Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 4/2015 Learning and Teaching Committee 4/2015 (A standing committee of Academic Board) Meeting 4/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee will be held on Tuesday 7 July 2015 commencing at 3.15pm in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Monash University Club, 32 Exhibition Walk, Clayton campus. Melanie Koo Secretary Members having a direct commercial or financial interest in any item before this meeting must declare that interest to the Chair via the Committee Secretary prior to consideration of the item, and must not take part in a vote on any matter concerning it. Agenda Part A * 1 Procedural Matters Welcome: Associate Professor Colin Jevons (for Dr Nell Kimberley), Dr David Manallack (for Dr Paul White). Apologies: Professor Ann Nicholson, Professor Tina Overton, Associate Professor Angela Carbone, Dr Nell Kimberley, Ms Rebecca Lew, Dr Paul White. In attendance: Mr Duncan Buckeridge (for Item 5.1), Mr Rossouw Engelbrecht (for Item 6.2), Ms Ellen Perriment (for Item 7.1), Ms Georgia Blood (for Item 7.2). Membership: Resolutions: That Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC note that): 1. Associate Professor Kris Ryan represents the OVPLT in his new role as Academic Director. 2. Professor Jamie Evans will represent the Faculty of Engineering. 3. Associate Professor Moira Paterson replaces Professor Jeffrey Goldsworthy on this committee. Dr Patrick Emerton will be Associate Professor Paterson’s alternate. * 2 Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items Certain items appearing in the agenda have been marked with an asterisk. These are items that appear to need discussion by the Committee. Items that do not appear to need discussion are unstarred. Items may be starred prior to the meeting by contacting the Secretary, or at this point in the meeting. Recommendation: That the unstarred items on the agenda be adopted without discussion and that the actions recommended taken or the information therein noted. * 3 Minutes 3.1 Minutes of Meeting 3/2015 pp 1 The Minutes of LTC Meeting 3/2015 are attached for approval. Recommendation: That the Minutes of LTC Meeting 3/2015 be confirmed. 3.2 Schedule of Action Items S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2015\4-2015\LTC Agenda 4-2015.Docx pp 9 Page 1 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 4/2015 Recommendation: That the Committee note the updated schedule of action items. Part B * Items for Discussion 4 Chair’s Business 4.1 Chair’s Report Professor Darrell Evans will report on matters of current interest. Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the Chair’s Report. 4.2 Student Grievance Report Ms Natalie Mitchell to report. pp 11 Recommendation: 1. That LTC consider whether to: a. seek further comments or clarifications from faculties and divisions; b. make any specific recommendations or highlight matters for the attention of Academic Board. 2. That LTC note the Student Grievances Annual Report for 2014. 5 LTC Key Issues for 2015 * 5.1 Unit Efficiency Report Mr Duncan Buckeridge to report. pp 41 Recommendation: That the committee receive and note the unit efficiency report. * 5.2 Monash Education Academy Dr David Albrecht to provide a verbal update on the Monash Education Academy. 5.3 Better Teaching, Better Learning Professor Darrell Evans to report on the following: 5.3.1 Academic Quality Assurance of Units (Red Reports) Recommendation: That the committee note the results of the process for the Semester 2 2014; and the guidance that units with enrolments less than 15 not be included in future SETU rounds. * 5.3.2 Review of Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units – Statement of Purpose Recommendation: That the committee endorse the minor amendment to the SETU Statement of Purpose, and note that implementation of Phase Two activities has commenced. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2015\4-2015\LTC Agenda 4-2015.Docx ePortfolio pp 57 Page 2 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 4/2015 6 * Updates from LTC Working Groups 6.1 Withdrawn Incomplete (WI) Grades and Academic Progress Committee (APC) Recommendation: That: i. Future reports of APC data to Academic Board include similar risk analyses and recommendations for interventions. pp 59 *Note: Excel document attached separately. ii. LTC receive and note this report for transmission to Academic Board. Part C * 7 6.2 Special Consideration Working Group: Demonstration of the Online Process Mr Mark Hatwell and Mr Rossouw Engelbrecht to provide a demonstration of the online process. 6.3 Unit Guide Solution Working Group Mr Mark Hatwell to provide a verbal update. Items for Approval Policies and Procedures 7.1 Monash Student Association (MSA) Content Warnings Proposal Ms Ellen Perriment to report. pp 63 Recommendation: That the Committee endorse that Monash University, Clayton campus should implement a compulsory system of content warnings across all faculties. This content warning system should be introduced before the commencement of semester 1, 2016 and that it extends to other Monash campuses thereafter the implementation of it. 7.2 Assessment-Related Amendments to Policy and Procedures Professor Darrell Evans and Ms Georgia Blood to report. pp 77 Recommendation: That the Committee: - 7.3 endorse the proposed changes to the Assessment in Coursework Units Policy; endorse the proposed change to the Unit Guide Policy; approve the proposed changes to the Unit Assessment Procedures; note the development of the Staff Assessment FAQs; and discuss and raise any additional issues relating to assessment that should be considered as part of the forthcoming assessment review process. Proposed changes to Academic Board Regulations regarding Managing the Scheduling of Assessment (Delayed Deferred Exams) Ms Natalie Mitchell to report. pp 119 Recommendation: That the Committee: (a) endorse the amendments to the Academic Board Regulation 22 as highlighted in yellow at Appendix A for endorsement by Academic Board; and (b) recommend to Academic Board the designation of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) as the senior officer to be responsible under SubS:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2015\4-2015\LTC Agenda 4-2015.Docx Page 3 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 4/2015 Regulations 22(8)(b) and 22(9). Part D Documents for Noting 8 Scheduling Services: Process and Preparation for University Timetable 2016 Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the Scheduling Services: Process and Preparation for University Timetable 2016 briefing paper. ePortfolio 9 Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) 2014 National Summary Report Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the AGS 2014 National Summary Report. ePortfolio 10 Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Project Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the MOOCs project update. 11 Faculty Reports Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the minutes / reports from the: - Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture - Faculty of Arts - Faculty of Business and Economics - Faculty of Education - Faculty of Engineering - Faculty of Information Technology - Faculty of Law - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences - Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Faculty of Science * 12 13 Other Business David Paganin to report on audio recording of correct pronunciation of student names upon enrolment. ePortfolio ePortfolio pp 125 Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for 11 August 2015 in the Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Monash University Club. Meeting Dates 2015: 15 Sep 20 Oct 8 Dec S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2015\4-2015\LTC Agenda 4-2015.Docx Page 4 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 4/2015 LEARNING AND TEACHING COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ex Officio Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) (Chair) Professor Darrell Evans University Librarian/nominee Ms Lisa Smith Chair, Academic Board/nominee Director, Student and Education Business Services/nominee Director University Policy/nominee Academic Director, Office of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) Director, Education Excellence, Office of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) Chair, Monash Education Academy Administration (physical learning spaces) Administration (Career and Employability) Professor Chris Davies Faculty Members Art, Design & Architecture Arts Business and Economics Education Engineering Information Technology Law Medicine, Nursing and Heath Sciences Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Mr Mark Hatwell Ms Natalie Mitchell Assoc Prof Kris Ryan Assoc. Prof Angela Carbone Professor Tina Overton (alt Dr David Albrecht) Mr Mike Scott Ms Tammy Fitzgerald Science Dr Kate Tregloan (alt Dr Spiros Panigirakis) Assoc Prof Susanna Scarparo (alt Dr Sarah McDonald) Dr Nell Kimberley (alt Prof Rob Brooks) Assoc Prof Alan Reid (alt Dr Elizabeth Tudball) Professor Jamie Evans (alt Ms Samantha Lipscombe) Professor Ann Nicholson (alt Ms Margot Schuhmacher) Assoc. Prof Moira Paterson (alt Dr Patrick Emerton) Professor Marilyn Baird Dr Paul White (alt Dr David Manallack) Professor David Paganin (alt Professor Cristina Varsavsky) Faculty Manager Vacant President-led Campus PVCs/Nominees Monash South Africa Monash University Sunway Campus Berwick/Peninsula Student Members Two undergraduate students One postgraduate coursework student Observers Assoc Prof Anna-Mart van Wyk (alt Professor Alwyn Louw) Dr Fay Patel (alt Prof Mahendhiran Nair) Ms Kara Gilbert Ms Saranya Ramesh Ms Rebecca Lew Mr Vincent Lau Mr Hamid Khattak eSolutions Representative - TBA S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2015\4-2015\LTC Agenda 4-2015.Docx Page 5 of 5