Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2015 Learning and Teaching Committee 2/2015 (A standing committee of Academic Board) Meeting 2/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee will be held on Tuesday 17 March 2015 commencing at 3.15pm in the Sir George Lush Room (SGLR), 27 Chancellors Walk (Chancellery Building A), Clayton campus. Rhonda Hinds Acting Secretary Members having a direct commercial or financial interest in any item before this meeting must declare that interest to the Chair via the Committee Secretary prior to consideration of the item, and must not take part in a vote on any matter concerning it. Agenda Part A * 1 Procedural Matters Welcome Apologies: Dr Nell Kimberley (Dr Colin Jevons to attend) In attendance: Ms Kristina Kaulenas (University Planning and Statistics) (item 6.3) Observers: Ms Margaret Hill (Acting Manager, Academic Governance Unit, Monash Business School), Mr George Codsi (Lead, Learning Technologies, OVPLT), Ms Madeleine Soederberg (Policy Unit) * 2 Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items Certain items appearing in the agenda have been marked with an asterisk. These are items that appear to need discussion by the Committee. Items that do not appear to need discussion are unstarred. Items may be starred prior to the meeting by contacting the Secretary, or at this point in the meeting. Recommendation: That the unstarred items on the agenda be adopted without discussion and that the actions recommended taken or the information therein noted. * 3 Minutes 3.1 Minutes of Meeting 1/2015 pp 1-6 The Minutes of LTC Meeting 1/2015 are attached for approval, subject to the following amendment: In item 7.3, insert the following text immediately following the first paragraph: “Members noted, in particular, that: − A disconnect between FIT and eSolutions is apparent, which is causing the university to miss out on discipline-specific expertise during user acceptance testing of new systems/processes. − Some functionality from Unit Guide Web Editor was not present in Unit Guide Manager. Members were advised that this would inevitably occur when moving to an enterprise-wide system, but that the UGM business requirements had met the working group’s specifications.” Recommendation: That the Minutes of LTC Meeting 1/2015, with the above amendment, be confirmed. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\2015\2.2015\LTC Agenda 2-2015 NON MEMBER.Docx Page 1 of 7 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2015 3.2 Schedule of Action Items pp 7-10 Recommendation: That the Committee note the updated schedule of action items. Part B Items for Discussion 4 Chair’s Business * 4.1 Chair’s Report P5 Professor Darrell Evans will report on matters of current interest. Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the Chair’s Report. 4.2 Confidential (members only) item 4.3 2015 Calendar of Activity pp 87-96 Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the 2015 Calendar of Activity, including the Appendices. 5 Better Teaching, Better Learning Members are invited to note that this section of the agenda represents a space for consideration of matters directly relevant to the BTBL agenda. * 5.1 Technology Outlook - the Monash View Mr Gavin Dixon will introduce the attached paper on enhancing the effective use of learning technologies in the on-campus delivery mode. pp 97-102 P5; D10 Recommendation: That LTC endorse the broad direction proposed by the paper, and in particular the six key areas of activity and related areas of focus. 6 * Other Key Issues for 2015 Key: P = Presentation; U = Update; D = Discussion; Numerals = minutes 6.1 Monash Education Academy U5 The Chair will provide an oral report. 6.2 New model for Student Discipline This item has been deferred to a future meeting. * 6.3 SETU Implementation Attached are guidelines for screening and distribution of qualitative data, to be presented by Ms Kristina Kaulenas. pp 103-116 P5; D10 Recommendation: That the Committee receive and consider the attached guidelines for screening and distribution of qualitative data. * 6.4 Faculty led and introduced issues Professor David Paganin will introduce discussion on the following topic: Parity of esteem for Education and Research: Why we need it and how we are getting there. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\2015\2.2015\LTC Agenda 2-2015 NON MEMBER.Docx pp 117-118 P5; D10 Page 2 of 7 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2015 7 Updates from LTC Working Groups * 7.1 English Language Proficiency Development Working Group Deferred to LTC Meeting 3/2015. * 7.2 Unit Guide Solution Working Group pp 119-122 U5 Dr Paul White will introduce: − Plans for 2015 rollout. − Proposal for configuration of Unit Guide Templates. Recommendation: That the Committee: 1. Approve an extension to the exemption allowing faculties to use Unit Guide Editor for production of units for Semester 2, 2015, using the 2014 Unit Guide template. 2. Support the reconfiguration of the University unit guide template into ten faculty variations with University mandatory sections in the Unit Guide Manager. 3. Approve inclusion in the Academic Services Group’s role of the creation/maintenance of faculty variations and a quality assurance function to ensure compliance with the University template/mandatory sections. 7.3 Learning and Teaching Pedagogical Principles WG Deferred to LTC Meeting 3/2015. 7.4 Assessment WG Deferred to LTC Meeting 3/2015. * 7.5 Special Consideration Working Group pp 123-126 U5 Attached for noting is an update from Ms Mitchell on the progress of the Special Consideration Policy and procedures review. Mr Mark Hatwell will provide a progress report (oral) on developments to support centralisation of the end-of-semester special consideration applications process. 7.6 Copyright Advisory Group Members are invited to note that the revised Copyright Policy and Procedures were approved by Academic Board Meeting 1/2014, and are now accessible at: http://www.policy.monash.edu/policybank/management/governance/copyright-compliance-policy.html Part C * 8 Items for Approval Policies and Procedures 8.1 Student Complaints and Grievances Policy and Procedures Attached for endorsement are the draft Student Complaints and Grievances Policy and Procedures, amended in accordance with discussion at the last meeting. Ms Mitchell will introduce this item. pp 127-152 P5; D5 Recommendations: That the Committee: 1. Endorse the Student Complaints and Grievances Policy for submission to Academic Board. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\2015\2.2015\LTC Agenda 2-2015 NON MEMBER.Docx Page 3 of 7 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2015 2. 3. 8.2 Approve the Student Complaints and Grievances Procedures, subject to approval by the Graduate Research Committee. Note the Grievance Lodgement Form. Student Voice in Learning and Teaching Ms Mitchell will introduce the attached revised Policy and Procedures. Ms Kaulenas will also be in attendance. (Secretarial note: This appears on the LTC Calendar as Review of Student Evaluation policy and procedures.) pp 153-162 P5; D10 Recommendation: That the Committee 1. Endorse the new Student Voice in Learning and Teaching Policy for submission to Academic Board. 2. Approve the amendments to the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) Procedures. 3. Note that the SETU Procedures will be revised once the new approach to SETU is ready to be operationalised. 4. Endorse rescission of the Student Evaluation Policy for submission to Academic Board. 5. Endorse rescission of the Student Representation and Consultation Policy for submission to Academic Board. 6. Rescind the MEQ Survey Procedures. Part D 9 Documents for Noting Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Project ePortfolio Attached for noting is an update on progress and future directions. Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the update on the Monash MOOC Project. 10 Timing of results release ePortfolio Recommendation: That the Committee note that: 1. Results publication for Semesters 1 and 2 will occur at 9:00am (AEST/AEDT) on the Monday, with no results to be released earlier, effective as of Semester 1 results publication on Monday 13 July. 2. Faculties, Monash Connect and the Campus Community Division (Counselling Services) will ensure all support services are available to students from 9:00am on the Monday. 11 Quality Verification System (QVS) ePortfolio Attached for noting is the report on the 2014 QVS process. Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the report on the 2014 QVS process. 12 University Experience Survey ePortfolio Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the University Experience Survey (UES): Monash University Preliminary Results 2014. 13 Faculty Reports ePortfolio Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the report of Meeting 1/2015 of the Education Committee of the Faculty of Business and Economics. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\2015\2.2015\LTC Agenda 2-2015 NON MEMBER.Docx Page 4 of 7 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2015 14 Items of Other Business 15 Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for 5 May 2015. Meeting Dates 2015: 07 Jul 11 Aug 15 Sep 20 Oct 15 Dec S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\2015\2.2015\LTC Agenda 2-2015 NON MEMBER.Docx Page 5 of 7 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2015 S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\2015\2.2015\LTC Agenda 2-2015 NON MEMBER.Docx Page 6 of 7 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2015 LEARNING AND TEACHING COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ex Officio Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) (Chair) Professor Darrell Evans University Librarian/nominee Ms Lisa Smith Chair, Academic Board/nominee Director, Education Business Services/nominee Director University Policy/nominee Director, Education Strategy, Office of the ViceProvost (Learning and Teaching) Programme Director, Better Learning and Teaching, Office of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) Director, Education Excellence, Office of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) Administration (physical learning spaces) Administration (Career and Employability) Professor Chris Davies Mr Mark Hatwell Ms Natalie Mitchell Mr Loris Strappazzon Faculty Members Art, Design & Architecture Mr Gavin Dixon Assoc. Prof Angela Carbone Mr Mike Scott Ms Tammy Fitzgerald Law Medicine, Nursing and Heath Sciences Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Science Ms Kate Tregloan (alt Ms Spiros Panigirakis) Assoc Prof Susanna Scarparo (alt Dr Sarah McDonald) Dr Nell Kimberley (alt Prof Rob Brooks) Assoc Prof Alan Reid (alt Dr Elizabeth Tudball) Assoc Prof Kris Ryan (alt Ms Samantha Lipscombe) Professor Ann Nicholson (alt Ms Margot Schuhmacher) Professor Jeff Goldsworthy (alt Assoc. Prof Moira Patterson) Professor Marilyn Baird Dr Paul White Professor David Paganin Faculty Manager Ms Margaret Murphy Arts Business and Economics Education Engineering Information Technology President-led Campus PVCs/Nominees Monash South Africa Monash University Sunway Campus Berwick/Peninsula Student Members Two undergraduate students One postgraduate coursework student Observers Assoc Prof Anna-Mart van Wyk (alt Professor Alwyn Louw) Dr Fay Patel (alt Prof Mahendhiran Nair) Ms Kara Gilbert Ms Saranya Ramesh Ms Rebecca Lew Mr Vincent Lau Mr Nicholas Shipley Ms Sally-Anne Wilkinson S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\2015\2.2015\LTC Agenda 2-2015 NON MEMBER.Docx Page 7 of 7