Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 Trygve Reenskaug, Taskon Knut Lillegraven, NTR 28 July 1993 The module defined in this report defines the main objects involved in establishing and removing a one-to-one telephone connection together with a prescription of the interaction between these objects. There are two objects, they are responsible for the calling (A) and called (B) side of the connection respectively. The module is abstract in the sense that it only defines the A- and B- roles without any object type specifications. The corresponding concrete objects will play additional roles, e.g. an invocation model, but this specification is kept independent of the choice of the additional models. Client: TF Client reference: IN-Lab Report 93/5 Taskon reference: Draft File: D:\work.t12\ooram.t12\oo-pres.t12\1993\931206-in-lab2.t12\in2-5-abstrtele.rm4 Last update: 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Print generated: 1 Juni 1998 at: 17:06 Taskon, Gaustadalléen 21, N-0371 Oslo 3 Norway. TASKON Work Environments Tel. + (47) 22 95 86 31 Telefax: + (47) 22 60 44 27 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Report overview. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 1 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction This document describes the Abstract Telephone Communication OOram Module on the service sub-layer of the Service Constituent Creator Layer. IN Service Layers Service Information Entities User and Subscriber Layers Actors Subscriber and End User Service Objects Service Provider Layer Service Specification Contract Dealer Service Creator Layer Conceptual Schema Service vendo User SM Service Constituent Creation Layers Calling SM Called SM Service Programmer AbstrConn SM Invocation SM Network Provider Layer Network SM Administration programmer Switch controll programmer Figure 1. IN-Lab2 support value chain. This module covers the interaction between the telephone connection services of two users (A and B). Both the A- and B-services are capable of handling real time telephony calls. Service A handles telephony calls in a way that suits A, service B handles calls in a way that suits user B. In this role model service A is capable of generating new outgoing calls, while service B handles incoming calls. The stimulus of this role model is a desire by service A to create a connection (possibly initiated by some user interface). It is assumed that service B initially knows little about the state of service A and the type of call A wants to make, just that service A is capable of generating calls. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 2 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Introduction This role model does not cover a complete protocol between service A and service B, just messages that are relevant for the TINA demo. It is also expected that this role model can be split into different role models covering different aspects of service interaction, e.g. charging, connection setup, security, etc. For the sake of simplicity and due to our relatively simple services we merge this into one role model at this stage. The models of this module are as follows: 1. Import models - None 2. Role Models - Telephone Service Interaction (Tel2IntRM). This model shows the basic interaction between the A- and B- service objects. 3. Object Specifications - None 4. Export models - Telephone Service Interaction (Tel2IntEXP). This mechanism shows the basic interaction between the A- and B- service objects. In our simple example, it is identical to the above role model. Figure 2. The model import/export structure of the Abstract Telephone Connection module Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 3 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Abstract Telephone Service export summary Chapter 2 Abstract Telephone Service export summary 2.1 Abstract Telephone Interaction EXP (Abstr2IntEXP) {Export Model} Report including the following selections automatically generated 28 July 1993: Export Models Area of Concern - stimuli Role list - diagram Scenarios - explanation 2.1.1 Area of Concern This role model covers the interaction between the services of two users (A and B). Both the Aand B-services are capable of handling real time telephony calls. Service A handles telephony calls in a way that suits A, service B handles calls in a way that suits user B. In this role model service A is capable of generating new outgoing calls, while service B handles incoming calls. The stimulus messages of this role model is a request by service B for context information from service A. This message is typically the first message sent from service B after it has been created and started. It is assumed that service B initially knows little about the state of service A and the type of call A wants to make, just that service A is capable of generating calls. This role model does not cover a complete protocol between service A and service B, just messages that are relevant for the TINA demo. It is also expected that this role model can be split into different role models covering different aspects of service interaction, e.g. charging, connection setup, security, etc. For the sake of simplicity and due to our relatively simple services we merge this into one role model at this stage. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 4 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 2.1.2 Abstract Telephone Service export summary The Roles Abstr2 AServ 2.1.3 Abstr2 BServ Interaction Scenarios Tel2 AServ Tel2 BServ releaseFromA releaseFromB Figure 3. Release connection from A {Scenario} This MSC shows how a connection is released with the initiative coming from the calling side. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 5 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Abstract Telephone Service export summary Tel2 AServ Tel2 BServ open provideContext call:qoc: userBWaiting: createLeg:direction:qoc:toConnPt: Figure 4. Establish connection {Scenario} This Message Sequence Chart shows the typical message sequence for the successful establishment of a telephone connection. Tel2 AServ Tel2 BServ releaseFromB releaseFromA Figure 5. Copy of Release connection from A (Release connection from B) {Scenario} This MSC shows how a connection is released with the initiative coming from the called side. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 6 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Role Models Chapter 3 Role Models 3.1 Telephone Interaction RM (Tel2IntRM) {Role Model} Report including the following selections automatically generated 28 July 1993: Role Models; Area of Concern stimuli; Role list diagram, role explanation, role import map; Message Sets port explanation, contract explanation, message explanation; FSM 3.1.1 Area of Concern This role model covers the interaction between the services of two users (A and B). Both the Aand B-services are capable of handling real time telephony calls. Service A handles telephony calls in a way that suits A, service B handles calls in a way that suits user B. In this role model service A is capable of generating new outgoing calls, while service B handles incoming calls. The stimulus messages of this role model is a request by service B for context information from service A. This message is typically the first message sent from service B after it has been created and started. It is assumed that service B initially knows little about the state of service A and the type of call A wants to make, just that service A is capable of generating calls. This role model does not cover a complete protocol between service A and service B, just messages that are relevant for the TINA demo. It is also expected that this role model can be split into different role models covering different aspects of service interaction, e.g. charging, connection setup, security, etc. For the sake of simplicity and due to our relatively simple services we merge this into one role model at this stage. Stimulus messages 1. Tel2AServ>>open Start the B-service process. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 7 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 3.1.2 Role Models The Roles Tel2 AServ sb sa Tel2 BServ 1. Telephone Service-A (Tel2AServ) {Role}. This role represents the calling part of a telephone connection service. It takes the initiative to establish a service. It is responsible for establishing a Connection Point service in the Switching Domain, and for establishing a leg from the Calling User to this connection point. We assume this functionality is encapsulated in the object, and do not specify how it accomplishes it. 2. Teleophone Service-BB-Serv (Tel2BServ) {Role}. This role represents the called part of a telephone connection service. It is responsible for establishing a Leg in the Switching Domain from the Called User to a Connection Point provided by the A-Service. We assume this functionality is encapsulated in the object, and do not specify how it accomplishes it. 3.1.3 Message Sets 1. Telephone Service-A (Tel2AServ) {Role} - bService (sb) {Port}. - Tel2BServ<Tel2AServ {Contract}. - call: callTyp qoc: qoc {Message}. This message provides input to service B about the type of call A wants to make, and some information about the state of service A. Just relevant state information for service B to be able to proceed should be given. Parameters: callTyp = {#Simplex, #Duplex} qoc is Integer representing required bandwidth. - connected {Message}. This message tells service B that connections have been established and that the call has been successfully completed. - releaseFromA {Message}. Release the connection and all associated resources. Terminate the service. - open {Message}. Start the B-service process. - createLeg: tp direction: dir qoc: qoc toConnPt: conPt {Message}. Create a Leg to the specifies ConnectionPoint. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 8 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Role Models 2. Teleophone Service-BB-Serv (Tel2BServ) {Role} - aService (sa) {Port}. - Tel2AServ<Tel2BServ {Contract}. - provideContext {Message}. This message requests service A to provide service B with a context for the call. - userBWaiting: accessPoint {Message}. This message tells service A that Service B has accepted the call request and that Service B is waiting for connections at a certain access point. - releaseFromB {Message}. Release the connection and all associated resources. Terminate the service. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 9 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Object Type Specifications Chapter 4 Object Type Specifications None Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 10 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Abstract Telephone Service export models Chapter 5 Abstract Telephone Service export models The single export model is identical to the role model described above. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 11 7 September 1993 at: 15:12 Implementation for monitored execution Appendix 1 Implementation for monitored execution This module has no implementation since it does not have an object type specification. Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 ©Taskon 1998. Page 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction 2 Chapter 2 Abstract Telephone Service export summary 4 Abstract Telephone Interaction EXP (Abstr2IntEXP) {Export Model} Area of Concern The Roles Interaction Scenarios 4 4 5 5 Role Models 7 Telephone Interaction RM (Tel2IntRM) {Role Model} Area of Concern The Roles Message Sets 7 7 8 8 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 Chapter 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 Chapter 4 Object Type Specifications 10 Chapter 5 Abstract Telephone Service export models 11 Appendix 1 Implementation for monitored execution 12 Abstract Telephone Communication Service Constituent module IN-Lab2 report 93/5 <i>