LT -1 A. Combustion B.

LT -1
Put the following answer choices on the board:
1. What short cycle carbon processes removes CO2 from the atmosphere?
2. Which short cycle carbon process involves breaking down complex
compounds into simple atoms and molecules? B
3. Which process is not involved with the biological short cycle? A
4. Which short biological cycle processes add CO2 to the atmosphere? B,
5. During this short cycle process, simple molecules are recombined to
form sugars and starches. C
6. Name 3 places carbon is found?
a. Atmosphere, plants, oceans, earth’s crust, animals, soil
7. What are ingredients plants use to make food?
a. Water, sunlight, CO2
8. What is the process by which organisms convert organic material (food)
into energy using oxygen and releasing CO2?
a. Respiration
9. Decomposers help break once living organism back into _________.
a. Carbon
LT – 2
Put the following on the board:
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Soil
D. Sunlight
E. Water
1. Besides water, what other matter is need for a plant to make food? A
2. What energy does a plant use to make food? D
3. Although all are important to a plant, which accounts for most of the
mass of a plant throughout its lifetime? A
4. When a plant photosynthesizes, what is released as a by-product? B
5. When a plant respires, what is released as a by-product? A
Put the following answer choices on the board
Carbon (C)
Oxygen (O)
Hydrogen (H)
Sulfur (S)
Nitrogen (N)
Which elements could be recombined chemically during photosynthesis to
form different substances? (H20 + CO2 + sunlight)? A, B, C
Which three elements make up glucose molecules? A, B, C
Which three elements make up fructose molecules? A, B, C
Which three elements make up cellulose molecules? A, B, C
As carbon moves through the carbon cycle, how is the carbon changed
physically or chemically? Chemically
Where does most of the matter that makes up a plant come from?
a. Carbon dioxide
Plants release oxygen as a byproduct of ______________.
a. Photosynthesis
Plants reduce _____________ in the atmosphere.
a. CO2
Plants can convert light energy to ____________ energy.
a. Chemical
LT - 3
Put the following on the board:
A. Combustion
B. Diffusion
C. Weathering
1. Which delayed cycle process involves the movement of CO2 into the
ocean? B
2. Which delayed cycle process has to occur before carbon atoms locked
away in shells and rocks can be released into the atmosphere? C
3. Which delayed cycle process is involved with burning fossil fuels? A
4. Which delayed cycle process has been accelerated by human activity? A
A. Carbon sink
B. Carbon source
1. animals B
2. plants A
3. ocean A
4 acres of trees A
5. fossil fuel deposits A
6. volcanoes B
7. decomposers B
8. deforestation B
LT 4
1. What type of gases trap heat in the atmosphere, acting like a blanket
around the Earth?
• Greenhouse gases (methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous
oxide, CFC’s)
2. From what source do scientists collect their data when
researching ancient climates?
• Ice cores
2. The rise of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from humans burning what
energy source?
• Fossil fuels
3. Discounting the fluctuations caused by seasons, what trend has occurred
concerning the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere in the last 100 years?
• Increasing/ rising