Formatting Your Data The format of your data is important in allowing Weave to match it to existing geographies. Currently, CTData has all 169 towns and the state boundary geographies. By using the template and following the guidelines your data should have no issues being displayed and manipulated. You can use the visualizations to tell stories, create galleries and export for personal use. The template contains two KEY columns: These ‘Key’ columns act as Unique ID fields to allow CT County Subdivisions & Towns Weave to join your data to the pre-loaded geographies. These fields should not be removed or changed. There are 171 rows: - One column header row - 169 town rows - One Connecticut State row - The columns to the right of the two KEY columns will be your data columns. - If you do not have data for a town or the state row it should be left blank, not deleted or have a 0 value. Check your data for the following: • Check for double spaces in measures. Double spaces are not allowed for measure names and will cause an error. Use the find tool in Excel to look for double spaces. • Check for duplicate measures • Make sure all of your data is formatted at “text” not numbers • Check that all empty cells contain null values, not formulas or “” values. (use ‘Go to Special > Formulas > Text’ to check for non-null cells). • Check that a data record for ‘Connecticut’ is present in data tables. If not add empty record. • Check that county subdivision data set has 169 towns plus CT (total of 170 records) plus column headers. • Check for dashes ( - ) in indicators. • Round to 2 decimals • Check for spaces before or after indicators – use trim function to check. • No illegal characters in any field in metadata including Definition and Importance fields. [] {} | # % + ? . Use find function to check entire sheet. I © 2012 CT Data Collaborative - Rocky Hill, CT - - is a Project of the Connecticut Data Collaborative