KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY KUTZTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA COE COURSE SYLLABUS TEMPLATE DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION EEU 304 Teaching Social Studies Methods in Pre-K-4 I. Course Description: A. Teaching Social Studies Methods in Grades Pre-K-4 is designed to teach preservice teachers, entering the field in Pre-K-4, different approaches to teaching social studies. The course helps to prepare pre-service teachers to implement social studies concepts and content where ever they can integrate it into multiple content areas. The course will also focus around the ten National Council of Social Studies Themes which are Culture, Time, Continuity and Change, People, Places, and Environment, Individual Development and Identity, Individuals, Groups, and Institutions, Power, Authority, and Governance, Production, Distribution, and Consumption, Science, Technology, and Society, Global Connections, Civic Ideals and Practices. 3 c.h, 3 s.h. II. Course Rationale: Students are expected to learn a variety of social science content knowledge at different grade levels, including the focus on PA History in the fourth grade across the Commonwealth. Teachers should have the appropriate depth and breadth of content knowledge to support successful classroom teaching and student academic achievement. Effective instruction in the social sciences depends on teachers with knowledge in the social science disciplines; knowledge about the ways in which students learn these disciplines; the ability to plan and deliver effective instruction; and skills in assessing student learning in order to modify instruction and deliver successful interventions. III. Course Objectives/ Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Candidates will be able to identify, plan and apply their knowledge of developmentally appropriate social studies lessons. 2. Candidates will be able to demonstrate and apply knowledge of the standards published by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) http://www.ncss.org/standards/ and incorporate those standards in their teaching practices. 3. Candidates will be able to demonstrate and apply their understanding of the five overarching principles for social studies instruction. 4. Candidates will be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge of Pennsylvania’s learning standards pre-K through grade 4 for social studies. 5. Candidates will be able to use the skills of data collection, analysis, collaboration, decision-making, and problem-solving. A. Relationship to Standards Course Objectives/ #1 Student Learning Outcomes PDE Subject Matter Pedagogy 2.A NAYCE Standard 2L Social Studies INTASC Standards 1-7, 9 Course Objectives/ #2 Student Learning Outcomes Course Objectives/ #3 Student Learning Outcomes Course Objectives/ #4 Student Learning Outcomes Course Objectives/ #5 Student Learning Outcomes Subject Matter Pedagogy 2.5 a Standard 2L Social Studies Standards 1-7, 9 Subject Matter Pedagogy 2.5 b Standard 2L Social Studies Standards 1-7, 9 Subject Matter Pedagogy 2.5 c Standard 2L Social Studies Standards 1-7, 9 Competency 2 Assessment Standard #8 ACEI Development #1 Curriculum #2.4 Instruction #3.13.5 Development #1 Curriculum #2.4 Instruction #3.13.5 Development #1 Curriculum #2.4 Instruction #3.13.5 Development #1 Curriculum #2.4 Instruction #3.13.5 ITSE Standards 1-5 Standards 1-5 Standards 1-5 Standards 1-5 Assessment #4 B. Relationship to Conceptual Framework: Kutztown University Conceptual Framework Professional Methodology is modeled through the use of in-class experiences, small and whole group instruction and viewing videos of children in classroom settings. These are explained to the candidates as “methods of teaching using various strategies”. Communication is evident through written assignments, oral presentations and the study of social studies vernacular. Scholarly Inquiry is demonstrated through the use of professional materials, particularly from the National Council of Social Studies (NCSS). Reflection is a key component of the course through written quick writes, writing journals and discussion. Cultural Awareness is integrated throughout the course using multicultural materials and each chapter of the assigned text contains information and examples of various multicultural teaching strategies. Organization and Classroom Management will be addressed as in-class activities are modeled and practiced by the students. Technology will be woven throughout the course by the students using the Internet, in class presentations, and professor instructional strategies. IV. Assessment A.Core Assignment Will be added when faculty teach the course. B. Other Assessments based on a subset of the following: May include but not limited to: reflective writing, group projects, class discussion, simple research, class participation, demonstrated disposition toward learning, tests, text analysis, presentations, portfolios, reflective observation reports, ,content-based assessment with accommodations, lesson plans, analysis of assessment results with instructional recommendations. V. Course Outline A. B. D. D. F. G. What is social studies? 1. past practice 2. present practice 3. standards based 4. developmentally appropriate The NCSS standards/themes a. The study of culture b. Time, Continuity and Change c. People, Places, and Environment d. Individual Development and Identity e. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions f. Power, Authority, and Governance g. Production, Distribution, and Consumption h. Science, Technology, and Society i. Global Connections j. Civic Ideals and Practices The five overarching principles for social studies instruction a. Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when they are meaningful; b. Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when they are integrated; Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when they are values based; d. Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when they are challenging by expecting students to strive to accomplish the instructional goals, both as individuals and as group members; e. Social studies teaching and learning are powerful when the learning is active. Pennsylvania’s learning standards pre-k through grade 4 for social studies (additional to the 10 NCSS themes) a. Geography b. History 1. Including Pennsylvania 2. Make effective use of inquiry and analysis tools (documents, web resources, analysis, as well as relevant subject matter in other disciplines such as economics, political science, and the natural sciences) c. Economics d. Civics and Government (Civic Competence) e. Political Science Government Assessment that enables students to use the skills of data collection, analysis, collaboration, decision-making, and problem-solving. Adapting curriculum to meet the needs of all children a. Special needs b. ELL VI. Instructional Resources Berson, M., Cruz, B., Duplass, J. & Johnston, J. (2007 3rd ed.). Social Studies on the Internet. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice. Brophy, J. & Alleman, J. (2007 2nd ed.). Powerful Social Studies for Elementary students. Thomson/Wadsworth. Center for Civic Education (2006). Project Citizen: A We the People Portfolio –Based Program: Level 1. National Conference of State Legislatures. Duplass, J. (2008 2nd ed.). Teaching Social Studies: Strategies, Standards, and Internet Resources. Houghton Mifflin. Ellis, A. (2007 8th ed.). Teaching & Learning: Elementary Social Studies. Pearson/Allyn & Bacon. High/Scope Educational Research Foundation (2006). Preschool key experiences: Initiative and Social Relations. High/Scope Press. Johnson, A. (2006). Making Connections in Elementary and Middle Social Studies. Sage. Maxim, G. (2006 8th ed.). Dynamic Social Studies for Constructivist Classrooms: Inspiring Tomorrow’s Social Scientists. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice. Melendez, W. & Beck, V. (2007 2nd ed.). Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms: Issues, Concepts, and Strategies. Thomson/Delmar Learning Parker, W. (2009 13th ed.). Social Studies in Elementary Education. Allyn & Bacon. Savage, T. & Armstrong, D. (2008). Effective Teaching in Elementary Social Studies. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice. Seefeldt, C. (2005 7th ed.). Social Studies for the Preschool/Primary Child. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Sunal, C. & Haas, M. (2008 3rd ed.). Social Studies for the Elementary and Middle Grades: A Constructivist Approach. Pearson/Allyn & Bacon. Wallace, M. (2006). Social Studies: All Day, Every Day in the Early Childhood Classroom. Thomson/Demar Learning. Zarrillo, J. (2008 3rd. ed.). Teaching Elementary Social Studies: Principles and Applications. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice.