Content: Introduction to Course
Essential Questions/Learning Targets:
1. What are the policies and procedures for this class?
2. What will we be learning in this class?
3. How will this class be assessed?
Independent Work – establishing engagement (8-10 minutes):
Seat yourselves in alphabetical order.
Guiding Purpose – fostering engagement (3-5 minutes):
Review learning targets.
Interactive Instruction and Authentic Engagement – deepening understanding (25-40 minutes):
Some of you have had me in class before and may know some of the things I am going to say.
Some of you are meeting me for the first time. All of us are going to go over the expectations
for this class together. This will be review for some of you. Review is good because it will
refresh your memories.
The first expectation of this class is that you will sit in an assigned seat. In order for me to
get to know you and your names as quickly as possible.
Briefly introduce self. My name is Ms. Hedrick. It is written on the board. It is spelled H-ED-R-I-C-K and is pronounced Hedrick. I would like to be addressed as Ms. Hedrick, please.
I am looking forward to being your teacher this year and the first think I’d like to tell you is
to relax. Tell a little about self.
Begin Lecture – The reason we are here is for YOU – for you to succeed and to enjoy this
class. I am here to help you succeed and enjoy this class and school. So, I will NOT allow
you to do anything that will interfere with your success in this class.
We will be working together this year. This classroom will become a community. We need
to have a class where you can come without fear of being ridiculed or threatened. Because I
want ALL of you to succeed, I will not allow you to do anything that will interfere with
someone else who is trying to learn.
I am the teacher, and I am looking forward to being your teacher this trimester, and I will not
allow you to do anything that will interfere with me enjoying this class or all of us having an
enjoyable class.
So that YOU can learn, so that WE all can learn, so that I can teach, we have to have rules,
policies and procedures to ensure that we all have an orderly classroom.
Distribute Policies and Procedures Have each student give their name and tell one thing about him or herself and read one
policy/procedure and then reword into his or her own words. Create a seating chart during
this time for class use. Add info as needed. Advise students that this will be placed in the
class notebook.
Distribute Assessment Policy. Discuss. Advise that this is to be returned with a
parent/guardian signature by Friday. Advise of the location of their copy.
Distribute Week One vocabulary. Go over vocabulary words 1&2.
Closure and Consolidation – making meaning, clarify (5-10 minures):
Notebook needed as soon as possible. Classwork will begin tomorrow and it will be needed then.