KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY KUTZTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EDU 514 The Reading Specialist and Intensified Literacy Instruction I. Course Description: EDU 514 The Reading Specialist and Intensified Literacy Instruction Reading specialists/literacy coaches serve in many roles. This foundation level course focuses on the design and delivery of intensified literacy instruction by reading specialists. Evidence-based instructional designs, which focus on diagnostic data to craft daily lessons, are explored. The importance of motivation and scaffolded support for learning is stressed. Attention is also devoted to the selection of print and technological resources appropriate for struggling readers and writers, given situations of diverse socio-economic, cultural and linguistic diversity. Prerequisites: Two of the Foundation Level courses EDU 504 Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Pre K-3; EDU 506 Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Grades 4-8; EDU 513 Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Adolescent to High School; EDU 502; or permission of the instructor. 3 S.H.; 3 C.H. II. Course Rationale: Reading specialists need to be able to work with struggling readers and writers including those who have identified special needs across grade levels, in a range of school settings. This course requires graduate students to combine their knowledge of linguistically and culturally diverse populations, small group and individual instructional designs, best literacy practices, and factors related to literate environments with their ability to use multiple student data sources to plan responsive instruction for struggling readers and writers in multiple grades. Graduate students also explore the reading specialist’s responsibilities in securing family and community support as well as advocating for struggling readers and writers. This course is directly aligned with the IRA (International Reading Association) Standards for Reading Professionals (2010). III. Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of study and activities in this course, graduate students will be expected to: A. Read and analyze major theories and best practices to employ when working with struggling readers and writers, including Response to Intervention (RtI and RtII). B. Discuss the characteristics of struggling readers and writers including those who have identified special needs. C. Identify and design curriculum that will meet the diverse needs of struggling readers and writers. D. Design appropriate intensified, data-driven instruction that meets the needs of struggling readers and writers. E. Recommend and select a variety of texts that range from traditional to online resources to meet the specific needs and abilities of struggling readers and writers. F. Determine students’ reading performance, relative to word learning, fluency, and comprehension, based on the administration and scoring of an informal reading inventory. G. Articulate the ways diversity influences reading and writing development in order to understand the relationship between first and second language learning. H. Design instructional time periods that use individual and small group practices to differentiate instruction for struggling readers and writers. I. Articulate the legal rights and responsibilities of the teacher for special education referral, evaluation, and the rights and procedural safeguards that students are guaranteed. J. Recommend opportunities for English Language Learners to engage in authentic discourse based on best practices and evidence based assessments. K. Advocate for struggling readers and writers by joining and participating in literacy organizations to promote effective literacy instruction. IV. Assessments: Assessments based on a subset of the following: Instructional portfolio, exams, quizzes, reports, presentations, journal article reviews, projects, reaction papers/journals. V. Course Outline: I. Current theory and research A. Overview of struggling readers 1. Socioeconomic factors and literacy 2. Culturally and linguistically diverse readers 3. Developing readers 4. Readers with processing differences/delays 5. Unmotivated readers 6. Learning disabilities a. Specific reading disabilities b. Attention deficit disorders 7. Emotional and behavioral disorders a. Asperger / Autism b. PDD / ODD 8. Cognitively challenged B. Contributions of key literacy researchers and noted writers II. School-based designs for intensified instruction A. Standards-based curriculum 1. Knowledge of various standards 2. Evaluating the alignment of intensified literacy programs, practices and materials to curriculum B. Assessment of readers 1. Use of commercial assessments 2. Use of informal assessments a. Qualitative Reading Inventory (1.) Purposes (2.) How to administer and score (3.) How to interpret b. Use of data from running records, commercial benchmarking programs C. Special education legal rights and responsibilities 1. General education teacher’s role in referral and evaluation for special education 2. Reading specialist’s role in collaborating with the IEP team 3. Procedural safeguards for students 4. Parents’ rights D. Response to Intervention and Instruction (RtI/RtII) 1. RTI Guiding Principles for Educators (International Reading Association) 2. Keystone State Reading Association’s position statement on RtII 3. Differing interpretations of RtII at local, state and national levels E. Discrepancy model of identification of special needs F. Supplemental instruction 1. District-sponsored and/or Title 1 2. Pull out and push in designs 3. Scheduling challenges and tips G. Early intervention programs H. Impact of government policy III. Application of motivational practices to struggling/unmotivated readers A. Provide choice of texts in which success is possible B. Involve home/community C. Use technology in meaningful ways D. Create culture to support literacy (interest inventories, range of materials, time, social interaction, “buy-in” to literacy culture, “fun”) E. Engage students in goal setting and metacognitive strategies F. Use of behavioral checklist when appropriate to facilitate learning IV. Best practices for intensified literacy instruction A. Foundational Principles 1. Use daily data to inform instruction 2. Employ gradual release of responsibility model 3. Recognize and teach to students’ strengths 4. Use daily reading and writing for authentic purposes 5. Establish a communication system regarding students 6. Involve home/community for student’s success B. Adapting responsive literacy instruction to struggling readers 1. Small group a. Instructional Strategies Approach (ISA) b. Strategy lesson groups c. Book clubs d. Responsive commercial programs (e.g., Leveled Literacy Intervention, Reading Apprenticeship) 2. Individual a. Reading Recovery b. Reading Workshop (use with struggling readers) c. Practicing reading conferences 3. Independent reading a. Build stamina b. Involve home/track progress c. Self-select appropriate text d. Know books and children’s interests e. Programs (e.g., 100 Book Challenge) C. Focused instruction for struggling writers 1. Common needs beyond conventions of print a. Motivation and perseverance b. Sentence combining and elaboration c. Word choice d. Expository and argumentative writing e. Self-evaluation 2. Decision-making to support struggling writers a. Conferencing b. Effective use of technology c. Adapting writing process to student needs (1.) Publishing vs. volume of writing (2.) Word processing vs. handwritten product D. ELL literacy intervention and instruction 1. Articulating ELL levels II and III related to literacy learning 2. Delivering appropriate literacy instruction to ELL students at levels II and III V. Locating and Using Instructional Materials for Struggling Readers A. Reading resources appropriate to age/skill/interest level 1. Books a. Selecting high interest trade books (hard copy/e-reader) b. Determining when to use “leveled” texts c. Coaching readers to select multiple genres d. Supporting the reading of culturally diverse literature e. Creating texts 2. Magazines, newspapers, catalogs, games, and other print materials 3. Technology a. Internet (1.) Directing student use (2.) Resources for teachers to create material b. Application of current technologies appropriate to intensified literacy instruction B. Commercial Programs for Intensified Literacy Instruction 1. Keeping up-to-date with commercial programs 2. Using resources and knowledge base to evaluate a. Government, state, professional organization reviews b. Time to critically analyze materials c. Cost of programs vs. purchase of books/magazines d. Match of program materials to balanced literacy model VI. Reading specialists: Working with families and community A. Approaches to family literacy 1. Getting to know community/family cultures 2. Building on family and community strength B. Family/community involvement 1. Communicating with families/community 2. Creating a welcoming environment a. Sensitive to multicultural/economic perspectives that impact parent participation b. Respect for various family structures 3. Designing and hosting programs/special events 4. Working with community agencies C. Securing outside resources 1. Donations (e.g., book drives) 2. Grant Writing exploration D. Federal/state program requirements E. Working with professional organizations 1. Membership in local, state, international reading associations 2. Attending conferences 3. Professional growth through listservs, blogs, webinars, etc. 4. Opportunities for committee service VI. Instructional Resources: Allington, R. L. & McGill-Franzen, A. (Eds.). (2011). Handbook of reading disability research. New York: Routledge. Allington, R. (2010). What really matters in response to intervention: Researchbased designs. Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Allington, R. (2006, December). Reading interventions that accelerate reading growth:Research-based characteristics. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Reading Conference, Los Angeles, CA. Alvermann, D. E., Hagood, M. C., Heron-Hurby, A., Hughes, P., Williams, K. B., & Yoon, J. (2007). Telling themselves who they are: What one outof-school time study revealed about underachieving readers. Reading Psychology, 28(1), 31-50. doi:10.1080/02702710601115455 Au, K. (2009). Isn't culturally responsive instruction just good teaching? Social Education, 73(4), 179-183. Beck, I. L., & McKeown, M. G. (2007). Increasing young low-income children's oral vocabulary repertoires through rich and focused instruction. Elementary School Journal, 107(3), 251-271. Bhattacharya, A. (2010). Children and adolescents from poverty and reading development: A research review. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 26(2), 115-139. doi:10.1080/10573560903547445 Brozo, W. G., & Flynt, E. (2008). Motivating students to read in the content classroom: Six evidence-based principles. The Reading Teacher, 62(2), 172-174. Cantrell, S., Almasi, J. F., Carter, J. C., Rintamaa, M., & Madden, A. (2010). The impact of a strategy-based intervention on the comprehension and strategy use of struggling adolescent readers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(2), 257-280. doi:10.1037/a0018212 Craig, S. A. (2006). The effects of an adapted interactive writing intervention on kindergarten children's phonological awareness, spelling, and early reading development: A contextualized approach to instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98(4), 714-731. doi:10.1037/00220663.98.4.714 Coiro, J., & Fogleman, J. (2011). Using websites wisely. Educational Leadership, 68(5), 34-38. Edwards, P. A. (2011). Creating caring classrooms. Reading Today, 28(4), 12. Edwards, P. A. (2010). Tapping the power of parents. Reading Today, 28(3), 18-19. Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2012). Motivating boys to read: Inquiry, modeling, and choice matter. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(7), 587-596. doi:10.1002/JAAL.00070 Fisher, D., & Ivey, G. (2006). Evaluating the interventions for struggling adolescent readers. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50(3), 180189. Gelzheiser, L. M., Scanlon, D., Vellutino, F., & Hallgren-Flynn, L. (2010). Spotlight on RTI for adolescents: A case of intensive middle school intervention using the interactive strategies approach -extended. intervention. In M. Y. Lipson & K. K. Wixson (Eds.), Successful approaches in RTI: Collaborative practices for improving K-12 literacy (pp. 211- 230). Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Gelzheiser, L. M., Scanlon, D., Vellutino, F., Hallgren-Flynn, L., & Schatschneider, C. (2011). Effects of the interactive strategies approachextended: A responsive and comprehensive intervention for intermediate-grade struggling readers. Elementary School Journal, 112(2), 280-306. Greenleaf, C. L., & Hinchman, K. (2009). Reimagining our inexperienced adolescent readers: From struggling, striving, marginalized, and reluctant to thriving. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(1), 413. International Reading Association. (2010). Response to intervention: Guiding principles for educators from the International Reading Association. Newark, DE: Author. Johns, J. & Lenski, L. (2010). Improving reading: Strategies and resources (Fifth Edition)Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Johnson, P. H. (Ed.). (2010). RTI in literacy- Responsive and comprehensive. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Keehn, S., Harmon, J., & Shoho, A. (2008). A study of readers theater in eighth grade: Issues of fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 24(4), 335-362. doi:10.1080/1057356080200429 Keystone State Reading Association (2011). Response to instruction and intervention position statement. http://ksrapa.org/wpcontent/uploads/2011/09/2011_KSRA_RtII_position_statement_Final.p df Krashen, S. (2009). Anything but reading. Knowledge Quest, 37(5), 18-25. Lapp, D., & Fisher, D. (2010). Critical literacy: Examining the juxtaposition of issue and self. Multicultural Perspectives, 12(3), 156-160 doi:10.1080/15210960.2010.504494 Lapp, D., & Fisher, D. (2009). It's all about the book: Motivating teens to read. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(7), 556-561. Lapp, D., Moss, B., & Rowsell, J. (2012). Envisioning new literacies through a l ens of teaching and learning. The Reading Teacher, 65(6), 367-377. doi:10.1002/TRTR.01055 Lenski, S. (2011). What RTI means for content area teachers. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55(4), 276-282. doi:10.1002/JAAL.00034 Lipson, M. & Wixson, K.W. (2010). Successful approaches to RTI: Collaborative practices for improving K – 12 literacy. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Mason, L. H., Benedek-Wood, E., & Valasa, L. (2009). Teaching low-achieving students to self-regulate persuasive quick write responses. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 53(4), 303-312. Mokhtari, K., Hutchison, A. C., & Edwards, P. A. (2010). Organizing instruction for struggling readers in tutorial settings. The Reading Teacher, 64(4), 287-290. doi:10.1598/RT.64.4.10 Moss, B., Lapp, D., & O'Shea, M. (2011). Tiered texts: Supporting knowledge and language learning for English learners and struggling readers. English Journal, 100(5), 54-60. Olson, C., Land, R., Anselmi, T., & AuBuchon, C. (2010). Teaching secondary English learners to understand, analyze, and write interpretive essays about theme. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(4), 245256. doi:10.1598/JAAL.54.4.2 Ortiz, R. W., & Ordoñez-Jasis, R. (2005). Leyendo juntos (reading together): New directions for Latino parents' early literacy involvement. The Reading Teacher, 59(2), 110-121. doi:10.1598/RT.59.2.1 Pennsylvania Department of Education (2012). Academic standards for English language arts: Grades pre-k to 5. Harrisburg, PA: Author. Retrieved from content/ http://static.pdesas.org/documents /PA_CC_Standards_PreK-5_ELA.pdf Pennsylvania Department of Education (2012). Academic standards for English language arts: Grades 6 – 12. Harrisburg, PA: Author. http://static.pdesas.org/content/documents/PA_CC_Standards_612_ELA.pdf Pinnell, G. (2006). Every child a reader: What one teacher can do? The Reading Teacher, 60(1), 78- 83. doi:10.1598/RT.60.1.9 Purcell-Gates, V., Melzi, G., Najafi, B., & Orellana, M. (2011). Building l iteracy instruction from children's sociocultural worlds. Child development perspectives, 5(1), 22-27. doi:10.1111/j.1750 8606.2010.00144.x Raphael, T. E., & Au, K. H. (2005). QAR: Enhancing comprehension and test taking across grades and content areas. The Reading Teacher, 59(3) 206-221. doi:10.1598/RT.59.3.1 Ruddell, M., & Shearer, B. A. (2002). 'Extraordinary,' 'tremendous,' 'exhilarating,' 'magnificent': Middle school at-risk students become avid word learners with the vocabulary self-collection strategy (VSS). Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 45(5), 352- 363. Scanlon, D.M., Anderson, K.L., & Sweeney, J. M. (2010). Early intervention for reading difficulties: The interactive strategies approach. New York: Guilford. Scanlon, D. M., Vellutino, F. R., Small, S. G., Fanuele, D. P., & Sweeney, J. M. (2005). Severe reading difficulties—Can they be prevented? A comparison of prevention and intervention approaches. Exceptionality, 13(4), 209-227. doi:10.1207/ s15327035ex1304_3 Shanahan, T., Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2012). The challenge of challenging text. Educational Leadership, 69(6), 58-62. Tatum, A. W., & Muhammad, G. E. (2012). African American males and literacy development in contexts that are characteristically urban. Urban Education, 47(2), 434-463. doi:10.1177/0042085911429471 Taylor, B. M., Pearson, P., Peterson, D. S., & Rodriguez, M. C. (2003). Reading growth in high-poverty classrooms: The influence of teacher practices that encourage cognitive engagement in literacy learning. Elementary School Journal, 104(1), 3- 28. Williams, C., & Pilonieta, P. (2012). Using interactive writing instruction with kindergarten and first-grade English language learners. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40(3), 145-150. doi:10.1007/s10643-012-0508-y Young, C. J., & Rasinski, T. V. (2011). Enhancing author's voice through scripting. The Reading Teacher, 65(1), 24-28. doi:10.1598/RT.65.1.3 Zenkov, K., & Harmon, J. (2009). Picturing a writing process: Photovoice and teaching writing to urban youth. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(7), 575-584.