Programme No. 5 ABSTRACT 1. Title of the Study: Case Studies of ICT Practices in Schools 2. Objectives: • To document innovative ICT enabled practices in teaching learning • To analyse teacher’s understanding of ICT, its influence on teaching learning practice, and its implementation • To analyse the effects of ICT implementation on teaching learning practices 3. Research Questions: Does implementation of ‘ICT supported teaching learning’ lead to improvements in teachers’ existing practices? What characteristics and factors of the implementation affect the teacher practices? Does involvement in ‘ICT supported teaching learning’ lead to transformation of existing teacher practices? What characteristics and factors of ‘ICT supported teaching learning’ foster or hinder transformation of teacher practices? 4. Likely Outcomes and Benefits: The studies are expected to inform the range of practices that constitute ICT implementation in Schools, provide pointers to teacher orientation, research and policy planning, particularly in the ICT Scheme of the MHRD. 5. Methodology: Research Design A case study approach would be adopted. Individual teachers who have established themselves as effective users of ICT in their classrooms would constitute the cases. Data obtained through observations, field notes, documents available, and interviews of teachers would be used for the study. Relevant tools/schedules/checklists, where required would be developed for data collection. Validity of the evidence would be established through triangulation. Sample Over the years, various schools have implemented ICT as a vehicle for teaching learning in a variety of different ways. Many teachers have systematically adopted ICT, developed their own styles of teaching learning with the help of ICT tools and processes, and have been recognized for the creative ways of enhancing learning in their classrooms. These teachers form the population for the study and a sample of 10-15 teachers would be drawn from this population. Available documentation and testimonies would be used to guide the selection of the cases. 6. Duration of the Programme:12 months; (April, 2010 to March, 2011 7. Target Groups:School Education 8. Budget Proposed: Rs.1,92,000/- 23 Programme No. 5 1. 2. Name of the NCERT Constituent/ Department Title of Programme Case Studies of ICT Practices in Schools 3. (a) Type of the Programme Research (b) Category of the Programme (New/ongoing/carried over) Carried Over If the programme is on- going or carried over, mention the PAC Code No. and Year of Approval Total duration of the Programme as phased in col.10 (a) Date on which programme commenced/to be commenced (b) Target Date of completion Target Groups (a) If the Programme is meant for a group with special needs(Special group ,SC, ST, Minority, Girls etc) (b)Stage of Education to which the programme is meant If programme is state/ Region/Agency specific, Beneficiaries This programme was proposed in the previous year from CIET (13.01), but could not be taken up 12 months 4. 5 6. DCETA April, 2010 March, 2011 School Education Not Applicable Not Applicable Teachers, Researchers and Policy Makers 7. Introduction The Ministry of HRD, Government of India has under the ICT scheme provided funding to States of the Indian Union to equip schools with ICT tools and programmes. Private initiatives like that undertaken by Microsoft and Intel have also catalysed ICT hardware and software being used for teaching learning. Today, a large number of teachers across the country are using ICT to augment their teaching learning repertoire. ICT tools, particularly computers, projectors and multimedia software have been perceived as a value add to teaching learning and different shades of integration have been attempted. Access to the internet has also helped teachers use a wider variety of resource materials and ideas for teaching learning. Has this ICT use made classroom transactions more efficient? Has it made teaching learning more effective? Has it transformed teacher perception of the subjects being taught? Has it set the teacher reflecting on her/his practices in the classroom? Has it 24 influenced teacher planning, teaching and evaluation? How do different configurations of ICT use influence teaching learning? The present study aims to explore this area of research interest and provide pointers for more focused research into the subject. Research conducted world wide on the subject (BECTA, 2006, Empirica (2006), Network for IT-Research and Competence in Education (ITU) (2004), Ramboll Management (2006), Underwood, J. et al. (2005)) has yielded inconclusive evidence on impacts. In the Indian context, ICT implementation is still in its infancy and has not evolved into standard practice in schools. Also depending on when the implementation was initiated, a large variety of practices have been noted. However, some exploratory studies including surveys have been conducted (Siddiqui, 2007 and IMRB, 2007, Goel, D. R., 2005). The BECTA reported cited above has dwelt on the issue of effects of ICT on teacher practices and finds that ICT practice is yet to realize its true potential of transforming classroom practices. Characterising teacher practices in ICT enabled situations and understanding the means to catalyse teacher transformation would ensure that meaningful investments are made for ICT in schools. It will also help shift the focus from computer literacy as a goal of ICT intervention to enhancing the quality of teaching learning in schools. 8. Progress: (Please state briefly the progress achieved for ongoing/carried over programmes and the work likely to be completed by the end of the current financial year) 9. Objectives: • To document innovative ICT enabled practices in teaching learning • To analyse teacher’s understanding of ICT, its influence on teaching learning practice, and its implementation • To analyse the effects of ICT implementation on teaching learning practices 10. Research Questions: Does implementation of ‘ICT supported teaching learning’ lead to improvements in teachers’ existing practices? What characteristics and factors of the implementation affect the teacher practices? Does involvement in ‘ICT supported teaching learning’ lead to transformation of existing teacher practices? What characteristics and factors of ‘ICT supported teaching learning’ foster or hinder transformation of teacher practices? 11. Likely Outcomes and Benefits: The studies are expected to inform the range of practices that constitute ICT implementation in Schools, provide pointers to teacher orientation, research and policy planning, particularly in the ICT Scheme of the MHRD. 25 12. Methodology: Research Design A case study approach would be adopted. Individual teachers who have established themselves as effective users of ICT in their classrooms would constitute the cases. Data obtained through observations, field notes, documents available, and interviews of teachers would be used for the study. Relevant tools/schedules/checklists, where required would be developed for data collection. Validity of the evidence would be established through triangulation. Sample Over the years, various schools have implemented ICT as a vehicle for teaching learning in a variety of different ways. Many teachers have systematically adopted ICT, developed their own styles of teaching learning with the help of ICT tools and processes, and have been recognized for the creative ways of enhancing learning in their classrooms. These teachers form the population for the study and a sample of 10-15 teachers would be drawn from this population. Available documentation and testimonies would be used to guide the selection of the cases. 13. Time Budgeting • Total duration of project: 12 months (April, 10 to March, 11) • Selection of teachers for the case studies and obtaining concurrence by May, 10 • Review of related literature and identification of potential characteristics / factors and development of tools/schedules/checklists etc. by Jun, 10 • Field visits of one week duration, one every alternate month*, beginning July, 10 • Documentation and analysis will be carried out concurrently; Final report by March, 11 *(frequency of visits is based on the school timetable, other projects of the coordinators and is likely to increase; if more than one teacher is available in a school, more cases will be included) 14. Organisational Framework Task of Coordinator Development of the design and methodology, development of the tools, review of literature, field studies, on the task orientation of co-coordinator, and development of research report Task of Co-coordinator Assist the coordinator in various activities involved, field studies, development of report Cost Estimation S. No. Item of Expenditure Estimated Expenditure (Rs.) Remarks if any 1. 5 Field visits (Air) 5×15000=75,000 2. 10 Field visits (Road/Train) 10×5000×=50,000 3. D.A. for 15 visits 3×15×1500=67,500 Total 1,92,500/- 26 15. References Becta (2006) ‘The Becta Review 2006: Evidence on the progress of ICT in education’, UK: Becta. Accessed at: . Empirica (2006) ‘Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools’, Empirica, 2006. Network for IT-Research and Competence in Education (ITU) (2004) ‘Pilot: ICT and school development’, University of Oslo. Accessed at: . Ramboll Management (2006) ‘Elearning Nordic 2006: Impact of ICT on Education’, Denmark: Ramboll Management. Accessed at: pdf#se arch=%22Elearning%20Nordic%202006%22. Underwood, J. et al. ‘Impact of broadband in schools’ UK: Nottingham Trent University, Becta, June 2005. Accessed at: . Siddiqui, M. A., ‘A Study of the Best Practices of the Intel® Teach Pre-Service Program in India’, Country report for the seven nation study of the impact of the Intel Teach program led by Deakins University, Australia, Intel Corporation, April 2008. Source: Learning Links Foundation IMRB, Intel® Teach Pre-Service Evaluation Report, Country report for the seven nation study of the impact of the Intel Teach program led by Deakins University, Australia, Intel Corporation, April 2007. Source: Learning Links Foundation Goel, D. R., ‘ICTE: Research’, Presentation made for Learning Links Foundation, September, 2005. Source: Learning Links Foundation 16 (a) Name and designation of the programme coordinator: Rajaram S. Sharma, Professor (b)Name and designation of other faculty members (s) involved: Dr.(Mrs.)Asha Jindal, Reader Signature of the Head of Department Date:- Signature of the Programme Coordinator Date:- 27