Getting Into the Fossil Record Name_______________________ Date _______________________

Getting Into the Fossil Record
Name_______________________ Date _______________________
Directions: As you navigate through “Getting Into the Fossil Record”, keep your
eyes open for answers to the following questions.
1. What are some of the questions that the fossil record can help scientists
answer? List three.
2. Name five kinds of trace fossils. What makes trace fossils different from
“body” fossils?
3. Quick burial is an important part of the fossilization process. Why?
4. Find the fossilized walnut. How did it become a fossil?
5. What are some different ways that an organism can become a fossil?
(Describe two).
6. What happened to the mammoth?
7. Why are the mouse and the jellyfish being compared?
8. Why is it difficult for an organism living in the rainforest to become a fossil?
9. What areas are usually good environments for fossilization? Why?
10.What two reasons why many organisms never become part of the fossil
11.Of all organisms alive today, what percent will eventually become fossils?
12.Explain why insects are not well represented in the fossil record?
13.Describe four ways that geologic processes can destroy a fossil?
14.Why isn’t igneous rock a good place to look for fossils?
15.Find the map of Montana. What are two things to keep in mind when you
are looking for a fossil like T-rex? What do the colors and letters
16.Why do paleontologists look for fossils on the sides of hills?