Document 11677310

Academic Technology Committee
Minutes for April 21, 2015 submitted by Laura Sherrod
Present: J. Tan, L. Sherrod, E. Landquist, G. Chao, M. Decoster, M. Weber, A. Mull, J. Green,
J. Brenneck, M. Freed, M. Sims, M. Decoster, A. Mull, D. Scott,
Guests: H. Fox, T. Weidner, J.M. Smith
Absent: A. Fu, K. Stanfa, J. Miller, C. Moctezuma, M. Dalgin, M. McKeague
Meeting called to order by M. Sims
• Motion to approve the agenda and minutes by E. Landquist – unanimous approval
Technology Priorities
o MediaSite – streaming video
 Feedback from those in attendance of the demo last week
• T. Weidner commented that he was playing the board of
governors’ video on his phone – the MediaSite software is not
necessary on the phone for this action.
• E. Landquist gave general thoughts about the demo, commenting
that there was some confusion about how the video files would be
• T. Weidner mentioned that IT got the impression that they would
set up the timing and the distribution of the data into folders as part
of the schedule, thus taking care of the categorization of the video
files that would be created in MediaSite
• M. Freed wanted to know if we should join the MediaSite
consortium. He is in favor of joining and having the tools
available, especially with the storage capacity of the system.
• M. Sims agrees that we should join the consortium and see where
it goes.
• Motion to jump in at the desktop level by E. Landquist and
seconded by M. Decoster was unanimously approved
o Open Source Options
E. Landquist indicated that this has been pushed to summer.
MyKU (PeopleSoft)
o Change from TBA to Online – Follow-up
 H.Fox hasn’t been directed to do anything with this and has therefore
made not invested time in the item.
 She noted that it is not possible to shift this from TBA to Online without
extensive revision/modification of the code
Academic Technology Committee
o Advising workshops
 A total of three people showed up for this.
 The people who attended liked it and thought it was very helpful
 H. Fox will work with D. Scott to put the MyKU workshops into the
summer workshops that D. Scott runs
o New advising features coming Fall
 The advising list shows more information about students now on a single
window than it did in the past.
 Go to the MyKU information page if you have any questions as there is
important information there about customizations that H. Fox has
o CRM (customer relationship management)
 CRM has been implemented.
 H. Fox is in the process of moving events into CRM, starting with the
College of Business.
 Roll out for academic departments will start this summer.
o MyKU Workshops – Summer
 This item was covered above (H. Fox will work with D. Scott to put the
MyKU workshops into the summer workshops that D. Scott runs)
o MyKU Projects
 Request for information forms and academic department forms will be
moved into CRM
 Major changes to workflow will happen
 Moving the MBA program to CRM will allow better email
communication with students who register (automated and more efficient)
 The course catalog will be moved this summer.
Distance Education / D2L
o D2L Upgrade
 Jim Brenneck indicated that the next D2L upgrade will be 9 May
beginning at midnight going until the afternoon of the 9th
 This is the last extended downtime for an update on the day of
 In the future, the updates will be about 15 minutes
 Sunday maintenance will continue
 Every month a single 15-minute update will occur – no more all day
o D2L Retention
Academic Technology Committee
Courses from Summer 2010 through Summer 2011 will be removed from
the system.
 All users can export their own content from D2L, but grades and student
submissions will need to be exported separately
 There are instructions for this as well as a listing courses that will be
removed this on the website
o D2L Single Sign-on
 This project is moving along
 It is hoped that the single sign-on for D2L will be implemented between
Summer I and Summer II
 Individuals will see a different sign on interface.
OIT Projects
o Status Updates
 KU Portal
• A. Mull stated that there is nothing new to report
• MyKU will not be part of single-sign on as Oracle does not support
o Software Requests for Computer Labs and Classrooms
 There is a request form for new software to be installed on computers
 The form is available on the IT website
 The lead time indicated on the website is 3 weeks, but it is necessary to
give more time for computer classrooms
 It is not recommended to request software installation in the middle of the
IT Report (Mitch’s option)
o Software Requests for Computer Labs and Classrooms
 This applies to anything academic and can be submitted online using the
“Submit” button
 M. Sims wanted to know if there is a form for iPad carts or laptop carts.
 J.M. Smith indicated that this is currently a separate area
o Summer Projects
 There are several classroom technology updates in M. Freed’s report (see
• Upgrades in Lytle, Boehm, Old Main, etc . . . are being coupled
with facilities work and renovations
Academic Technology Committee
There were several positive comments made regarding
collaboration space and mediascape being added in the library
Adobe Creative Cloud 2014 will be standardized across the university for
Fall 2015
2016 is the anticipated time for replacement of computers on campus
• A physical inventory will be made of the current personal
• Faculty/staff computers should be done in Spring 2016 and
classrooms will be done over the
• The entire process should be completed by Fall 2016
Strategic Information Management Systems (SIMS) – there will be a data
warehouse located at IUP for a PASSHE-wide report repository
• Old Main is the last big area that needs wireless
• Several upgrades will occur across campus (Library, Grim, GC, etc
. . .)
March meeting: Tuesday September 15, 2015 at 11am in DeFran 207
M. Sims concluded the meeting at 11:45am with a motion to adjourn M. Decoster and second by
J. Tan.