' 4 " " JOURNAL OF ELSEVIER Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 385 (1995) 269-271 Short communication Electric resistance in a Nafion ® membrane exposed to air after a step change in the relative humidity Franti~ek Opekar, Daniel Svozil UNESCO Laboratory of Environmental Electrochemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Charles University,Albertov 2030, 128 40 Prague 2, Czech Republic Received 16 September 1994 Keywords: Air exposure 1. Introduction Solid polymer electrolytes in the form of membranes are often used in industrial electrolysers, fuel cells and solid-state chemical sensors. Perfluorosulphonic membranes known under the name Nation ® (DuPont) are the most common. The physico-chemical properties of solid polymer electrolytes are strongly dependent on the amount of water contained within the membrane [1]. The relationship between the water content in the membrane and the electric resistance or conductivity of the membrane is usually obtained from a measurement of the resistance of a membrane sample containing a defined amount of water, under conditions ensuring that Nafion ® does not exchange water with the environment for the time of measurement. The resultant membrane resistance values then correspond to certain equilibrium water contents [2,3]. The present paper follows the changes in the resistance of a Nation ® membrane during the process in which one equilibrium water content changes into another owing to exchange of water between Nafion ® and ambient air of a certain relative humidity (RH). The air R H is changed stepwise and the time dependence of the Nation ® resistance is monitored. The conductivity electrodes formed directly on the Nation ® membrane surface make possible continuous resistance monitoring. 2. Experimental The test membrane was Nafion ® 117 (Aldrich, Cat. No. 29, 256-7). A 12 × 12 mm piece of the membrane was first cleaned by leaching for 24 h in ethanol and 0022-0728/95/$09.50 © 1995 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved SSDI 0 0 2 2 - 0 7 2 8 ( 9 5 )03 767-1 then was boiled in water for 45 min; in this way, the Nafion ® was converted into the expanded form [4]. Conductivity electrodes 10 mm in diameter were prepared on both sides of the membrane by depositing platinum chemically from a solution of chloroplatinic acid by the action of an alkaline hydrazine solution [5,6]. After the electrode preparation, the membrane was converted into the hydrogen cycle by boiling it for 30 min in 1 mol 1-1 sulphuric acid and then was stored in water for 24 h. The roughness factor of electrodes prepared in the above way is very high, between 10 2 and 10 3, so that the electrodes behave like platinized platinum electrodes. Chemically deposited platinum is porous (these electrodes are often used in gas sensors), so that it does not prevent transport of water vapour between Nation ® and its environment. Platinum leads were pressed on to the conductivity electrodes by spring clamps and the membrane was hung in a vessel above a saturated solution of a salt, creating an atmosphere of a defined R H (see Fig. 1). The following salts were used (the R H values are given in parentheses): C H 3 C O O K (22%), MgCI 2 (33%), Na2Cr20 7 (52%) and NaC1 (75%). The clamp with the leads was fixed on the vessel lid. By transferring the lid from one vessel to another, it was then possible to transfer the test membrane relatively rapidly (within i - 2 s) from air with one R H value into air with another R H value. The time dependence of the resistance on a change in the R H was found from the voltage drop across the membrane through which a constant alternating current (5 kHz, 360 /zA) was passed. The alternating voltage was converted into a d c signal that was then treated and displayed by a computer. The following procedure was used: the test mere- F. Opekar, D. Suozil/ Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 385 (1995) 269-271 270 800 6 600 1 ~ 7 \ _LL output o -~. 400 n- / 200 2 / 3 \ - - w I I 2000 4000 6000 Time/s Fig. 1. Apparatus for continuous measurement of Nation ® resistance. 1 = Nation ® membrane with conductivity electrodes; 2 = vessel with air of a defined RH; 3 = saturated salt solution; 4 = clamp with leads; 5 = transferable lid; 6 =constant-current source; 7 = voltage meter and ac-dc converter. brane was stored in the vessel containing air with a certain RH value for a time required to attain an equilibrium amount of water in the membrane and, consequently, a constant resistance. The membrane was then rapidly transferred to a vessel containing air with another RH value, simultaneously monitoring the time dependence of its resistance. All the measurements were performed at 30°C. Fig. 2. Time dependence of the Nation ® membrane resistance on a step change in the RH of air from (A) 33 to 52% and (B) from 52 to 33%. Further, it follows from Table 1 that: (a) with the same initial RH value, the initial rate of change in the resistance decreases with decreasing RH difference, for both loss and uptake of water; (b) the rate of the change in the membrane resistance is a function not only of the absolute magnitude of the change in the RH, but also of the initial RH value; Table 1 Characteristics of the time dependences of the Nation ® membrane resistance on a step change in the air relative humidity RH change Initial slope a 12 s - 1 75 22 75 33 75 52 52 22 52 33 33 22 1.6 -95.7 0.2 --8.0 0.05 -0.32 1.8 --35.1 0.4 --2.9 2.0 --14.0 3. Results and discussion On transferring the membrane from an environment with a higher R H into one with a lower RH, Nation ® loses water and its electric resistance increases, and vice versa. The time dependence of the resistance after a step change in the R H is given in Fig. 2, from which it can be seen that the change from lower R H (33%) to higher R H (52%) is much faster than the opposite change; this occurs with all the R H changes studied (see Table 1). The rate of change in the membrane resistance is expressed in Table 1 in terms of the initial slope of the resistance-time dependence and in terms of the times required to attain 63.2% ("time constant"), 95% and 100% of the steady-state resistance. ~ ~ "-0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 22 75 33 75 52 75 22 52 33 52 22 33 Time required to attain percentage of steady-state value/s 63.2% 95% 100% 4000 50 1860 70 580 130 2800 140 1200 160 2200 450 20000 120 4700 220 4500 400 6500 340 4400 520 3600 900 - b 350 -- b 480 - b 1100 - b 850 - b 1300 -- b 1350 a The minus sign denotes a decrease in resistance. b Time of steady-state establishment is of the order of tens of hours. F. Opekar, D. Svozil /Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 385 (1995) 269-271 (c) steady-state resistance values are attained relatively rapidly on uptake of water by the m e m b r a n e , whereas the changes on loss of water are so slow after the attainment of about 95% of the steady-state resistance that the stationary value is reached after more than 24 h. The resistance of a Nation ® m e m b r a n e depends on the water content in the Nation ® and the rate of the resistance change depends on the velocity of water transport between Nation ® and its environment. It has been shown [7] that the water entering Nation ® is consumed primarily in the solvation of the ions present in the membrane, within an R H range from 14 to 75%, i.e. a range similar to that studied in the present work (see Table 1). The electrostatic interactions between hydrated counterions and the sulpho groups fixed to the hydrocarbon skeleton of Nation ® affect not only the Nation ® resistance, but also the transport of water between Nation ® and the ambient atmosphere. Hydrophilic ions very readily include water in their solvation shells and thus facilitate entry of water into Nafion ®. When the water content decreases, these ions form immobilized ion pairs that hinder transport of water from Nation ®. The rate of water transport is undoubtedly also affected by the cluster structure of Nation ®. When the R H of air changes close to Nation ® membrane, be it to higher or lower values, then the surface of the polymer is in contact with the ambient air. On a decrease in the water content in the polymer, the clusters in the surface layer decrease in size, are reorganized and the connecting channels are narrowed [8]. The surface layer is thus more difficult to penetrate and the transport of water from the polymer bulk to its surface is hindered. However, on entry of water into Nation ® the clusters are increased by the water molecules accepted and the connecting channels are widened, enhancing the water transport. Therefore, the processes determining the electric resistance of Nafion ~ simultaneously influence the rate of water transport between Nation ® and its environment. The above reasons cause the rate of the m e m b r a n e resistance change to be slower when the Nation ® loses water, compared with the opposite process. The in- 271 creasing hindrance to water transport is manifested in long times required to attain an equilibrium water concentration and a steady-state resistance. The opposite 'process is faster by several orders of magnitude, owing to facilitated water transport. As the resistance of a Nation ® m e m b r a n e is primarily determined by the surface layers of Nation ® when the R H of ambient air changes, it is impossible to establish unambiguously the relationship between the changing resistance and the actual water content within the polymer. However, when studying the influence of the ambient humidity on the properties of Nation ®, it must be taken into consideration that, under given conditions, water uptake by Nation ® is much faster than transport of water from Nation ®. This phen o m e n o n may be important, e.g. when correcting the response of electrochemical gas sensors employing Nafion ® as a solid electrolyte for fluctuations in the relative humidity of the test medium. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the G r a n t Agency of the Czech Republic, G r a n t No. 2 0 3 / 9 3 / 0 0 5 0 . References [1] A. Eisenberg and H.L. 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