchy
15. Tyrant
Unit 2 Greece Vocabulary words.notebook
August 19, 2014
16. Citizen
17. Democracy
21. Barracks
18. Athens
22. Marathon
19. Sparta
20. Helot
1.peninsula­ land with water on three sides.
6. Zeus­ ruler of the Greek gods.
2. Peloponnesus­ the peninsula that forms the southern part of Greece.
7.Mount Olympus­ the highest mountain in Greece; Gods were believed to have lived here.
3. isthmus­ a narrow strip of land with water on both sides.
4. Phoenicians­ a people of Southwest Asia who began to trade around 1100 BC.
5. Alphabet­ a system of symbols that stand for sounds.
8. Myth­ a story that people tell to explain their beliefs about their world. Gods/
9. Olympics­ games held every four years
10. Epic poem­ a long short poem about ancient heroes.
Unit 2 Greece Vocabulary words.notebook
11. Fable­ a short story that usually involves animals and teaches a moral lesson.
12. Polis­ a Greek word for city­state
13. Aristocracy­ rule by the upper classes
14. Oligarchy­ rule by few people
15. Tyrant­ a ruler who takes power illegally August 19, 2014
16. Citizen­ a person who is loyal to and protected by the government.
17. Democracy­ a government in which the citizens make political decisions. 18. Athens­ a city­state of ancient Greece. Established direct democracy.
19. Sparta­ a city­state of ancient Greece found in the Peloponnesus. 20. Helot­ a slave. The Spartans forced the defeated people to become slaves. 21. Barracks­ military houses where young boys went to live. 22. Marathon­ a plain near Athens. Modern races are based on this. 