General Equilibrium Theory A General Economy • m consumers • n producers (n goods) • Resources • m X n demand equations • n supply equations Prices A Pure Exchange Economy An economy in which there is no production. A special case of a general economy in which economic activities consist only of trading and consuming. The simplest form of a pure exchange economy is the two-agent, two-good exchange economy, which may be illustrated graphically using the Edgeworth – Bowley Box. The “Edgeworth Box”: a pure exchange economy x1 x2 A2 1B The “Contract Curve”: The set of all Pareto efficient points. B · B2 x · U A0 U B0 x2 A 1A x 1 The “Core”: A set of feasible allocations that cannot be improved upon. The “Edgeworth Box”: a pure exchange economy x1 x2 A2 1B B · B2 · x -p1/p2 U A0 U B0 -p1/p2 -p1*/p2* x2 A 1A x1 The Algebra of Equilibrium Assumptions: Pure exchange economy Two goods: x1 and x2 Two agents, A and B, with … Identical preferences: U A x1 , x2 x1 x12 0 1 1 U B x1 , x2 x1 x2 Arbitrarily determined, but different, endowments: A , B A 1A , A2 B 1B , B2 2 Equilibrium is defined as a consumption bundle x x1A , x A ; x1B , xB2 Where aggregate excess demands are zero in both markets: z1 p1 , p2 0 Hence, we are seeking a set of prices, p , p2 , that z 2 p1 , p2 0 satisfies these1 equilibrium conditions. Pure Exchange and Equilibrium x1 1B 6 x1B 4 B x2 21 A2 · B2 6 x 15 x A2 · xB2 12 U 1A U A0 U B1 U B0 P1 P = - 31 2 A 1A 3 x1A 5 x2 x1 First and Second Theorems of Welfare Economics 1. All market equilibria are Pareto efficient. “With such a definition it is almost self-evident that this so-called maximum [Pareto-optimality] obtains under free competition … But this is not to say that the result of production and exchange will be satisfactory from a social point of view or will, even approximately, produce the greatest possible social advantage.” Knut Wicksell, “On the Problem of Distribution” (1902) What are the implicit assumptions underlying this result? 1. No consumption externalities 2. Agents behave “competitively” (large # of agents) 3. A competitive equilibrium actually exists Pure Exchange and Redistribution 1B 7 x1 1B 6 x1B 4.5 x1B 4 B x2 21 A2 ’ · · 15 x A2 13.5 x A2 B2 6 x · x’ · xB2 12 x B2 13 .5 U 1A U A0 U B1 U B0 x2 A 1 1A 3 A 2 x1A 5 x1A 4.5 x1 Pure Exchange and Redistribution x1 1B 6 x1B 4.5 x1B 4 B x2 21 A2 ′ 18 = A2 ·’’ B2 6 ′ B2 = 9 · 15 x A2 13.5 x A2 x’’ · x · xB2 12 x B2 13 .5 U 1A U A0 U B1 U B0 x2 A 1A 3 x1A 5 x1A 4.5 x1 First and Second Theorems of Welfare Economics 2. Every Pareto efficient allocation can be achieved as a competitive equilibrium (given an appropriate initial endowment and convexity of preferences). “[Pareto optimality] does not define, uniquely, a best situation in any sense of the word … Other criteria – roughly speaking, those we associate with the term ‘distributive justice’ – have to be called into play.” Kenneth Arrow, The Limits of Organization (1974) What is the important implication of this result? Don’t manipulate prices to achieve equity-related goals – use lump sum transfers instead. “However, there are practical matters involved …”