Introduction to Art Art Unit One Length of Unit 2 Weeks Standards Program of Studies Core Content AH-HS-IAA-S AH-HS-1.4 AH-HS-2.2.1.a.4 2013-14 Modern and Contemporary Key Concepts/Skills/Guiding Questions Learning Targets: I can compose a sketch in a cubist manor. I can understand what makes something a minimalist work. I can design a collage using magazine photographs to look like an abstract artwork. I can sort my magazine cuttings by color to use for my composition. I can develop an acrylic painting with large brushstrokes. I can identify influences in work by Picasso. I can view and examine architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright. I can identify artists work by their style. I can examine modern sculpture and see its influence by surrealism. Terms: Cubism, surrealism, fauvism, abstract, futurism, Dadaism, minimalism, abstract expressionism Activities/Assessments/ Resources Draw the person across from you in a cubist way using proper shading. Design collage art using magazine photographs to look like an abstract Picasso painting. Select the correct artist for the image: Match game quiz. Create an acrylic painting using your collage as a reference. Critique the work in an open class discussion. Students will Discuss fauvist works by Matisse. Discuss works by Picasso and cubism. Point out how Picasso’s paintings were influenced by African masks and see his shift to surrealism Discuss architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright Translate “ready made” art. See how sculpture was influenced by surrealism. Discuss Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Identify depression photography of Dorthea Lange Guiding Questions Rowan County Senior High School 2010-2011 Page 1 Introduction to Art Art Rowan County Senior High School 2010-2011 2013-14 Group artwork to its correct style? Identify an example of “ready made” art. How would you best describe works of Picasso and explain. Do you consider photography an art form? Why/ why not? How would you describe the term “ABSTRACT”? Page 2