List as many questions as you Hinduism

List as many questions as you
can think of about the major
world religions that we will study
Bell Work:
Finish up on “World Religions
Research” from Friday.
I will be checking this for a formative
assessment grade
Chart for completion – formative
assessment grade
World Religions Research:
Any discoveries you would like to
Any questions?
Questions we will ask
What are the characteristics of major religions?
How are they similar and different?
How have major religions affected culture?
How have belief systems spread over large areas?
Belief Systems
Founded c. 3000 B.C. by Dravidians
Aryans= nomadic invaders from
Central Asia
Bell Work:
Take out your notebooks and write
about yourself:
3 Truths
1 Lie
Hinduism has no single founder, but
originated from the mixing of Harappan
and Aryan cultures in ancient India
around 1500 BCE.
Hindus believe in one unifying
spirit, Brahman. Brahman can
manifest in many, polytheistic,
forms or in one, monotheistic.
The caste system (outlawed since 1948) was an important part of
Hinduism. Castes are social classes into which a person is born and lives
their entire life. If a person has a good karma they may be reincarnated
into a higher caste.
This life
Next life
Good Karma
Higher caste
Born into
A caste
Bad Karma
Lower caste
The caste system separated Indian society into distinct social
classes in which everyone knew their place and believed that if
they followed the dharma of their caste, they would be
reincarnated into a better caste.
Caste System
Caste determines occupation and
social status
No marriage outside of caste
No sharing of meals
Outlawed since 1947, but still deeply
ingrained in Indian society
Hinduism is based on the concept
of reincarnation (Spirits return to
earth many times in different forms
trying to become one with
Brahman). The soul moves up or
down a hierarchy depending on
their behavior in life.
A person moves closer to Brahman
by obeying the law of karma.
Karma is the sum of all your deeds,
good and bad. Good deeds involve
following your dharma, or duties
dependent on your position, gender
and occupation.
Over the centuries Hindu beliefs
were recorded into a number of
sacred texts including the Vedas and
the Upanishads.
The Ramayana is a Hindu
creation story.
• 3 main gods:
Brahma – creator god
• Shiva – the destroyer
• Vishnu – the preserver
• Brahman – the “ultimate reality”
Hindus believe Brahman is the source of
all things and is in all things.
• All other gods are manifestations of
The Four Aims
All Hindus live with 4 goals:
Dharma – righteousness (right behavior)
Artha – success/prosperity
Kama – satisfaction of desires
Moksha – release from “samsara,” the
life cycle
Atman= soul
Every living thing has one
The body is mortal, but the soul is
Reincarnation – soul is reborn in another
Dharma- your record
Karma- law of consequences
Samsara- transmigration & reincarnation
Ultimate goal: moksha & nirvana
Your atman blends with Brahman and
becomes part of it.
Hindu and the Caste System
Very closely tied
Karma determines reincarnation
If your dharma is good, you will be
reincarnated in a higher caste.
If your dharma is bad….lower.
You can even drop below castes into the
world of beasts.
What is sacred:
The Vedas (sacred texts)
The Cow
How many million Untouchables?
What similarities can you see in our
own American history?
Exit Slip
1. Name one idea/fact that you
remember most about Hinduism.
2. What question do you have about
From your notes on Hinduism:
Each person in your group:
Create 3 truths
1 lie