Classroom Observation 2015 Planning/Prep: Clearly articulated and sequenced learning goals based on the state standards. Goals reflect appropriate expectations. INTASC-2013.7 INTASC-2013.4 Target Instructional goals are based in appropriate Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions. Instructional goals are listed but are not based on Enduring Understandings or Essential Questions. An appropriate number of reasonable instructional goals are articulated and sequenced. Some goals are not of appropriate expectation. Goals are not of appropriate expectation. Sequence is not apparent. Objectives for the lesson are aligned with long term goals; Objectives for the lesson are aligned with long term goals; Objectives for the lesson are loosely aligned with long term goals; Planned activities include: Objectives reflect various levels of learning; Planned activities include: Clear and frequent connections between prior knowledge and current content; a review of prior knowledge with clear connection to current content; the foundational knowledge necessary for future planned lessons; some or most of the foundational knowledge necessary for future planned lessons; strategies for dealing with misconceptions or misunderstanding before learning new material. Planning/Prep: Creates or selects teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or other resources that are appropriate to the students and that are aligned with the goals of the lesson (1.000, 3%)INTASC2013.7 INTASC-2013.7.j Developing Instructional goals are based in appropriate Enduring Understandings and Essential Questions. Objectives reflect various levels of learning, reaching higher levels; Planning/Prep: Demonstrates an understanding of the connection between the content that was learned previously, the current content, and the content that remains to be learned in the future (1.000, 3%)INTASC2013.7 Acceptable strategies for dealing with misunderstandings and misconceptions during learning of new material. Instructional activities are Instructional activities developmentally appropriate; appropriately differentiated; aligned with standards; vary in method and form to include cooperation, collaboration, and/or active engagement – but the selection or creation is not deliberately connected to the goal of the lesson. deliberately engage all learning styles; deliberately vary in method and include cooperation, collaboration, and active engagement. Are developmentally appropriate and aligned with standards but lack differentiation. Unacceptable No instructional goals are listed in plans. No objectives planned or communicated. Objectives reflect only lower levels of learning; Planned activities include: A review of prior knowledge but no clear connection to the current content. No apparent connection of the current content to prior or future lessons. No clear connection between current content and future lessons. Few or faulty strategies for dealing with misunderstanding or misconceptions at any time. Instructional activities are developmentally appropriate but lack variation in method or form. Selection or creation of instructional activities is driven by content, not by standards, goals, or student needs. Selection or creation of method or form of instructional activities is inappropriate for content or students. The goal of the lesson is unclear or completely unmet by the instructional activity. Not Observed Classroom Observation 2015 Planning/Prep: Creates or selects assessment strategies that are appropriate for the students and that are aligned with the goals of the lesson (1.000, 3%)INTASC-2013.6 Target At least one assessment strategy per objective; Format of planned assessment align with intent of objective; Both formative and summative assessments are used. Acceptable Developing Assessments strategies are planned but not for each individual objective; Assessments are planned but the alignment to the objectives is not clear; Format of assessment does not fully reflect the intent of the objective; Use of assessment format is unclear. Unacceptable No assessments planned. Only one form of assessment is used. Planning/Prep: Lessons include adaptations for individual student needs including those necessary through individual IEPs as well as those necessary for appropriate differentiation. Classroom Environment: Classroom climate that promotes learning and fairness; reflects rapport and appropriately challenging expectations. INTASC-2013.2.b INTASC-2013.3.a INTASC-2013.3.c INTASC-2013.3.h INTASC-2013.3.j INTASC-2013.3.k INTASC-2013.3.r INTASC-2013.5 INTASC-2013.8 Plans include: Plans include: Plans include: Appropriate adaptations and accommodations for all student needs. Appropriate adaptations and accommodations for students with identified needs. Generalized adaptations not focused on the specific needs of individual students. Adaptations to procedures, content, and assessments which are clear and appropriate. Plans do not include adaptations or accommodations. Adaptations to procedures, content, and assessments which are appropriate. The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: begins lesson expediently; keeps students are on task and engaged; has smooth transitions between learning activities occur. begins with little delay; students are on task, and engaged at most times in learning activities; transitions between learning activities occur with little delay. delays in starting due to lack of routine or procedures; has to redirect student often to keep on task;. has lengthy transitions; Has a complete lack of routine, procedure, or discipline; interacts appropriately, politely, and positively with all students. has high but reasonable expectations for all student learning and behavior; has a whole class focus during all learning activities; is appropriately consistent in answering questions and encouraging participation; is explicit in expressing challenging learning expectations. interacts appropriately, politely, and positively with all students. has high but reasonable expectations for all student learning and behavior; has a whole class focus during most learning activities; loses whole class focus intermittently; strives to be consistent in answering questions and has varying expectations of learning and behavior for students; often loses whole class focus; is inconsistent in answering questions and encouraging participation; focuses on individuals; does not encourage participation and does not answer the questions of students when asked; often uses an inappropriate tone or verbiage with students; is polite but struggles to connect with students; makes no attempt to connect with students appropriately; struggles to define challenging learning expectation for all students. does not define learning expectations for the students. Not Observed Target Classroom Observation 2015 . Acceptable Developing Unacceptable encouraging participation; has challenging learning expectations for students but is not explicit in the expression of these. Classroom Environment: Establishes and maintains consistent standards of classroom behavior INTASC-2013.3 INTASC-2013.3.k The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: communicates and enforces consistent rules and procedures for classroom behavior; communicates and enforces rules and procedures for classroom behavior; some inconsistencies in enforcing; has rules and procedures for classroom behavior but is inconsistent in communication or enforcing these; has no apparent or communicated expectations for learning or behavior; handles unforeseen situations appropriately; handles unforeseen situations appropriately with little aid from co-op; Classroom Environment: Makes the physical environment as safe and conducive to learning as possible INTASC-2013.3 INTASC-2013.3.b INTASC-2013.3.c INTASC-2013.3.j INTASC-2013.3.k INTASC-2013.3.r Candidate ensures that the physical aspects of the room are safe—chairs/tables or desks are arranged appropriately, exits are accessible, safety equipment is accessible, obstacles such as backpacks etc. are addressed; Rules and procedures are established and enforced for any activities requiring movement around the room, or the obtaining, using, or disposing/collecting of materials. Instructional Performance: Uses technology and other instructional Candidate uses technology for student learning; Unforeseen situations result in lack of time of task and require co-op intervention. Candidate ensures that the physical aspects of the room are safe— chairs/tables or desks are arranged appropriately, exits are accessible, safety equipment is accessible; Candidate ensures that the physical aspects of the room are safe—chairs/tables or desks are arranged appropriately, exits are accessible, safety equipment is accessible; Candidate is not aware of additional obstacles such as backpack etc. Candidate is not aware of additional obstacles such as backpack etc. Rules and procedures are established for any activities requiring movement around the room, or the obtaining, using, or disposing/collecting of materials. Candidate does not have a set of rules or procedures for any activities requiring movement around the room, or the obtaining, using, or disposing/collecting of materials. Candidate uses technology for student learning. Candidate uses very little technology and the use is focused on presentation of Candidate does not address physical safety concerns in the room in general or for the particular learning activity. Candidate uses no technology. Not Observed Classroom Observation 2015 Target Acceptable Developing Unacceptable materials appropriately to enhance student learning INTASC-2013.2.f INTASC-2013.3 INTASC-2013.3.g INTASC-2013.3.h INTASC-2013.3.m INTASC-2013.4.g A variety of technology is used for presentation of material but the focus in on student engagement with a variety of technology as a learning and/or assessment tool. Students are engaged with some technology as a learning or assessment tool but the focus is on the use of technology for presenting material. material. Instructional Performance: Makes learning goals and instructional procedures clear to the students INTASC-2013.3.l INTASC-2013.4 Instructional goals and objectives are clearly communicated in written and oral format. Instructional goals and objectives or the agenda for the lesson are clearly communicated in written and oral format. Instructional goals are apparent for the lesson but are not communicated. Procedures for each part of the lesson are communicated but with a lack of organization or with a lack of assessment of student understanding. Procedures are communicated in a haphazard fashion or in such a way that confusion or lac k of organization occurs. The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: is knowledgeable of content and communicates the content in a developmentally appropriate way; is knowledgeable of content and communicates the content in a developmentally appropriate way; is knowledgeable about content but struggles to communicate in a developmentally appropriate way; is not knowledgeable about content or makes errors in communication content to students; has little integration of disciplines; does not integrate other disciplines into the learning activities; does not communicate in a developmentally appropriate way; plans lessons intended to engage students in higher order skills, but does not facilitate those skills during the lesson; does not integrate other disciplines; Agenda for lesson is posted or communicated. Procedures for each part of the lesson are appropriately communicated. Student understanding of procedures and expectations are assessed. Instructional Performance: Makes content comprehensible to students integrating various disciplines within the educational curriculum while encouraging students to extend their thinking. INTASC-2013.4 ensures an integration of disciplines into the content discussion or activities; effectively engages students in learning activities that require inquiry, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and creativity; consistently asks higher order questions and encourages students to elaborate on concise answers; encourages students to ask higher order questions. engages students in learning activities that allow students to participate in inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving, or creativity; focuses on lower order questions but does incorporate some higher order questions as follow up or embraces opportunities for higher An agenda is not posted or communicated. focuses on lower order questions and deflects or redirects higher order discussions. No instructional goals are apparent. There is no helpful communication of procedures. focuses on lower order knowledge and skills; focuses on lower order questioning; does not encourage student questioning or elaboration. Not Observed Classroom Observation 2015 Target Acceptable Developing Unacceptable order discussion when presented. Instructional Performance: Checks student understanding through a variety of means; provides feedback to students; is flexible and responsive to student needs by adjusting learning activities as the situation demanded INTASC-2013.4 The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: The candidate: uses a variety of assessments including: Formative; Summative; Technology; Informal; Formal uses a variety of assessments including: Formative; Summative; Technology; Informal; Formal checks for understanding but is not systematic in approach to assessment; does not check for understanding during lessons (no use of formative assessment) uses assessments that are developmentally appropriate; feedback is not timely or descriptive; uses assessments that are developmentally appropriate; appropriately adapts assessments for all students; provides timely and descriptive feedback to students; uses data from assessments to adjust instruction; effectively differentiates all instructional activities and assessments for all students. attempts to adapt assessments as required; feedback is timely but not descriptive (or vice/versa); reflects on data from assessments but does not effectively adjust instruction; use of formative assessments is limited; attempts to adapt assessments as required; does not reflect on data from assessments to adjust instruction; does not attempt to differentiate instructional activities. does not adapt assessments as required; has little or no data on which to make adjustments to instruction; does not attempt to respond to the needs of students. No feedback is given to students. . attempts to differentiate instructional activities and assessments for students who struggle. Instructional Performance: Engagement of students in learning and adequate pacing of instruction (1.000, 3%)INTASC-2013.4 Candidate plans and facilitates a lesson that is adequately paced and “chunked” so that all students are engaged and learning. Appropriate wait time during instructional activities and questioning. Candidate checks for understanding and adjust pace accordingly. Candidate strives to pace the lesson so that all students are engaged and learning. Candidate struggles to find a pace that engages all students and ensures learning of all students. Candidate allows content and outside influences to drive pace. Checks for understanding but does not effectively adjust pace accordingly. Wait time is much too short for most students to process content or complete activity. Uses wait time during instructional activities and questioning – but does not give enough time for all Candidate checks for understanding but does not attempt to adjust pace. Lesson is not “chunked” and too much time is spent on one activity. Wait time is not given. No checks for understanding. Not Observed Classroom Observation 2015 Target Acceptable Developing Unacceptable Reflects on the evidence available with regard to students obtaining the learning goals. Candidate appears to reflect regularly but is not focused on evidence available with regard to obtaining learning goals. Reflection is often on personal performance or student behavior. Candidate does not appear to reflect on a regular basis and has no basis for change in future planning or instruction. Reflection does not lead directly to changes in future instruction. Reflection does not lead to change in planning or instruction. Candidate actively listens to constructive feedback and asks questions about change & growth opportunities. Candidate receives constructive feedback without complaint and endeavors to incorporate some of the feedback to effect changes in performance. Candidate meets constructive feedback with negativity and a lack of professionalism; Candidate begins with an energetic approach but loses energy or focus throughout the class period. Choice of instructional strategy, activities, or examples shows a lack of consistency or results in the lack of engagement of students. Candidate maintains a low level of energy demonstrated through low volume or monotone; candidate interaction with students is often flat; choice of instructional strategy is inappropriate for maintaining student engagement. students. Professionalism: Reflects on the extent to which the learning goals were met (1.000, 3%) Candidate reflects daily on student learning; Reflects on the evidence available with regard to students obtaining the learning goals. Reflection alters future instruction and influences future learning goals. Professionalism: Accepts constructive feedback and demonstrates a willingness to grow professionally (1.000, 3%)INTASC-2013.3.a Candidate asks for feedback from other professionals and invites comments on lesson plans, instructional performance, and classroom environment issues. Actively listens to constructive feedback and asks questions about change & growth opportunities. Candidate reflects regularly on student learning; Reflects on feedback and incorporates selected suggestions into future performance. No change to performance with regard to the constructive feedback is apparent. Incorporates constructive feedback into reflective practices and changes performance based on the feedback. Professionalism: Energetic and enthusiastic about teaching (1.000, 3%) Candidate demonstrates an enthusiasm for the content through volume, tone, instructional strategy, and choice of examples & activities. Candidate maintains a high level of energy throughout the class period. Candidate actively encourages student participation and keeps student engagement Candidate demonstrates an enthusiasm for the content through a selection of volume, tone, instructional strategy, and choice of examples & activities. Candidate strives to maintain a high level of energy throughout the class period. Not Observed Target Classroom Observation 2015 Acceptable Developing Unacceptable high. Professionalism: Maintains a Professional Disposition and engages in professional activities/conversations. INTASC2013.1.j INTASC-2013.10.k INTASC2013.10.p INTASC-2013.10.s INTASC2013.2.f INTASC-2013.10.r INTASC2013.1.c INTASC-2013.10.m Consistently Professional in appearance; Consistently Punctual and dependable; Consistently and thoroughly Prepared. Takes initiative-takes on tasks not required by the program as part of his/her regular responsibilities within the classroom. Volunteers for after school activities. Interacts appropriately with school administrators, faculty and staff exemplifying ethical conduct- Initiates conversations with regard to student issues with other professionals as is deemed appropriate and ethical according to the laws of confidentiality and the procedures of the school. Builds relationships with colleagues to share teaching insights and coordinate learning activities for students- Engages in team/group discussions about student learning issues and shares possible solutions or approaches. Partners with colleagues – both from school and EUP – to design or lead learning Consistently Professional in appearance; Consistently Punctual and dependable; Usually prepared for allotted time; Takes initiativeCandidate takes on tasks not required by the program as part of his/her regular responsibilities within the classroom Interacts appropriately with school administrators, faculty and staff exemplifying ethical conductparticipates in conversations with regard to student issues with other professionals as is deemed appropriate and ethical according to the laws of confidentiality and the procedures of the school. Builds relationships with colleagues to share teaching insights and coordinate learning activities for studentsAttends team/group meetings based on student learning issues; Lacking in consistent Professional appearance; Not punctual or dependable; Not consistently Punctual and dependable; Inappropriately attired or groomed. Not thoroughly or consistently prepared. Takes initiative- Candidate accepts additional duties (not required) when asked. Interacts appropriately with school administrators, faculty and staff exemplifying ethical conduct- Candidate shows lack of understanding of ethical approach to conversations with regard to confidentiality. Builds relationships with colleagues to share teaching insights and coordinate learning activities for studentsLittle attempt to build relationships or work with others. Not prepared. Candidate only completes assigned tasks as required; Candidate does not participate in professional discussions about student learning issues; Chooses to work alone instead of engaging with colleagues. Not Observed Classroom Observation 2015 Overall Performance: Rate the student teacher’s performance holistically based on the content and context. Target Acceptable Developing Unacceptable Not Observed