Program to Program Agreement Associate’s Degree to Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor of Arts in Sociology Assumes the following coursework was completed at Associate's level: General Education Core 1. English Composition (ENG 23 or 24)- 3 SH 2. Oral Communication: Public Speaking (COM 10)- 3 SH 3. Mathematics: MAT 17 or above- 3 SH University Distribution 4. Natural Sciences: TAOC Category 4 (one of two courses)- 3 SH 5. Social Sciences: TAOC Category 5.1: General Psychology (PSY 11)- 3 SH 6. Humanities: TAOC Category 6- Humanities Prefix- 3 SH 7. Arts: TAOC Category 6- Arts Prefix- 3 SH College Distribution 8. Natural Science w/Lab: 3 or 4 SH 9. Social Science: Cultural Anthropology (ANT 10)- 3 SH Sociology Degree Program (All TAOC transfers to be placed on General Track:) 10. SOC 10: Principles of Sociology- 3 SH 11. SOC 200 (Statistics)- Transferred by TAOC 12. SOC Electives- 12 SH Junior Year Fall SPA 11: Spanish 1 HEA 110 MAT/Science Elective SOC 260: Social Stratification SOC Elective Total Credits *SOC electives (see note below) Credits 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 15.0 Spring SPA 12: Spanish 2 SOC 310: Social Theory SOC Elective Concomitant Concomitant Total Credits Credits 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 15.0 Senior Year Fall SPA 103: Spanish 3 SOC 350: Methods in Soc Res SOC Elective Concomitant Concomitant Total Credits *SOC Electives must fit into category distribution (6 SH each in Family, Diversity, Social Order and General) Credits 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 15.0 Spring SPA 104: Spanish 4 SOC 380: Sr. Seminar SOC Elective Concomitant Concomitant Total Credits Credits 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 15.0