Institutional Climate Committee Meeting Minutes April 9, 2015 Attendance:

Institutional Climate Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2015
Attendance: T. Bernstein-Danis; M. Borst; Jackie Fox, Esq., social equity; S. Gaisey; Chris Habeck,
Biology; J.C. Hamilton, chair; D. Johnson, senate president; Connie Lawrence-Gantert, grants &
sponsored projects; J. Schearer; C. Weiler
Call to Order 11:00 a.m.
J. Hamilton will report to Senate April 30th, 2015.
Old Business
S. Kong reports that the ICC website is up and running. Mission & by-laws, membership, meeting
agendas and minutes are now posted. The committee discussed using the website to disseminate
information via a problem-solving flow-chart with two or three “buttons” that lead visitors to the
person/place to help solve a problem. Members of the KU community want a place to go to find out
where to go for answers. Faculty not trained to deal with student issues that are not purely academic. A
important resources: student services, the CET, the vets center, disabilities services, and others. The
need for an ombudsperson position was discussed (see new business). Thanks to I.T. for support.
The chair and committee wish to acknowledge Dr. Kong’s work in creating vision and taking action to
make the ICC website a reality. Soon to be dynamic! Thank-you, Sue Kong!
New Business
At the CHD conference, participants discussed the need for more open and genuine communication
among members of the KU community. Experiences of harassment were thought to be the result of a
number of sources, including misperceptions, misunderstandings, stereotyping, limited experience,
power plays, rudeness, ostentatiousness, and culture shock.
Participants concurred with research findings on closed communication resulting in members feeling
alienated and tending to shut down. Attendees strongly agreed with the large percentage of
respondents in Rankin (2011) who said that they want a person to go to for answers to problems.
The consensus of the ICC is that different groups within the campus community experience unique
forms of harassment. Harassment at KU is especially high for LGBTQ and disabled individuals. For
administrators and staff, harassment is associated with position. For faculty, harassment is mostly by
colleagues. The rates are high and are more covert than is typical (ignoring, excluding) elsewhere.
Gaisey/Weiler motion: The ICC recommends reinstating the ombudsperson position to help manage
complaints of members of the KU campus community, in a manner tbd. Carries.
Weiler/Bernstein-Danis motion to adjourn. Carries 12:15 p.m.
- respectfully submitted, Jo Cohen Hamilton